From the collections at the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum. Reprinted with permission from The Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum and the Leavenworth Times. Donated by Debra Graden.

Many Team Up to Produce Mayginnis School History

(published in the Leavenworth Times Nov. 27, 1961)


Mayginnis School, the oldest school in operation in Leavenworth County, is the subject of a booklet made up by Elizabeth e. Jones, a teacher at Mayginnis, with help from pupils and former pupils. The contest is sponsored by the county office of public instruction.

The booklet, a pictorial history, has been entered in the Centennial contest for local schools, in the category of school history.

Built in 1869, Mayginnis opened its doors to students one year later. Its walls, of native sandrock, bear the initials of many former students, including several generations of the same family.

For 61 consecutive years one or more members of the Klinkenberg family has attended Mayginnis. A 4th generation Klinkenberg, Debra, is now enrolled.

Several other families have long been associated with Mayginnis. Linda and Brenda Hitzeman are 4th generation students at Mayginnis, while three generations of the Gruendel family have received their education at the school.

Other families whose members have long attended Mayginnis include the Parsons and the Burckles.

The 9-page booklet contains pictures and other mementos of Mayginnis students. Student cards and Valentines from over 50 years ago are also included.

Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith, a student at Mayginnis almost 50 years ago, contributed souvenir cards and pictures. Edward Klinkenberg, Oliver Parsons, Joe Gruendel and many others also aided Miss Jones in compiling the booklet.

The booklet is competing with seven others for top prize in the Centennial contest. Winners will be announced at the School Board-Teachers Banquet Dec. 2.

Now surrounded by modern farms, Mayginnis, has a school board consisting of Robert Klinkenberg, Robert Trieb and Charles W. Hitzeman.

Mother of six children herself, Mrs. Jones teaches 23 pupils, in grades 1-8. After 8th grade, the Mayginnis graduates go on to one of the several high schools in the area.

The school itself has not stood still. New modern bathrooms and a kitchen were recently added to the original structure.

Despite the changes, however, the school motto remains the same: "Children are our most important product."

Since 1881 there have been 50 teachers at Mayginnis. In chronological order they are: W. R. VanTuyl, P. B. Troell, Alice Swan, Jonathan Knight, Nina Lacy, Anna Swan, P. O. Hanby, Maggie Reardon, Mary McLoughlin, Charles Willets, Mrs. Mary Pouppirt, Ida Edwards, Gertrude Young, William Reno, Martha Coltn, Mamie Byron, May Farrer, Mattie Kelly, Ellen Russel, Frances Adams and Mary Stout.

Also, Julia Donovan, Daisy Wilson, Ann Scott, Mary Klaus, Margaret McCaffery, Fred Hein, Josephine DeVoe, Mae Elder, Emogene Robertson, William Klamm, Ella Voorhees, Bernice Cronemeyer, Mrs. Ruth Klinkenberg, Pete Stawes, Edna Mickelson and Mrs. Nan Morrison.

Also, Mrs. Helen Seymour, Mrs. Frances Myers, Charles Somers, Mrs. Eunice Hyde, Mrs. Katherine Pearson, Mrs. Eunice Pomeroy, Mrs. Elsie Babcock, Mrs. Mary Ellen Kenaga, Mrs. Hazel McGee, Mrs. Elsie Hall, Mrs. Georgia Kruse and Mrs. Elizabeth Jones. Mrs. Jones is currently teaching at Mayginnis.

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