Chapter 5 |
Part 1 |
Col. Zebulon M. Pike
[Copy by Willard of Portrait in Library of Kansas State Historical Society]
The next exploration of the country which was to become Kansas was in 1806. In
1805 Lieutenant Zebulon M. Pike was sent on a voyage of exploration and
discovery up the Mississippi from St. Louis by General James Wilkinson. From
that voyage he returned on the 30th of April, 1806. General Wilkinson was
Military Commandant of the Territory of Louisiana, and it was in his military
capacity that he directed Lieutenant Pike to undertake the voyage up the
Mississippi. Upon his return from the river expedition General Wilkinson, who
was also Governor of the Territory of Louisiana, ordered Lieutenant Pike to
explore Louisiana by the way of the Great Plains. That was also a military
exploration. It was governmental only incidentally, and different from that of
Lewis and Clark, which had been ordered by the President of the United States.
General Wilkinson was implicated in the schemes of Aaron Burr, and he had been
in the intrigues of the Spanish authorities against the United States. There is
reason to believe that he hoped to forward his treasonable designs through the
expeditions of Lieutenant Pike. Mr. Coues, the editor of the Journals of these
explorations, was convinced that Pike was not altogether ignorant of the plans
of General Wilkinson. But the evidence upon which he based that conclusion is
not sufficient. Something more will have to be adduced before it can be
certainly said that Lieutenant Pike had guilty knowledge of the machinations of
his superior. Pike was a good soldier, and he met a glorious death in the
service of his country.
The expedition of Lieutenant Pike over the Great Plains to the Spanish frontiers
was of more immediate benefit to the country than that of Lewis and Clark. As an
enterprise it was inferior, and in ultimate results it did not approach those
flowing from the exploration to the Pacific. But accounts of it reached the
people long before the publication of the Journals of Lewis and Clark, and
immediate trade and settlement developed because of this information.
The instructions to Lieutenant Pike are comprised in two letters written to him
by General Wilkinson. One was dated June 24, 1806, and the other July 12, 1806.
As this is the most important early exploration of the country which became
Kansas, these letters are set out here:
| |
ST. LOUIS, June 24th, 1806. |
Sir: You are to proceed without delay to the cantonment on the Missouri [at
Belle Fontaine], where you are to embark the late Osage captives and the
deputation recently returned from Washington, with their presents and baggage,
and are to transport the whole up the Missouri and Osage rivers to the town of
Grand Osage.
The safe delivery of this charge at the point of destination constitutes the
primary object of your expedition; therefore you are to move with such caution
as may prevent surprise from any hostile band, and are to repel with your utmost
force any outrage which may be attempted.
Having safely deposited your passengers and their property, you are to turn your
attention to the accomplishment of a permanent peace between the Kansas and
Osage nations; for which purpose you must effect a meeting between the head
chiefs of those nations, and are to employ such arguments, deduced from their
own obvious interests, as well as the inclinations, desires, and commands of the
president of the United States, as may facilitate your purpose and accomplish
the end.
A third object of considerable magnitude will then claim your consideration. It
is to effect an interview and establish a good understanding with the Yanctons,
Tetaus, or Camanches.
For this purpose you must interest White Hair, of the Grand Osage, with whom and
a suitable deputation you will visit the Panis republic, where you may find
interpreters, and inform yourself of the most feasible plan by which to bring
the Camanches to a conference. Should you succeed in this attempt - and no pains
must be spared to effect it - you will endeavor to make peace between that
distant powerful nation and the nations which inhabit the country between us and
them, particularly the Osage; finally, you will endeavor to induce eight or ten
of their distinguished chiefs to make a visit to the seat of government next
September, and you may attach to this deputation four or five Panis and the same
number of Kansas chiefs.
As your interview with the Camanches will probably lead you to the head branches
of the Arkansaw and Red rivers, you may find yourself approximated to the
settlements of New Mexico. There it will be necessary you should move with great
circumspection, to keep clear of any hunting or reconnoitering parties from that
province, and to prevent alarm or offense; because the affairs of Spain and the
United States appear to be on the point of amicable adjustment, and moreover it
is the desire of the president to cultivate the friendship and harmonious
intercourse of all the nations, of the earth, particularly our neighbors the
In the course of your tour, you are to remark particularly upon the geographical
structure, the natural history, and population of the country through which you
may pass, taking particular care to collect and preserve specimens of everything
curious in the mineral or botanical worlds, which can be preserved and are
portable. Let your courses be regulated by your compass, and your distances by
your watch, to be noted in a field-book; and I would advise you, when
circumstances permit, to protract and lay down in a separate book the march of
the day at every evening's halt.
The instruments which I have furnished you will enable you to ascertain the
variation of the magnetic needle and the latitude with exactitude; and at every
remarkable point I wish you to employ your telescope in observing the eclipse of
Jupiter's satellites, having previously regulated and adjusted your watch by
your quadrant, taking care to note with great nicety the periods of immersions
and emersions of the eclipsed satellites. These observations may enable us,
after your return, by application to the appropriate tables, which I cannot now
furnish you, to ascertain the longitude.
It is an object of much interest with the executive to ascertain the direction,
extent, and navigation of the Arkansaw and Red rivers; as far, therefore, as may
be compatible with these instructions and practicable to the means you may
command, I wish you to carry your views to those subjects; and should
circumstances conspire to favor the enterprise, that you may detach a party with
a few Osage to descend the Arkansaw under the orders of Lieutenant Wilkinson, or
Sergeant Ballinger, properly instructed and equipped to take the courses and
distances, to remark on the soil, timber, etc., and to note the tributary
streams. This party will, after reaching our post on the Arkansaw, descend to
Fort Adams and there wait further orders; and you yourself may descend the Red
River, accompanied by a party of the most respectable Camanches, to the post of
Nachitoches, and there receive further orders.
To disburse your necessary expenses and to aid your negotiations, you are
herewith furnished six hundred dollars worth of goods, for the appropriation of
which you are to render a strict account, vouched by documents to be attested by
one of your party.
Wishing you a safe and successful expedition,
I am, Sir,
With much respect and esteem,
Your obedient servant, |
Lieutenant Z. M. Pike. | | [Signed] JAMES WILKINSON. |
Sir: The health of the Osages being now generally restored and all hopes of the
speedy recovery of their prisoners from the hands of the Potowatomies being at
an end, they have become desirous to commence their journey for their villages;
you are therefore to proceed to-morrow.
In addition to the instructions given you on the 24th ultimo, I must request you
to have the talks under cover delivered to White Hair and Grand Peste, the chief
of the Osage band which is settled on the waters of the Arkansaw, together with
the belts which accompany them. You will also receive herewith a small belt for
the Panis and a large one for the Tetaus or Camanches.
Should you find it necessary, you are to give orders to Maugraine, the resident
interpreter at the Grand Osage, to attend you.
I beg you to take measures for the security and safe return of your boats from
the Grand Osage to this place.
Dr. Robinson will accompany you as a volunteer. He will be furnished medicines,
and for the accommodations which you give him he is bound to attend your sick.
Should you discover any unlicensed traders in your route, or any person from
this territory, or from the United States, without a proper license or passport,
you are to arrest such person or persons and dispose of their property as the
law directs.
My confidence in your caution and discretion has prevented my urging you to
vigilance in guarding against the strategy and treachery of the Indians; holding
yourself above alarm or surprise, the composition of your party, though it be
small, will secure to you the respect of a host of untutored savages.
You are to communicate, from the Grand Osage and from every other practicable
point, directly to the secretary of war, transmitting your letters to this place
under cover, to the commanding officer, or by any more convenient route.
I wish you health and a successful and honorable enterprise, and am,
Yours with friendship, | |
Lieutenant Z. M. Pike. | | |
The expedition was composed of Lieutenant Pike, Commanding; Lieutenant James B.
Wilkinson; three non-commissioned officers; sixteen private soldiers; and two
civilians, one of whom, John H. Robinson, was the surgeon, and the other, A. F.
Baronet Vasquez, was the interpreter. There were some Indians, and the official
record runs: "Our party consisted of two lieutenants, one surgeon, one sergeant,
two corporals, 16 privates and one interpreter. We had also under our charge
chiefs of the Osage and Pawnees, who with a number of women and children, had
been to Washington. These Indians had been redeemed from captivity among the
Pottawatomies, and were now to be returned to their friends at the Osage towns.
The whole number of Indians amounted to 51."
The start was made on the 15th of July, 1806, from Belle Fontaine, on the south
bank of the Missouri, fourteen miles from St. Louis, then the military post of
that city. The party were embarked in two boats, and the Indians marched along
the bank of the river. The mouth of the Osage was reached on the 28th of July.
The exploration ascended the Osage. On the 12th of August it was at the mouth of
Grand River, above the present town of Warsaw, Mo. There the Indians expressed a
desire to strike across the country to their towns, and avoid the winding and
tedious ascent of the river. They were then in their own country, at no great
distance from their towns, and familiar with the trails of the region. It seems
that these Indians had been captured there at the mouth of the Grand River, a
year before, by the Pottawatomies. Lieutenant Wilkinson, Dr. Robinson, and the
interpreter volunteered to go with the Indians overland. After a march of six
days over the prairies the party arrived at the Osage towns, and the captives
were delivered to their relatives.
The Osage towns were in what is now Vernon County, Mo., on the south side of the
Little Osage River. The tribe was then divided, one division being the "Big" or
"Grand" Osages, and the other the "Little" Osages. The town of the Big Osages
was on the south side of the Little Osage below the mouth of the Marmaton. About
six miles further up was the Little Osage town. Pike was halted on the 19th of
August by a drift across the Little Osage, and there established Camp
Independence, where he remained until the first of September. The time was spent
in visiting the Osage towns, and in consultation with the Indian chiefs. Pike
made a census of the Osage tribe, finding that the Big Osages had 214 lodges,
502 warriors, 852 women, and 341 children - a total of 1,695 souls. The Little
Osages numbered 824, all told.
At the Osage towns one stage of Pike's itinerary ended, and another stage began.
He was obliged to abandon his boats, one of which he sold for $100 in
merchandise. He experienced trouble in securing horses to carry his baggage, for
he was to set out overland to visit the great Pawnee town on the Republican. The
gratitude of the Osages for the return of their captive people rapidly waned.
Finally, on the first of September, arrangements were completed, and the journey
to the Pawnee town commenced. Circumstances were not favorable, however, and the
difficulties of the situation are well described in Pike's Journal:
Sept. 1st. Struck our tents early in the morning, and commenced loading our
horses. We now discovered that an Indian had stolen a large black horse which
Cheveux Blanche had presented to Lieutenant Wilkinson. I mounted a horse to
pursue him; but the interpreter sent to town, and the chief's wife sent another
in its place. We left the place about twelve o'clock with 15 loaded horses, our
party consisting of two lieutenants, one doctor, two sergeants, one corporal, 15
privates, two interpreters, three Pawnees, and four chiefs of the Grand Osage.
amounting in all to 30 warriors and one woman. We crossed the Grand Osage fork
and a prairie N. 80¡ W. five miles to the fork of the Little Osage. Joined by
Sans Oreille and seven Little Osage, all of whom I equipped for the march.
Distance eight miles.
Sept. 2d. Marched at six o'clock. Halted at ten o'clock and two o'clock on the
side of the creek [Little Osage river], our route having been all the time on
its borders. Whilst there I was informed by a young Indian that Mr. Chouteau had
arrived at the towns. I conceived it proper for me to return, which I did,
accompanied by Baroney, first to the Little Village; whence we were accompanied
by Wind to the Big Village, where we remained all night at the lodge of Cheveux
Blanche. Mr. Chouteau gave us all the news, after which I scrawled a letter to
the general and my friends.
Sept. 3rd. Rose early, and went to the Little Village to breakfast. After giving
my letters to Mr. Henry, and arranging my affairs, we proceeded, and overtook
our party at two o'clock. They had left their first camp about four miles. Our
horses being much fatigued, we concluded to remain all night. Sent out our red
and white hunters, all of whom only killed two turkeys. Distance four miles.
Sept. 4th. When about to march in the morning one of our horses was missing; we
left Sans Oreille, with the two Pawnees, to search for him, and proceeded till
about nine o'clock; stopped until twelve o'clock, and then marched. In about
half an hour I was overtaken and informed that Sans Oreille had not been able to
find our horse; on which we encamped, and sent two horses back for the load. One
of the Indians, being jealous of his wife, sent her back to the village. After
making the necessary notes, Dr. Robinson and myself took our horses and followed
the course of a little stream until we arrived at the Grand river, which was
distant about six miles. We here found a most delightful basin of water, of 25
paces' diameter and about 100 in circumference, in which we bathed; found it
deep and delightfully pleasant. Nature scarcely ever formed a more beautiful
place for a farm. We returned to camp about dusk, when I was informed that some
of the Indians had been dreaming and wished to return. Killed one deer, one
turkey, one raccoon. Distance [made by the main party] 13 miles.
Sept. 5th. In the morning our Little Osage all came to a determination to
return, and, much to my surprise, Sans Oreille among the rest. I had given an
order on the chiefs for the lost horse to be delivered to Sans Oreille's wife,
previously to my knowing that he was going back; but took from him his gun, and
the guns from all the others also.
In about five miles we struck a beautiful hill, which bears south on the
prairies; its elevation I suppose to be 100 feet. From its summit the view is
sublime to the east and southeast. We waited on this hill to breakfast, and had
to send two miles for water. Killed a deer on the rise, which was soon roasting
before the fire. Here another Indian wished to return and take his horse with
him; which, as we had so few, I could not allow, for he had already received a
gun for the use of his horse. I told him he might return, but his horse would go
to the Pawnees.
We marched, leaving the Osage trace, which we had hitherto followed, and crossed
the hills to a creek that was almost dry. Descended it to the main [Little
Osage] river, where we dined [vicinity of Harding]. The discontented Indian came
up, and put on an air of satisfaction and content.
We again marched about six miles further, and encamped at the head of a small
creek, about a half a mile from the water. Distance 19 miles [approaching Xenia,
Bourbon Co., Kas.]
On the 6th of September Pike reached a point in Allen County, Kansas, and camped
on the head of Elm Creek, near the present town of LaHarpe. He arrived at the
Neosho, which he called White River, early on the 8th, and crossed it somewhere
between Iola and Neosho Falls. On the 7th he marched twelve miles and camped on
Eagle Creek near the east line of Lyon County. The head branches of the
Verdigris were crossed on the 10th and 11th, the camp on the night of the 11th
being on a tributary of the Cottonwood. The 12th brought the party to
hunting-grounds of the Kansas Indians, on the Upper Cottonwood, and six
buffaloes were killed. The Indians of the party said they would destroy all the
game they could, being enemies of the Kansas. Large herds of buffalo were
encountered on the 14th, in what is now Marion County. Pike would permit the
slaughter of only enough of them to furnish food for his party, thinking the
laws of morality against the wanton destruction of those noble game animals. On
the 15th the expedition crossed the divide to the waters of the Smoky Hill, not
far from the present Tampa, in Marion County. The Osage Indian objected to going
into camp at one o'clock. From the manner in which the buffalo ran he supposed
they were being chased by the Kansas Indians, of whom, it seems, he was afraid.
The Smoky Hill was reached on the 17th, and crossed, at nine o'clock, at or near
the town of Bridgeport, in Saline County. Pike expected the Pawnees to meet him
on the 18th, but they did not come. Tile party made twenty-five miles and camped
on Covert Creek, near the present town of Minneapolis. They remained here until
the 21st, reading the Bible and Pope's Essays, and tattooing their arms with
characters to remind them of their experiences in life. They were constantly
expecting to see the Pawnees, under direction of Dr. Robinson, but they did not
appear until the 24th. On the 25th Pike led his party up to the Republican
Pawnee town. In his journey he had traversed Bourbon, Allen, Woodson, Coffey,
Lyon, Chase, Marion, McPherson, Saline, Ottawa, Cloud, and Republic counties.
The account of his reception there is very interesting:
When we arrived within about three miles of the village, we were requested to
remain, as the ceremony of receiving the Osage into the towns was to be
performed here. There was a small circular spot, clear of grass, before which
the Osage sat down. We were a small distance in advance of the Indians. The
Pawnees then advanced within a mile of us, halted, divided into two troops, and
came on each flank at full charge, making all the gestures and performing the
maneuvers of a real war charge. They then encircled us around, and the chief
advanced in the center and gave us his hand; his name was Caracterish. He was
accompanied by his two sons and a chief by the name of Iskatappe. The Osage were
still seated; but Belle Oiseau then rose, came forward with a pipe, and
presented it to the chief, who took a whiff or two from it. We then proceeded;
the chief, Lieutenant Wilkinson, and myself in front; my sergeant, on a white
horse, next with the colors; then our horses and baggage, escorted by our men,
with the Pawnees on each side running races, etc. When we arrived on the hill
over the town we were again halted, and the Osage seated in a row; when each
Pawnee who intended so to do presented them with a horse and gave a pipe to
smoke to the Osage to whom he had made the present. In this manner were eight
horses given. Lieutenant Wilkinson then proceeded with the party to the
[Republican] river above the town, and encamped. I went up to our camp in the
evening, having a young Pawnee with me loaded with corn for my men. Distance 12
miles. As the chief had invited us to his lodge to eat, we thought it proper for
one to go. At the lodge he gave me many particulars, which were interesting to
us, relative to the late visit of the Spaniards.
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans , written and
compiled by William E. Connelley, transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1998.