80 cont'd | HISTORY OF ALLEN AND |
The first news paper established in Iola was the Neosho Valley Register, which was founded in 1866 by W. H. Johnson, now publisher of the Salina, Kansas, Sun. After running it for about two years, Mr. Johnson sold the paper to H. W. Talcott and Nelson F. Acers. Mr. Acers soon sold his interest to his partner and Mr. Talcott conducted the paper for some months, selling it then to M. M. Lewis and H. E. Mitchell, who changed the name to the State Register. Lewis & Mitchell had evidently bought the paper "on time" and were unable to meet the deferred payments, for after about six mouths under their management it returned to the ownership of Judge Talcott, who restored the old name, Neosho Valley Register. In 1871 Judge Talcott again sold the paper, this time for good, to G. M. Overstreet and W. G. Allison. They conducted it for about a year and sold it to Lewis Walker. The next owners wers[sic] G. D. Ingersoll and H. A. Perkins who changed the name of the paper to the Iola Register. They were succeeded by Allison & Perkins, and they by Perkins & Rohrer. In 1882 Mr. Perkins bought the interest of his partner, Mr. S. Rohrer, and a few weeks later sold the entire plant to A. C. and Chas. F. Scott and Edward Rohrer, the name of the new firm being Scott Bros., & Rohrer. In September, 1884, Chas. F. Scott bought the interest of his brother, and about a year later he purchased that of Mr. Rohrer, since which time he has been the sole proprietor. The Register remained a weekly until October 23, 1897, when the growth of Iola warranted the establishment of a daily edition which has since been continued. The Register has been Republican in politics since its foundation and for the greater part of that time has been the official paper of Allen county and of Iola City.
The second paper of permanent importance to be started in Iola was the Allen County Courant, which was founded in 1883 by H. A. Perkins. After running it for about a year Mr. Perkins sold it to W. G. Allison and G. D. Ingersoll. Mr. Allison later sold his interest to Mr. John Gordon. The paper was then sold to Hamm Brothers, who consolidated it with the Allen County Democrat, a paper which had been started in 1886 by Mr. J. J. Rambo. In 1889 the consolidated Courant and Democrat were sold to Chas. F. Scott and consolidated with the Register. The Courant was
started as a Republican paper but became Democratic upon its purchase by Hamm Bros. The Democrat was Democratic from the beginning.
The organization of the Farmer's Alliance resulted in the establishment in 1890 of the Iola Farmer's Friend. The paper was owned by a stock company and A. H. Harris was the editor and publisher of the paper. During the next three years there were numerous changes in the name at the head of the paper, A. H. Harris being succeeded by Harris & Wixson, they by Wixson Brothers, they by Bartlett & Weber, they by Welker & Weber. In 1893 the paper passed into the hands of C. S. Ritter who has since remained editor and proprietor. It has always adhered to the Populist party.
The Allen County Herald was established in 1890 by S. A. D. Cox. This paper was but a side issue of the Humboldt Herald and the proprietor gave it but little personal attention, leasing it to first one and then another. It therefore led a precarious existence and in 1893 was consolidated with the Farmer's Friend. During its life time the Herald was of the Democratic faith.
The Western Sentinel was established as a Democratic paper in 1896 by J. B. Goshorn. In 1899 the paper was sold to Mr. L. I. Purcell, who changed its name to the Allen County Democrat. Later Mr. M. Miller was associated with Mr. Purcell in the publication of the paper. In 1900 Mr. Miller retired and Mr. Purcell associated with him Mr. W. W. French and Mr. H. D. McConnaughey and began the publication of the Daily Democrat. This venture not proving successful, was abandoned after three months and the firm was dissolved, Mr. French retaining the Weekly Democrat which he still publishes.
The Iola Daily News was started in 1896 by Mr. Ed. S. Davis. After being published about a year it was bought by and consolidated with the Daily Register.
The Iola Daily Record was established in 1898 by Mrs. Jennie Burns. After having been published for a little more than a year the paper got into financial straights and Mrs. Burns retired from its management, being succeeded by A. P. Harris, as editor. W. C. Teats as business manager, and R. W. McDowell as circulator, who are at present in charge of the paper.
Statistical Table
Showing Growth In Population and Wealth of Allen County and Iola City(Both the County and the city records are incomplete. the following figures being all that are now to be obtained. — EDITORS)
1872 | $2312829 | 1887 | 14648 | $2751457 | |
1873 | 1312829 | 1838 | 13818 | 2964348 | |
1874 | 1315975 | 1889 | 13347 | 3?20745 | |
1875 | 2010891 | 1890 | 12713 | 3541764 | |
1876 | 2010621 | 1891 | 12960 | 3466570 | |
1877 | 1934256 | 1892 | 12679 | 3275425 | |
1878 | 8954 | 1916415 | 1893 | 12372 | 3350110 |
1879 | 10116 | 1895314 | 1894 | 12770 | 3377390 |
1830 | 10417 | 1990566 | 1895 | 13726 | 3376800 |
1881 | 10436 | 2005285 | 1896 | 14153 | 3376160 | |
1882 | 11098 | 2331576 1897 | 14441 | 3362315 | ||
1883 | 12382 | 2377465 | 1898 | 15905 | 3818719 | |
1884 | 14173 | 2356160 | 1899 | 17483 | 4069387 | |
1885 | 14540 | 2646085 | 1900 | 19923 | 5636323 | |
1886 | 15708 | 2699020 | ||||
IOLA CITY | ||||||
1879 | 966 | $ | 1890 | 1508 | 256125 | |
1880 | 1001 | 1891 | 1513 | 260445 | ||
1881 | 814 | 1892 | 1621 | 249945 | ||
1882 | 1070 | 185480 | 1893 | 1433 | 245085 | |
1883 | 1480 | 195320 | 1894 | 1565 | 256970 | |
1884 | 1560 | 220083 | 1895 | 1557 | 249355 | |
1885 | 1616 | 244352 | 1896 | 1800 | 248570 | |
1886 | 1451 | 241579 | 1897 | 2145 | 259210 | |
1887 | 1712 | 246648 | 1898 | 3531 | 507360 | |
1888 | 1783 | 249120 | 1899 | 4112 | 549930 | |
1889 | 1687 | 226767 | 1900 | 6153 | 980430 |
BY MRS. H. L. BASSETTIn the summer of 1881, the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company built the long desired railroad through Allen County. The citizens of Marmaton township, eager for improved facilities, at a mass-meeting in the Walnut Grove school-house, had voted the necessary bonds. This company agreed to locate a depot within a mile of the middle of the township, but it was uncertain for a time what site they would choose. At first all trains stopped on the corner of N. G. Brown's section. Those living two miles west at Fair Lawn, were eager to have the station there, but largely through the influence of the late Dr. Henry M. Strong, the company decided on the present location, midway between the two places. Where Moran now stands corn and oats were growing luxuriantly. James Meade and Wm. Finley owned most of the land north of the track. These gentlemen, aided by Dr. Strong, P. J. McGlashan, C. P. Keith and others, advocated that site, but John A. Epling, Ezra Rhodes, James Armstrong and George McLaughlin, hoped to see the business part of the town south of the half section line followed by the railroad. The latter secured the services of G. DeWitt, and had their location surveyed and recorded as Moran, while the railroad company had their men do the surveying north of the track, and it was recorded Moran City. The blocks on the north side are smaller than those on the south, so the streets fail to connect. In
two or three years the business houses were all on the north side. When application for a postoffice was made it was named Morantown, and not until 1900 was that changed to Moran. L. M. West was the first postmaster. Notwithstanding its variety of names, the new town had a healthy growth. David Mitchell opened a lumber yard, which in 1882 he sold to S. C. Varner, who still carries on that business. The Farmers' Restaurant, erected by West & Davis, was the first business building. Robert Dawson was the first merchant. His store was on part of what is now known as "the burnt district." E. F. DeHart & Son had a stock of general merchandise on the south side, and later enlarged their building and kept a hotel, known as the "Commercial House." The first hotel and livery on the north side belonged to Riley Daniels. They, too, were on the burnt district. N. S. Smith built a livery barn, where that business is still continued. It has changed hands several times, but is now owned by George Moore. L. H. Gorrell & H. B. Smith were the first blacksmiths. The site of their shop is still occupied by Mr. Smith, who now deals in wagons and farm implements. L. B. Kinne, in the fall of 1881, opened a grocery and drug store. He has been and still is, one of the most public-spirited and successful business men in the place. J. E. Hobby opened a grocery about the same time, and is one of Moran's substantial business men. Old Mr. Southard built a store where the Moran Bank now stands, and dealt in general merchandise. In the low attic of that building his daughter, Miss Abbie Southard, taught the first private school in Moran. W. J. Steele was the first hardware merchant to locate here. H. B. Adams and Chas. Mendell purchased his stock and building in 1889. In 1895 Mr. Mendell bought out Mr. Adams, and the business is still continued at the old stand, but in far more commodious quarters, for Mr. Mendell in 1900 put up a new building on the old site, which is well adapted to his needs. The second floor is a public hall, and supplies a much-needed convenience.
Mitchell and Housted were the south side hardware merchants. After changing hands two or three times, this stock of goods was purchased by S. C. Varner, who had already opened up a store of that kind, and who still continues that business. He also for years has engaged in other branches of mercantile business, and has done considerable building in different parts of town. The first meat market was located in a small building on the south side of the square. Its owner, Mr. Devons, soon became discouraged and quit. A little later. W. C. Carter and Wm. Finley opened a meat market, which after changing hands once or twice, was bought, in 1885, by Joshua Rumbel. He or one of his sons continued in the business until 1900, when W. J. Rumbel sold out to E. D. Rapp. The elevator was built by Mr. Rosch, who soon sold it to A. W. Beck. It has had several proprietors, and is now under the management of Bailey Palmer. Jas. Fulwider was the first barber. His shop was in his residence, which still stands. The Misses Fairman were the first milliners, but they were not long left without rivals, as Miss Minnie Ross and Mrs. Seldomridge, each soon claimed her share of patronage.
Union religious services were first held in the depot. After the erec-
tion of the school house it was used till the Presbyterian church was completed, when it was no longer needed for such purposes.
December 10, 1892, the Presbyterian church was organized with nineteen members, who were cared for by Rev. E. S. Miller, of Iola. In 1883 they built a church which was dedicated July 20, 1884. The union S. S. had its home there until each of the denominations represented withdrew and established its own service. In 1895 a parsonage was built north of the church. The ministers who have served this church are Revs. Rutherford, King, Wilson, Millard, Hawkins, Evans, Cantrall and Barr. Rev. F. W. Mitchell, a graduate of Princeton seminary is now the pastor. His people are united in him, and the church is prospering. It has eighty-five members.
In 1884 the Methodist Protestant church was organized, with about twenty members. Their first pastor was Mr. Wayland, and largely through his persistent efforts, their church was the second one erected in Moran. Their parsonage, the second one in town, was built just south of the church. They have since sold it, and built one more commodious, on the east side. There are fifty names on their church roll. They have had as pastor Revs. Wayland, Young, Brown, McAdams, Daley, Lane, Buckner, Chamlin, Slater, Hinshaw and Mellors. Rev. R. H. N. McAdams who now has charge of the church has been here two years. He is earnest and faithful, and his work has been blessed.
The Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1882, and with thirty-five members. In the fall of 1834 they built a church which was dedicated free of debt, in 1889. They provided a parsonage in 1883 which has made a good home for some excellent ministers. Those who have been shepherds of this flock are Revs. Anderson, Stradforth, York, Swarts, Means, Bruner, Emerson, Siess, Holtz, Howard, Riess, Moore and McNabb. The present pastor is Rev. G. B. MehI, who has proved a zealous, untiring worker. His labors have been blessed. The church now has one hundred and thirty-five members.
In the summer of 1883 the Christian church was organized by J. Shively at the school house, with a membership of fifteen, and reorganized in the Presbyterian church in the winter of 1835, by Henry Martin, the first pastor. In 1887 they built a house of worship. They now have seventy-five members. They have had as ministers Elders Dunkleberger, Lamb, Porter, Moore, Cash and Klinker.
The Baptists met and organized in the Presbyterian church. In 1892 they organized in the Christian church, with about twenty members. That same year they built, and built well. It is to be regretted that this church has been exceptionally unfortunate in losses, by death and removal. It is three years since they have had a settled pastor, and for a year they have not kept up regular services. They have enjoyed the ministrations of Elders Trout, Woods, Day and Collins.
In the early days of Moran a German Reformed church was organized, but they never built here, and finally disbanded, most of their members identifying themselves with their church at Allen Center. Rev. S. A. Alt
was the faithful pastor of this flock till 1889, when Rev. Mr. Skinner was his successor. Rev. L. S. Faust, of Iola, was in charge when the church disbanded.
All our churches have sustained heavy losses by death and removal. Most of them have active Sabbath schools, and live young people's organizations that are doing good work.
In 1877 Dr. Henry M. Strong removed from Iola to his farm, which is now owned by A. J. Eflin, and from that time to the fall of 1882 was truly a good Samaritan to any sick neighbor, refusing to accept any remuneration for medical services. How many be helped and how deep was their gratitude eternity alone can reveal. In the fall of 1882, J. E. Jewell, M. D., located in Moran. In the spring of 1884, Dr. G. B. Lambeth located here. Again and again some third physician has tried to gain a foothold, but after a short time has sought some other place in which to practice his profession.
In the fall of 1882 a school house was built east of the square, and the first teacher was Mr. Ed. Muth. School opened with a larger number on the roll than was shown by the census taken in August. As the town grew the school building was found inadequate, so in 1884 the original building was removed to make a place for a main building of two rooms, and the original has since been known as the north wing. The school did good work, and its increasing efficiency, as well as the growth of the town, made it necessary in 1892 to enlarge its quarters, so the main building was raised. This gave five rooms, but as only four were then needed, the north wing was unused for a year. In 1893 the need of a high school was so pressing that the proper steps were taken, and three years added to the course of study. That the school has done good work has been repeatedly demonstrated here, by the scholars who have left it to take their places among the respected workers and citizens of Moran. Not a few of its scholars have gone out to teach others what they learned here. Many a home is blessed by the influence that can be directly traced to the Moran school. Those who have gone to higher institutions of learning have proved without exception, that their Alma Mater was one of which to be proud, and she has had good reason to be proud of them. Prof. C. W. Kline is now its principal, and his efficient corps of assistants is made up of Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Collins, Miss Keith and Mrs. Thomas. The school is a credit to the place. Those who have taught in it are Messrs. Muth, Johnson, Carter, Courtney, Coulter, Fogleman and Kline. Messrs. Adams, Russ, Smith, Mayhu, and their wives; Mesdames Anderson, Millard, Barton, Collins and Thomas; the Misses Newman, Gay, Culbertson, Spencer, Brown, Pember, Ireland, Bryden, Corn, Donica, Esse, Rennells, Fussman and Keith.
An enterprising town like Moran early felt the need of a newspaper of its own, so a company was formed, in which prominent and public-spirited citizens took stock, and the Moran Herald came into existence. Henry Armstrong was its editor, and its first issue was in 1883. Two or three years later G. D. Ingersoll bought the paper, and later it changed hands
several times, being successively owned by Leo. Fesler, W. G. Allison, Smith & Matthews, and Jay Matthews. In 1897 it was purchased by C. C. Thomas, who still owns it. His faithful efforts and careful attention to business, have secured for it a place in the front ranks of papers of its kind.
In 1887 the M. K. & T. built a road that gave direct communication with Kansas City and Parsons. This was a distinct advantage to the town in many ways, and greatly increased the shipping facilities for stock raisers.
In the matter of banks, Moran has been quite unfortunate. Winans & Post, from Erie, opened and closed their bank in 1888. They paid up all their liabilities. S. C. Varner established the People's Bank in 1888, which suspended in 1896. Later all depositors were paid. The Moran bank after five or six years existence went into the hands of a receiver in 1898. It has paid up all claims with interest. In 1899 the Moran State Bank was incorporated, and a long and prosperous life is anticipated for it.
The year 1897 was a disastrous year for Moran. Several fires did much harm, but the one most sweeping did its work on Sabbath evening in August, when nearly all the buildings on the west side of Spruce street east of Randolph, were destroyed. Manley's hall, Ross & Augustine's office and store room, Stoddard & Young's millinery, Twineham's harness shop, the Virginia hotel, Stephenson's racket, Willoughby's furniture store, Young's real estate office and Strickler's restaurant, were left but smoking ruins. The burnt district still remains a sad reminder of that terrible conflagration.
There is no dearth of societies here. The A. O. U. W. and Degree of Honor, the M. W. A., Free Masons, Odd Fellows and Rebeccas, Knights and Ladies of Security and Fraternal Aid, are all represented. The Home Coterie, a literary organization, has lived through eight happy and prosperous years.
A history of Moran which said nothing about its music would indeed be incomplete. Few towns of its size have possessed so many musical and music-loving people. In 1882 or 1883 the Moran orchestra was organized by P. J. McGlashan, who was at all times its leader. The charter members were P. J. McGlashan, first violin; Wm. Wheeler, second violin; S. N. Steele, cornet; H. B. Smith, bass viol; Miss Abbie Southard, piano. After the marriage and removal of Miss Southard, Miss Floy McGlashan filled the position of pianist. In the early days of the town W. H. DeHart organized a brass band, and a little later S. N. Steele organized another. In about a year they consolidated. The orchestra and brass band gave their first concert in the Presbyterian church before it was plastered, and from that time it only needed to be known that the Moran Orchestra was purposing to give a concert to insure an interest far and wide. A full house on the appointed evening could always be assured, and in the audience could always be found people from Iola, Savonburg, and other places more or less remote. Those annual concerts were the musical events of the year, and it is a cause of sincere regret, that removals and death so lessened their numbers that in 1900 the Moran orchestra disbanded. There have been several
music teachers here, but for two years Miss Floy McGlashan has held her place as first. Those who receive invitations to her recitals are counted fortunate, and on the rare occasions when her scholars give a concert, a large attendance is certain. The present Moran brass band, made up of young men, is a comparatively recent organization. Every member has joined the M. W. A.
The contrast between, Moran eighteen years ago and now is marked. It looked then, like many another new town, as though a few dozen large boxes had been scattered about carelessly, in which the people were staying a few days. Now the town shows that it is regularly laid out; two railroads pass through it, giving easy and swift communication to it from all points; its school house is comfortable and convenient; there are five churches; two telephone companies have offices here, and one of them a central station. George Moore owns the livery, and is proprietor of the Pennsylvania House, a substantial brick building. The Moran State bank owns its commodious brick home. Oral Spencer and George Shopshire have each a restaurant. E. D. Rapp owns the meat market on Cedar street, and Smith & Knight are proprietors of the market on Randolph street. C. B. Keith handles coal and grain. L. B. Kinne deals in drugs and groceries. P. J. McGlashan and J. E. Hobby each handle groceries, boots and shoes. Frank Messenger carries a good stock of general merchandise. S. C. Varner keeps dry goods, groceries, hardware, queensware and implements, besides dealing in grain and lumber. F. E. Twineham keeps harness. Walter Lacey is the jeweler and watchmaker. H. B. Smith deals in wagons and implements. Charles Mendell has a fine hardware and tinware stock. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Lumber Company are doing a good business. J. F. Willoughby deals in furniture. John Hurly is the blacksmith. George Shopshire and W. R. Dougherty have each a barber shop. Latham has an eggpacking establishment. Mrs Cobb and Mrs. Homer Varner have each a millinery, and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Minnie Kinne are kept busy in their dress-making establishment.
Moran has now a number of beautiful residences that improve its appearance much; but best of all, it has many homes—homes in the truest sense of the word, from which goes forth an influence for good at all times, and in all directions.
Previous | Home | NextPages 80-87, transcribed by Carolyn Ward from History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas: embellished with portraits of well known people of these counties, with biographies of our representative citizens, cuts of public buildings and a map of each county / Edited and Compiled by L. Wallace Duncan and Chas. F. Scott. Iola Registers, Printers and Binders, Iola, Kan.: 1901; 894 p., [36] leaves of plates: ill., ports.; includes index.