Transcribed from Biographical history of Barton County, Kansas. ; Illustrated. Published by Great Bend Tribune, Great Bend, KS : 1912. 318 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, July 2006.

1912 Biographical History of Barton County, Kansas


of the countrty and to far away Brazil. Since 1898 they have marketed about 1,000 head of stock from their herd and at this writing have 500 fine animals on their 4,000-acre ranch in Ness County. In addition to this ranch. Ed and Clayt own 3,600 acres of farm land in Barton and Stafford Counties, most of it being farmed under their personal supervision and the remainder being farmed by renters. Their cattle are known in all the states surrounding Kansas and in many parts of this country and Mexico.

Since the Moses boys came to Barton County all of its members have taken a leading part in its unbuilding and while some of the boys have removed to other parts of the country the work they did in this countrty in its early history is still vivid in the memory of the old timers.

Clayt Moses was married December 12, 1879, to Clara J. Mitchell of Quincy, Ill. They are the parents of two children, Earl C., 28 years of age, who is foreman of the flour mill owned by the company of which his father is a member; Lillian Alice, 25 years of age, lives at home. He served as councilman of Great Bend city from 1888 to 1892 and as county commissioner from 1892 to 1898.

Edward Moses was married March 21, 1882, to Miss Anna J. Wood of Great Bend. He was chosen as mayor of the city of Great Bend in the years 1884, 1885, 1893, 1905, 1907 and 1909 and always served with distinction and in a way that was very gratifying to his friends and the people of the town. Much of the progress the city has made was accomplished during the time that Mr. Moses held the highest office within the gift of the people of the city.

Ed and Clayt Moses are home loving men and occupy modern residences in Great Bend and are among the best known citizens in the state of Kansas.

Arthur H. Moses was the only one of the boys who was of age when the family arrived in this county. He took up a homestead that comprised the northeast quarter of section 10, Great Bend township. He was married in 1872 to Miss Ella Snowden at Russell, Kansas, and they are the parents of four children. One of them died in infancy and the adult ones are: Clyde, who became the wife of Alva Adams, Jr., of Pueblo, he being a son of Alva Adams, who was three times governor of the state of Colorado. She died in 1905 at Pueblo, Colo. Matie, the next child, is the wife of Frederick C. Briggs, formerly of Pueblo, Colo., but now in the jewelry business in Hutchinson. Wm. B. is married and lives at Osceola, Okla. Arthur H. Moses remained in Barton County until 1885, when he went to Pueblo, Colo., and there took an active part in the politics of that state. He was elected sheriff of Pueblo County in the nineties. He went from Colorado to Seattle, Washington, where he holds a responsible position as wharfmaster for the United States government. He was born February 21, 1851.

Will Moses came to Barton County when his parents arrived here, as stated in the beginning of this article. in 1879 he went on the road for Julius Kuhn, wholesale grocery house of Atchison. He remained in this position until 1882, when he went to Pueblo, Colo., and engaged in the grocery business. December 21, of that year, he was married to Miss Grace Buckland of Great Bend. He was elected sheriff of Pueblo County in 1891 and

German American State Bank
First Frame House in Barton County, Built by A. C. Moses

succeeded himself in this office in 1893. in 1898 he went to Kansas City and since that time has been in the grain business. Mr. and Mrs. Moses were the parents of two children, Arthur C. Moses, 22 years of age, who graduated froom K. U. in June, 1912, and Elinor, 11 years of age. Mr. Moses survived his first wife, she having died July 1, 1906, and in April, 1908, he married Mrs. Stella Weaver of Los Angeles, California.

Cassius M. Moses was born in Clymer, Chautauqua County, New York, January 31, 1865, and was the sixth of the seven sons of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa C. Moses. He came with the parents to Barton County in 1871. He married Miss Betsy Coningham of Frederick, Illinois, October 14, 1890, and they are the parents of two children, Donna, born December 13, 1894, and John Campbell, born August 20, 1896. In 1889 he enlisted in the Colorado national guard. He was commissioned lieutenant in October of that year, was advanced to captain in December, 1890, and to the rank of major in 1893. He was appointed and commissioned adjutant general of the state of Colorado in January, 1895. He organized the First Colorado regiment of infantry, United States volunteers, in 1898, after war had been declared with Spain. He resigned as adjutant general of Colorado in 1898. He was commissioned major of the regiment he organized, the First Colorado. He was mustered out of service at the Presidio in San Francisco, September, 1899. He participated in many of the important engagements before Manila, P. I., during the war and distinguished himself as a soldier. He served during the insurrection in the islands until he was wounded June 9, 1899, being unfit for further service.

After coming to Barton County, his early boyhood days were spent on the Moses homestead, just north of Walnut creek, punching cows, working on the farm and living the usual strenuous life of those pioneer days, when the buffalo, the other animals of the plains and the Indian were all here.

In the spring of 1882, he went to work for Moses Brothers and continued with them until the autumn of 1887 when they retired from the general merchandise business. He then went to Pueblo and Denver, Colorado, where he made his home until he removed to Los Angeles, California, in the latter part of 1902.

Seward E. Moses, youngest of the seven brothers, was born in Chautauqua County, New York, and came to Barton County with his parents in 1871, at the age of three and one-half years. He worked for Moses Brothers in their general store until 1887, when he went to Pueblo, Colorado. He was in the grocery business there until 1902. He returned to Great Bend at that time, being interested in the Barton County flour mils until 1907. Then he moved to Kansas City, Mo., becoming interested in The Moses Brothers Grain Company. He married Edith G. Balcon of Pueblo, Colo., in 1899.

The following incident, related by S. K Moses, will recall the old times to those who were here in those days:

"Although quite young in the buffalo and Indian days, I distinctly remember my first and only buffalo hunt. It was soon after our arrival in Barton County. The family were on the old homestead, north of the creek, where it was no uncommon sight to see buffalo come over the hills down to the creek for water; occasionally one would come up to the water trough at our well to drink.

"One day an old bull buffalo drifted down over the hill leisurely and finding the grazing about a quarter of a mile from our home to his liking, made himself quite at home. Brother Ed, being at home, and considered some hunter, evidently resented our farm being used for feeding grounds and prepared


for action. His favorite gun was within easy reach, and feeling confident the buffalo had no chance against his markmanhip, he grabbed me by the hand and said, 'Come on, Sew, and we will kill the buffalo." We went through the tall grass to a ravine and made a fine stand on the game. Ed waited for the old bull to turn so that he could hit him in a vital spot. His aim was evidently good as the buffalo fell at the first shot and he made our way cautiously to the fallen monarch. When within a few feet the buffalo looked so very dead that Ed prepared to cut its throat and, having me to drag along, Ed laid down his gun and drew his hunting knife; as he started to stick the knife into the buffalo things commenced to happen. First, a bellow was let loose that scared me out of a year's growth. Then Mr. Buffalo got up with blood in his eye and started on a campaign of his own. Ed picked me up bodily and started for home. I am sure his time has never been equaled since, although we had no stop watches in those days. The buffalo did not follow us far, as he was hard hit and, no doubt readily recognized Ed's speed as well as markmanship. After landing yours truly at the house, your former city mayor armed himself with another rifle and shortly put an end to my only buffalo hunt."

Lincoln E. Moses was born October 14, 1860, in the state of New York. He was married to Miss Gertrude Tucker at Three Rivers, Michigan, May 12, 1891, and they are the parents of three children: Edward, Walter and Marguerite. He now makes his home at Wichita, Kansas, since he became president of the Kansas Flour Mills Company.

Arthur H. Moses was born February 21, 1851, in the state of New York, and is therefore the oldest of the seven Moses boys. He was married to Miss Ella Snowden of Russell, Kansas, April 20, 1872, and they are the parents of three children: Wm. B., Mary E., and Clyde L., the latter having died in 1905 at the age of 23 years. While in Barton County Art, as he was better known, was engaged in the farming and threshing business. He is now located at Seattle, Washington, where he is wharfmaster for the United States government.


THE property of Frederick Schuelke, "Locust Grove Farm," thirteen miles west from Great Bend, takes its name from the many locust trees included in a five acre grove surrounding the home. These trees are forty years old, are very beautiful and thrifty, and are the result of a timber claim set in trees in 1871 by John Bement.

Frederick Schuelke was born in Germany on February 19th, 1840, and came to America in May, 1874. He first located in Wauwatose, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, where he worked in a nursery and a pickling factory for a time, and also engaged in farming and at other work. He remained until March 4th, 1885, when he removed to Greattinger, Palo Alto County, Iowa, and engaged in farming on his own account as a renter, and then in 1888 was employed as the manager and superintendent of a large farm on salary. Resigning this position after several years he purchased a farm of four hundred acres and cultivated this until he sold out and came to Barton County on March 1st, 1901. He purchased his present one hundred and sixty acres from John Bement and paid for the quarter three thousand dollars. Since then he has built a very nice seven room, story and one-half frame dwelling, large barn, granary and other buildings, at a cost of $2,500, and today has one of the most desirable little farms in the county. It is well improved, well fenced, well shaded, and the house and grounds are in the coolest spot in the county on a summer's day, and well sustains the name given the farm.

Frederick Schuelke was married on February 16th, 1863, to Miss Anna Giesel, of the same section of Germany from which he came, and she died in Barton County on August 2nd, 1907, slightly over six years after coming to Kansas. They are the parents of six children, two of whom still live in Wisconsin. Those who reside in this state are: Mrs. Ida Hans, of Great Bend; Mrs. Minnie Gruenwald, of Rush Cunty; Herman Schuelke, Lyons, Kansas and Conrad Schuelke, who is married and resides on the place with his father and manages the farm. Conrad Schuelke was married on April 18, 1906, and they are the parents of three children: Elmer, 4; Arthur 3, and Goldie, 1.


WILLIAM HENRY ROGERS was born in Ontanagon County, Michigan, May 1, 1863. His first trip west was when he was eight years old, at which time he accompanied his parents to Colorado where they remained about six months. They returned to Michigan and resided at Marquette four years, after which they came to Barton County, Kansas. The family located in Eureka township. For several years after his arrival here Mr. Rogers went to school, and later took up railroading as an occupation. He was employed by the Union Pacific Company in Colorado. Mr. Rogers began farming in this county in

Home of W. H. Rogers

1890, on his home place which comprises one-half of section 1, South Bend township. Mr. Rogers superintended the farming of all of this land and has had a great deal to do with the development of the soil in that part of the county. He was married in Great Bend to Miss Sarah Williams in 1886. They are the parents of six children as follows: Harry E., 24 years of age; Stella, 21 years of age; Alice, 19 years; Irene, 17 years; Annie 16 years; Willie 12 years. All of the children with the exception of Stella are at home and are being educated in the schools of the county. Stella is now Mrs. Frank S. Moore and they reside near Spearville, Kansas. Mr. Rogers' home place is one of the best improved and most attractive in the county. The residence consists of nine rooms in addition to the bath room, closets, pantries, etc. The barn is well built and is 42 feet square with a big loft. Granaries, storage sheds, auto garage and all the other outbuildings usually found on a modern Barton County farm are to be found here. The trees that surround the home afford ample shade and the orchard which covers about an acre and a half of ground containsmany varieties of fruits common to this section of the county. With all Mr. Rogers' private business he has found time to take an active part in public affairs and has served as trustee and clerk of his township and has been a member of the school board for sixteen years. He is a progressive and enterprising farmer and a most prominent citizen.

We must add to the above the fact that Annie passed from this life May 19, 1912, at a time when she had many expected years of happiness stretching out before her, and when she was beloved by her relatives, school mates and all with whom she had an acquaintance. She was valedictorian of the 1912 class of the common schools of Barton county. Her school mates were deeply affected by her death as was evidenced by the beautiful floral tribute sent for the funeral. She was a bright, intelligent girl whose life was a beautiful example of truth and simplicity and it was a hard blow to her relatives and friends when in the course of things she had to go to a better world. She was, at the time of her death, aged 16 years, 6 months and 10 days.


ONE of the first white children born in what is now Barton County is the subject of this sketch, Henry C. Cook. He was born in Great Bend township October 6, 1871. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, pioneers of this county and the parents of some of its leading citizens. The elder Cook died October 16, 1897 and Mrs. Cook died February 13, 1891, after having taken an active part in the development of the county's resources for about thirty years. His death was a great shock to his many friends who knew him for his high character and enterprise. Henry C. was married November 22, 1894, to Miss Elizabeth Amerine and they are the parents of four children as follows: Velma, 15 years;

Home of Henry C. Cook

Lawrence, 14 years; Elmer, 11 years and Helen, 6 years of age. The family home is located on the northwest quarter of section 8, Great Bend township and is one of the most attractive country homes in the county. The residence consists of 12 rooms in addition to the bath, closets, pantries, etc., and is thoroughly modern throughout. It is lighted by a modern acetylene gas plant and is supplied with water by an individual pumping system. The barn is 46 by 80 feet in dimensions and is well built and modern. Mr. Cook will add a number of other buildings to his improvements and when these are finished he will have one of the most modern farms in the county. The home place is situated in a bend in the Walnut creek and is surrounded by excellent shade trees and foliage that adds greatly to its appearance. Mr. Cook has always taken a great interest in improving the breed of the cattle and horses on Barton County farms and makes a specialty of breeding and raising thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle and Percheron horses. He now owns one of the best Percheron horses in the county, "Martin," a registered, black Perchercn that has made a fine reputation in the stud records. Mr. Cook is an enterprising and progressive citizen and has had a great deal to do with the upbuilding of the county and in the developing of its resources.


EDWIN TYLER was born in Richfield, Illinois, November 27, 1842. He remained in his native state until he was eighteen years of age when he joined the Fiftieth regiment Illinois volunteers. He became a member of Co. C and served his country three years. He took part in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donaldson, Shiloh and Corinth and numerous other engagements. He lost the sight of one eye during his soldier service. This was due to exposure and fever. He came to Barton County October 16, 1871. He was married to Miss Lydia F. Moseley December 31, 1865, at his home town of Richfield, Ills. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler have had five children but unfortunately only one of them is living, the others having passed away. The one living child now is Mrs. Sam J. Pratt, her maiden name having been Dora May. Mr. Tyler tells in his own way a number of his experiences in articles in this book, so we will only add that he always has been an enterprising and progressive citizen and 1as done a great deal in developing the county's resources.


LEVI GUNN was born on July 2, 1833, in Franklin County, Massachusetts, and at the age of 18 months his parents moved to Brattleboro, Vermont. When he was nine years old they took him with them to Davenport, Iowa, and, finally, at a later period, to Putnam County, Illinois. His education was obtained in the public schools of the


districts where his parents lived and he became a farmer under the tutelage of his father. He married at the age of twenty-three and lived happily for seven years, when his companion died. It was then that he faced the greatest hardships of his life but this was righted by a second marriage and his coming to Barton County Kansas, in 1874, and the purchase of 240 acres from the Santa Fe railway company. Later he purchased eighty acres adjoining and at this time his farm covers one-half section. In the spring of 1877 Mr. Gunn removed his family to this county and began improving by building the best house, barn and other necessary buildings in his neighborhood, and by planting and cultivating many trees about the premises. A fire destroyed his house on August 2, 1911, and he has just replaced this building with a story and one-half cottage with five large, airy rcoms. There is a good barn, granary and other outbuildings, and located as it is in a nice grove of cedar, pine and locust trees is very inviting.

Levi Gunn first married Miss Sarah K. Wierman of Putnam County, Illinois, on November 13, 1856, and she died in April, 1865. His second wife was Miss Sarah C. Lewis o( Marshall County Illinois, in November, 1865. who died in December, 1899. They were survived by the husband and the following children: Wm. W. Gunn of Jewell County, Kansas; Charles Lund Gunn, Francis Levi Gunn and Lewis J. Gunn of Great Bend; Howard A. Gunn of Pratt, Kansas; Mrs. Lacy Harrison of Great Bend, and Fred A. Gunn, who resides on the farm with his father and manages the place.


Merritt-Schwier Creamery, Great Bend

THE first creamery in Great Bend was established in 1895 by W. G. Merritt. In 1903 a stock company was formed under the name of the Merritt Creamery Co. The present company is a consolidation of the Merritt Creamery Co., and the Larned Creamery Co., of Larned, Kansas, this consolidation going into effect January 1, 1909.

The company operates one hundred and one cream buying stations in twenty-five counties in central and western Kansas and northern Oklahoma, and expects to put in more stations wherever the deliveries of cream justify a station.

The largest amount of butter manufactured by this company in any one month since organized was made in the month of June of this year. They manufactured 246,749 pounds of butter, or about 20 pounds for every man, woman and child in Barton County.

For the cream and milk used in the manufacture of this butter, their patrons were paid the sum of $46,720.60. At the present time the company employs twenty-three people in their plant. The pay-roll for the month of June was $5,070; this includes salaries and commissions paid to their cream station operators for the buying and shipping of cream.

The company has an excellent market for their butter, shipping as far east as Boston and west to California. Their brands, "Merritt's Best" and "Crown" are well and favorably known all over the west.

The present board of directors are W. G. Merrit, William Schwier, W. F. Schwier, Henry Schwier and C. V. Brinkman. Officers are W. G. Merritt, President; William Schwier, vice-president; W. F. Schwier, secretary-treasurer.



AMONG the old timers, who came to Barton County in the 70's none is better known than John Donovan who lives on a half section of land in section 8, Great Bend township. Mr. Donovan was born in Ireland in 1839. He came to New York in 1870 and to Kansas in 1879 at a time when it required a great deal of nerve to make a substantial start in the cultivation of the soil and the building of a home. However, Mr. Donovan is made of that kind of material and as soon as he arrived here he began to farm and successfully combatted the bad years and made a success of his occupation. He was married in New York state to Miss Louisa Hettinger and they are the parents of four children, Emma, Agnes, Alice and Anna. Emma is now Mrs. A. Wyman and lives at Macksville; Agnes is now Mrs. Jack Neeland and they live near the home place in this county; Alice is now Mrs. B. Hingy of Stafford county; Anna is living at home. Mr. Donovan had the misfortune to lose his eyesight about twelve years ago but still superintends the operations on the farm. The home place has a fine set of improvements, the residence containing eight rooms in addition to closets, pantries, etc. A small orchard is found near the house where nearly all varieties of fruits are grown. When Mr. Donovan arrived in this county he was compelled to do his farming with a yoke of oxen and he relates how one time in the early days they ran away with him while he was attempting to plow with them and for a time he did not know whether he liked Kansas or not. He served a term as Justice of the Peace and has always been an enterprising citizen. Mr. Donovan gives due credit to his wife, a hard working little women who shared her part of the burden with her husband when they were beginning the home that they have since built. Mrs. Donovan is one of those kind hearted motherly women without whose aid the work of developing the great west could not have been done.


Farm Home of Tobias McGill
From left to right: Geo. M'Gill, Crandon O. M'Gill, Mrs. M'Gill, Elva M'Gill, Tobias M'Gill

TOBIAS McGILL was born November 9, 1837 in Bartholomew County, Indiana. He remained in his native state until 1858 when he went to Iowa and remained for twenty-six years. He then continued his way westward and arrived in Barton county in 1884. He bought land near Dundee, the quarter section formerly belonging to J. B. Williams, and later purchased another quarter from John Lile. Mr. McGill was actively engaged in farming until 1897 when he retired and moved to Great Bend. He still superintends the work on his farming land which is worked by renters. Mr. McGill was married September 6, 1860, to Miss Farilla Youtsey near LaGrange, Iowa and they are the parents of nine children, six of whom are living. Hilas N. is farming in this county; Etta, is now Mrs. J. H. Harris of Great Bend; Charlotte is now Mrs. Sherman Mosbarger of Pawnee Rock; Crandon O., is now an attorney at law in Idaho where he also teaches school; Elva is at home and George is county attorney of Sedgewick county, Kansas, and lives in Wichita. Mr. McGill is a veteran of the civil war and is a member of Pap Thomas Post G. A. R. He en


listed September 6, 1864, in Company G. Sixteenth Iowa, known as Crocker's Iowa Brigade. He served until the close of the war and was mustered out July 19, 1865. He was with Sherman's Army from Atlanta to the Sea and took part in the battles of Fayetteville, Bentonville and was present at the siege of Savannah. He saw much active service during the time of his enlistment. Since coming to Barton county Mr. McGill has always taken a great interest in affairs of a public nature and held township and school board offices as well as having been assessor for his district and justice of the peace. He is one of the men who had so much to do with the development of the county's resources and saw it grow to its high standing among the counties of the state. He came here at a time that it required men of strong nerve to combat the adverse conditions with which they had to contend.


Farm Home of C. B. Worden

THE subject of this sketch, Chas. B. Worden, together with C. L Roudebush, planted the first crop in Walnut township near Albert. This was in March, 1871. The crop consisted of corn, potatoes and sorghum, and after making a nice start was destroyed by the dry weather which followed in that year. The remnants of the crop were eaten by the buffaloes which were plentiful in this county at that time. Mr. Worden was born in West Virginia January 1, 1844. He came to this county in 1871 and immediately began the work of farming. He located a homestead near Albert in Walnut township. He farmed until 1910 when he sold his farm and moved to town and now occupies a nice residence at the corner of Ninth and Holland streets, in Great Bend.

He was married Dec. 15, 1875 to Miss Ada Brown of Walnut township and they are the parents of ten children as follows: Ella L., 35 years, is now Mrs. John Gallon of Great Bend; Hattie D., 34 years of age, is now Mrs. F. E. Peugh of Hoisington; Marsena L., 32 years, is farming near Albert; Alice, 28 years, is now Mrs. E. P. Cowman of Coffeyville, Kansas; Ira L., 27 years, is an optician and jeweler in business at Albert; Alvin H., 25 years, is in the postal service at Albert; Charles L., 17, is employed at the McLaughlin Produce Company's establishment in Great Bend; Blanche E., 15 years, is a student in the Great Bend schools. (John W., nine months and Julia A, two years and one month, are deceased.)

Mr. Worden is one of the really old timers to whom this county owes its development and high standing among the best counties in the State of Kansas. During his residence in this county he has served as county commissioner, and has held township and school board offices in the district where he lived. He is one of those hardy pioneers who reclaimed this section of the country from the buffalo and Indians and he played no small part in the early history of this county and is one of the best known men in this part of the state. He sold his farming interests when he retired but owns his residence and a number of lots and is an enterprising and progressive citizen.

Mr. Worden is a member of the Pap Thomas Post, G. A. R., Great Bend. He served almost four years in the Eighth W. Virginia Infantry,


Company F and Seventh W. Virginia Cavalry; also in Company F. He took part in the battles of Cross Keys, Freeman's Ford, White Sulphur Springs, Second Bull Run, Droop Mountain and Lynchburg as well as others. He served three years and ten months and saw much active service in his country's defense.


AMONG the well known men of Buffalo township is the subject of this sketch, August Fenn. He was born in Clinton County, Illinois September 25, 1868. He came to Barton county in 1886 at a time when this section of the state was going through some mighty hard times and it required men of strong nerve and an unflinching faith in the future to remain and develop the soil. Mr. Fenn is now farming in Buffalo township and his home place is located on the northeast quarter of section 7. He was married in 1893 to Miss Louisa Schultz and they are the parents of five children as follows: Lillie and Luella, twins, 18 years of age; Oscar, 13 years; Earnest, 9 years and Irene, 4 years of age. The home place has a set of good improvements, the residence consisting of nine rooms in addition to the bath room, closets, etc. Mr. Fenn has always maintained a good grade of live stock, both horses and cattle and in addition to his private interests has always found time to take an active part in all public matters that are for the benefit of the community in which he lives. He has been a member of the school board nineteen years, has held the office of road overseer as well as other township offices. A small orchard is maintained on the home place which adds greatly to its general appearance and in which a number of different kinds of fruit are raised. The residence is located in a most desirable spot and is surrounded by well kept shade trees and other foliage that makes it one of the most attractive places in the township. Mr. Fenn is an enterprising and progressive citizen and enjoys a large acquaintance in all parts of Barton county. Mr. Fenn was the butter maker at the Heizer Creamery in the early days and was the first man in this part of the country to use the combined churn and when it was installed it created a great deal of favorable comment.


Farm Home of John Everett

ONE of the pioneers of Barton County who is still actively engaged in farming is John Everett who resides on the east

half of section 9-19-14, Buffalo township. Mr. Everett was born November 12, 1842 in Putnam county, Illinois. He came to Barton County in 1874 and located on the southeast quarter of section 9 and there erected a stone house, but not until after he had spent a long time in making preparations for the building of a home. Only the old timers know of the real conditions in those days, when it required men of strong nerve and backbone to combat the many adverse conditions with which they


had to contend. The younger generation can learn of them only by reading. Mr. Everett came here at a time when the county needed just such men. He lived in Illinois until he came to Barton County in 1874 except for the time he spent in the army.

He enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois and served until June 5, 1864. He was in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Kenesaw Mountain and on August 2, 1863, he was severely wounded and saw no more service until the following February. He made a fine record while in the service of his country and after the close of the war he returned to his native state and farmed until 1874.

He was married March 7, 1867 to Miss Anna M. Bothwell of LaSalle, County, Illinois, and they are the parents of three children: Cora Jane 48 years of age is now Mrs. H. J. Dukes of this county; George W., 45 years of age is on the home place as is also Oliver N. who is 42 years of age. The residence on the home place consists of seven rooms besides closets, pantries, etc. The out buildings are well built and Mr. Everett has made a specialty of raising Red Polled cattle and he always maintains a good grade of horses and cattle. The home place is nicely located with shade and fruit trees surrounding it on all sides. Mr. Everett is one of those men to whom Barton County owes its high standing in the list of the best counties of the State of Kansas.


AMONG the young farmers in Buffalo township none is better known than the subject of this sketch, Fred V. Amerine. He is a son of J. W. Amerine one of the old timers of that part of Barton County. The elder Amerine farmed in this county for thirty-two years and is now farming in Kiowa county. The younger Amerine is farming 160 acres of good land in Buffalo township, six miles northwest of Great Bend. He was born January 21, 1884, in this county and has seen it grow from the hard times of the 80's to its present high standing and importance among the counties of the State of Kansas. He was married in March, 1912, to Miss Emma Bortz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bortz of Rush county who are also old timers of this section of the state. Mr. Amerine farms all his land himself and has a nice set of improvements which are located in close proximity to Walnut creek, the residence and other buildings being surrounded by large, well kept shade trees which add greatly to the beauty ot the home. The residence contains eight rooms, in addition to the bath, closets, pantries, etc. The place is stocked with a good grade of cattle and horses although Mr. Amerine has never dealt in thoroughbred stock of any kind. He has learned by experience the best methods to use in cultivating the soil in Barton county and applies these methods in all his work. He is one of the young men who are now taking the places of the old timers and continuing the work so ably begun by them in the 70's and 80's and it is these young men who are making good progress in the work left them in bringing Barton County to its present high state of cultivation.


ON writing up the old timers of Barton County there is none that is better or more favorably known than the subject of this sketch, John Gruber who came to this county in 1871 at a time when there were very few people but a large number of buffalo and antelope. Mr. Gruber is one of the old timers who upon their arrival here began their first work and made a living by hunting buffalo. Mr. Gruber located on land in Buffalo township where he still resides. He was born in Austria, July 2, 1839. He was married in 1863 to Miss Katie Wilka, and they are the parents of seven children as follows: Antone, 4S years of age, is farming near the old home place on land given to him by his father; Joseph, 38 years of age, was born in this county and is living with his parents on the home place; John, Jr., is in the automobile business in Great Bend and is 28 years of age; Mary, 37 years is now Mrs. E. G. Reidle of this county; Annie, 31 years of age, is now Mrs. Stanley Patterson; Rose, 26 years of age, is Mrs. Pearl Holmes and John, who died when he was four months of age, was the first white child born in Barton County. Mr. Gruber is one of the really old timers of this section of the state and has seen Barton County grow from an abiding place of animals and Indians to its present high state of cultivation. The home place has a fine set of improvements; the residence contains five rooms in addition to closets, pantries, etc. The barn is 20 by 30 and a two acre orchard is found near the house which bears all varieties of fruits common to this part of the country. The place is

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