KSGenWeb - The Primary Source for Kansas Genealogy

KSGenWeb Digital Library

Chase County, Kansas

Table of Contents




Tax Records
taxroll.txt 1860 Chase County Tax Roll 3k 03/28/1999 Judy Lutt


1883.txt Chase County Pensioners on the Rolls, January 1, 1883 10k 10/1997 Judy Lutt
chaseciv.txt Chase County Civil War Veterans      
honor.txt World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Personnel, Chase County List. 2k 10/1998 Kenneth Thomas


Community Records
poffice.htm Towns and Post Offices of Chase County, Kansas -- 08/12/2001 Judy Lutt




Cemetery Inscriptions
(NOTE:  Cedar Point & Elmdale Cemetery files are inwork)
cema-am.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (A - Am) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
ceman-ay.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (An - Ay) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemb-ba.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (B - Ba) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemba-be.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Bas - Bev) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cembi-bo.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Bi - Boc) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cembo-bo.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Boe - Boy) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cembr-br.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Br - Brou) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cembr-bu.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Brow - Buf) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cembu-by.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Bul - By) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemc-ca.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (C - Ca) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemch-co.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Ch - Com) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemco-co.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Con - Cow) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemco-cu.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Cox - Cu) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemd-de.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (D - De) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemde-dy.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (De - Dye) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
ceme-ew.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (E - Ew) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemf-fi.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (F - Fin) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemfi-fy.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Fis - Fy) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemg-gi.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (G - Gid) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemgi-go.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Gie - Gol) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemgo-gu.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Gon - Guy) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemh-ha.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (H - Harl) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemha-ha.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Harm - Haz) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemhe-hi.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (He - Hil) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemhi-ho.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Him - Hou) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemho-hy.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (How - Hy) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemi-is.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (I - Is) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemj-jo.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (J - Johnson, L) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemjo-ju.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Johnson, M - Ju) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemk-ki.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (K - Kin) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemki-ky.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Kir - Ky) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
ceml-le.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (L - Leon) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemle-ly.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Lew - Ly) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemm-ma.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (M - Mar) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemma-mc.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Mas - McD) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemmc-mi.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (McG - Mil) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemmi-mo.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Min - Moo) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemmo-my.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Mor - My) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemn-no.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (N - No) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemo-ox.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (O - Ox) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemp-pe.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (P - Pet) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemph-py.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Ph - Py) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemq-qu.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Q - Qu) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemr-ri.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (R - Rid) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemri-ry.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Rie - Ry) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cems-sh.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (S - Shel) --  10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemsh-sn.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Shef - Sned) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemsn-st.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Snid - Stoc) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemst-sy.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Stow - Sy) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemt-ty.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (T - Ty) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemu-ut.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (U - Ut) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemv-vo.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (V - Vo) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemw-wa.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (W - Wa) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemwe-wh.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (We - Wh) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemwi-wy.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Wi - Wy) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemy-yo.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Y - Yo) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt
cemz-zi.htm Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions - (Z - Zi) -- 10/23/1999 Judy Lutt

Last update: Saturday, July 27, 2024 20:01:38

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