The services of Doctor Brierley among the citizens of Glasco and the Solomon
valley who have been in need of medical assistance have been of incalculable
value, and countless sufferers can testify to the potent charms of his
professional skill. He is the pioneer physician of Glasco, and has obtained a
reputation placing him in the front rank of the medical fraternity. He is
possessed of far more than average ability and since he entered upon the study
of medicine it has received his almost undivided attention. Doctor Brierley is
profoundly popular, both professionally and socially, and is one of those
individuals found in every community who wield an extended influence among their
fellow men, politically and otherwise.
Lockport, New York, is his birthplace, his birth occurring in 1849. He is of English parentage; his father, John Brierley, was born in the city of Oldham. When Doctor Brierley was nine years of age his father moved from Lockport to Springfield, Ohio, and five years subsequently to Dayton, his present residence. Doctor Brierley's mother, before her marriage, was Harriett Bates. She was born on the edge of Wales, in the city of Shrewsbury; she was deceased in 1899. When Doctor Brierley arrived at the age of twelve years he began working in the foundry with his father, who was an iron moulder, and while engaged in this occupation earned money enough to gratify his, desire for a higher education, and entering Denison University, Granville, Ohio, he graduated in the arts from that institution in 1875. He then entered upon a medical course in the Starling Medical College, of Columbus, Ohio, finished that line of progress and was granted a diploma February 25, 1878. The following year he emigrated west to "inscribe his name on this goodly state of Kansas," and after a brief sojourn in Atchison, came to Cloud county and located in the then new town of Glasco, where in reality he began his career as a practitioner and where he has been so successful.
During the four and twenty years Doctor Brierley has been dispensing medicine to the sick and afflicted of the Solomon valley there has been no contraction or abridgement in the exercise of his profession. He did not make a mistake, when prospecting, to decide in that fair field opportunities were offered for an ambitious and enterprising physician. He has practiced in this vicinity continuously since 1878, with the exception of two years spent in Kansas City, as meat inspector, an office established by the United States government in the interests of agriculture and pure foods. Doctor Brierley takes an active interest in politics and is one of the wheel-horses of the Republican party. He served six years on the pension board, is vice-president of the Young Men's Republican Club, was made president of the Cloud County Medical Society, which was organized in Concordia May 20, 1902, and in the summer of 1902 he had the honor of being elected president of the State Medical Society, which convened at Topeka.
Mrs. Brierley's record as an educator and educational worker is one of the brightest in Cloud county. She was a teacher one year in the fifth grade of the Clyde schools and one year in the sixth and seventh grades of the Concordia schools. From J884 until 1887 she was principal of the Glasco schools, succeeding Mr. Mitchell, and in 1894 was elected to succeed Mr. Emick, resigned. Mrs. Brierley was elected county superintendent in 1894 and resigned the principalship of the Glasco schools to assume the duties of that office; she served four years, being re-elected the following term. During each year she visited all the schools in the county and in 1896-7 visited each district twice. She is now practically retired, but her interests in educational work have not waned and she manifests a lively concern in anything pertaining to school matters. The pretty residence of Doctor and Mrs. Brierley is an attractive cottage home, admirably appointed, heated with hot air and fitted throughout with modern conveniences.

Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.