F.A. Griffin established the Clyde Exchange Bank, an individual concern in 1882, with a capital stock of $5,000, and conducted a banking business under the above heading continuously for twenty years. Other banks have come and gone. but the Clyde Exchange Bank has been a permanent institution. In January, 1898, he increased the capital stock to $8,500. In January, 1899, to $10,000 with a surplus of $2,500, The deposits run from $30,000 to $50,000. In 1899, Mrs. Griffin was appointed president of the Clyde Exchange Bank and Mr. Griffin vice-president, which constituted the officers of the firm under the Griffin management. Mr. Griffin began the banking business in a small frame building which burned in the Clyde fire of 1887, and erected the building now occupied by the bank, a brick structure two stories high, 33 1-2 by 45 and 48 feet in dimensions. Recently Mr. Griffin consummated a deal whereby S.T. Powell and G.G. Goodwin became owners and managers of the Clyde Exchange Bank. The new firm will continue the enterprise along the lines of its past popular management. The new officials are accommodating, competent men with many years of banking experience, at Waterville and other towns and are favorably known. The capital stock has been increased to $80,000, making it one of the strongest institutions in the county. S.T. Powell is president of the bank and G.G. Goodwin, cashier. While the citizens of Clyde universally regretted the removal of Mr. Griffin and his excellent family from their city the loss is somewhat sustained by Mr. Goodwin and his estimable family who will become permanent residents of Clyde.
The citizens of the city of Clyde may well refer to the Clyde Military Band with pride and gratification, for it is one of the best organizations of its kind in the state. They organized from raw recruits with the exception of two men, L.M. Duvall and G.S. Rusco. The former was a clarinet player and the latter had been a member of the Dewitt (Nebraska) Band. They were the first to agitate the subject of organizing a band, and called a meeting for that purpose which was held in an old building in the north part of town. The meeting was not a very encouraging one, composed mostly of cigarette smokers who convened out of curiosity. The second meeting was called in the city hall during the month of October, 1898, with a more promising outlook, and a permanent organization was inaugurated with G.S. Rusco, president and leader, L.M. Duvall, secretary and L.J. Banner, treasurer. In 1899 a circus visited Clyde, and while there "busted up" in business. The band was much in need of a leader and secured the services of E.H. Carpenter, the band man of the defunct circus. Under his leadership they progressed rapidly and made their first appearance in public in November, about three weeks after the organization of the band was perfected. The recipient of their favor was C.P. Smith, at that time newly elected judge. The night was a cold one, the instruments froze up, and chilled any desire the boys had to go again. It was during the spring of 1899, through the efforts of Captain Cramner of the Kansas National Guards, that the band earned quite a reputation playing for the Fourth of July celebration and for Clyde's first watermelon carnival. Through him they were furnished temporary suits. Captain Cramner used his influence to establish them as the regimental band but the honor went to Ottawa. In June, 1901, Arthur Marshall of Ames assumed the leadership. Mr. Marshall's ability as a band leader is universally acknowledged where he is known. He was leader of the Marshall Band, composed entirely of members of his family and became locally famous. There were seven brothers, and others who were relatives of the family, in the Marshall Band. Several of the members of the Clyde Military Band have made remarkable strides, but Logan Rundell stands preeminently at the head in point of talent and progress as a baritone player. In 1900, the younger growth of boys organized what they designated "The Kid Band," took the cast-off instruments, and persevered until now they are all members of the Clyde Military Band, making a membership of twenty with uniforms for all. They practice regularly Thursday night during the winter months, and Tuesday and Thursday nights during the summer months, and impose measures making it obligatory for members to be present.
The present officers are G.S. Rusco, president and Frank Rupe, treasurer, secretary and drum major. In July of the present year a band stand was erected by popular subscription, located in the northwest corner of the "Commercial Hotel" grounds, where they discourse sweet music regularly twice a week.
One of the most important industries in the Clyde vicinity is the extensive creamery of C.H. Armstrong. The business was established in 1883, and consists of the main factory, located in the suburbs of the city of Clyde, and eight skimming stations. The milk is gathered from their various customers, separated by the best power separators at the stations and the cream shipped to central stations, where it is churned. The capacity is limited only by the amount of milk or cream received. With their present capacity they could readily handle from four thousand to five thousand pounds of butter daily. An experience of nineteen years has demonstrated to Mr. Armstrong that cheap machines are not economical and all stations are equipped with the best money can buy - the "Alpha" and "DeLaval" - both belt and steam turbine. At the factory two large Disbrow Combined Churn and Butter Workers are used and the product is packed directly from the churns into prints or tubs as the trade desires.
The M. E. church of Clyde was built at a cost, including lots, of five
thousand five hundred dollars. The first trustees were: J.H. Ingham, J.B. Rupe,
F.B. Rupe, L. Mosher, U.J. Smith, W.N. Woodard and Thomas Owen. Among those who
gave substantial aid in the building up of the Methodist Episcopal church is the
Reverend Marlatt, of Manhattan, who was really in charge of the work with R.P.
West, but by mutual agreement, allowed Mr. West this part of the district. Mr.
Marlatt preached at the residence of Charles Huntress in Clay Center, in 1865,
and at the first quarterly meeting held in Cloud county at the home of "Uncle
Moses" Heller. Reverend West was the first minister and Reverend Marlatt the
second to hold services in the county. Mr. Heller had just finished a fine (fine
in those days) log house with a covering of shakes and a floor, the latter
uncommon at that time. In this the first quarterly meeting was held which
occurred in November, 1866, and was an historical event in the community. At the
next quarterly meeting Elder Taylor remained a week, holding services at which
nearly everybody became converted, but as Mr. Rupe states, "the conversions
seemed to be more to Elder Taylor than the Lord, for as soon as he went away the
new converts made shipwrecks of their faith." Elder Taylor removed to Arkansas
where he died at the age of ninety years. The first effort of the Methodist
organization toward a house of worship was buying the city hall from a joint
stock company, Frank B. Rupe paying for nearly half of the stock. The building
was afterward sold to Mart Patrie for seven hundred and fifty dollars, which
gave the church a start toward building their present handsome edifice. The hall
mentioned is now the implement house of A.J. Patterson.
One of the events that Clyde may well feel proud of was the corner stone laying of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Addresses were made by Reverends Davidson and Shackleford; excellent music rendered by the choir and special songs by the pupils of Mrs. Sohlinger and Miss Ella Stuck, teachers of the Clyde public schools. At this meeting, fifteen hundred dollars had to be raised and there was no devised system planned for its accomplishment. However, there happened to be on the ground a leader just fitted for the emergency. This gentleman was Elder Lockwood, who boldly went forward and declared the said amount must be raised. Few believed it could be done, but from the enthusiasm he infused, it soon became evident the mountain was going to give way. It did, and be it said to the glory of Clyde, the amount was pledged for and something over fifty dollars to spare. Among those who made contributions deserving of mention are the Taggart brothers, J.H. Ingham, F.B. Rupe, W.N. Woodard and Professor T.W. Roach. Of those out of the church who showed a magnanimous public spirit, should be mentioned Judge Borton, W.S. Cannon, Dr. Thompson, Will Peck, Elder John Boggs, Goff & Son, __ Farmer and Daniel Lesadder, the latter contributing five hundred dollars.
Next was the formal laying of the corner stone. There was deposited in it a Bible, a hymn book, a copy of the Central Advocate, the names of all the members of the church, a copy of the Herald and Democrat, and Miss Ella Stuck had the names of her pupils printed on cards and enclosed. The closing prayer was made by Reverend Gaylord. Much credit is due Reverend G.W. Grabe, for had it not been for his push, perseverance and energy, it is doubtful whether Clyde would have succeeded in building one of the finest churches in northwest Kansas.

On April 17, 1880, the session convened at the house of the pastor, Reverend H. Gaylord, who acted as moderator, with Elders James Clithero and Dr. D.B. Dutton. They voted that the session adopt the following as so much of the past history of the Clyde Presbyterian church.
The Clyde Presbyterian church was organized by Reverend G.I. Chapin, of Irving, Kansas, and was then included in Smoky Hill Presbytery. Succeeding Reverend Chapin the Reverend M.P. Jones ministered to the congregation for a short time as stated supply, having also the church at Concordia. In consequence of difficulties growing out of the building of the church edifice Mr. Jones was compelled to leave and for several years there was no preaching nor any religious services whatever. Reverend H.J. Gaylord was sent into the field by Dr. Hill the "Synodical Missionary" in the spring of 1878. With his preaching on the first Sabbath of May of that year begins the real history of the church. But four persons were found on the ground who could be recognized as members of the church and only two of these were members practically. Since that date the church has been by its Great Head blessed with a gradual but most encouraging growth in numbers and spiritual power. The session met at the Shirley school house; after worship the following additions were received with church fellowship: Dr. D.B. Dutton and wife and Hannah T. Dutton; the former from the First Congregational church, of Matamora, Illinois, and the latter from the United Presbyterian church of Johnson county, Missouri. Dr. Dutton was chosen elder and welcomed to his seat in the session. From this time forward the church has progressed. Many have removed from time to time; many have been cut down by the "grim reaper," but the congregation has kept a steady march onward and is in good condition. There are few remaining of the early members; among them we will note Mrs. Gaylord and Mr. Pitsch, the latter with his wife received into the church October 22, 1879.
On November 9, 1879, the Clyde Presbyterian church was dedicated to the service of the Most High God, Reverend Dr. Hill preaching the dedication sermon, assisted by Reverend Farmer of Concordia, and Reverend J. Gaylord, of Clyde. In August 1879, Lyman J. Loveland was elect elder. In 1889, P. McCrea was chosen elder but he left Clyde and A. Moffatt was elected to take his place. Mr. Moffatt is still an elder and the only one of those early members. James Clithero removed from Clyde in 1882. Reverend W.W. Wells took charge of the field in the spring of 1886, and during his pastorate H.N. Ralston was made elder.
In the autumn of 1890, David R. Hindman was appointed moderator. In the spring of 1892, he was succeeded by H.W. Clark whose year expired May 1, 1893, and a meeting was called in February of the same year, to determine whether he sould[sic] be invited to remain another year; and it was unanimously decided to invite him to supply the pulpit. During the first year of his labor twenty-three additions to the church were recorded.
December 26, 1894, W.H. Rockefeller was unanimously elected to take the place of L.B. Hayes who had moved from the city and Reverend Clark was unanimously voted to supply the pulpit another year, at the close of which the congregation voted him for the third time by a very large majority to remain the ensuing year.
Reverend George McKay, a very worthy man and much beloved minister, began his labors in Clyde in July, 1899 and remained until 1902. January 16, 1898, Dr. C.F. Leslie and A.W. Gerhardt were installed as elders, to fill the vacancies made by the removal of elders, L.B. Hayes and H.B. Ralston.
The dimensions of the church are 25x40 feet, with a capacity for one hundred and fifty people. It is a frame structure with an entrance 8x8 feet. They have a parsonage on grounds adjoining - a seven-room modern dwellIng. The church has an aid society and a mite society in good condition. They have one of the best choirs in the city which has been an attractive feature for many years, and have recently added a pipe organ, the only one in Cloud county. The present pastor is Reverend Moffatt, who was assigned this charge in 1902.
A really picturesque site in Clyde is that of the Catholic church, situated
on the summit of a gently rising slope at the western end of town. It commands
an enchanting view of the various bends of the river in the southwest, while
trees innumerable hide away the city in the east. The Union Pacific tracks skirt
the church grounds on the north, a constant reminder - as it were - to this
peaceful spot of the throbbing pulse of the world outside.
There are three buildings in the enclosure. In the center stands the church, on either side of which are the academy and parsonage. All three of these buildings present a cheerful appearance from the outside. The academy is a large brick building sixty feet square, with a belfry one hundred feet high in the front. The church is 70x34 feet in dimensions, a frame building of imposing and yet cheerful aspect. The priest's nook is a cozy, comfortable and Inviting place.
Five and twenty years ago they were different. Where these buildings stand tall grass abounded then. In some little house in town the Catholics gathered to worship. Father Mollier astride his slow but sure mount carried hither in saddle bags the wherewithal he needed for mass. But swiftly the news of the growing Canadian settlement spread to Kankakee, Illinois, and to the far off Canada. Settlers poured rapidly in to the surrounding country of Clyde and with them came the necessity of building a church.
The good Father was the man for the task, indeed, several such works were already to his credit. His reputation brought to the undertaking an abundance of support, not only from those of his own persuasion but from numerous protestants as well. With an eye to the future he had the building made several times larger than its needs called for and at the same time susceptible of being further added to. His forethought was more than justified by events, for three years ago Reverend J. Maher realized the necessity of enlarging its capacity and added thirty feet on the north side, and the indications point to the need of still larger accommodations within a few years.
The church has not been fortunate in retaining its pastors for a long period of time. The first resident pastor, Reverend Father Pierre, who built the parsonage, remained only a couple of years. His successor, Reverend Father Pagett, stayed but a few months. Then came Father Leonard, a much beloved man, out of whose heart and purse arose the academy. The building cost $8,000, most of which came from his generous hand. It is now the orphan asylum of the diocese of Concordia, as well as the parochial school of Clyde. It has also been used at various times as a boarding school for small boys. Father Leonard has since gone to his reward. He was succeeded by the Reverend Father Fitzpatrick, who remained about two years and was one of the best loved priests that passed a time at Clyde. The next was Reverend Father Plamondon, who did not remain very long. He was followed by a venerable and much revered clergyman, Rev. Father A.J. Legrand. His previous career had been an unique one. He was born in the Channel Islands, was a fellow of Oxford, an army captain in Africa, an Episcopalian missionary in China and Poland and for many years superintendent of the Anglican Mission in Italy. He at length became a Catholic priest. Clyde was his first pastorate and there he labored for three years with truly apostolic zeal. Reverends Conway and Lecontere in turn succeeded Father Legrand. In the autumn of 1899, Clyde was vouchsafed a Catholic pastor whose eloquence has thrilled hundreds of Kansas audiences, and is today in growing favor. Father Maher, born on the Green Isle and educated in France, was a justly popular priest. He enlarged the church at Clyde and added greatly to the numerical strength and esprit of the congregation. Two years of labor showed his sterling worth. He was promoted to the deanship of Salina where his influence has been most beneficient. Father Malier departed for his new field in 1901, and Reverend Conway was reappointed. He has lately been succeeded by Father Perrier, a popular and enthusiastic churchman of Concordia.
The headquarters of the Effiingham and Muscotah Telephone Company are located in the city of Clyde. The officials of this local and long distance telephone are: R.B. Miller, president; James Sager, vice-president; J.A. Sohlinger, treasurer and manager; J.H. Sager, secretary.
The enterprise was established and put in operation by the Reise Construction Company in 1900. The industry was started in April of that year with forty-five 'phones. They now control one hundred and fifteen 'phones and twenty-five miles of toll line. They connect with all towns in northwest Kansas. They use the grounded system, American electrical board and the American and North Electric 'phones. The central office is located over the Exchange Bank and is presided over by Miss Maggie Sohlinger, assisted by Miss Florence Lowers. Ernest Stimson is the electrician.
The officials at the head of this enterprise are all well known business men of Clyde, who are interested in many progressive organizations that contribute substantially to the public welfare. John Alfred Sohlinger, the popular manager of the system has proven an efficient officer and has acquired a thorough knowledge of the equipments of the company.
The only department store in Clyde, "The Regulator," was established by Schroeder Brothers and has had a checkered career, owing to the panic that caused the downfall of many firms which were apparently based on an iron foundation. Shroeder moved his stock from the city and John Randolph established a general merchandising concern, but after a struggle of a few years went into bankruptcy, and later Mr. Patterson assumed control and he, too, subsequently went into liquidation. There were traditionally three in the charmed number but it remained for the fourth, F.0. Lutz, to make the grand success he has done of this commodious, well appointed, up-to-date department store. He assumed control of "The Regulator" in August, 1899. In the spring of 1902 he bought the Brown shoe store formerly owned by Patterson. In justice to the former managers of this store it must be said their failure was not due to mismanagement, but mainly to the condition of the times - the stringency in the money market when all business enterprises were under a dark cloud and many strong foundations took a downward slide.
Mr. Lutz has made many convenient changes, one being an arch connecting the shoe department with the main building; the latter had been divided by a partition which was removed and the room is now used exclusively for dry goods. From a general merchandise of small proportions it has merged into a department store of great magnitude, so dear to the hearts of the weaker sex in all of our larger cities. During the busy seasons the firm employs from ten to twelve clerks; the average number is eight and they are kept busy. The proprietor and the assistants are always courteous, painstaking and careful to please. The annual sales average about forty-five thousand dollars, more than doubling a capital of twenty thousand dollars invested. This store ranks as one of the first in the country and is a paying enterprise financially. Mr. Lutz has had an experience of about twenty years; ten of that period he was in the employ as traveling salesman of a Kanasas[sic] City jobbing house and he has also been in the employ of several large eastern wholesale houses in the same capacity. He made his first venture in business for himself in the city of Clyde on a capital of seven thousand dollars. He is now interested in a large department store under the firm name of Walker, Bruce & Lutz at Narka, Kansas, doing an annual business of fifty thousand dollars.
For years the subject of building a mill was agitated in Clyde. In January, 1874, a meeting was held in Judge McCrea's office for the purpose of considering a grist mill in Clyde, and a joint stock company was organized to be known as the Clyde Mill Company. An appeal was made to the citizens of Clyde "to put a shoulder to the wheel" and put the project through. This was a step toward the development of their magnificent young country and which has since proved a paying investment; but it was months ere the shares were all taken up, men of much courage standing aloof and depending upon others for the achievement of the project. In the autumn of 1878, F.W. Frasius erected a mill near the Central Branch tracks or near the site of the present mill, which burned in 1880.

During the summer of 1881 the Clyde Mill Company was incorporated with C.W. VanDeMark president, R.J. Abbott, treasurer, and F.W. Frasius, secretary. The property and bulk of the stock was owned by the VanDeMarks. They started by grinding corn and feed, but later machinery for grinding wheat was put in and subsequently an immense elevator. The business prospered and grew in proportion until they had a capacity of seventy-five barrels of flour per day. The elevator had a storage capacity of forty thousand bushels of grain, with loading and unloading facilities for ten car loads per day. The forty-horse power in the mill furnished the power for the elevator, being transmitted by means of an underground cable. This institution gave labor to about ten men. They had grain stations at Ames, Rice and Lawrenceburg. The whole thing burned on the 12th of March, 1887. It was only partially covered by insurance and was never rebuilt. At this time they were feeding one hundred and thirty head of cattle. Barns and sheds full of grain were burned and they were compelled to ship their stock. Most of the grain and sheds were a total loss.
The Clyde Roller Mill was built by R.B. Miller and E. Temple of Clifton. in 1900, and incorporated soon afterward as the Clyde Milling Company, E. Temple selling his stock to John Woodruff. The officers are A. Wangerein, president, R.B. Miller, vice-president and general manager, James Sager, secretary, James B. Sager, bookkeeper and assistant manager. W.E. Gray is head miller. At the expiration of six months the capacity of the mill was increased from one hundred to three hundred barrels. The corporation has a paid up capital of twenty-nine thousand dollars. The present value of the property is about seventy thousand dollars.
The mill is equipped with the latest Nordyke machinery and their trade extends as far east as Cleveland, Ohio, and Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, as far south as Chattanooga and Nashville, and west to Denver. The milling company also operates an elevator in connection, with a storing capacity of thirty thousand bushels. When running full force this corporation gives employment to fifteen men.
The main building of the Clyde Roller Mill is eighty by sixty feet in dimensions, three stories and a basement with engine and boiler room thirty by forty feet. The mill basement contains two line shafts, elevator boots and conveyer, taking wheat from three dumps. The first floor contains eight double stands of Nordyke & Marmon Company rollers. One stand 9x36 first and second break; one stand 9x3O, third and fourth break; one stand 9x18, first middlings; one stand 9x18, second middlings; one stand 9x24, fourth middlings and first sizings; one stand 9x18, third middlings; one stand 9x8, tailings and second sizings; one stand 9x18, fifth and sixth middlings; one three pair high 9x18 feed mill; one bran packer, one shorts packer, one flour cylinder, two flour packers, one hopper scale, and three platform scales. From this floor on the west is the flour storage room 120x60 feet. The second floor contains two single purifiers, one double purifier, three dust collectors, one bran duster, one shorts duster, four wheat scourers, one suction fan for feed exhaust, one separator. This floor also contains two wheat tempering bins and one bin over each packer. The third floor contains three large swing sifters, four large dust collectors, one corn cleaner, one receiving separator, one milling separator, one reel for bolting corn meal, and one reel for rye flour. Four flour dressers, also elevator heads, shafting, etc. The driveway on the north of mill contains three dumps, above which is storage for one hundred and fifty thousand bushels of wheat. The engine is a one hundred and fifty horse power Twin City Corliss and boiler capacity of two hundred horse power. Also in the engine room there is a dynamo which furnishes electric light for the mill. All the machinery in the mill is of the Nordyke & Marmon make and is all of the latest pattern. The machinery was installed by Theodore Ponsar, one of Nordyke & Marmon Company's expert millwrights.
The following personal sketches of the management who have brought this enterprise up to its present standard will be of interest to the public generally. They are all highly successful business men who have spared no expense in fitting and making this mill come up to the requirements of the trade.
A. Wangerien, the president of the company, is a thorough business man and came to Kansas from Cleveland, Ohio, about twenty-five years ago, locating near the little town of Vining, where he established a general merchandising business, and later bought a half interest in an elevator which has a storing capacity of thirty-five thousand bushels. He owns about two thousand acres of fine land lying east of Clyde and north and south of Vining, and has a herd of about four hundred Hereford cattle.
R.B. Miller, vice president and general manager, was a successful grain buyer and elevator man for several years. In the latter part of the 'eighties he became interested in the milling business and has made a success in both lines. He is one of the directors of the Elk State Bank. He is president of the Effingham & Muskotah Telephone Company and is recognized as one of Clyde's most capable business men. Mr. Miller, with his family, reside in Clyde.
James Sager, secretary, came to Vining about the same time Mr. Wangerien did and engaged in the implement business; also invested in land. He now owns about two thousand acres and five hundred head of fine Hereford cattle. He is a native of Canada and was practically a poor man when he came, another illustration of what energy can do in Kansas.
John Woodruff is a farmer living east of Clyde. He came to Kansas a poor man with an ox team a quarter of a century ago. He now owns a model stock farm of four hundred acres. These men all exhibit keen interest in the development of agriculture and stock raising.
James B. Sager, bookkeeper and assistant manager, graduated from the Ottawa, Canada, Normal and is an expert in his profession. He has been connected with the firm since they began operations in 1900. He is also secretary and one of the stockholders of the Effingham & Muskotah Telephone Company. He is a resident of Clyde.
The Clyde Milling Company have one of the best equipped mills west of Atchison and one of the best millers in W.E. Gray that money or skill can secure. Mr. Gray has a reputation of being one of the best millers in the state of Nebraska, where he was connected with some of the largest mills for years, until the Clyde Milling Company were fortunate enough to secure his services a year ago. The mill turns out the following brands: "Clyde's Best," "Clyde's Golden Gate" and "Hard to Beat." Mr. Gray has developed a specialty in the way of health flour, which is in every way equal (and by many thought superior) to Ralston's Health Flour, retaining the digestive qualities, that white flour lacks, and is a most nutritious and palatable food product. No expense has been spared in bringing this mill up to its present standard. It is strictly up-to-date and it is the intention to make it a lasting advertisment of the company's reliability and practical knowledge of the milling business. The magnitude of this enterprise financially reaches two hundred thousand dollars annually. The past six months it was eighty-six thousand dollars, and the season was considered below the average, showing their trade to be on the increase, as it justly deserves.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.
New Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z