The Davidson Hardware company is not a corporation. It is the style under which E.C. Davidson and his sons L.F. and J.M. conduct business. They represent one of the leading firms of the city of Glasco and have contributed very liberally to the town's prosperity.
L.F. Davidson is at the head of the management. His business sagacity coupled with his pleasing and cordial manner make him as popular as he is prominent. He has been reared in the Solomon valley and inherits the dauntless spirit of his father. When this company organized in 1897, its assets consisted of $2,000 and its stock was principally farm implements. Their place of business was a basement room.
In the autumn of 1898, they purchased the Geiger stock of hardware, also the building they now occupy, known as the Glasco State Bank building, a large stone structure fifty-two by eighty feet in dimension and two stories in height. The front rooms on the second floor are occupied as offices and the rear is fitted up for an opera house. They now have in course of erection another building adjoining the one they already have and occupied by their stock of hardware. It is of stone, forty-six by one hundred and fifteen feet, and two stories in height. It is to be used for a wagon carriage and implement house to their rapidly increasing business. The second floor will have a row of offices in the front, something much needed in Glasco, for there are few available office rooms in the city. Their buildings are lighted by acetelyne gas from their individual plant.
In 1899, this firm increased their capital stock to $9,000. Their present stock will invoice about $12,000. Their first year's sales were $11,000, the second year's sales $25,000 and the present year (1901) $80,000. They sold a total of nine threshing outfits the season just ending; of these they sold three in one day and drove eighty-two miles. In the three years they have been in business they have disposed of one hundred and twenty-one Champion harvesters which netted a total of $17,725. In 1900, they sold two car-loads of buggies and the present year, three car-loads, and one carload of wagons, with three car-loads of Fuller Lee Havana drills.
They carry in stock a full line of shelf hardware, tinware, cutlery, paints and oils. Being amply supplied with capital this company buys direct from the manufacturers in large quantities, and practically controls the sale in the Solomon valley, transacting an enormous business.
Mr. Davidson was one of the fifty-five hardware men of Kansas that were recently so royally entertained by the Avery Manufacturing company of Peoria, Illinois. The keys of the city were given them, they were badged and everything they demanded was forthcoming. Mr. Davidson was born on the old homestead in 1874. He received his early education in district fifty-eight and the graded schools of Glasco, followed by a course in the Ottawa University. After leaving that distinguished seat of learning he taught a few terms of school very successfully, but was destined for a business career rather than that of an educator.
He was married in 1898, to Sadie Burnett, who was a Cloud county teacher. She is a daughter of L.C. Burnett, dealer in general merchandise and one of Glasco's old residents and highly respected citizens. Mrs. Davidson is a cultured woman of literary tastes and considerable musical talent. The walls of their home resound to the laughter and frolic of two children; Keith Bruce, a little fellow of two years and Fay Ilma.
Mr. Davidson is a Populist in politics but the kind that counts his friends among the ranks of all parties. He was mayor of the city of Glasco in 1900-01 and performed the duties of that office with dignity and credit. He is prominent in lodge work and is a member of the following orders: Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Woodmen, and Knights of Pythias. He is council in the camp of Woodmen order, and holds the office of chancellor in the Knights of Pythias. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are members of the Baptist and Christian churches respectively.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.