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Obituary of AMANDA J. WAY |
Famous Kansas Women Died in California Prohibition in Kansas owes as much to Miss Amanda J Way as to any person that led in the fight to close the salons and bar liquor from the state. She was active in the crusade 30 years ago and her name was familiar as that of John P. St. John. She was a leader in the prohibition fight and to here efforts as much as those of any one else, can be given the credit for the legislation passed in Kansas against liquor. A dispatch from Whittier CA tells the news of Miss Way's death. And the thousands of people in Kansas who believe earnestly in prohibition are touched with regret. Miss way lived at Pleasanton, in Linn County KS. She came to the young state from Maine. The movement to make Kansas dry was just beginning and it was inspired by the spirit of the crusaders of territorial days when the first settlers fought to make it free for all men, whether white or black. Miss Way was a minister of the Quaker church. She plunged into the campaign, making two and three speeches a day for prohibition and her addresses were regarded as among the most effective given. It was in 1880 that Kansas witnessed a campaign equaled but once since in point of general public interest. The other campaign was that made by the Populists in 1890. Pulpits were turned into campaign, platforms. Sunday schools were made rallying places for voters against saloons. From June until October basket meetings, picnics and camp meeting in groves and woods were conducted by the different communities of the state in the great fight. And Amada Way was leading in it all. She traveled about the state, speaking wherever possible and constantly raising her voice in an appeal for cleaner and better civilization. Wherever she went great crowds attended her meetings. She was to the prohibition cause what Susan B. Anthony was to suffrage or Mary Ellen Lease was to Populism in later years. Miss Way was not militant, she was not even unusually vigorous. Instead she carried into her speaking the gentle, quiet manner of the early Quakers. Instead of argument she appealed to the moral sentiment of the voter against the evils of what was termed in that time, :the Demon Rum." Thousands of Kansas people recall her great work and note the news of her death with sincere regret. Because Kansas now knows that prohibition pays in progress, prosperity and development, The saloon no longer helps to fill the prisons. Many Kansas counties are without criminals in their jails. Almshouses have fewer occupants that other States and Prohibition, Kansas affirm, deserves a great deal of credit. -- Topeka Capital. Quite a number of our oldest Citizens will remember Miss Way as a tireless worker in the state in the interest of the Good Templary. She visited Clyde and was beloved by all who came in contact with her. She leaves a record of faithful service well rendered. |
Transcribed and Contributed by Dan Meckenstock |
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