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Isaac Montgomery (1800-1905)
Transcribed 2 from the Clyde Republican. March 23, 1905
Oldest Man in Kansas

Isaac Montgomery, who perhaps was the oldest man in Kansas, died at his home in this city (Clyde KS) Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM. For several months past he has been troubled with dropsy, which his physicians claimed would prove fatal within a few months.

Last week the old gentleman fell and sustained some slight bruises, but slight as they were it is more than likely that the end was hastened by the fall. It has been only a couple of weeks since we saw the old gentleman out riding. He has been a very old man as long as the oldest inhabitants can recall. There is no doubt but what he has passed the century mark several years, although there is a difference of opinion among his children regarding his age � the age quoted above is by authority of George Montgomery.

Isaac Montgomery was born in Pennsylvania March 26, 1800 and had he lived until next Sunday would have been 105 years old. This wonderful old man has had an eventful life and has lived to an age granted only to few people.

He was one of a family of eight boys and three girls. His father was born on the Isle of Man, coming to this country in 1775 and was a member of General George Washington�s regiment during the war. He once owned a tract of land in New York that he leased to some promoters for a term of 99 years and this lease expired thirty years ago. The heirs have tried to get possession but so far have failed. The land is very
valuable now, being situated in the heart of one of the principle portions of New York City.

Isaac Montgomery was married in 1832. He moved to Illinois in 1850. Thirty years later he came west to Kansas and settled in Clyde. During the Civil War he was too old to carry arms but sent three sons who fought for the Union. Since his wife�s death, thirty years ago, he has lived with his daughter Miss Amelia who has been his housekeeper and companion.

He leases seven children as follows: Susan Leichleiter age 66 years who lives in Coffey county, Silas Montgomery age 65 years, Kingsfisher OK; George Montgomery age 62 Clyde KS; Wm. Montgomery age 59, Madrid NE; Mrs. David Couch age 58, Holton, KS; Amelia Montgomery 54, Clyde KS; Mrs. Margret Stick age 49 years, Plainville, KS.

The funeral will be held at the Montgomery home in east Clyde today Rev. A. E. Martin of the Baptist church having charge of the ceremonies. The interment will take place this afternoon at Mt. Hope cemetery.

Three years ago a report for the Republican visited Isaac Montgomery at his home at east Clyde and talked to him for an hour or more regarding his past life. At that time his memory was very good and he gave us a very entertaining account of his life. Tuesday we again visited the home and looked for the last time upon the remains of the old gentleman who lived more than one hundred years and recalled the words of an old
friend who once said, �Life is nothing but a fleeting fancy, a few short years and then death.� It seems to us that this would not apply in the case of Isaac Montgomery.

Transcribed and Contributed by Dan Meckenstock

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:02:25

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