1905 History of Crawford County Kansas

Thomas J. Crowell, a prominent druggist and business man of Pittsburg, has lived within the confines of Crawford county since he was thirteen years old. The year 1876, in which he came here, was an early one in the history of this part of the state, for settlers were few, official highways were not at all, and the entire county was in the turmoil of a period of development and growth into a fixed community. At the same time the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railroad was seeking a right of way and grants of land from Congress in this county, and as a consequence there was much confusion in the buying and selling of farm lands. Mr. Crowell has thus been identified with the county from its incipiency, and the county has been fortunate in numbering him among her progressive business men for a number of years. He is well known in Pittsburg and the surrounding country and is held in high esteem both in business and in social circles.
Mr. Crowell was born in Salisbury, North Carolina, in 1863, being a son of James and Catharine (Russell) Crowell. His father was also a native of North Carolina, but later brought his family to McLean county, Illinois, and from there, in January, 1876, moved to Crawford county, Kansas, where he bought a farm and made a home for his family. He and his wife still live on their farm four miles west of Pittsburg, and are highly respected people and have been successful in their farming career. His wife was also a native of North Carolina.
Thomas J. Crowell received most of his education in the Kansas State Normal College, at Fort Scott, where at the time several others who have since become prominent in Pittsburg were students. He graduated there in 1885, having devoted himself especially to the sciences, such as chemistry, which would lead him into the pharmaceutical profession which he had already planned as his career. After he had become well started in this profession, on January 2, 1890, in partnership with C. W. Dry, he established a drug store in Pittsburg, under the name of Dry and Crowell. In July, 1891, he bought his partner's interest, and since that time has been the sole owner and manager of this important enterprise. He has a large store at 405 North Broadway, and carries an extensive stock of drugs, paints, oil, glass, school supplies, stationery articles, sporting goods and other merchandise which make up the well equipped drug store, and he has enjoyed a very large patronage.
Mr. Crowell was married at Lamar, Missouri, to Miss Leona Lake, and they have two children, Paul and Harold. Mr. Crowell affiliates with the local lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also with other fraternal associations.
Pages 322-323 from A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas, by Home Authors; Illustrated. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL : 1905. 656 p. ill. Transcribed by Trey Logan, student at Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, in April, 2003.