1905 History of Crawford County Kansas
Philip Wing Hathaway
Lewis R. Jewell
Franklin A. Jewell
Lewis R. Jewell
Philip Wing Hathaway | Lewis R. Jewell | Franklin A. Jewell | Lewis R. Jewell |
[The following sketches of the Hathaway and Jewell families, containing biographical and descriptive matter of greatest importance to the history of Crawford county, were prepared by Mr. F. A. Jewell and owing to unavoidable delay did did[sic] not reach the publishers in time for their proper insertion on earlier pages.]
PHILIP WING HATHAWAY, a pioneer of Iowa and the Cherokee Indian Neutral Lands, was born on a farm near Wareham, Massachusetts. His early life was little unlike that of most boys of his dayspent in farm work with few school advantages, intermingled with pleasures and griefs. He stayed at home until 1832, when his father died, which parent left surviving him a wife and six childrentwo daughters, Adline and Sophia; four boys, Albert, Andrew, Philip and Mathias.
Young Philip, tiring of the farm, sought other pursuits more in keeping with his endowed talent as a mechanic. At the age of nineteen, he entered the machine shops and rolling mills at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, then followed his trade in the cities of Harrisburg and Philadelphia until soon his energies, natural and acquired abilities brought him in favor with the masters of his trade and promotions followed successively. Finally he became a partner in the ownership of one of Philadelphia's rolling mills and machine shops which after a few years of successful operation burned down with sad disaster to its owners; and to satisfy their creditors Mr. Hathaway sacrificed his beautiful home and most of his other property, having barely money enough left from the sale to convey himself and family in 1849 to Allamakee county, Iowa, where he located a beautiful homestead twelve miles from Lansing. Here he met J. A. Wakefield, who afterward became famous in making Kansas early history. These men being near neighbors and each members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and strangers to a new country, their friendly relations were that of brother to brother. In 1856, through his friend Wakefield, who had sold out and gone to Kansas a year previous, Mr. Hathaway was induced to sell out and go to Kansas. He bought a squatter's claim near Lawrence, but when he returned with his family he found another had possessed his claim, having later purchased it of the same settler. In May, 1857, in company with his old friend Judge Wakefield, a tour of southeast Kansas and the "Neutral Lands" was made and on their return they stopped at a place on the military road about three quarters of a mile north of the present city of Arcadia, Kansas, where lived a man by the name of Howell, who had married a Cherokee Indian woman, thus giving him a head right in the Indian lands, and who had begun the building of a double log house, which Hathaway finished and lived in until he erected a frame building in 1871, a half mile south on the Howell tract. Hathaway gave Howell $1,000 cash for his 320 acre claim, Howell agreeing to and did give his new purchaser a permit which was passed on by the tribal chief and the same permit was renewed each year thereafter until said land became subjected to government entry. This is the first treaty recorded that a settler ever made with the Indians on the neutral lands for his head right or claim.
At the age of twenty-six in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, young Hathaway had met, wooed and wedded Elizabeth, the accomplished and college-educated daughter of a Mr. Gregg, an Englishman and a merchant of that city. Her father was so opposed to the wedding of his daughter to the machinist, thinking her too good for a tradesman, that when each of the lovers sought his consent by argument and persuasion, they only met with rebuke, until finally Cupid was bound no longer, and as lovers of today are, so they were of yore, and leaving the stern parent in his rage they stepped across the street to the home of a magistrate and were married.
Mr. Hathaway's ancestry are those of English history, the American branch of which came with the Pilgrim fathers to the shores of the Atlantic. Mr. Hathaway followed farming and stockraising and erected a shop and followed his trade both in Iowa and Kansas and it is said that he was one of the best mechanics that ever came west and wrought in both wood and metal, and seemingly could manufacture anything from a common sewing needle to a locomotive. Here on his place he established the first postoffice south of Ft. Scott, named in honor of its founder, which he kept until after the war, in 1865, when it took the name of Arcadia. In April, 1858, fever took away his happy companion and wife, and interment of her body on the old homestead is that of the first who slept in the old Arcadia cemetery. The death of this kind and affectionate mother and devoted wife left Mr. Hathaway to console and care for his five motherless children, two boysM. Ellis and Albert S., who are now gold miners and ranchers in northern California, and three girls, Adaline E., widow of E. J. McCoy and now living with her brothers in the west; Sophia N., the widow of the late Lewis R. Jewell and who resides on the old Hathaway homestead; and Harriet E., wife of James Nichols, who resides with her husband and family in Woodward county, Oklahoma.
In 1860 Mr. Hathaway married Jane Carroll, a lady of Cherokee Indian descent, who was of fair skin, tall, light hair and blue eyes. She was a good and loving mother and dutiful wife, but lived less than a year after her marriage.
Mr. Hathaway was a very pronounced anti-slavery advocate, and was refused enlistment in the union army on account of physical disability. On the night of May 20, 1864, Henry Taylor, a sheriff of Vernon county, Missouri, before and after the war, at the head of a guerrilla band of eighty well armed and mounted men, entered the military road at the present city of Arcadia, Kansas, and took Mr. Hathaway prisoner, who, however, miraculously escaped, with other prisoners, at Wheeling, five miles northeast of his homestead on the state line, when this band of bushwhackers was fired upon by a party of Wisconsin union soldiers headed by George Pondan attack which occasioned Tayler's great confusion and rapid retreat to his home in Missouri.
In November, 1874, Mr. Hathaway having been afflicted for years with the chronic disease of gravel which he contracted in the rolling mills of Pennsylvania, was conquered by the grim messenger of death. He had been a man of fine physique, broad shouldered and six feet tall, well informed in biblical, political and current topics; a man quick to anger and as soon to forget and forgive, and yet a man of deep convictions, and generous to a fault. No man was ever turned away from his door hungry, be he a federal or confederate soldier.

COLONEL LEWIS R. JEWELL, son of Lewis and Deborah (Brooks) Jewell, was born August 16, 1822, at the old Jewell homestead at Marlboro, Middlesex county, Massachusetts, where his brother John L. yet resides. He was of the seventh generation in the line from Joseph, who was the third son of Thomas Jewell of near Boston, Massachusetts, of whom earliest authentic record found was in 1639. The name has been changed and modified from Jule, Joyell, Jewel to the present Jewell. At what times in English history the modifications of the name took place, the family record fails to show. He was raised, schooled and trained under the stern Christian parents of the Methodist belief and while yet in his teens his uncle Abiga Brooks, then a leading merchant of Harmer, Ohio, sent for him to assist in the mercantile business, which he did until he entered into a contract with the Spalding Pump Manufacturing Company by the terms of which the company agreed to keep him supplied with its factory's output. In a short time the firm enlarged and increased the capacity of the factory to its uttermost, the young salesman having met with such marked success in his first "self-reliance" business that the fatory[sic] was months behind with the filling of orders. He decided to enter the mercantile business with David Putnam, which he did, and bought an interest therein.
Mr. Jewell was married to Susan, daughter of John and Nancy (Warren) Hutchinson, March 15, 1843, and after the purchase of a few household goods he found his capital stock in cash was less than four shillings. Thus was Jewell beginning his married life.
In 1854 having sold out his interest in the mercantile business with David Putnam, he purchased of Douglas Putnam an undivided one-fourth interest in the Harmer Manufacturing Company's business and property, and in this business was employed as a general and traveling salesman at a salary of $1,500 per annum to sell the company's product, consisting of all kinds of machinery, moulded and turned and buckets. While traveling through the east he found like factories were being erected whose products would soon come in competition with those of his factory, and hence thought it a wise time to sell his interest in the factory, which he did to John Pool, of Boston, Massachusetts, in 1856.
He then had a steamboat built, christened "Martha Putnam," named in honor of his early partner, David Putnam's, daughter. The boat was equipped with modern machinery from his old factory and in 1857 made its initial trip from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, carrying 300 passengers and its capacity of freight. The boat remained in commission on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers until it was burned at Cairo in the dead of winter with considerable loss to its captain and owner, although it was heavily insured.
In the spring Mr. Jewell, hearing and reading of the great possibilities of the great territory of Kansas, embarked therefor in 1859, and finally arrived in the Cherokee Neutral Lands, in the winter of the same year. Fifteen miles south of Ft. Scott in the pleasant valley west of Arcadia, he located claims and began farming and stock-raising, which he continued until his enlistment in the army in 1860. His first difficulties in the neutral lands occurred when Captain Sturgis, commanding a company of United States troops in company with the Indian agent, beginning at the lower part of the neutral lands, had burned the improvements of and driven away the settlers thereon. They continued their destruction of property until they reached within a few miles of Jewell's home, where they were met by Mr. Jewell and a delegation of settlers, demanding a hearing of their rights or a fight. Captain Sturgis, knowing the feeling and seeing the determination of the settlers, agreed to meet them at Cato, Kansas, which he did on the following day. Where the settlers gathered and formed in battle array confronting the United States troops, arguments and speeches were the program of the day; an agreement was finally reached that a delegation consisting of three should be sent to Washington to lay their troubles before the president. Captain Sturgis agreed to wait their report, which he did and which report was to the effect that no further trouble should be given the settlers of the neutral lands for a year, during which time it was partially guaranteed that all trouble would soon be amicably settled. The excitement of the approaching national troubles seemed to have absorbed any further consideration of such neutral land troubles until after the war.
Mr. Jewell was beginning on a large colonization scheme by which eastern people were to settle in this part of the state and a great commercial and manufacturing city be founded. This plan was frustrated by the outbreak of the Civil war. On the eleventh day of August, 1861, he was elected captain of Company D of the home guard "Frontier Battalion, District of Ft. Scott," and later Gov. Charles Robinson of Kansas commissioned him Lieutenant-Colonel of the United Reserve Corps. On August 27, 1861, he was mustered into the service as lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry Regiment stationed at Ft. Scott, Kansas. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, September 1, 2, and 3 respectively, 1861, the newly formed Kansas regiment narrowly escaped a great battle with Generals Price and Reins, who had concentrated their army of twelve thousand men in Vernon county, across the line from Ft. Scott, with Lexington, Missouri, as their objective point. Several skirmishes were had, including the battle of Drywood, resulting in several fatalties on each side. This was the first awakening of the Civil war by artillery and musketry roar that Kansas felt in this section. Fortunately General Price took up his march for Lexington while General Lane withdrew most of his 2,500 troops from Ft. Scott to Ft. Lincoln and gave orders to Colonel Jewell to burn the city of Ft. Scott at once, to which the Colonel replied, "When General Price begins his occupancy of the city then your order will be obeyed." But General Price did not come and thus the city was saved from fire. During the fall and winter of 1861-1862, Colonel Jewell with the Sixth Kansas maintained headquarters at Ft. Scott, guarding the Kansas border and insuring safety to lives and property of the settlers and routing or capturing roving bands of bushwhackers and confederate detachments which infested the border. Following in the spring in Colonel Weer's Baxter Springs, Grand River, Ft. Gibson and Tahlequah campaigns, Colonel Jewell was in the command of the Sixth Kansas, defeating and putting to flight by cavalry charge Colonel Standwait's command, and assisting in the capture of Colonel Clarkson's confederate forces and train of supplies and arms, and the Cherokee Indian ChiefJohn Rosswith the archives and treasury of his nation. After the return of the white troops, from their successful "Indian Expedition," to Ft. Scott, followed General Blunt's "Lone Jack" expedition, in which the Sixth Kansas did valiant service and effective work against the retreating confederate forces under Colonels Cockrell and Coffee, who were driven from the state of Missouri, during the expedition. Again, after returning to Ft. Scott for much needed supplies and general recuperation of the army and while awaiting the enemy's movements across into his district, General Blunt ordered the campaign of southwest Missouri and northern Arkansas, which was begun in the late summer with Colonel Jewell's Sixth Kansas, participating in the battle of Newtonia, Missouri, and continuing in successive and victorious battles on to Boston. It was in Cove Creek Valley near Cane Hill, Arkansas, when near the close of a day's hard-fought skirmishes, on November 28, that General Blunt (first tendering the command to General Cloud) called for volunteer officers to lead a cavalry charge against the gathering confederate forces. Colonel Jewell promptly responded. Then in turn volunteer companies were called for, which instantly came forward and, their commander leading the way down the valley, the valiant soldiers charged in face of a four gun rebel battery and musketry fire. The gallant command put to flight the enemy and captured the battery, but for failure of support from infantry as had been previously agreed upon, the rebel reinforcements came up and recaptured the battery, shot down the Colonel's horse, mortally wounded and took him prisoner. With his captured comrades he was sent back to the regiment in exchange. The Colonel died of his wounds at Cane Hill November 30, 1862. His remains were sent to his family in Kansas under escort of the company he first raised and was given military burial according to the following order in a national cemetery:
Head Quarters, Fort Scott,Dec. 9, 1862.Special Order, No. 71.EXTRACT.
I. The funeral ceremonies of the late Lieut. Col. L. Jewell, 6th Kans. Vols., mortally wounded in the recent battle near Cane Hill, Arkansas, will take place at 2 o'c. P. M. tomorrow, 10th inst.
II. The escort in the absence of a sufficient number of Cavalry Companies, will consist of Cos. "E" and "F," 1st U. S. Infantry, and a Section of Blairs 2d Kans. Battery.
III. The following named Officers are selected to act as pall bearers, Major Blair 2d Kans. Major Wright 2d Indian H. G. Captain R. H. Offley 1st U. S. Infantry. Captain M. H. Insley, A. G. M. Captain Ayers 2d Kansas. Captain R. W. Hamer C. S.
IV. The National Colors will he displayed at half staff from 2 o'c. P. M. until Retreat. Officers casually at the post will join in the procession in Uniform and side Arms.
V. Rev. R. P. Duval, Chaplain 6th Regiment Kansas Vols. will read the burial service.
Major 3d Wis. Cav.
Cmdg. Post.
The Colonel had the profoundest respect and confidence of his men and he for them had the highest regard, and looked closely to their every need and welfare. He never asked his men to go where he would not willingly lead. His memory ever lives in the hearts of his countrymen for whom he bled and died. Jewell county, Kansas, Pleasanton Post and Girard's S. of V. Camp are named in the Colonel's honor. The Confederate General Jo Shelby, who was the first Confederate officer to see him after captain, treated him with that fitting due respect becoming an officer for a fellow officer and has eulogized the Colonel by voice and pen.
June 1, 1872, his son Lewis removed the Colonel's remains from the National to the Evergreen Cemetery at Ft. Scott, Kansas, and in 1903 from there removed to their final resting place in the family lot in Arcadia Cemetery, where a fitting monument has been erected to his memory. Surviving the Colonel were his widow and only two children: Sarah E. and Lewis R. His widow married, in 1869, George A. Irvin, a Presbyterian minister and late Chaplain of the Eighty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, and he died at Anaheim, California, October, 1897. She now resides with her son's family in the vicinity of her first Kansas home. Sarah E. married Henry P. Ledger, Captain of Company L, Sixth Kansas Regiment, in 1864, and he died August, 1868. She married Louis Trower July 3, 1871, and she died April, 1874.
FRANKLIN A. JEWELL, son of Lewis R. and grandson of Colonel Jewell, was born June 30, 1867, in Crawford county, Kansas, near Arcadia. He received his early education in the public schools and completed his studies at the Kansas Normal College at Ft. Scott, Kansas, and later taught school. He served his apprenticeship on the farm and at the case, and edited and published the News (Reporter) prior to its sale to its present editor. In 1896 he was the Republican nominee for Clerk of the District Court, Crawford county, Kansas, and while the allied forces of Democrats and Populists defeated him at the polls yet he was given a very complimentary vote, receiving a greater number than any of his fellow candidates. Mr. Jewell is president of the Arcadia Town Council, member of the A. O. U. W., M. W. A., F. A. A., and Past Master of the A. F. & A. M., and a thirty-second degree Mason, having finished his last degree in April, 1905. At present he is engaged in real estate business and holds a railroad emigrant agency.
Mr. Jewell with a company of his friends tendered his services to Governor Budd to do duty in the Philippine Islands, according to the following letter:
May 10, 1898.F. A. Jewell, Post Master
Arcadia, Kansas.
Sir:I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram to Governor Budd, of date May 8th, tendering the services of a company of Kansas boys for Military duty in the Philippine Islands, and I am instructed by the Governor to express to you his appreciation of your patriotic offer.
The first call of the President has been responded to by volunteers from the National Guard of California, and there are many thousand applications on file in the office of the Adjutant-General for volunteers in the event of another call by the President. However, by intructions of the Governor, your application has been filed in the Adjutant-General's office.
Yours respectfully,
Executive Secretary.
Mr. Jewell is interested in the advancement of his city and offers liberal inducements for new enterprises to locate thereat.
LEWIS R. JEWELL, son of Col. Lewis R. Jewell, was born August 13, 1846, in Gallipolis, Ohio, and at the age of fourteen he moved to Kansas with his father's family. He worked on his father's farm until he began his studies at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. In 1864 he enlisted in Company L, Sixth Kansas Cavalry, his father's old regiment, of which he was made clerk. After being mustered out in June, 1865, he entered the mercantile business in Old Arcadia of which new named city he became first postmaster, and later in the present city of Arcadia, of which he was one of the prime founders and promoters. He was its second postmaster, being appointed in 1882. He was identified with every enterprise for the advancement of his town and country surrounding. In 1882 he established the first newspaper in Lincoln township, the Arcadia Reporter, and was agent for the lands of the Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Gulf Railroad Company, and conducted a general land, loan and insurance business; he was appointed United States pension attorney and successfully practiced before the Department in behalf of the Old Soldiers.
Socially Mr. Jewell was a Master Mason and had completed the degrees of the York Rite; a member of the A. O. U. W. and the Fraternal Aid Association, also an active member of the G. A. R. Post and the Loyal Legion of Honor. He married March 25, 1866, Sophia N., the daughter of Philip Wing and Elizabeth (Gregg) Hathaway. To their union were born ten children: Franklin A., Frederick L. (deceased), Susan E., Lewis R., William W., Jessie M., Lena M., Joseph C., Maude S., and Harriet A.
Mr. Jewell died February 12, 1899, of locomotor ataxia, due to diseases contracted in the army. His remains were laid to rest under the auspices of the Masonic order in the family burying ground of the Arcadia cemetery. He was a prominent politician of wide acquaintance and an exceptionally good entertainer. He, like his father, was a man of large physique and over six feet tall and of commanding appearance.
Pages 646-656 from A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas, by Home Authors; Illustrated. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL : 1905. 656 p. ill. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, in November, 2003.