1905 History of Crawford County Kansas

Edwin V. Lanyon, president of the National Bank of Pittsburg, is one of the foremost business men and industrial promoters of the city and county. The name of Lanyon appears frequently throughout this work, the family history and enterprises forming an integral part of the annals of Crawford county, as well as of several other industrial centers of the middle west. Mr. E. V. Lanyon is of the second generation of this remarkable family of financiers and industrial magnates, and has done his full share in building up the great interests under the Lanyon name and in making for himself an honored career among his fellow citizens.
Mr. Lanyon was born at Mineral Point, Wisconsin, in 1863, that town having been the point of settlement when the Lanyons came from England, and there they made the beginnings of the zinc industry which made their fortunes. His parents are Josiah and Jane (Trevorrow) Lanyon, the latter a native of England and the former a native of Mineral Point, although of an English-born father. Josiah Lanyon came to Pittsburg in 1882 in connection with the Pittsburg smelter established at that time. He and his wife now live in Mineral Point, Wisconsin.
Mr. E. V. Lanyon was reared and received most of his education at Mineral Point, Wisconsin. He came to Pittsburg with his father in 1882, and learned the zinc smelting business throughout and became connected with the industry. He was later with the smelter at Iola, Kansas, and afterward at Neodesha, where he remained until November, 1903, when he returned to Pittsburg as a place of residence. He is president of the Lanyons' bank in Pittsburg, the National Bank of Pittsburg, whose important place among the financial institutions of this part of the state is detailed in another part of this work. He devotes all his time to the banking business, and has proved himself to be possessed of the characteristic financial ability of the family.
Mr. Lanyon was elected mayor of Pittsburg in April, 1897, and gave a most business-like and creditable administration for two years. Pittsburg has been his place of residence and center of activity for over twenty years, and he has always been found a most enterprising factor in promoting its development and welfare. He is a Republican in politics. Fraternally he is connected with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and with other societies.
Mr. Lanyon was married in Pittsburg in 1889 to Miss Lydia Scott, daughter of Thomas L. Scott, whose history and important connection with the city of Pittsburg is given elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Lanyon have three children, Margery, Edwina and Dorothy.

Pages 244-249 from A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas, by Home Authors; Illustrated. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL : 1905. 656 p. ill. Transcribed by students at Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, in March, 2003.