1905 History of Crawford County Kansas

Edward S. Nevius, proprietor of the Nevius Coal Company at Pittsburg, Kansas, and one of the most prominent coal operators, in Crawford county, is an excellent type of the man who adheres to one line of activity from the time he enters a career and by his persistence and energy attains a marked success to crown his efforts. Mr. Nevius became connected with the coal industry as a boy, and steadily advanced from one position to another, until he is now and has been for nearly fifteen years one of the leading independent dealers of Pittsburg. He has resided here for twenty years, and is one of the most esteemed citizens, honored for his strict business integrity and for the public spirit and enterprise which are manifest in all his relations with his fellow men.
Mr. Nevius was born in Lawrence county, Ohio, in 1864, a son of Charles L. and Nan (Stewart) Nevius. His father, a native of Kentucky, came from that state into the iron regions of Ohio at an early day. He was a soldier in the Civil war, and several years ago he took up his residence in Pittsburg, Kansas, being now in a clerical position in the office of his son. He and his wife have a pleasant home in this city, and are happy and genial old people, enjoying their remaining years in comfort.
Mr. Edward S. Nevius was reared and educated in Ohio, and when still a boy began work for the Southern Ohio Coal Company. He has since mastered the coal industry in every detail, and at an early age was given places of responsibility. In 1884, when he was twenty years old, he came to Pittsburg and took a position with the Kansas and Texas Coal Company, with which he remained for six years, during the last three years holding the position of assistant superintendent. On January 1, 1900, he resigned in order to embark in his present business, which is conducted as the Nevius Coal Company and of which he is the owner. He operates three shafts: No. 1, west of town; No. 2, two miles north of town, and No. 3, which is a new mine, at Stippville, in Cherokee county. Several hundred men are employed in these mines.
Although still a young man, Mr. Nevius is one of the oldest operators in this district, nearly all of the original operators here twenty years ago having either died or moved away. He has a very successful and profitable business, and it is conducted on lines that are the result of years of experience and study in coal mining and dealing.
Mr. Nevius married Miss Carrie Enochs, and they have two daughters, Nadine and Julia. Mr. Nevius is prominent in fraternal circles, being a Knight Templar Mason and a Mystic Shriner, and also a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Pages 454-457 from A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas, by Home Authors; Illustrated. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL : 1905. 656 p. ill. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, in November, 2003.