1905 History of Crawford County Kansas

Lewis S. Schwab, general manager and treasurer of two important Cherokee business enterprises, namely the Cherokee Commercial Company and the Weir Junction Coal Company, has, by his business ability and industrious application to affairs, made himself an influential member of the business circles of Crawford county while still a young man within his twenties. The Cherokee Commercial Company conducts a high-class general merchandise establishment, has a recognized standing for financial reliability and excellent business management, and enjoys a large trade. The other members of this firm are: H. C. Schwab, Clarence Schwab, Bessie Schwab, Fannie F. Watson, H. E. Schwab, M. C. Bolick, George P. Norton, J. G. Schwab. The Weir Junction Coal Company, which was organized in 1897, has J. G. Schwab for president, H. E. Schwab for secretary, and Lewis S. Schwab for general manager and treasurer, and it mines and sells a very superior quality of coal, having two of the leading coal mines of Crawford county
Mr. Lewis S. Schwab was born in Henry county, Illinois, June 27, 1876, a son of John and Hester C. Schwab. His father, who died in 1897, was a successful business man, especially as a coal dealer and operator, and he came from Henry county, Illinois, to this county, where he controlled large interests up to the time of his death. He was of pronounced political views, being first a Greenbacker and then a Populist, believing that the policies thus represented were the best for the country. He was a Lutheran in religious faith, and his wife, who is a Congregationalist, is still living at the Cherokee home. They were the parents of seven children living, who have inherited the business instincts of their father and are all interested in the business affairs controlled by the family. The children are: Mrs. Mary C. Bolick, secretary of the company; Mrs. Fannie F. Watson; J. G. Schwab is president of the Weir Junction Coal Company; Lewis S. is the next in order of age; Hettie F. is secretary of the coal company; and Clarence A. and Bessie A. are both interested in the coal business.
Mr. Lewis S. Schwab received his early training both in Henry county, Illinois, and in Crawford county, and as soon as school days were over he threw himself energetically into the conduct of business affairs, in which he has gained great prestige. He is a Chapter Mason, and one of the young leaders in the van of progress in this section of the state. He is a worker in the Presbyterian church.
Pages 522-526 from A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas, by Home Authors; Illustrated. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL : 1905. 656 p. ill. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, in November, 2003.