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Cornelia Mable Lord was born October 12, 1893 in Valley Falls, Kas. died April 27, 1913, aged 19 years, 6 months, and 15 days. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Lord
and the greater part of her young life was spent with her parents in the town of her birth. Was a pupil in the Valley Falls school up to the time of
the removal of the family to Topeka in August 1910, from where in April 1911 they went to make their home near Gaston, Oregon.

Here she remained with her parents until her marriage to Harry E. Conroy, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Conroy of near Nortonville, January, 10, 1912. The young couple came immediately to Kansas, establishing a cozy little home near Nichols Station midway between Nortonville and Valley Falls.

Though unaccustomed to farm life, she entered into its duties with zeal and vigor, eager to learn all
that went to make a thrifty life housewife and a happy home. Her young husband's interests were hers and together they worked happily and with a
will until serious illness, which seemed beyond medical aid, set its seal upon her.

When the knowledge came so suddenly to her of the trying ordeal before her she faced it bravely, and through all of her suffering she was patient and uncomplaining, appreciating of everything done for her and hopeful to the last. All that loving friends could do was done to prolong her young life, but the kind Father knew best and she sank to rest on
Sunday at Christ hospital, Topeka, where she had been taken with the hope that surgical skill might avail and restore her to health and strength again.

She leaves her husband, father and mother, two sisters, Mrs. Jessie L Sanders of Lent, Oregon, and Maude L Lord, of Gaston, Oregon, and one
brother, T.C. Lord of Taft, California, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Lord, with many other relatives and friends to mourn her untimely

The end came with so little warning that none of her immediate family could be at her bedside as the spirit winged it's flight, but the constant presence of her devoted husband and other friends comforted her last hours as she passed away to join her little sister Blanche by whose side she now lies and who, by no doubt was waiting to welcome her within the pearly gates.

She will be sadly missed by her loved ones, but they have the comforting assurance that they may met again. Short funeral services were held at the house, where hosts of friends who had gathered to pay their tribute of respect, were permitted to take a last look upon the face of her who had in such a few short months endeared herself to all.

She was then borne to the M.E. church at Valley Falls, the church in which she was reared and in whose Sabbath school was taught the first precepts of the Master, where impressive services were held. Rev. A.L. Wood, pastor officiating, the
choir rendering appropriate music. Her Sabbath school class was present, many of whom had known her from birth, then looked upon her for the last time, when accompanied by her loved ones and many sympathizing friends, she was laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery under a covering of the many
beautiful flowers sent from near and far, mute testimonials of respect and love for her life.

Transcribed and Contributed by Greg Wickenburg

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:12:38

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