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Grandpa Windbigler ate a hearty breakfast last Thursday morning, April 5th, and went early to the creek to fish, his faithful dog accompanying him. As he often stayed out until afternoon, nothing was thought of his not returning to dinner, until Ira and Johnnie, at about 3 p.m., went to the bottom to drive some cattle out of the field, and noticed the dog (a collie), come toward them and bark and then return to the creek. Ira asked Johnnie if grandpa had been to dinner, and he said he believed not. So they concluded they had best go and see about him, fearing something might be wrong. As they approached, the dog met them, whined and returned ahead of them, and stationed himself on grandpa's body, and the boys had to fight him off with a club, before they could touch grandpa, who was apparently lifeless, except that he was moving the fingers on his right hand a little. Ira raised him up, when reaction seemed to set in, and he began breathing visibly again. He lived until 11:25 a.m. the next day. Dr. Petty was phoned for, also the near neighbors, who were soon on hand, and all did all they could, but death had done its work. The doctor said it was apoplexy and that grandpa was unconscious from the moment he fell. He had never moved, as his clothes were damp from the wet ground. He had his two fish poles 
set, and a string of fish lying at his feet. The supposition is he was just in 
the act of starting home. About two years ago he had a sister, six years older than he, die with apoplexy, and some years before a sister fell dead. Grandpa was 86 years, 2 months and 3 days old when he died. Out of fifteen children, two survive him, who are both old men, and were at the funeral. His wife died fifteen years ago, since which time he has made his home with his children. Four children have preceded him, and four are still living - J.L. Windgibler, Mrs. Kessler of Altamont, Jasper W. of Girard, Ill., and Mrs. Elrod of Parsons. 
All were present at the funeral except Jasper, who could not be 
present on account of affliction in his family. Grandpa was very much attached to his children and had divided all his property with them several years ago. As he was old, we are not surprised that he was called, but coming as it did, was to us a terrible shock. 
His upright and conscientious Christian life was a benediction, and his sudden death a warning to us to also be ready for the solemn ordeal, for we may be cut down as suddenly as he. While we miss him so much, and our hearts are filled with grief, we rejoice that he is at rest with his companion and half his children, and those remaining, striving to make a united family on the golden shore, where death or sorrow can never enter, or parting be no more.
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