McPherson County All Schools Day.
McPherson county is the best agriculturaI and stock raising county in the state and has 900 square miles of rich loam farming land, with very little untillable ground. Only a few sections contain hilly ground and every township has running water. Well water is of the best and in most parts of the county is to be had at shallow depths. While the principal crops are wheat and corn, there is an abundance of other grains grown and much alfalfa. It is one of the banner wheat counties of the state. It has four branch railway lines and two trunk lines. Has a population of 22,000, an assessed valuation of fifty millions, three colleges, the best common schools In the state and spent last year over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for school expenses, has five high schools accredited by the State University.
It is an unusually endowed county and its citizens are the most cosmopolitan and progressive of any in the state. Peace and plenty reign supreme and the people are contented in the realization that it is not necessary to go to other climes for enjoyment or profit.
Its cities are up to date in every respect and have some of the best equipped stores to be found in the state.
![]() Churches of McPherson. |
![]() Business Views of McPherson. |
![]() Homes of McPherson. |
McPherson is a beautiful and prosperous city, situated at the junction of the famous Santa Fe Trail and the Meridian Road - the two great continental automobile highways. It is 197 miles southwest of Kansas City on a rolling plain, giving it splendid drainage and freedom from miasma and flooding. It has an abundant supply of 99% pure water from deep wells and is situated in the midst of a territory than which there is no better farming land in the United States. In brief, it has the following to its credit:
Four lines of railroad.
Two Cross Continent Roadways.
17 miles of paved streets.
18 miles of public sewers.
$50,000 U. S. Government Building.
City owns $100,000 Water & Electric Plant.
White Way Main Street.
3 State-Wide Insurance Companies.
Free City Mail Delivery.
Telephone System owned at home.
County System of Rural Mail Delivery.
Complete Rural Telephone system.
$50,000 County Court House.
$25,000 County Jail, usually empty.
County Seat of McPherson county.
Wholesale Seed House.
Wholesale Grocery House.
Ice Plant.
Butter and Ice Cream Factory.
City Building.
General Hospital.
Excellent Schools and two Colleges.
County seat of McPherson county.
$2,500,000 Assessed value of real estate.
$2,250,000 Assessed value of Personal Property.
A Million and a Half In Bank Deposits.
$150,000 in City Bonds owned at home.
Half a million in retail stocks.
Only 2 properties in business section owned away from home.
5 State Banks.
3 Flouring mills.
5 Grain elevators.
3 Lumber yards.
4 Department stores.
2 Daily newspapers.
Produce and Commission Houses.
3 Monument works.
Excellent Retail Center.
Bottling Works.
Steam Laundry.
Cigar and Tobacco Factories.
2 Colleges with 9 substantial buildings.
$50,000 New High School.
$30,000 Y. M. C. A. - Endowed.
Eleven Active Churches.
Excellent Public Schools.
$35,000 Opera House.
Motion Picture Theatres.
$30,000 Tourney Theatre.
Fifteen Lodges.
New $15,000 Elks Home.
Annual Chautauqua.
Good Hotels and Cafes.
Free Public Library.
City Park System.
Company of Kansas National Guard.
Unlimited pure water from deep wells.
Best Salt bed in Kansas.

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