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As this booklet went to press full arrangements had not been definitely concluded for all the prominent people who will attend the unveiling and participate in the ceremonies, but all details are completed for the presence of the following:
Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, retired, who holds the highest position in the United States army, has consented to make the unveiling address and will be at the celebration unless some unforeseen military necessity will detain him. He expects to come to McPherson the day before.
Mrs. John A. Logan and daughter, Mrs. Mary L. Tucker, will come from Washington. The beloved widow and daughter of General Logan will add greatly to the interest of the occasion, especially for all veterans. As it was General Logan who succeeded to the command of the Army of the Tennessee immediately after General McPherson fell, it is exceedingly appropriate that his widow and daughter should participate in the ceremonies. Mrs. Logan will contribute an original sketch to the occasion.
Mrs. George T. Guernsey, national president of the Daughters of the American Revolution, will be present and will have a part in the program.
Governor Arthur Capper and staff, Adj. General C. I. Martin and his staff, Lieut. Gov. and President of the Senate W. Y. Morgan, Speaker of the House A. M. Keene, together with state officers and the military arm will represent the State of Kansas.
The military arm will consist of four companies of the Kansas National Guard, a portion of the Topeka Battery with two heavy field guns for firing salutes, the Second Regiment band and state officers of the National Guard.
The four ex-governors of the state, E. W. Hoch, W. J. Bailey, W. R. Stubbs and G. H. Hodges are also expected to be present.
Besides these it is expected that department commanders of the G. A. R. and allied organizations will be here, besides officials of other organizations, detailed announcement of which will be made later.
One of the most attractive events of the day will be the work of the soldiers. Four companies of the Kansas National Guard will appear in beautiful and impressive battallion drills and will give what General Martin expects to be the best Parade ever given in Kansas. The soldiers will be an imposing feature of the big parade in the morning and will play a large part in the presentation of the pageant in the evening. There will be upwards of five hundred soldiers in line. The Second Regiment band and the crack Battery "A" of Topeka will add features that will make this the most imposing military event of the year in Kansas. This military feature is a part of the state's official participation in the event of the Fourh and it may be depended upon that Kansas will not be lacking in its appreciation.
A state-wide event such as the Unveiling of the General McPherson monument and its accompanying ceremonies must needs have appropriate decorations to help carry out the spirit of the day. The committee realizing the scarcity of these essentials long ago placed large orders for all sorts of decorative material. The business houses were solicited and generously responded with orders and with co-operation with the committee in establishing a harmonious scheme of decoration. The elaborateness of these can only be realized after being seen, but it is safe to say that no town in Kansas and no city in the west was ever better or more appropriately decorated than will be McPherson on the Fourth.
From the preparations being made and the enthusiasm shown the patriotic parade to be given on the morning of the Fourth will be one of the best ever reviewed by Lt. Gen. Miles and it will compare favorably with the largest he has been called upon to visit. At the time of writing this, there are already in preparation sufficient features to make a parade of very unusual length and the enthusiasm has only just begun.
McPherson county asks the State of Kansas to be its guests at a big demonstration and true to its reputation as entertainers has planned this event so that everything throughout the entire day will be free to the public. There will be no charge of admission to any event in the entire day's program and free water and free ice will be at hand for the use of everybody. The only thing of the entire celebration, except concessions, for which an admission will be charged is the pageant to be given at night. This has become necessary on account of the great hazards taken to present this portion of the celebration.

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