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Horace Jones


Black man. Sentenced July 14, 1906, from Wyandotte county, to a term of 5 to 10 years, for burglary, second degree. Paroled Oct. 10, 1910. Violated parole April 30, 1911.

Description: Age, 43; height, 5 ft. 6 in.; weight, 162; complexion, black; hair, black, gray; eyes, deep maroon. Occupation, common labor and fireman.

Bertillon: 67.7, 77.0, 89.0, 18.6, 15.3, 15.0, 6.4, 28.3, 12.4, 9.9, 48.5.

Finger-print classification:	32  II
                               32  II 

Marks and scars: I. Oblique scar 1 1/4 in. long 3 in. above wrist, front. Oblique cut scar 1 in. long 2 in. above wrist, inner. Three vaccine scars on upper arm. Burn scar, 1 3/4 by 1, 8 in. above elbow, outer. Burn scar, 1 1/2 by 1, front point left shoulder. II. Oblique cut scar back of hand close to wrist. Oval scar 6 in. above elbow, outer. Ill. Small raised scar on left cheek, 1 in. from right corner mouth. Small scar 1 1/4 in. below right ear.

Relative: Myrtle Jones, 414 Oak street, Kansas City, Kan.

Reward, $25.