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H. C. Best

No. 3606. H. C. BEST.

White man. Sentenced July 3, 1909, from Pawnee, via Reformatory, to a term of I to 5 years, for false pretense. Paroled Dec. 20, 1912. Violated parole Dec. 20, 1912.

Description: Age, 24; height, 5 ft. 10 3/4 in.; weight, 165; hair, dark brown; complexion, medium; build, medium stout; eyes, dark slate; nativity, California. Occupation, clerk.

Bertillon: 80.0, 81.0, 95.0, 19.4, 14.3, 13.5, 6.8, 28.3, 12.7, 10.6, 48.7.

Finger-print classification:  5  A
                               1  Aa 

Marks and scars: I. Vaccine scar on upper arm. II. Vertical cut scar between first and middle joints of first finger, rear. Ill. Small scar in center of left cheek. Pointed chin. VI. Scar on left knee cap.

Reward, $25.