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Ralph Johnson

(Alias Win. Shoemaker.)

White man. Sentenced June 21, 1911, from Brown county, to a term of 1 to 5 years, for grand larceny. Paroled May 28, 1914. Violated parole May 1, 1915.

Description: Age, 24; height, 5 ft. 9 in.; weight, 148; hair and eyes, dark brown; complexion, dark; build, medium; nativity, Nebraska. Occupation, teamster.

Bertillon: 75.4, 76.0, 93.0, 19.4, 15.7, 14.7, 5.9, 25.7, 11.7, 9.4, 46.4.

Finger-print classification:   9  R  0
                                    14  R  00  16 

Marks and scars: I. Slight cut scar between first and second joint thumb, outer. Tattoo in blue, outline of 5-point star, and other small marks on palm of hand. Tattoo in blue of letter "P" and other marks on forearm, front. Vaccine scar upper arm. II. Tattoo in blue of standing form of nude woman and letters H. P. on each side of feet, forearm, front. Small cut scar on upper arm at 5 in. above elbow, outer. Syphilitic scars on right

side neck. Small black mole in hollow in front of neck. Hollow chested and round shoulders.

Fourteen months in Booneville, Mo., Reformatory.

Relative: Mrs. Rosa Horley, 1609 Oak street, Kansas City, Mo., mother.

Reward, $25.