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Chas. Brown No. 2

No. 4839. CHAS. BROWN No. 2.

White man. Sentenced June 26, 1913, from Butler county, to a term of 1 to 5 years, for robbery third degree. Escaped Nov. 11, 1914.

Description: Age, 20; height, 6 ft.; weight, 160; hair, dark brown; complexion, medium; build, medium; eyes, blue; nativity, Oklahoma. Occupation, common laborer.

Bertillon: 82.7, 92.0, 94.5, 19.7, 15.0, 13.6, 6.6, 26.8, 11.7, 9.2, 49.2.

Finger-print classification: 1  Rt    9
                         1  Rt 

Marks and scars: III. Ch. scar cuts on forehead at hair line. Cut scar on top of head. Relative: George Brown, Dallas, Texas, brother. Reward, $50.