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Biographical Sketch
Christian H. Steinmeir
Nemaha County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Christian H. Steinmeir is one of the valued citizens of Richmond township, Nemaha county, who at all times is loyal to duty and to right.  During the civil war he manifested his fidelity to his country by entering the Union army and protecting the starry banner upon the battle fields of the south.  In days of peace he quietly performs his business labors and is accounted one of the substantial farmers of Richmond township, his home being on section 14.

Mr. Steinmeir was born in Hancock county, Indiana, June 21, 1841.  In that county his grandfather, Christian Steinmeir, took up his abode in pioneer days, entering land from the government, for which he paid a dollar and a quarter per acre.  The wild tract he transformed into an excellent farm, and in Hancock county he made his home until his death.

Christian Steinmeir, the father of our subject, was a native of Prussia, Germany, and when thirteen years of age came with his parents to the United States, location being made in Indiana, where he was reared.  In his youth he worked on the old national road, at fifty cents per day, and was also engaged in the construction of the canal. 

In 1864 he left the Hoosier state, coming to Kansas, where he took up his abode on Nemaha creek, buying a partially improved farm.  With a team of horses he started for Mexico in 1874, and after reaching his destination sold his team and was murdered there for his money, when about fifty years of age.  His wife, who bore the maiden name of Christena Shildmier, was a native of Prussia and was also about thirteen years of age when she came with her parents to America.

The family located in Hancock county, where she was married.  She died in the Hoosier state at the age of twenty-seven years, leaving four children, namely: Christian H., of  this review; Mary, the wife of Charles Hartener, of Seneca; William, who is living in the state of Washington; and Benjamin, of Colorado.

Mr. Steinmeir, whose name introduces this record, was reared in the county of his nativity and to its public school system is indebted for the educational privileges which he received.  He assisted in the workof the farm until after the inauguration of the Civil War, when, prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he responded to his country's call for troops, enlisting in Company F, Eleventh Indiana Infantry, known as the Indiana Zouaves and commanded by Colonel Lew Wallace.

It was on the 20th of July, 1861, that he joined the service and on the 31st of August, 1864, he received an honorable discharge, having for three years loyally aided in the defense of the union cause.  He participated in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Port Gibson, Champion Hills and the entire Vicksburg campaign.

The day before the surrender of the city he was taken ill and sent to the regimental hospital.  At Fort Donelson he was struck by a piece of shell and was forced to remain in the hospital for ten days, while at Port Gibson he was struck by a piece of rail, which knocked him down.  The last battle in which he participated was at Hulltown, Virginia, and he was mustered out at Harper's Ferry, receiving his pay at Indianapolis, Indiana.

With an  honorable war record Mr. Steinmeir returned to his home in Hancock county, where he remained for about a month, when he came to Nemaha county, Kansas.  During the first year of his residence here he operated a threshing machine and since that time he has been connected with agricultural pursuits.

He lived with his father and sister until his marriage, which occurred on the 19th of December, 1867, Miss Christena Koch becoming his wife.  She was born in Prussia, Germany, August 17, 1848, and is a daughter of John Koch, a native of Prussia, who came to Nemaha county in 1857. 

After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Steinmeir located on a farm on Harris creek, two miles east of their present home, and after living there for a year our subject erected his present residence on section 14, Richmond township.  Here he has a farm of 239 and a half acres, all of which is under a high state of cultivation.

The first few years after his arrival in Nemaha county he engaged in threshing and freighting, but more recently he has given his energies entirely to general farming, and the neat and attractive appearance of his place indicates that he is one of the most progressive agriculturists of his community.

Mr. Steinmeir has had eleven children, eight of whom are now living, namely: Anna, the wife of Harry D. Burger, of Richmond township, Nemaha county; Benjamin, who assists in the operation of his father's farm; William, Chris, Louis, George, Mary and Esther.  The deceased are Johnie, Eddie and Walter.  All were born in Nemaha county.

Mr. Steinmeir gives his political support to the Republican party, and is a progressive citizen who witholds his support from no measure calculated to prove of benefit to the community along political, social, material and moral lines.  He is numbered among the early settlers of this community and has, therefore, watched the greater part of northeastern Kansas in its rapid progress, in which he feels a just pride.

In all possible ways he has contributed toward its advancement and is today as true to his duties of citizenship as when he aided in establishing the supremacy of the Union by active service upon southern battlefields.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:23:19

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