Home of the National Bank of America.
The National Bank of America.
Nothing so accurately measures or correctly defines the business status of a rapidly developing community as the record standing and financial conditions of its banks and banking houses, and judged by this universally and unerring standing, this fiscal barometer, "Salina," is in a condition of well diffused prosperity. Our banks have long been known for general soundness, stability, and safe responsibilty.[sic] This bank is the outgrowth of one of the oldest banking houses in this section, having been established as a private bank in 1885. The National Bank of America has a capital stock of $100,000, and is one of the leading institutions. The metropolitan methods persued, conservative judgment, honorable and liberal dealings and the fact that their facilities are of the most modern have been their most valuable assets. This bank has a surplus of $50,000, and undivided profits of $25,000. This bank is a United States depositary. The bank is well appointed, the interior handsomely furnished and artistically decorated, fire proof vault, safty deposit boxes, armour plate safes, with individually paid watchman and bankers insurance, every precaution is taken for safety of funds, and in brief this institution is modern in every respect and carefully and conservatively conducted. The officers of this institution are, Frank Hageman, president; Chas. F. McAdams, vice president; B. L. Wilson, vice president; Fred F. Eberhardt, cashier and Leon Stevenson, assistant cashier. The directors are, D. K. Bean, M C. Stevenson, E. F. Swinney, Chas. F. McAdams, Frank Hageman, T. D. Fitzpatrick, L. A. Will, W. W. Watson, B. L. Wilson, James A. Reser, J. R. Crawford, H. H. F. Sudendorf, and F. D. Shellabarger. These gentlemen have made a success in life and conduct the affairs of this bank along the same safe and conservative lines that have been responsible for the success of their personal interests.
Clark-Sterner Garage Company.
The Clark-Sterner Garage Company, located at 212-14 North Santa Fe Ave., is one of the most important establishments of this character in Salina. It became established the first of Otcober,[sic] but has nevertheless, received its full share of trade and has built up an immense patronage. A floor space of 4,000 square feet affords ample room for any reasonable number of cars. A specialty is made of repair work, which work is done by expert mechanics only. A large stock of auto supplies, accessories, etc., are always on hand. Four skilled and experienced mechanics are given employment. The proprietors of this up-to-date establishment are Mr. R. H. Clark and Mr. J. F. Sterner. Mr. Clark was born in Kansas and reeived[sic] his education in this state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is a highly honored member of the M. W. A. Mr. Sterner was born in Ohio and received his education in that state. Previous to engaging in this line of business, he conducted an auto livery. He is a valued and well-known member of the Elks, the I. O. O. F., and the M. W. A. Both of these gentlemen are highly esteemed in this community as progressive and enterprising business men.
Traders State Bank.

The Traders State Bank is one of the institutions of Salina whose name has been associated with sound and conservative financial standing, whose advancement along safe and substantial lines have earned for them the right to be keepers of hundreds of thousands of dollars, representing the earnings and profits of the business organizations and residents of this city and vicinity. This bank was organized in 1909 with a capital stock of $35,000. F. W. Ekstrand is president and H. J. Stover is cashier. The bank is housed in a beautiful new building at 110 South Santa Fe Ave. It is fully equipped to conduct a metropolitan business. The magnificent interior is handsomly furnished in oak and marble with bronze fixtures. The vault and safes are of the most improved style and every precaution is taken for the safety of funds, entrusted to their care. Their safety deposit vault is accessible to customers of this bank and is one of the important features of the new building. They make foreign exchanges, collections, furnish drafts good in any part of the world, negotiate loans, etc. and respectfully solicit the patronage of business houses, corporations, city and rural resdents. The directors of this bank are F. W. Ekstrand, C. B. Kirtland, P. L. Gebhardt, S. Steifel, John E. Ryberg, W. M. Garrison and H. J. Stover. They are all gentlemen of high standing and sterling worth and successful business men of this city.
Ollinger-Hollinger Auto Company

In making a review of the prominent institutions of Salina, it is the intention to hold up to public view only those institutions which have contributed toward the development of the commercial importance of the city and whose standing in their particul[sic] line of endeavor is of the highest. In this connection we cannot speak too highly or make more particular mention of any one firm than the Ollinger-Hollinger Auto Company whose finely equipped garage is located at 204-6 North Santa Fe Ave. This firm is the successors to the Ollinger Motor Car company. It became established three years ago, and the business has increased rapidly. This establishment occupies 7,200 square feet of floor space. A large and extensive stock of auto supplies is carried, machines are stored, repaired and rebuilt. The repair work is executed by skilled mechanics only and satisfaction is guaranteed. The proprietors of this metropolitan establishment are Mr. J. F. Ollinger and J. A. Hollinger.

HOME OF GOVERNOR W. B. STUBBS, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. This is one of the best constructed buildings in the state of Kansas. The plumbing, heating, gas, fitting, and electrical work installed by The Salina Plumbing Company, is not surpassed and seldom equalled. The building throughout is equipped with the James B. Claw Plumbing fixtures and Ideal Boiler and Radiators.
Salina Plumbing Company.
There is no one industry connected with the building trade more important of itself or in its relation to the others than is the plumber's art. One of the largest concerns in the plumbing business in the state is the Salina Plumbing Company, located 135 North Santa Fe Ave. This business became established fifteen years ago and has rapidly gained in public approval and popularity, owing, to the fact that all work entrusted to them is executed promptly in the most satisfactory manner. Plumbing and heating in all of the branches are executed, also all kinds of electrical work. Many of the largest contracts in this city and state have been done by this firm. They occupy a floor space of of 3,000 square feet, devoted to the workrooms and the display of the stock carried which includes a complete line of plumbing supplies, electrical fixtures, etc. Thirty-five skilled mechanics are given constant employment. They make a specialty of plumbing and installing heating and lighting plants for schools, churches and public buildings. They have an attractive display of gas, combination and plumbing fixtures of all kinds and at all prices. This firm is incorporated under the laws of Kansas for $50,000.00. Mr. John L. Bishop, president; James A. Skelley, vice-president; David Hill, secretary and treasurer. These gentlemen are broad-guaged and progressive business men of the modern type, and have always taken an active and intelligent interest in promoting the material prosperity and general welfare of Salina.

Scenes on Santa Fe Ave. - Photos by Moore.
The National Hotel.

One of the best known of the hotels in Central Kansas to the traveling public is the above named. This house has been under this management since last March, but in that short time the live and enterprising proprietors have demonstrated what ability and close attention to business will accomplish in this line. The house has been newly furnished and redecorated throughout under their artistic supervision. They are at present enjoying a trade from the discriminating and fastidious public unexcelled by any other hotel in these parts. The hotel is located at the corner of Santa Fe Avenue, Ash and Seventh Streets. One hundred finely furnished, well ventilated, electric lighted rooms with telephone service in each are at the disposal of the public. Thirty baths, steam heat, twelve sample rooms, finest parlor, dining room, reading and writing rooms in this section are among the inducements offered the public. Thirty-four deft and courteous employees carefully and promptly cater to the every desire and want of the large throng of satisfied patrons who stop here regularly. The proprietors are Messrs. J. A. Paull and R. G. Foil. Mr. Foil has had fifteen years' experience in this line and is recognized as able and efficient to the fullest degree.
[NOTE: Advertisement on back cover.]
The Padgetts Printing House.
Perhaps there is no institution in the city filling a greater want, or a greater number of exacting wants, than the well known printing house of the Padgetts. Nearly a quarter of a century ago the Senior Padgett came to Salina with a family of five boys. These boys were transplanted from a city near the Atlantic in the South, and on locating in Salina they were told to "grow up" with the city. They have literally obeyed the command, and with the exception of short intervals, when seeking greater information in the printing craft, they have given Salina the best of their young manhood.
The foundation of the present institution was laid, while the father was engaged in publishing a small daily paper. The first job press was a small hand power card and envelope machine, and the newspaper was printed on the old style hand press. There was but one purpose and that was to do an honest job and charge all honest price, and trust the future. Many hard years were experienced, but there was no giving up, and later some of the fruits of perseverence began to be realized, old machinery was discarded and modern machinery took its place and with each improvement came a better class of customers. Nearly two years ago, the newspaper business was discarded altogether, and the plant was newly equipped for periodicals, catalogues, stationery and blank work. A model 4 linotype, containing 360 characters or letters, was installed and a new cutting machine was made to order, embracing every improvement known to cutters of paper. A new perforating machine was added this year. These improvements added to their fine Optimus book press and their three letter presses, completes an equipment of machinery far more efficient than is ordinarily seen outside of the larger cities.
Nothing need be said in this "Salina Souvenir" of the quality of work done by the Padaeft's Printing House, for their imprint stands for "Best" in all that the word means. Their samples of catalogues and letter press products, equal those of the larger cities. "Satisfied customers" is the office "Hobby" and they expect repeat orders, which they certainly get in large "doses."
When asked about the growth of the business, Mr. J. H. Padgett, the manager and founder of the plant, turned to his yearly sheet balance of ten years ago, and showed us an increase of 300 per cent. This was gradual in all the ten years, last past, each year without an exception showing a lively gain.
Some idea of the wear and epense of keeping up a printing plant may be best understood when it is said that this institution has worn out and disposed of more than $10,000 worth of machinery and type as "old junk" within the last 15 years. In fact, it's this enormous expense and wear, that prevents a printer from becoming a plutocrat, and an associate of the "bloated" bond-bolder and "coupon clipper."
The largest single job of printing done in Central Kansas this year, is now off the presses. It is the Lee Mercantile Co's. catalogue of premiums, which are given with the Lee pure food products. The order is for 25,000 copies with the cover done in three colors. The Padgett's take special pride in this class of work, which for many years could be done only in the larger shops of the larger cities.
Parker & Watkins.
Bicycling, like roller skating, after a period of semi-collapse, is being taken up more and more each year by sensible persons, and finding its true place in the pleasure and business of life. Parker & Watkins, located at 143 1/2 North Santa Fe Avenue, have since 1900 conducted a successful business in the sale of bicycles, sporting goods, etc., and are equipped for the repairing of all kinds and makes of bicycles. They handle the leading makes of bicycles and give special attention to emergency repairs, employing expert machinists in that department. This firm has a general repair shop on North Santa Fe, where automobile work, etc., is executed. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. J. A. Parker, Mr. J. T. Parker, and Mr. E. R. Watkins. Mr. J. A. Parker was born in Pennsylvania and received his education in that state. Previous to establishing this business. he was employed as a machinist. Mr. Watkins was also born and educated in Pennsylvania. He has previously been employed with a large electrical firm. Mr. J. T. Parker was born in Pensylvania and was previously employed as a machinist. These gentlemen are highly esteemed in this community and their close attention to the details of business and fairness in all dealing has won for them many friends and assured a prosperous business, present and future.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.