Accidental Shooting
Acquiring a Homestead
A Dangerous Crossing
Alderdise, Mrs. Sussana
Alderdise, Thomas
Alderdise, Mrs
A Fourth of July Celebration
Allen, Captain John M
Alley, Dick
221, 232
Alverson, John
Amusements on the Homestead
Anderson, Hon. A. T.
Anderson, Major, Send Friendly Indian
Anthony, Major Scott
Apache Boy Mike Burns
Arickaree Fork
Atkinson, R. R., Contractor
Atwood Rawlins Co258
Augustine, Jacob
Bacon, Mrs.
Baily, Dr., of Topeka
Baird, William
Baird, Dr. J. V.
Baker, W. P.
Ball, Volney
Balleran, Sutler
Bancroft, D. O
Bankhead, Colonel
Barnitz, Colonel Albert
Barnitz, Captain
Barr, Mrs. Elizabeth N. 125-127
Bassler, George 278
Beach, W. K., Commissioner of Waubanse 209
Beecher, Fred, Lieut. 133-142-260
Beecher Island 258
Beebe, Jerome 200
Benien, Henry 209-281-285
Bernhardt, C. 213
Ben Clark, Interpreter 253-255
Benteen, Captain Frederick W. 289
Berryville 17-18
Big Bear and Little Bear 242
Black Kettle, Indian Chief 131-150-157
Bleeding Kansas 3
Blinn, Mrs. R. F. 152
Blunt, Gen. John 17
Boone, Daniel 11
Border Warfare 3
Brach, Samuel B. 253
Breaking Prairie and Fireguards 308
Bruce, R. H. 270-273
Buchanan, Town 228
Buffalo at Bay 199
Buffalo Bill (Cody) 110
Buffalo Bill (W. F. Cody) 243
Buffalo Bill 182-275
Buffalo Heads Sent Denver Taxidermist 353
Buffalo, Last Killed in Lincoln County 99
Buffalo Meat for Wedding Dinner 116
Buffalo Migration 167
Buffalo Shipped from Fossil Creek 202
Buffalo Stampede 111
Bulah, Robins, Chased by Coyotes 193
Bundline, Ned 278
Burns, John J., First Telegraph Operator 189
Buying the Town of Abilene 32
Calves Perishing in the Snow Storm 57
Calwell, Adam, Chain Carrier 231
Campaigning in Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana 283
Camp Supply 149
Campbell, Perry 82
Campbell, A. M. 128-220
Campbell, Henry 253
Carr, Gen. 235-240
Carr, Gen. Eugene A. 273-279
Carr, Major Eugene A. 102
Carpenter, Colonel 145-146-149
Cave Near Gravette, Ark. 27
Casper Collins, Lieutenant 119
Cassil, Lew, the Trapper 340
Catherwood, Col. 16
Chanute, Engineer 21
Cholera at Ft. Riley 63
Cholera at Fort Harker 85
Charley, Comrade at Lawrence 117
Clark, Ira 82
Cloud, Col. 18
Clark, Richard 125-130
Clark, James 187
Clay Center, County Seat 303
Cline, John 231
Chivington, Major 131
Cody, William F. 270
Colorado Legislature (Resolution) 279
Comanche Pool 57
Company of Calvary Camped on Bullfoot 219
Cone, W. K. 5-6
Cook, Lieutenant 154
Cook, John, Fossill Creek 167
Cook, John 184-197
Coronado 28
Covert, Killing of 355
Cowboys Soliquy 40
Crawford, Col. Samuel J. 3
Crawford, Governor 149
Crawford, Colonel 153
Creedon, Con., Deserter 209
Crazy Horse 291
Crook, Gen., Attempt on His Life 108
Culver, Captain 143
Custard, Sargeant 119
Custer 150-153-154
Custer, Gen. George A. 110
Custer, Tom 284
Custers Camp on Big Creek 184-285
Custer, Gen. George A. 282
Custer, Mrs. Geo. A. 185-285
Cushing, Captain 236
Curry, Jim, Desperado 204
Curtis, Gen. 231
Daily, Willie 92
Davis, C. R. 83
Dear Lodge Steamboat 161
Delaware Indians on Mulberry Creek 347
Dexters Ranch 3
Dock, Williams 208
Dodge, R. I. 276
Dogs Conscious of the Conflict 245
Donovan, Jack 146
Downer, Rev. 41
Dugouts and Sod Houses 300
Dull Knife, Indian Chief 142
Durfey 354
Eating Wild Cat on a Buffalo Hunt 85
Earl, William 221-227
Eldridge House 7-8
Eleventh Kansas Cavalry at Platte Bridge 119
Elliott, Major 149-151
Elks on Bullfoot Creek 115
Elsworth 66
Emigrant Aid Society 2
Erhardt, Ferdinand 110
Es-Kim-in-Zeen, Indian Apache Chief 105
Ewing, William 83
Ewing, Gen., Furlough to Erhardt 117
Experiences of Two Tenderfeet 317
Fancher, Isaac 11
Fancher, John 11
Fancher, Dr. N. C. 11
Fancher, Samuel 11
Fancher, Wesley 12
Fancher, William S. 12
Fat Bear, Dull Knife, Indian Chiefs 154-157
Ferryboat, Platte River 264
Forsyth, Col. Geo. A. 133-135-149
Fort Gibson 17
Fort Harker 110
Fort Harker 213
Fort Hays 282-286
Fort Kearney
Fort Sedgwick 244-251
Fort Smith 18
Fort Wallace 133-134-147
Fort Zara Abandoned 116
Fossil Creek Christmas Celebration 186
Fossil Creek, First House Built 191
Fossil Creek Station 169
Freeman, Winfield 132
Fremont, John C. 331
Funeral Procession Turned into a Buffalo Chase 114
Funnell, George 338
Gambling Houses at Abilene 36
Gathering Corn Under Fire 18
Gaul, Sioux Chief 295
Gellispie, Dr. 322
Greeley, Horace, Letters 30
Green, Gen. 11
Grinnell, George Bird 276
Goekler, Theodore 210
Gold Coin Found in Indian Camp 238
Gold Nuggets Found 105
Golden, D. R., Station Agent 35
Grand Island 15
Grasshoppers 308
Grover, Sharp 136-143
Guerilla Bands 6-7
Guard House, Fort Hays 287
Hale, Lieutenant 111-112
Hall, Dr. J. N. 243
Hamilton, Captain Louis M. 152
Harrington, John 142
Harrison, Gen. 12
Harry, Horned Toad 69
Harvey Hamilton, Negro, Warning the Settlers 86
Hays City 178-189
Hays, L., Quartermaster 242
Haynes 231
Heller, Moses 341
Heneley, Lieutenant 253
Henderickson, Martin 227
Henry, T. C. 33
Herds of Texas Cattle 318
Hersey, Mrs. Timothy 30
High Eagle, Venerable Pawnee 277
Homestead, Guide F. E. Adams 338
Hoover, Miss Irene 86
Hopkins, J. W., As He Remembers It 42
Hornsinger, Veterinary 284
Horsethief, Capturing a 177
Horsethieves on the Saline 203
Houser Is Warned by Indian 113-114
How He Won the Medal 294
Howard, Gen. 105
Hudson, Robert 82
Huffaker, T. S. Council Grove 129
Humbarger, Jacob 227-232
Humbarger, Solomon 129-221
Hunter Hunted 74
Indian Camp Abandoned 201
Indian Camp on the Marsh Farm 220
Indian Cave on Bullfoot 121
Indians, Delaware 228
Indian Horses Divided 278
Indians Killing Settlers on White Rock 337
Indian Papoose Died 353
Indian Raid in the Saline Valley 112
Indian Skull at the Museum 248-249
Inman, Major, Quartermaster 112
Inscription on Rocks 122
Irving and Van Antwerp, Contractors 210
Jackson, Gen. 12
Jenkins, E. J., Receiver of Land Office 315
Jewel City Called Fort Jewel 338
Johnson, Ed 127
Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth 331
Johnson, Lieutenant 155
Johnson, Luther R. 83
Johnson, S. T. 84-86
Johnson, Mrs. W. O. 193
Julesburg 262-267
Kansas City in 1866 161
Kansas Pacific R. R. First Attempt at Agriculture 194
Keller, John Catching Elk Calves 115
Kerl, Otto 159
Kids Fork 184
Kine, Mrs. 212
Kisslingsberry, Gus Beecher
Klu Klux Klan 22
Koontz, Leslie 251
Lame Deer, Montana 276
Land Office at Junction City 303
Lantz, Phil 94
Lars is Dismounted 320
Laramie, Fort 14
Lauritzen, Eskild, Killed by Indian 212
Lawrence 7
Leavenworth, Col. Henry 14
Lehman, George, Lieutenant 275
Leobold, C. H. 30
Little Tim and the Buffalo 343
Little, William T. 39
Lobenstein, W. C. 349
Long, D. B. 63
Long, Texas 49
Lonnie, Duke 247
Lynch, John 170
Lyon, Gen., Favored Erhardt 118
Map Indian Trails 243
Marias Des Cygness Massacre 2
Martin, Chas. 126-128
Martin, Frank 84
Martin, Geo. W. 64-123-124
Mayerhoff 113
Marshal, Assistant Superintendent and General Roadmaster 165-189
Mathews, Captain Fred 275-277
McAllister 17
McChesney, John 337
McCoy Brothers, Abilene 31
McIntnerey, Bootmaker 41
McIntire 259
McKeefer, Alexander 170
Mead, James R. 129-231
Meeting a Panther 25
Merwin, Henry C. 120
Mexicans at Westport 13
Miles, Nelson A., 5th Infantry 182
Miller, Jacob and Mike 228
Missouri Compromise 1
Missouri Pacific R. R. 164
Moffit, Thomas, Battle 1864 121
Moffit First Settlers in Lincoln County 129
Moore 12
Moore, Horace L. 149
Monument Beecher Island 259
Monument At Lincoln 234
Monument at Big Creek 207
Monument erected by U. P. 179
Morgan, Mrs. 156
Morgan, Charles 263
Morton, Howard 133
Mrs. Morgan and Miss White 338
Murder of Railroad man 206
Nebraska Legislature (Resolution) 279
Negro with Ambulance 129
Negroes, Tenth Cavalry 178
Nering, Sebastian 120
Nicholson, W. H., Diary
Nicknames Applied to Settlers 311
Nineteenth Kansas Cavalry 149-153
North, Captain Luther 268-271-279
North, Major Frank 269-273-279
Norris, F. A., Chased by Coyotes 193
Northwestern Kansas 330
Nye, William 347
Osage Guides 149
Otoe Indians on White Rock 344
Otoe Indians Tanning Robes
Outlaws 49
Paradise Creek Wood Camp 182
Pawnee Indians 130
Pawnee Indians kind to Price 246
Pawnee Scouts 103-236-246
Potter Station 245
Pawnee Village Claimed by Red Cloud, Neb. 333
Pawnee Village Is Located 331
Peterson, Otto, Killed by Indian 212
Pike, Lieut. Zebulon M 331
Platte Bridge, Fight at 119
Plily, Captain A. J. 146
Pottawatomie Indians Visiting Battlefield 122
Price, Hercules H. 102-235-239
Prower, Mrs. John, Cheyenne Woman 256
Quantrell Raid 7-8-9
Quantrell 162
Race Between Section Men and Army Officers 177
Race Riot at New Orleans 285
Railroad Reaches Clay Center 312
Rain in the Face 284
Rain Storm 184
Rasmussen, Mates 159
Rathburn, Frank 354
Rathburn, John P., Hauling Buffalo Robes at Clifton 340
Rathburn, John P., and Brother Ed 350
Reckmeyer, Clarence 268-270
Reeder, H. Andrew, Territorial Governor 2
Rees Winfield 28
Reinoel Served Under Gen. Lyon 118
Reno, Major 287
Republican River Before Bridges Were Built 324
Republican Crossing by Boat 328
Rocky Ford of the Republican River 326
Roman Nose, Indian 139
Romeo, Interpreter 155
Roy, Sargeant Stanilaus, Piqua, Ohio 287
Roys Story of the Little Big Horn 288
Roy Is Granted a Medal By Congress 289
Royal, Major 270
Royal, Colonel 277
Royer, John 49
Rudolph Stein (Crooked Powder) 115
Running the Blockade 48
Russell 167
Saloon, First at Westport 13
Sawmill on the Saline 111
Scates, Elisha 82
Scarcity of Water 185
Schooley, Captain 339
Schofield, Wilson 98
Scotty, Buffalo Hunter 195
Seely, George 170-174
Settlers of Various Nationalities 302
Settlement Principal 1864 to 1870 336
Seventh Cavalry at New Orleans 285
Shammel, Ed 49
Shaw, Mrs. 96
Shelby, Gen. Joe 17
Shemerhorn, Lon 110-281-284-288-289
Sheridan, Gen. 132-151
Shroeder, Chas. 253
Shriltz, Guy W. Von 56
Sioux Brave Accosted Humbarger 230
Six Missourians Killed by Indians 266
Slade, Desperado 265
Smith, Chal 97-126
Smith, Washington 94
Smutz Boy 213
Snake Stories 304
Snakebitten Horse 318
Soldiers Guarding Stations 182
Sorghum and Cane Mills 311
Spanish Fort 26
Spencer, Mrs. Mary 83
Springfield, Mo 19
Splitlog, Mathias 20-21
St. Francis 262
Steamer Teutonia 159
Steamboat Story 324
Steamboats, Traveling by 161
Sterling, Colo. 268
Sternberg, Dr. Geo. M. 64-83
Sternberg, Rev. L. 67
Stillwell, Jack 136-138
Stillwell, S. E. 133-143
Strange, Harrison 213
Strange, John T. 93
Street, William D. 252
Stockades Building for Protection of Settlers 111
Stone, Mr. 8-10
Sulley, Gen. Alfred 149
Summit Springs 240-263
Sumner, Gen. Samuel T. 276
Sylvester, Charley 170-174
Tall Bull, Cheyenne Chief 241
Tall Bull Shoots His Horse 273
Tall Bull Tobacco Pipe 276
Taylor, Geo. 170-174
Thomas Tuffy, Frank Allen, Len Harbough, Joe and William Greenwood 307
Telegraph Instrument Carried on Train 180
Terry and Gibbon 290
Texas Cattle Stampede 23
Texas Cattle Yards at Abilene 31
Texas Cowboys from Abilene 203
The Fighting Cheyennes 276
Thomson, Smoky Hill 83-88
Tomblin, M. N. 277
Trask, Harry 221-227
Tripp, Polk 97
Tripps Party Buffalo Hunters 226
Trudell (French Peter) 136-145
Tucker, Captain H. H. 133
Two Children Found 95
Uncle Mart 90
U. S. Government Relief Stations at Clay Center 309
Ufhoven, Germany 159
Vagaries of Kansas Weather 56
Von Holst, H., German Historian 1-2
Voss, Henry 244
Wagon Box Used as a Ferryboat 91
Walruff, Andrew 267
Wallace, Sam 272-275
Westport, Missouri 7
Westport, Shoeing Burros at 13
Weichel, G. 270
Weichel and Meigerhoff 220-212
Mrs. Weichel 113
Wheeler, Homer W. 252
White Antelope, Chief 131
White, D. W. 83
Whittier, John G. 2
White, Miss 156
White Rock Old Settlers Meeting 335
White, Thomas 83
Wild Bill, City Marshal, Kills His Friend 36-37
Wild Bill 182
Wild Bill Hicock 110
Wild West Show, Buffalo Bills 278
Wilson, Hill P. 256
Wilson Station 190
Winfield Scott, Gen. 16
Wood, A. B. , Blacksmith 87
Wray, Yuma County, Colo. 259
Wyandotte 14
Wyandotte, Kansas 162
Wynkoop, Major 131
Yankton, S. D., Snowstorm 285
Yellow Hand 278
Ziegler, Eli 125-177-215
Ziegler, William H. 88
Printed by
The Great Western Publishing Company
Denver, Colorado
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