Organized May 24, 1924
MAY 17, 18, 19, 1927
Of the Third Annual Convention of the Daughters of Union, Veterans of the Civil War, Department of Kansas, Convened at Pittsburg, Kan., May 17, 18 and 19, 1927.
![]() Ben S. Paulen Governor. ![]() B. P. Walker State Printer. |
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, this is the third annual convention of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Department of Kansas.
Sister Department Guide and Color Bearers, you will escort to my station Sister Agnes I. McCoy, and Sister Lora B. Stanfill.
Sisters, it gives me great pleasure to have the honor to present to you our national president, Agnes I. McCoy of Fall River, Mass., and our past department president and national color bearer No. 2, Lora B. Stanfill, Burden, Kan. Convention, salute.
We will open our session by singing "America," after which we will repeat the "Lord's Prayer."
Guide, you will make the rounds of the convention and see that all are entitled to remain.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Officers and Sisters of this Great Patriotic Order: We are assembled here for the advancement of our beloved order. One year ago we held our second annual convention at Independence and you honored me at that time by electing me to the highest office in the department. I hope I have not failed you. The year has passed, but has been one of pleasure, and one I will always remember. The cooperation from my officers, sisters, Grand Army of the Republic and its allied orders has been wonderful. Many good things are in store for the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War in Kansas Department. As I looked over the year just passed I feel my work has not been in vain. In closing my year's work I feel that I would be unjust to myself did I not give renewed expression of my gratitude to the great numbers who have extended courtesies to me during my term of office, and have so cheerfully worked for the welfare of our beloved order.
It's the things you leave undone,
Which gives you a bit of heartache
At the setting of the sun.
So while there's a comrade living
Who one day wore the blue,
Let's comfort, cheer and help him,
As a true, loyal daughter should do.
Department secretary, you will call the roll of officers.
DEPARTMENT SECRETARY: President, Nelle A. McElhinney (present); senior vice president, Mabelle Lane (present); junior vice president, Kate Grove (absent); chaplain, Mayme Stark (absent); treasurer, Maude Shanton (present); secretary, Nancy Hohnsten (present); press correspondent, Dorothy Houghton (present); inspector, Emma Leach (absent); patriotic instructor, Myrtle Suit (present); council, Lora Stanfill (present), Ruth Hubbell (absent), 6
Maude White (present); guide, Dollie Lowhon (absent); assistant guide, Lillian Weinberger (absent); guard, Grace Ward (absent); assistant guard, Ethel Brown (absent); musician, Jessie Day (present); color bearers: No. 1, Aletha Skinner (absent); No. 2, Flo Bartmess (present); No. 3, Minta Bond (absent); No. 4, Ocie Cole (absent).
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Will the sisters named please fill vacancies as follows: Junior vice president, Sister Lomax, Cherryvale; chaplain, Sister Wright, Wichita; Guide, Sister Houghton, Wichita; Guard, Sister Hamman, Cherryvale; color bearer No. 1, Sister Root, Wichita; color bearer No. 3, Sister Fairclo, Arkansas City; color bearer No. 4, Sister Paris, Arkansas City.
Sisters, we will now have our memorial services for our departed sisters and comrades. Sister Maude White of Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, No. 6, will be in charge of this service. Department guard, you will admit the young ladies from the senior high school, who will furnish music for these services.
These services were very impressive. Flowers were deposited in loving memory of departed sisters from Tent No. 5, Cherryvale; Tent No. 6, Wichita; Tent No. 8, Topeka. Sister Mabelle Lane deposited flowers for "Our Fathers" who have departed the past year.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: We will have the reading of the records of our second annual convention at Independence.
(These minutes were read and approved.)
SISTER AGNES I. McCOY, national president: Sister Department President, I would suggest that the minutes of previous day be read during convention, and not in full at following convention, as it is always quite lengthy and takes time. I would also suggest that donations be taken for gifts, etc., instead of being taken from treasury.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: We certainly thank you, Sister McCoy, for these suggestions. Department secretary, we will have report of the credential committee.
DEPARTMENT SECRETARY: Sister President, at this time we report 21 voting members at this convention, but all delegates have not arrived.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sister National President, will you please instruct this convention as to balloting,
(Sister McCoy gave instructions, which were very helpful both in convention balloting and tent balloting.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: I hereby appoint the following committees to carry greetings to the Grand Army of the Republic and its allied organizations:
To the Grand Army of the Republic: Sisters McCoy and Stanfill, Tent 3; Sister Young, Tent 2; Sister McElhinney, Tent 4.
To Woman's Relief Corps: Sister Myrtle Suit, Tent 8; Sister Maude Shanton, Tent 5.
To Ladies of the G. A. R.: Sisters Houghton and White, Tent 6; Sister Carter, Tent 10.
To Sons of Union Veterans: Sister Day, Tent 4; Sister Bartmess, Tent 5; Sister Wright, Tent 6.
To Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans: Sister Hammon, Tent 5; Sister White, Tent 2; Sister Smith, Tent 3.
I ask that the following respond to greetings that will be carried to our convention:
Grand Army of the Republic: Mabelle Lane, Tent 8.
Woman's Relief Corps: Phloe Young, Tent 2.
Ladies of the G. A. R.: Dorothy Houghton, Tent 6.
Sons of Union Veterans: Myrtle Suit, Tent 8.
Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans: Jessie Day, Tent 4.
As Sister McCoy is obliged to leave this afternoon, our afternoon session will be called at 1 o'clock. Sisters, please be on time.
Motion for adjournment made, seconded and carried.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, we will open our session with the flag salute, after which Sister McCoy has a message for us.
SISTER YOUNG: Sister President, may I approach Sister McCoy's station? (A gift was presented to National President McCoy, who responded in her pleasing manner.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: The department senior vice president, Mabelle Lane, will take the chair and have charge of this convention in my absence. Our committee is going to carry greetings to the Grand Army of the Republic.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT (Upon return to convention): I wish all of you sisters could have been along. "Our Fathers" were indeed glad to receive their Daughters. I regret that our national president could not be with us longer. I am sure her talks and pleasing manners have inspired us to higher things.
I appoint Sisters Day, Carter and Stanfill as committee on officers' reports.
"Your flag and my flag! And oh, how much it holds Your land and my land - Secure within its folds. The one flag - the great flag - the flag for me and you, Glorified all else beside - the red, the white, the blue." |
![]() NELLE A. McELHINNEY, President. |
Headquarters for the past year have been established at 1320 North Summit, Arkansas City, Kan. Owing to the financial condition we have had to economize in a great many ways. I have issued 2 general orders and 3 circular letters. I have written more than 500 letters.
In September it was my great privilege to attend national convention held at Des Moines, and it was my very great privilege to attend with my father and three sisters. I'm sure our delegate has a good report of that convention. Delegate No. 1, Sister Alice Parker, Tent No. 6, was killed in an automobile accident before her return home. Three hundred sixty-seven were eligible to vote in national convention.
Lora B. Stanfill was appointed to a national office. Kansas Department carried away two national prizes - one of $10 for having the least number of dropped members, and one of $10 for having instituted the tent with the largest charter membership. This went to Sue Lovell Tent, No. 8, Topeka.
National chairman of organization reported seventy new tents and two new departments during the past year. One of these departments was our sister state of Oklahoma. Much credit was given Kansas Department for this.
This is the first time our department Daughters of Union Veterans have had established headquarters at a national convention, and I feel that it was well worth the cost. All Kansas headquarters were on the same floor. Fourteen Daughters from Kansas registered and two comrades.
I inspected Mother Bickerdyke Tent, No. 3, Burden, and Mrs. John A.
Logan Tent, No. 6, Wichita, finding both tents in splendid condition. -I installed officers of Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, No. 6, Wichita, and was entertained at the home of Sister Maude White.
Also installed officers of Mother Bickerdyke Tent, No. 3, and Julia Hopkins Tent, No. 7, Winfield, and Clara Barton Tent, No. 4, Arkansas City.
I gave an address at Arkansas City, on Grand Army Day, at which the Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Relief Corps, Daughters of Union Veterans, D. A. R., American Legion and their Auxiliary were guests. A fine dinner was served to more than 200.
The office of department treasurer and offices of tent treasurers in the department are bonded, for the first time since our department has been organized.
Our membership has increased almost 200 the past year.
Two new tents have been organized - Mary L. Strode Tent, No. 9, Fredonia, and Dorothea L. Dix Tent, No. 10, Chanute. Chanute closed her charter with 100 members. All calls for funds have been generously responded to by the various tents. We helped to pay the per capita tax of delinquent G. A. R. posts in this department. We helped finance the paintings in G. A. R. Hall, Memorial Building, Topeka. I attended the presentation of these paintings and had a part on the program. Sister Mabelle Lane entertained me while in Topeka.
To show our love and to honor the G. A. R., Department of Kansas, the four Women's organizations affiliated with them (Woman's Relief Corps, Ladies of the G. A. R., Daughters of Union Veterans, and the Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans) presented oil paintings of our martyred President, Abraham Lincoln, and Gen. U. S. Grant, on February 12, 1927, in G. A. R. Hall, Memorial Building, Topeka. This building was erected by the state of Kansas as a memorial to the Union soldiers and sailors of the Civil War, at a cost of over one-half million dollars. This building is 103 feet by 185 feet, with a 25-foot lawn, and is built of solid marble. In the front of the Auditorium, back of the platform are three panels, the center one being the largest, with a smaller panel on either side. A painting of "Old Glory" is on the center panel. In the panel on the left is the painting of Abraham Lincoln and on the right one of Gen. U. S. Grant. The cost of these two paintings was $800, and was paid for by the four allied organizations, the cost being prorated. These services were very impressive. Gov. Ben S. Paulen gave the address. His father was a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln.
![]() J. W. PRIDDY, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of Kansas, G. A. R. |
![]() S. BAUGHMAN, Commander Department of Kansas, G. A. R. |
These paintings were presented by Sadie Whitehead, department president of W. R. C., Margaret Grandle, department president Ladies of the G. A. R., Laura McComas, department president of Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, and myself as department president of Daughters of Union Veterans. Acceptance was made by Department Commander Samuel Baughman and Assistant Adjutant J. W. Priddy. Comrade Priddy wore an overcoat cape that he had worn at Nashville and Mobile at the close of those tragic times.
After the program a social hour followed. Meetings like this one just mentioned inspire us for greater loyalty, greater sacrifice and devotion to this great republic.
A room and equipment have been granted our order in G. A. R. hall, Topeka by the council of administration, somewhat like the other allied orders have.
Kipling says:
"It ain't the guns nor the armament, Nor the funds that we can pay, But the close cooperation, That makes us win the day. It ain't the individual, Nor the army as a whole, But the everlasting team work Of every bloomin' soul." |
Respectfully submitted,
NELLE A. McELHINNEY, Department President.
SISTER STANFILL: I move the presidents report be accepted. (Seconded and carried.)
To the Officers and Members of the Third Annual Convention, Daughters of Union Veterans:
One year ago you bestowed an honor upon Sue Lovell Tent No. 8, as well as myself by electing me as your department senior vice president. I wish to thank you for this expression of your confidence and esteem.
I have had the pleasure of representing our department on various occasions. I was invited as one of the guests of honor to the reception given by our local bodies for the department officers of the G. A. R. and other, allied bodies of the state on July 15. Was most happy to accept invitation from the W. R. C. on the occasion of the official visit of their national president, and to attend reception given by the Sons of Union Veterans for their division president; and to join with the department W. R. C. in the presentation of flags to mem bers of the senate during the legislative session. On all occasions I have been invited to appear upon their program on behalf of our department. I have endeavored to be true to my title and assist our president in every way possible. I was most highly honored by the department G. A. R. by receiving an appointment on their legislative committee during the session of the Kansas legislature.
MABELLE F. LANE, Senior Vice President.
From former treasurer | $17.83 |
For per capita tax | 164.60 |
For Southern Memorial | 10.60 |
For G. A. R. permanent fund | 12.00 |
For G. A. R. per capita delinquent posts | 12.25 |
For G. A. R. love gift | 38.00 |
For bonds | 9.00 |
For organization fund | 63.50 |
For general fund, supplies, etc | 179.42 |
Total | $507.20 |
Per capita tax | $65.84 | |
G. A. R. per capita tax | 12.25 | |
G. A. R. love gift | 38.00 | |
Department president, for printing, postage, etc | 26.88 | |
Paintings in Memorial Hall | 35.68 | |
Department headquarters at national convention | 22.50 | |
Arkansas City Floral Co | 9.35 | |
Lora B. Stanfill, organization | 17.50 | |
Emma La Paz, organization | 15.48 | |
Bonds | 9.00 | |
Charter outfits | 20.00 | |
Supplies, etc | 137.66 | |
Total | 410.14 | |
Cash balance on band | $97.06 | |
Supplies | 21.36 | |
Balance | $118.42 |
MAUDE K. SHANTON, Department Treasurer.
Sister Dorothy Houghton, press correspondent, gave her report.
The inspector's report was written by inspector, Sister Emma Leech, and read by Sister Phloe Young.
Sister Myrtle Suit, patriotic instructor, gave a fine oral report on her past year's work.
To the Department Council, Daughters of Union Veterans:
The Department Council of Daughters of Union Veterans, on due inspection, find the treasurer's books correct, and wish to commend the department in the selection of the treasurer, and to thank her for her care and thoughtfulness in the execution of the duties of department treasurer.
MAUDE L. WHITE, Council No. 3.
Sister Stanfill reported the organization of two new tents the past year: Mary L. Strode Tent, No. 9, Fredonia, with 15 charter members; Myrtle Walover, president. Dorothea L. Dix Tent, No. 10, Chanute, with 100 charter members; Minnie Carter, president.
Sister Leech, delegate to national convention, prepared her report, but was unable to attend. This fine report was read by Sister Phloe Young.
Ida McKinley Tent, No. 2, Independence, was reported by Sister Phloe Young.
Mother Bickerdyke Tent, No. 3, Burden, was reported by Sister Lora B. Stanfill.
Clara Barton Tent, No. 4, Arkansas City, was reported by Sister Jessie B. Day.
Betsy Ross Tent, No. 5, Cherryvale, was reported by Sister Maude Shanton.
Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, No. 6, Wichita, was reported by Sister Ellen G. Wright.
Julia Hopkins Tent, No. 7, Winfield, no report.
Sue Lovell Tent, No. 8, Topeka, was reported by Sister Myrtle Suit.
Mary L. Strode Tent, No. 9, Fredonia, no report.
Dorothea L. Dix Tent, No. 10, Chanute, was reported by Sister Minnie Carter.
The officers of the various tents are to be commended for the splendid reports given, as all tents show marked improvement in every way.
GUARD: Committee from the local circle Ladies of the G. A. R. are in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Guide and color bearers, you may retire and escort them to this station.
These loyal ladies gave us a royal welcome to their city. Sister Houghton, Tent No. 6, responded.
GUARD: Committee from the Ladies of the G. A. R., Department of Kansas, in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Guide and color bearers, retire and escort them to my station.
Sister Snyder, Wichita; Sister Miller, Great Bend; Sister House, Wichita, brought their greetings, and were responded to by Sister Woodward.
GUARD: Committee from the Sons of Union Veterans in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Guide and color bearers, escort them to this station.
Brothers C. S. Nation and S. C. Brown brought their greetings and response was made by Sister Suit of Topeka.
Committee from Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary called, gave a fine talk, and presented the department president with flowers. Sister Hammon, Cherryvale, responded to their greetings.
Committee from Sons of Union Veterans Auxiliary called with greetings, and were responded to by Sister Carter, Chanute.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, nominations of officers for the ensuing year are next in order. Nominations for department president are now in order.
The following were nominated: President, Sister Lane, Topeka; Senior vice president, Sister White, Wichita; junior vice president, Sister Carter, Chanute; chaplain, Sister Bess While, Independence; treasurer, Sister Shanton, Cherryvale; council - Sister Suit, Topeka; Sister Lomax, Cherryvale; Sister Hohnsten, Arkansas City; inspector, Sister Houghton, Wichita; patriotic instructor, Sister Day, Arkansas City; delegate at large, Sister Hohnsten, Arkansas City; alternate at large, Sister Heneman, Chanute; Delegate No. 1, Sister Jackson, Chanute; delegate No. 2, Sister Houghton, Wichita; delegate No. 3, Sister Paris, Arkansas City; delegate No. 4, Sister White, Wichita; delegate No. 5, Sister Carter, Chanute.
SISTER STANFILL: I make a motion that we discontinue nominations until Wednesday morning.
SISTER HOUGHTON: I second the motion. (Motion carried.)
Motion made, seconded and carried that adjournment be made until 8:30 a.m., Wednesday.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, we will open our session this morning by repeating the Lord's Prayer.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Are the greetings committees ready to report?
(These reports were very interesting. All allied orders of the Grand Army of the Republic consider themselves branches of this great patriotic tree, the Grand Army of the Republic.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, it is almost time for the G. A. R. parade. It is my wish that every Daughter join in this parade. Think of what it means to those boys in blue whose ranks are so rapidly thinning.
Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn until 1: 30 p.m.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, I am sure we were thrilled with patriotism at the sight of "Our Fathers" in the parade this morning. No doubt that was the last parade for many of them.
GUARD: A committee from the W. R. C. is in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Guide and color bearers, you will escort them to my station.
These greetings were well received and responded to by Sister Shanton.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: We will now take up the unfinished business - that of nominating alternate delegates.
The following were nominated: Sister Mary Thibus, Independence, alternate No. 1; Sister Lillian Fairclo, Arkansas City, alternate No. 2; Sister Bardwell, Chanute, alternate No. 3; Sister Ellen Wright, Wichita, alternate No. 4; Sister Elizabeth Hoel, Independence, alternate No. 5.
Comrade Dagle, of Des Moines, Iowa, who represents the national commander in chief, was presented and gave a patriotic talk which was very interesting.
Sister Hammon, Cherryvale, responded to this talk in her charming manner.
The guard reported a delegation from the Grand Army of the Republic in waiting. Guide and color bearers presented Department Adjutant J. W. Priddy, Comrade W. R. Phillips, and Comrade Merrill. Each brought greetings from the Fathers to their Daughters. Our conventions would not be complete without a call from Adjutant Priddy, who has assisted our order in numerous ways.
Response was made by Sister Lane, Topeka.
The guard reported the Wichita Drum Corps. They were escorted by the colors. They rendered several selections, which were highly appreciated. One number rendered was composed by Comrade Dunlap, father of Sister Dorothy Houghton.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: We will have the report of the resolutions committee.
SISTER LANE: As chairman of the resolution committee I submit the following:
WHEREAS, We are grateful for the good will and thoughtfulness of the citizens of Pittsburg for their many courtesies extended to us.
Be it resolved, That our heartfelt thanks are due to the Chamber of Commerce for the splendid preparations they made for our comfort; to the people who opened their homes for our benefit; to those who gave their time and talent for our enjoyment; to the Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 65, for the privilege of using their hall for our meetings; to the superintendent, the teachers and children of the schools; to the press for the publicity they have given; to the local circle of Ladies of the G. A. R., for their service in decorating the hall; to the young ladies who helped to beautify our memorial service with their vocal selections; to Mrs. Margaret Grandle, department president of Ladies of the G. A. R., for her thoughtfulness for our comfort; and last, but not least, to Commander Baughman and Assistant Adjutant J. W. Priddy for their fatherly care for the Daughters at headquarters; and to one and all who have worked for our comfort; also, to the management of Hotel Besse for all courtesies, and favors.
Be it resolved, That we indorse the idea of Comrade Osborn, of Humboldt, Kan., which briefly stated, was: That the affiliated patriotic orders of Kansas, along with our governor and senators be asked to request of the national council, through our national commander in chief Frank A. Walsh, a sum of $10,000 to build a statue of John Brown in the John Brown State Memorial Park at Osawatomie.
Be it resolved, That we agree with the Grand Army of the Republic, "Our Fathers," who favor ample and liberal pensions for the Civil War soldiers and their widows.
Resolution Committee.
SISTER LANE: These resolutions are approved by the committee, and I move their adoption. (Seconded by Sister Houghton and carried.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Secretary, how many votes has this convention?
SECRETARY: Sister President, there are 26 entitled to vote.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: I appoint Sister Young teller No. 1; Sister Bartmess teller No. 2; Sister Hammon teller No. 3. Our next order of business will be the election of officers.
Balloting then took place and tellers retired to count ballots.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: At this time I would like the sisters to give short talks, giving helpful suggestions for the good of our order.
Talks were given by Sister Stanfill, Tent 3; Sister White, Tent 2; Sister Shanton, Tent 5; Sister Carter, Tent 10; and many others.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sister Stanfill, we will have the recommendations of the department council.
The department council submits the following recommendations:
(1) The purchase of a suitable suitcase for the transportation of headquarters supplies.
(2) That our need for a floral fund is so small that such bills be paid out of general fund.
(3) That the department president be permitted to secure national headquarters.
(4) That department stationery be purchased.
(5) On account of change of name it will be necessary to purchase new seal
and electrotype for the department.
(6) That the cost of the flag presented to Hotel Besse by the Grand Army
of the Republic and allied organizations be prorated, our share to be $3.35.
Recommended by council,
Upon motion recommendation No. 2 was amended by limiting the amount to be expended for this purpose to $5.
Motion made by Sister Stanfill and seconded by Sister Suit the recommendations be adopted as a whole. Motion carried.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: We will now have the report of Sister Lane on the Lincoln and Grant pictures.
SISTER LANE: I submit the following report:
Sister President, Officers and Members of D. of U. V. of the Department of Kansas:
As your representative, elected at our last convention to act on the joint committee of allied bodies of the G. A. R. for the purpose of placing the paintings of Lincoln and Grant in the G. A. R. Hall, Memorial building, at Topeka, Kan., as per resolution adopted at our last convention, I desire to make the following report:
At a meeting of this committee during the summer, Mrs. 0. L. Moore, past department president of the W. R. C., was elected as chairman, and ways and means were discussed for financing the undertaking, which resulted in prorating the expense of $800 at the rate of 61/2 cents per member.
The figures given us at this time were as follows:
W. R. C., 8,500 members at .06 1/2 | $552.50 |
L. of G. A. R. 2,980 members at .06 1/2 | 193.70 |
D. of U. V., 472 members at .06 1/2 | 30.68 |
Auxiliary S. O. V., about 340 at .06 1/2 | 22.10 |
Total | $798.98 |
Price of pictures | 800.00 |
Leaving a deficit of | $1.02 |
At a meeting called a, short time later Mrs. Grandle, department president of L. of G. A. R., was present and raised their share of $200, making a total of $805.28.
This should have been ample, but a mistake in the membership presented for the W. R. C. when the final check up was made, caused a deficit of something over twenty dollars. After much effort on the part of the committee, the various heads of the departments agreed to an extra five dollars, and the W. R. C. assumed the excess.
This paid the full amount, and the pictures were unveiled on Lincoln's birthday, February 12, with our committee in charge.
We were indeed fortunate in having the presidents of all the various departments present. This was an afternoon long to be remembered, and the unveiling ceremonies, impressive to the highest degree.
As the veils were drawn by the department patriotic instructors of the several departments, a sight met the eye not soon to be forgotten, and I am sure the hearts of our dear old comrades beat with quickened pulse as their minds flashed back to the days of old when that wonderful president of the United States called them to the aid of their country, and that most noble of generals led them on to a victory of the nation.
These paintings will stand out as the paramount effort for the year 1926, and will be a lasting monument of the united work of the allied women's organizations of our state of Kansas.
A reception to the department officers followed these ceremonies, after which refreshments of punch and wafers were served by committees selected from the allied bodies of Topeka, and the expense of these refreshments was borne by the local organization.
Tent No. 8, of Topeka, assumed very willingly our portion of the expense
of the programs, thus relieving our department of this item of expense.
The checks for the amounts referred to in the foregoing report, of $30.68 and $5 respectively, were received from our department treasurer and paid over by me to the proper source, for which I hold receipts in full.
The work of this committee has been arduous at times, but I am indeed grateful to you for this privilege of representing our department on a committee of so much importance in the outstanding relation of this department to our allied sisters.
My one regret is that when the final printing of the invitations was done, they were not submitted to me for proof reading, and I did not know my name was to appear as our representative until they were sent to me for distribution in our department. I immediately went to headquarters and had the type changed so that the programs would be correct, but it was impossible to correct the invitations. The mistake arose from the fact that a date prior to this one had been selected, and as our president, Sister McElhinney, could not be present, I had been delegated to represent her I make this explanation for the benefit of those who might not understand. Our president, I am happy to say, does.
I have faithfully put forth every effort to represent our department so as to bring credit upon it, and I trust the work here submitted meets with your approval.
Department Senior Vice President.
Bills of $3 for printing charter, $2.50 for printing ballots, 55 cents for telephone, and $3.35 for flag for Hotel Besse, were presented and on motion allowed.
The committee on officers' reports stated they found all had their duties at heart and doing everything possible for the department.
Motion was made by Sister Shanton, Tent 5, seconded by Sister White 'lent 6, that the report be accepted. Motion carried.
Sister Houghton, Tent 6, reports our next convention will be held in Abilene, Kan., and that Comrade McWhorter, of Coffeyville, is the new department G. A. R. commander, and Adjutant Priddy reappointed.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: The tellers are ready to report.
The following were elected: Department president, Mabelle F. Lane; senior vice president, Maude White; junior vice president, Minnie Carter; chaplain, Bess White; treasurer, Maude Shanton; council members - Myrtle Suit, No. 1; Sister Lomax, No. 2; Nancy Hohnsten, No. 3; inspector, Dorothy Houghton; patriotic instructor, Jessie Day; delegate at large, Nancy Hohnsten; alternate at large, Sister Heneman; delegates - No. 1, Sister Jackson; No. 2, Sister Houghton, No. 3, Sister Paris; No. 4, Sister Maude White; No. 5, Sister Carter; alternates - No. 1, Sister Thibus; No. 2, Sister Fairclo; No. 3, Sister Bardwell; No. 4, Sister Wright; No. 5, Sister Hoel.
GUARD: Sister President, Comrade Byington is in waiting.
Guide and color bearers escorted Comrade Byington to our convention. He gave us a very enthusiastic talk on the new pension bill, and also the flood sufferers in the southern states. He presented the sum of $15, this sum to be doubled by the Daughters of Union Veterans, and the full amount be sent direct to the Daughters of the Confederacy in the South for flood relief. Sister Shantou was appointed chairman of a committee to attend to this.
Comrade Byington was given a rising vote of thanks. (Comrade Byington also presented us with $15 the past year which was used in organization work.)
Sister Lane, department president-elect, named Sister McElhinney as installing officer and Sister Houghton as installing guide, and named the following appointive officers: Guide, Dorothy Houghton, Tent 6; guard, Ellen Wright, Tent 6; assistant guard, Jessie Heneman, Tent 10; color bearers - No. 1, Mary Thibus, Tent 2; No. 2, Maude Hammon, Tent 5; No. 3. Lillian Fairclo, Tent 4; and No. 4, Corene Smith, Tent 3.
These elective and appointive officers were duly installed.
SISTER McELHINNEY: My dear Sister President, in turning this gavel and charter into your keeping for the coming year I want to thank you for the many courtesies you, as my senior vice have extended me. I predict for you, and our beloved order a happy and prosperous year. In the long years to come I will ever look back with pleasure to the year I was department president for this great patriotic order. If I can be of any aid to you during your administration, don't hesitate to ask me, for I am anxious to serve in any capacity.
Department President Lane gave a splendid talk, asking for cooperation and to make the year of 1927 a banner year for the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Sister McElhinney, retiring president, was then presented with a beautiful gift from the Daughters with love and appreciation of her past year's work. She responded in a few well-chosen words.
This completed the business for the third annual convention, which was closed by singing one verse of "God be with you till we meet again."
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: And now by the power vested in me I declare the third annual convention duly closed.
This was a "get acquainted" meeting, and a hearty welcome to Pittsburg was given by Margaret Grandle, department president of L. of G. A. R.
A beautiful flag was presented to Hotel Besse by the Grand Army of the Republic. Presentation was made by Commander Samuel Baughman, and acceptance of flag by T. J. McNally, president board of managers Hotel Besse.
Department presidents of the various organizations were then presented and responded with short talks. They were each presented with beautiful American Beauty roses.
Call to Assembly - Wichita Drum Corps.
Music-Pittsburg Senior High School Band.
Song, "America" - Encampment.
Invocation - Rev. W. A. Bosworth.
Song - Encampment.
Address of welcome - L. M. Atkinson, mayor.
Song - High School Glee Club.
Address - Judge Riley.
Song of welcome - Pittsburg Circle, L. of G. A. R.
Introduction of national and state officers.
Response - Samuel Baughman, department commander.
Solo - Mrs. G. E. Block.
Address - Joe E. Gaitskill, state commander of American Legion.
Lincoln's portrait presented to City Library by L. of G. A. R.
Presentation to G. A. R. - Nelle A. McElhinney, department president Daughters of Union Veterans.
Department Commander, Comrades and all Allied Branches of this Great Patriotic Tree - the Grand Army of the Republic: It indeed gives me much pleasure to represent the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War. I know of no greater heritage than being a daughter of a Union veteran. How you fought and what you endured during those tragic times has been told and will be told till the end of time.
C | stands for country you fought long to save, |
O | for Old Glory, and long may it wave. |
M | for men of the North, brave and true, |
R | the reward that is justly your due, |
A | for America, the world's hope and pride, |
D | for your daughters who stand by your side, |
E | their endeavor to bring comfort and cheer, |
S | for you soldiers whom we love and revere. |
The whole word is "Comrades," and our hearts thrill anew, As we pledge our allegiance forever to you. |
We are the baby of this department, but we are for the Grand Army of the Republic first, last and always, for there is no fraternity on earth like the fraternity of the Grand Army of the Republic, there is no charity like the charity of the Grand Army of the Republic, and no loyalty like the loyalty of the Grand Army of the Republic.
It has been a pleasure the past year to have been associated with Department Commander Baughman and Adjutant Priddy in my work. Their able assistance has done much for the progress our order has enjoyed the past year.
To show our love and how we appreciate the noble heritage that is ours, I wish to present this gift to the G. A. R., Department of Kansas, from Your daughters, and with it goes the love of every daughter in this department.
Acceptance by Department Commander Baughman.
Presentation of flag to Senior High School by Woman's Relief Corps.
Following is a roster of Tents in Department of Kansas, Daughters of Union Veterans:
Members. | |
Ida McKinley Tent, No. 2, Independence; Nellie Cook, president; Phloe Young, secretary, | 91 |
Mother Bickerdyke Tent, No. 3, Burden; Marie Fitzgerald, president; Rachel Gaton, secretary | 46 |
Clara Barton Tent, No. 4, Arkansas City; Jessie Day, president; Nancy Hohnsten, secretary | 61 |
Betsy Ross Tent, No. 5, Cherryvale; Nellie Hill, president; Stella Bennett, secretary | 71 |
Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, No. 6, Wichita; Ellen Wright, president; May Jonker, secretary | 82 |
Julia Hopkins Tent, No. 7, Winfield; Matie Athearn, president; Florence Bailey, secretary, | 20 |
Sue Lovell Tent, No. 8, Topeka; Myrtle Suit, president; Anna Foster Doane, secretary | 126 |
Mary L. Strode Tent, No. 9, Fredonia; Myrtle Walover, president; Mrs. Huffman, secretary | 15 |
Dorothea L. Dix Tent, No. 10, Chanute; Minnie Carter, president; Cora Bardwell, secretary | 100 |
It was indeed a great privilege to attend a national convention in Iowa, as my father enlisted in the 8th Iowa Infantry, and attended with me. In the state capitol, sealed in glass cases, are the flags used during those tragic times, and one of those tattered and torn flags was carried by my father. He was indeed proud to show that flag to his four daughters.
Kansas Daughters was well represented at this national convention. At the opening session memorial services were held for deceased members. These services were very impressive. At the camp fire held on Monday evening the Daughters of Union Veterans presented the Grand Army of the Republic with $1,200, and presented the five remaining Army Nurses with $100.
Several drum corps and drill teams visited the convention.
The floor work was put on by the state of New York. This was very instructive.
A memorial in honor of the G. A. R. was dedicated on Wednesday. This was a fountain and seat places on East river front. This memorial was made possible through the work and efforts of our national patriotic instructor, Leah Simpson.
On Wednesday evening the Father and Daughter banquet was held in the Crystal room of Fort Des Moines Hotel. More than 600 attended.
The Daughters of Union Veterans had canteens in various parts of the city where the comrades could rest and partake of lunch.
On Thursday the Iowa Department gave a luncheon for voting members. Souvenirs were at each plate-hat brush, paper weight and a plaque of Abraham Lincoln. Three hundred sixty-seven voting members were present.
Seventy new tents were reported for the past year, and two new departments.
Kansas carried away two cash prizes. Kansas gained 183 new members in the year.
Lora B. Stanfill, Burden, Kan., was appointed national color bearer No. 2.
Agnes I. McCoy, Fall River, Mass., was elected national president, and Mattie R. Tucker, Winter Hall, Mass., national secretary. 22
OFFICERS, 1927-'28.
Elected and appointed.
Senior Vice President,
Junior Vice President,
BESS WHITE, Independence.
MAUDE SHANTON, Cherryvale.
Patriotic Instructor,
JESSIE DAY, Arkansas City.
(1) MYRTLE SUIT, Topeka.
(2) ADA LOMAX, Cherryvale.
(3) NANCY HOLMSTEN, Arkansas City
Press Correspondent,
AGNES EATON, Arkansas City.
Assistant Guide,
Assistant Guard,
Color Bearers.
(1) MARY THIBUS, Independence.
(2) MAUDE HAMMON, Cherryvale.
(3) LILLIAN FAIRCLO, Arkansas City.
(4) CORENE SMITH, Burden.
(1) LORA STANFILL, Burden.
(2) PHLOE YOUNG, Independence.
(3) NELLE McELHINNEY, Arkansas City.
ARKANSAS CITY, KAN, June 11, 1926.
In the long vista of the years to roll, Let me not see my country's honor fade; O! let me see our land retain its soul, Her pride, her freedom, and not freedom's shade. -Keats. |
I. The Second Annual Convention of Kansas Department, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, was held in Independence, Kansas, May 17th to 20th, 1926.
II. The following officers were elected and appointed: President, Nelle A. McElhinney, 1320 North Summit street, Arkansas City; senior vice president, Mabelle F. Lane, 1201 Clay, Topeka; junior vice president, Kate Groves, 1304 East Sixth avenue, Winfield; chaplain, Mayme Stark, Independence; treasurer, Maude Shantou, 523 East Third street, Cherryvale; secretary, Nancy Holmsten, 828 South Summit street, Arkansas City; press correspondent, Dorothy Houghton, 507 Bitting building, Wichita; inspector, Emma Leach, 1104 West Chestnut avenue, Independence; patriotic instructor, Myrtle Suit, 1320 North Jackson, Topeka; council - (1) Lora B. Stanfill, Burden; (2) Ruth Hubbel, 218 Whalen, Cherryvale; (3) Maude White, 1539 South Emporia, Wichita; guide, Dollie Lawhon, 504 East Monroe avenue, Arkansas City; assistant guide, Lillian Weinberger, Independence; guard, Grace Abbot Ward, 1401 East Eighth avenue, Winfield; assistant guard, Ethel Brown, 1700 East Tenth avenue, Winfield; musician, Jessie B. Day, 820 South Summit street, Arkansas City; color bearers - No. 1, Aletha Skinner, Winfield; No. 2, Flo Bartmess, Cherryvale; No. 3, Minta Bond, Wichita; No. 4, Ocie Cole, Wichita; chairman of organization, Emma S. La Paz, 1307 East Murdock, Wichita.
III. Comrade Funk was made honorary musician of the department. Comrade Funk attends Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, Wichita, Kan., and is 91 years of age.
IV. Department headquarters are established at 1320 North Summit street, Arkansas City, Kan.
V. The following resolutions were adopted:
No. 1. WHEREAS, The financial condition of this Department is not sufficient to permit the necessary expense of an official visit to our tents.
Be it resolved, That the sum of $5 be paid to the department president or inspector, by the tent, on the occasion of her official visit.
No. 2. WHEREAS, The financial condition of the department is not sufficient to meet expenses:
Be it resolved, That the per capita tax be raised to 20 cents per member, semiannually.
3. WHEREAS, The G. A. R. will entertain the gift of oil painted portraits of Abraham Lincoln and U. S. Grant, to be placed in the G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Topeka, Kan., on each side of the recently painted picture of Old Glory, provided only, the gift is a joint gift from all affiliated bodies connected with the Department of Kansas G. A. R., the expense of which will be prorated between the organizations,' to be determined by a joint committee of allied orders.
Resolved, A resolution to this effect be adopted: A committee of one be elected to represent each organization.
Mabelle F. Lane, Topeka, Kan., was elected the committee member to represent the Daughters of Union Veterans.
VI. Semiannual reports of tent secretaries and tent treasurers must be sent by July 10.
Attention is called to the last general orders of our national president regarding the semiannual reports. These reports are to be forwarded to Sister Nancy Holmsten, department secretary.
VII. Password accompanies this order.
VIII. At the forty-fifth annual convention, G. A. R. Department of Kansas, held at Independence, Kan., the following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the G. A. R. encampment recommend that the Daughters of Union Veterans have permission to take part in the burial services.
IX. June 14 is the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of our flag. I hope each tent will fittingly observe the birthday of "the flag our fathers saved."
X. The twenty-sixth national convention of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will be held in Des Moines, Iowa, the week of September 19 to 25, 1926.
The following were elected as delegates to represent the Department of Kansas: Delegate at large, Flo Bartmess, Cherryvale; alternate at large, Lillian Weinberger, Independence. Delegates: Nelle Cook, Independence; Alice Parker, Wichita; Mabelle Lane, Topeka; Emma Leach, Independence; Dorothy Houghton, Wichita. Alternates: Nancy Holmsten, Arkansas City; Sister Vance, Cherryvale; Sister Gier, Independence; Marie Fitzgerald, Burden; Bess White, Independence.
XI. To Samuel Baughman, commander G. A. R., Department of Kansas, we extend our greetings and pledge anew our allegiance and service.
XII. Heartiest congratulations are extended to Sadie Whitehead, department president of the Woman's Relief Corps; Margaret Grandle, president of the Ladies of the G. A. R.; Chas. E. Jenkins, commander in chief of the Sons of Union Veterans, and Laura McComas, division president of the Sons of Union Veterans Auxiliary.
XIII. To the city of Independence, Ida McKinley Tent No. 2, and W. R. C. No. 117, we extend our thanks and appreciation for the manner in which we were entertained while in their city.
XIV. We extend our thanks to Comrade Byington for his liberal donation to our department.
XV. I take this opportunity to thank the members of our organization, Department of Kansas, for conferring upon me this honor. May our work be harmonious, ever striving to promote patriotism and work for the advancement of our order.
By order of NELLE A. McELHINNEY Department President.
Attest: NANCY C. HOLMSTEN, Department Secretary.
ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., April 20, 1927.
'Tis the Star-Spangled banner! O, long may it wave O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave! -Key. |
The third Department Convention of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will be held in Pittsburg, Kan., May 16-19. Headquarters will be established at Hotel Besse. Business sessions will be held in the Knights of Pythias Hall.
The following hotels and rates are submitted: Stillwell Hotel, $1.50 and up; Wick Hotel, $125 and up; Leland Hotel, $1.00 and up; Midland Hotel, $1.00 and up; Hotel Besse, $1.50 and up. Residence rooms, 50c. For reservations write Minnie C. True, assignment chairman, Pittsburg, Kan. Railroad rates will be one and one-half (1 1/2) fare for the round trip. Procure your identification certificates from your Tent President.
Monday, May 16.
6:00 p. m. - Credential committee meeting at headquarters.
6:30 p. m. - Department council meeting at headquarters.
8:00 p. m. - Reception Hotel Besse.
8:30 a. m. - Opening session. Memorial services in charge of department chaplain.
1:30 p. m. - Business session; nomination of officers; report of credential committee.
8:00 p. m. - Camp fire - Mirza Temple.
8:30 a. m. - Business session.
10:00 a. m. - Parade of G. A. R. and allied orders.
1:30 p. m. - Report of committees; election of officers.
8:00 p. m. - Campfire - Kansas State Teachers College.
8:30 a. m. - Business session; installation of officers.
Credential Committee - Nancy Holmsten, Tent No. 4, Department Secretary; Corrine Smith, Tent No. 3; Bess White, Tent No. 2.
Personal Aide - Lora B. Stanfill, Burden, Kan.
Headquarters Reception Committee - Maude K. Shanton, Tent No. 5; Florence Bailey, Tent No. 7; Jessie Day, Tent No. 4.
Press Committee - Myrtle Suit, Tent No. 8.
Resolution Committee - Mabelle Lane, Tent No. 8; Phloe Young, Tent No. 3; Maude White, Tent No. 6.
The following new tents have been instituted since last General Orders:
Fredonia - Mary L. Strode, Tent No. 9, instituted by Emma S. La Paz, with 15 members. Charter still open. Mrs. Myrtle Walover, president.
Chanute - Dorothy Dix, Tent No. 10, instituted by Lora B. Stanfill, with 49 members. Charter still open. Mrs. Minnie Carter, president.
To these tents we extend a most cordial welcome.
Grant's Birthday, April 27.
Mothers Day, May 8. Those who are fortunate enough to have a mother living perform some act of kindness to cheer her on that day, and wear a red carnation to show you are a fortunate one. To those whose mothers have left them, pay tribute to her memory by wearing a white carnation.
Memorial Day, May 30. - This is the one day of all the year when all Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War should make special efforts to lay aside all cares and duties and decorate the graves of our fallen heroes. Let us as true Daughters stand ready to assist the Grand Army on this day. Tents are requested to accompany the Posts to Divine Service the Sunday preceding.
Carry a word of cheer and a flower to the comrades who are unable to take part on this occasion.
As we stand by the little green tents built of sod, They are not so long and they are Dot so broad, But the comrades have lots of room And the sod is a part of the land they saved, When the flag of the enemy darkly waved, The symbol of dole and doom. |
Don't forget the G. A. R. permanent fund and the southern memorial fund. On February 12 the portraits of Abraham Lincoln and U. S. Grant were presented to the G. A. R. Department of Kansas. These portraits are in G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Topeka, and were paid for by four allied organizations: Woman's Relief Corps; Ladies of the G. A. R.; Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
The sympathy of the department is extended most lovingly to each of the bereaved families and sisters who have had sorrow come to them in the death of their loved ones, and also to our beloved Department G. A. R. Commander Samuel Baughman, whose wife departed this life February 14, 1927: Tent No. 5 - Gertrude Lovell. Tent No. 6 - Alice Parker. Tent No. 8 - Addie Warner.
I wish to acknowledge the many courtesies received from all well wishers, and to thank my officers and loyal members for their cooperation the past year.
To my national president, Agnes I. McCoy; department G. A. R. commander, Samuel Baughman; J. W. Priddy, assistant adjutant general, and all allied orders to the Grand Army of the Republic, I extend my thanks and appreciation for their cooperation and helpful suggestions for the good of our beloved order.
As I turn my command over to another, it is with a spirit of love and service,
By order of NELLE A. McELHINNEY, Department President.
Attest: NANCY HOLMSTEN, Department Secretary.
ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., July 26, 1926.
DEAR SISTERS - Am sending letters to all tents, as our department finances are such that I feel we cannot afford to have general order printed.
I hope we may be more prompt with our reports in the future.
Department general order No. 1, article V, section 3, regarding the oil paintings to be placed in G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Topeka, am pleased to say the committee members of affiliated bodies connected with Department of Kansas G. A, R. had a meeting in Topeka with the following result:
It was voted to prorate the expense of paintings at so much per capita, and the amount agreed upon to be 6 1/2 cents per member. The expense of the two pictures will be $800. This proposition is being submitted to the various heads of departments for their approval. This meets with my approval, and seems the fair way.
Sisters, I know you will be interested to learn that our department has gained 149 members since our report six months ago, making a total membership of 472.
An appeal is being made to all tents by our national patriotic instructor for funds for the Des Moines Memorial fund. Let this appeal not be in vain. Any money given to this fund should be made payable to Ella Morrison McFarland, national treasurer, but sent to Leah Simpson, national patriotic instructor, 8345 Linwood avenue, Detroit, Mich. Don't fail to give your tent number and address, so you will be given proper credit.
It has been customary to present a love gift to our national president at the national convention, and those wishing to be represented, send check, made payable to Sarah J. Ehrmann, chief of staff, but sent to me with name and number of tent and I will see You are given proper credit.
A journal of our past year's work and proceedings of our second annual convention at Independence is being published, the cost of same to be about 25 cents per copy. It may be a little less or a little more. I wish the presidents of the tents would let me hear from them regarding the number of copies desired,
I am pleased to announce that the Kansas Department, Daughters of Union Veterans will have headquarters established in Des Moines at the Chamberlain Hotel, room 417. 1 would like to hear from those planning on attending national convention at Des Moines.
I have received so many letters of Congratulation and good wishes for which I wish to thank one and all.
I think it advisable for the department treasurer and tent treasurers to be bonded. Our finances at this time are rather low, but I think in time, as we grow our finances will grow, and I want tile business of the Department D. of U. V. to be conducted in a legal manner, and the cost is so small. Please see constitution, chapter V, article VI, sections 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1 believe the cost will be about 50 cents on the $100.
If any sister knows of any one who is eligible to our beloved order living in a town where no tent exists, please forward names to our chairman of department organization or myself.
I will be much pleased to hear from each tent regarding article's spoken of in this letter. Anything that may be for the advancement of our order is most kindly received and given prompt attention.
NELLE A. McELHINNEY, Department President.
ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., April 15, 1927.
DEAR SISTERS - The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War are for the Grand Army of the Republic first, last and always. Several G. A. R. posts in this department are weak and delinquent with their per capita tax. The full amount is $28.80 and we Daughters have been asked if we would assume a part of this sum. Last year it amounted to about $50, and the W. R. C. paid it. This is a way for us to show our willingness to assist the G. A. R., so I am asking each tent for $1.75 for this purpose. Please attend to this at once. Send checks payable to Maude Shanton, department treasurer, and she will forward full amount to G. A. R. headquarters.
It is customary at conventions to present a love gift to the G. A. R. Last
year at Independence we presented $43. Shall be make it $50 this year? I
am asking each tent to give as much as they like for this purpose. Please
send checks to me, but made payable to department treasurer that your tent
may be given proper credit.
NELLE A. McELHINNEY, Department President.
Our department convention was held in Independence, Kan., May 18-20, 1926.
The reports from the officers of the various tents show an increase both in membership and finances.
Since last national convention one tent has been instituted, at Topeka, Kan., Sue Lovell Tent, No. 8, making a total of seven tents in our department with a total of 470 members.
Our department has contributed to permanent G. A. R. fund, southern memorial and permanent memorial fund.
The various tents have visited the comrades, sent birthday greetings, Christmas packages, assisted at funerals of comrades, assisted and attended Memorial Day programs, observed all flag days, assisted on programs, and gave a pageant at G. A. R. reunions.
Our department presented Kansas Department G. A. R. $43 at department convention.
Permanent headquarters, consisting of room and equipment, have been allowed us in G. A. R. Memorial Hall in Topeka, Kan.
I wish to thank Sister Underhill, national president, for her help and advice, and extend to the incoming administration the cooperation of Kansas De. partment.
Transcribed from Journal of the Third Annual Convention of the Daughters of Union Veterans. Pittsburg, Kansas, May 17, 18, 19, 1927, printed by Kansas State Printing Plant, B. P. Walker, State Printer, Topeka, 1927, 12-878. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, April 2002.