![]() Commissioner
![]() C. C. Stotler
The Electric Light Company was organized in the fall of 1905 and the plant established. On December 21st everything was in readiness and the lights were officially turned on by Mayor Cassidy. The equipment was a fifty-horsepower simple automatic engine, a fifty-horsepower boiler and a fifty-kilowatt altimeter.
In October, 1906, Mr. W. B. Wilson bought out the other members of the company and took over the business. At that time the number of subscribers did not reach forty. In June, 1907, there were sixty-three subscribers.
The business is now growing beyond expectation, and Mr. Wilson will be obliged to rebuild at once. New machinery of greater capacity will be installed.
S. H. Fairfield is one of the men who have been identified with the history-making of Wabaunsee County since he came to Kansas in 1856. He took part in the Civil War and Border Wars, serving in Company K of the Eleventh Kansas with honor and distinction. He has held many offices with credit, among them Postmaster in charge of the military mail for Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado in 1863; he was doorkeeper of the Senate and High Courts of Impeachment of Kansas in 1861-2, County Clerk in 1856, County Treasurer from 1867-81, Register of Deeds for several years. For two years he was editor and proprietor of the Alma Union and Trustee of Washburn College twenty-five years. The writer acknowledges a debt to him in compiling historical facts for this book.
The Alma Enterprise, Sage & Little, editors and owners, is the oldest paper now in the county, being established in 1884, and since absorbing the News, established in 1868, and the Altavista Record. It has a list of 1,600 subscribers, by far the largest in the county. It put in the first power press, also the first gas engine in the country and was first to own its own home. Frank I. Sage, the senior partner, is a printer of thirty-five years' experience, and the fame of his excellent work is known over several adjacent counties. 0. W. Little, the junior member, is a native born son of the county, and for nearly four years was Deputy County Clerk. He was largely instrumental in establishing the Wabaunsee County Historical Society, the first county society in the State, and is its present secretary.
The Enterprise is Republican in politics and has always stood for what was best in the growth and upbuilding of the city and county.

A. & P. Schmitz, Poland-Chinas
Among the prominent breeders of Wabaunsee County are Arthur and Paul Schmitz, who are of Alma. They have been raising Poland-China hogs for the past four years. They have a herd of about one hundred and forty pigs. The young pigs are sold each year to farmers and stockmen for breeding purposes. They will have about eighty for sale this year.
The Schmitz Brothers are also getting a start in registered Hereford cattle. They have about a dozen head as a beginning and intend to increase their herd.

Among the new men who have come to Alma and established a business, of which the little city is proud, is Wm. Oetinger, President and Treasurer of the Oetinger Lumber Co. The Oetinger Lumber Co. owns yards at Harveyville and Alma. The yards were established April 15th, 1906. The above is a cut of the buildings put up at that time. The Harveyville yard was bought of the Harveyville Lumber Co. in 1906. These two yards are about equal in capacity, and a large business, running up to about $30,000, is transacted at each point.
All kinds of building material, including lumber, rough and dressed, shingles, lath, posts, lime and cement are dealt in. Coal and brick are also handled at the Alma yards. The different kinds of lumber handled are the yellow or Southern pine, the white pine, and redwood from California, fir from Oregon, cedar from Washington, cypress from Louisiana, and oak from Missouri. Mr. Oetinger is an experienced lumberman. He came to Alma from Riley, where he had been in the lumber business for fifteen years. He has energy and enterprise, and is doing his share to promote the interests of his city and county.
The Oetinger Lumber Co. is incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas, and its officers are Wm. Oetinger, President and Treasurer; W. G. Means, Vice-President; J. E. Edgerton, Secretary.
Alma has three banks, the oldest of these The Alma National. It has a capital of $50,000, a surplus of $20,000 and is especially well backed by the following substantial directors: Fred Reuter, President, is a retired farmer, but still retains about 1,500 acres of choice real estate, besides his homestead. Mr. J. L. Shepp owns 4,000 acres of land in Farmer Township and in Lyons County. C. G. Willig, of Pavilion, who is considered one of the wealthiest, men of the county, owns a large area of valuable land. Mr. C. Thomson owns town real estate and a general store. Geo. Huber, manufacturer of hand-made boots and shoes. Mr. J. C. Goetzbach owns one of the largest stores in the county, also a fine farm. Philip F. Johnson, an old settler and retired farmer, has considerable money in property and stocks. Mr. J. R. Henderson is the cashier of the bank.
![]() Dr. George W. B.

Mr. R. M. Buck, of near Eskridge, is one of the stock-raisers of great enterprise. He is making Poland-China hogs a specialty and his herd of one hundred head contains some very valuable animals, including some prize-winners.
Mr. Buck has a herd of fifty Shorthorn cattle, one of which was a prize-winner at the Kansas City Royal Stock Show.
Mr. Buck is also a breeder of Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens.
Knostman Clothing Co. |
Transcribed from Business directory and history of Wabaunsee County pub. by The Kansas directory company of Topeka, Kansas, 1907. 104 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 21 cm. Advertising matter interspersed.