Business Directory
OFWabaunsee County
PUBLISHED BYThe Kansas Directory Company
OFTopeka, Kansas
Publisher's Announcement
In presenting the Business Directory and Official History of Wabaunsee County, we believe we have the most valuable reference book ever gotten up for any county in Kansas, and desire to make due acknowledgement to the enterprising and public-spirited business men of the county for their assistance and cooperation. Otherwise it would not have been possible to have gotten out so valuable a publication and make a success with this our first county directory.
The Kansas Directory Company has published several directories, notably the Kansas Produce Directory and the Kansas Real Estate Directory, and this book is the first attempt at a County Directory, and the publishers are encouraged to make a special feature of this line of work in Kansas.
The publishers take great pleasure in acknowledging the efficient and enthusiastic services of our special literary writers, Mrs. Mary Emma Montgomery and Miss Elizabeth N. Parr of Topeka. Of Mrs. Montgomery, Hon. Geo. W. Martin, Secretary of the State Historical Society, says:
"Mrs. Mary Emma Montgomery is a native of Ohio and came to Hays City, Kansas in 1877 with her father J. B. Milner. In 1879 she married Frank C. Montgomery, editor of the Hays City Sentinel. She has made her home in Kansas ever since, excepting for four years in the early eighties, when she was in Tacoma and Seattle, Washington Territory, where her husband edited newspapers. She was educated in the Alliance, Ohio, high school. She is the mother of three sons, Franklin Terence of San Francisco, Paul Milner of Topeka and William Penn, of Topeka. The youngest son recently graduated from the law department of the Kansas State University. Frank C. Montgomery, recently deceased, as all people know, was a brilliant editorial writer for many years connected with the Kansas City Journal. Mrs. Montgomery has excellent literary ability with a taste for historical work."
Miss Elizabeth N. Barr, Secretary of the Kansas Authors Club, and author of Washburn Ballads, has written a number of notable articles and has been quite a contributor of verse and prose for the Kansas press.
Governor Hoch gave Miss Barr the following letter of introduction to Wabuansee[sic] County people:
"June 14, 1907. To the People of Wabaunsee County: I understand that Miss Elizabeth N. Barr contemplates: writing a history of Wabaunsee County. One of the beautiful booklets in my Kansas collection is a little book of poems by Miss Barr. She is a gifted young lady and I am quite sure will write the story of Wabaunsee County in a charming manner. She is a Washburn girl and I commend her as worthy of the confidence of those who meet her. Very respectfully, (Signed) E. W. HOCH."
The editions of the Wabaunsee County Business Directory is limited to three thousand copies, and owing to a large advance sale the supply will soon be exhausted, but until then we will fill orders for a single book at one dollar or make a special rate for quantity. It is a magnificent book to send to friends and customers by patriotic residents of Wabaunsee County.
THE KANSAS DIRECTORY COMPANY. Topeka, Kansas, August 15, 1907.
Standard Directories for Sale at Special Prices
Kansas Real Estate Directory - in cloth, $1.00. Regular price, $2.00.Kansas Produce Directory - Paper $1.00; in cloth, $1.50. Regular price, $3.00 and $5.00.
Shippers' Record Book - Book for shippers of all kinds of produce. In boards, $1.00.
Stock Breeders Annual and Kansas Breeders Directory - Price, $1.00, sell for 50 cents.
Address all orders to Kansas Directory Co., 625 Jackson St., Topeka, Kans.

H. W. Steinmeyer, Volland, Kans.
Mr. H. W. Steinmeyer, who lives five miles southeast of Volland, is making a specialty of fine blooded Duroc-Jerseys. He has a fine herd and is enjoying a good business. He started his herd ten years ago, and besides his immediate home trade, which is large, he is shipping to Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Missouri. We can venture a guess that Mr. Steinmeyer knows his business in the hog line.
Egypt Lad 34032 is at bead of the herd. Following are a few of the sows kept in the herd at the present time: Miss Topnotcher 108816, Can Be Choice 112380, Volland Ferry 83624, Royal Gold Dust 122970, Bessie Wonder 112382. You can make no mistake in buying from this herd.
Mr. Steinmeyer also handles the Red Polled cattle, which herd he started five years ago with Mike Sunflower 12567 at head of herd, which is a son of the champion bull of Iowa. Last fall a young bull was added to the herd which is out of Lawn Fall 13221.
On further conversation with Mr. Steinmeyer we find be is keeping a flock of the Single Comb Rhode Island Red chickens, which is perhaps of great interest to many who wish the very best stock.
His farm contains 320 acres and lays in the very heart of the alfalfa land.
In answer to our questions, Mr. Steinmeyer said: "Yes, the fine stock business has my undivided attention and I have been able so far to fill my orders. The hogs and cattle which I put out are great advertisers for me."
Transcribed from Business directory and history of Wabaunsee County pub. by The Kansas directory company of Topeka, Kansas, 1907. 104 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 21 cm. Advertising matter interspersed.