Paxico, July 6th. - Came down to the depot to inquire about trains. Saw through the window as I was coming that the station agent was washing his feet, - a most commendable occupation. He saw me. Thinking to give him time to get through, I stayed out doors for a few minutes. When I came in he was still washing his feet - in the waiting room. Looking up innocently he asked: "What do you want?" "Nothing in that line,"' I answered.
Maple Hill, July 8th. - One of the campers came up from the Creek to-day and brought a fish that weighed 49 pounds. Now we were used to fish stories, but this man could show the goods. At first we were stupefied with amazement, and then we all made a rush for the Creek to see the spot where the fish was pulled out. It was a mile and half and we run nearly all the way. The spot showed the marks of a hard struggle and the water was still riled considerably. On our way back we learned that the fish had arrived that afternoon from Lake Michigan in a refrigerator car. The criminal is still at large, but a posse is scouring the woods, and if caught he will probably be lynched before the authorities can interfere.
July 12th. - I have been talking it over with several of the local bachelors and have decided to fix it this way: We counted up the bachelors in Wabaunsee County, and I happen to know that there is a corresponding number of old maids living on College Hill, Topeka, Kansas. I will act as agent for the Topeka end of the line and send the spinsters out in car-lots. The first consignment will be shipped September 1st, care of a certain County Commissioner, and the distributing point will be Sunbeam. The next shipment will be in care of Schroeder & Thoes' undertaking establishment. It is not to be inferred from this that the spinsters will be dead ones.
Alma, July 13th. - I used to think the people noted my personal appearance, but I am now quite disillusioned on the matter. Yesterday and to-day I have been going around with my mouth and neck all blistered, my nose twice its natural size, and my eyes swelled shut - the results of poison ivy. I thought I was a great deal uglier than usual, but most of the people didn't notice the difference, until their attention was called to it.
At the present day few pursuits offer to intelligent and industrious young men and women so many attractions as does stenography. Moreover, no line of work offers such great opportunities. Shorthand work naturally fits one for more responsible positions, and then opens the ways to promotion, for the stenographer is always in a confidential capacity, in closest touch with the head of the concern; as he handles his employer's private correspondence, he gets a knowledge of the details of the business such as no other clerk can get, and is naturally fitted by this work for other and higher positions of trust and responsibility.
Because we wish to serve the interests of the young people of Wabaunsee County, we take this opportunity of calling special attention, with our heartiest recommendation, to Dougherty's, the Actual Business Training School, located at 116-118 West Eighth Street, Topeka, which is doing such very successful work in fitting young people for success in the business world. This school is now thirteen years old, and has been steadily growing, both in enrollment and popular favor. Its success has largely been due to the fact that it has been built up on new lines.
Mr. George E. Dougherty, the founder and proprietor, is himself an expert stenographer and a business man of extended experience, having been an employer as well as an employee, and knowing the needs of the business world, he is determined to make better stenographers than the average. That he is succeeding is attested by the growing demand for his graduates. Within the last week he has had fourteen more calls for stenographers than he could supply, and most of these positions offered $60 a month or more. In one day came three calls from the Santa Fe Railway, one for a $70 position and two of them for positions paying $80 a month. Within three days Dougherty's sent out three students right from school into $75 positions.
Mr. Dougherty's success is due chiefly to his methods, which he got from his own business experience and not from other schools. While working as a stenographer he had experience in training others for stenographic work by means of the regular work of the office in which he was employed, and when he established his school he founded it upon this plan. Practically all the instruction from the very first is given by means of actual work for business men. This work is very much more varied than that of any one office, consisting of letters in a number of different lines of business, architects' specifications, legal work, medical work, etc. And all of it is done under constant supervision and instruction. The work must be done right, hence this plan insures the maximum of personal attention on the part of teachers and means to the student very much more thorough training. At the same time this work is vastly more interesting to the learner than is play work, and thus, securing and holding his interest and attention, enables him to learn much more rapidly, and upon graduating he is, as a result, prepared to take up business work in a manner to suit his employer.
No other school anywhere is conducted as is Dougherty's in this respect. This feature alone insures very much more proficient stenographers. It "kills two birds with one stone" by giving the student a very great deal of actual experience in connection with his study, so that six months in Dougherty's is equivalent to at least nine months in other schools plus three to six months' experience in an office afterwards. With such thorough business training it is not surprising that graduates of this school find no difficulty in obtaining employment, there being a constantly increasing demand for them.
Topeka has some decided advantages over other cities as a place in which to secure a business training. It is a nice clean city, an unexcelled place in which to live. The student has access to a splendid City Library, to the State Library, State Historical collections, etc. Being the capital of the State, it holds the State officers, an unusually large number of strong law firms, the State headquarters of very many organizations working throughout the State. Here too are the headquarters and the general officers, also the main shops, of the Santa Fe Railroad Company, with its 75,000 employees; also many large mercantile establishments, wholesale and retail. All these business offices require an immense number of stenographers and other clerks. The Santa Fe, through its chief officers here, employs very many stenographers for various points along the line, also. To the citizens of Wabaunsee County, Topeka is much nearer than other cities having business colleges, Hence this is the natural place for them to attend school.
Dougherty's School has the finest location in Topeka, being within a block of the city transfer station, Santa Fe general offices, diagonally opposite the Capitol Square and the City Library, two blocks from the two High School buildings, the largest stores of the city, the daily newspaper offices, the largest printing offices in the city, etc. In fact, it is in the very heart of the business section of Topeka. The school occupies especially pleasant rooms, they being exceedingly well lighted and ventilated. The equipment of the school is pronounced unequaled in the State by those who have had opportunity to see all the schools.
Among the features of this school are Dougherty's Brief Shorthand and Dougherty's Touch Typewriting, both of which are very much different from other methods. Dougherty's Brief Shorthand is by far the simplest system published. It has achieved remarkable success, being used now in all parts of the country and in various parts of the world, where its students have gone and advertised the system by their successful work. The simplicity of the system is due to the fact that it is exactly like longhand in its general principles; it is, therefore, the natural method. For this reason it is not necessary to resort to such complicated methods as the old systems use. All the principles of the system are shown and fully explained on four small pages of the text book.
Dougherty's School has always paid very much more attention to typewriting than do other schools, and this is one reason for the unusual demand for its students. The employer judges the stenographer by the typewritten work, for that is the part of the work which shows; hence, this is the most important part of the stenographer's' equipment.
Dougherty's Touch Typewriting gives results that cannot be secured with ordinary methods. Mr. Dougherty's copyrighted method of teaching the learner the keyboard, for example, gives the learner as much knowledge of the keyboard in ten minutes as he could get by ordinary methods in ten hours. Great stress is laid upon the importance of forming right habits and learning at the very start to do everything in the best way.
Very much attention is given to the proper arrangement and display, margins, etc., in both letters and other business forms. School, usually have students learn by copying correct forms from a book; in this way they merely follow the copy before them, without a thought or any instruction as to the reason. Hence but little impression is made upon the mind. When the student is doing actual work, as he is required to do in Dougherty's School, from longhand or from his shorthand notes, in which there is no attempt at arrangement, he is compelled to think for himself, he is taught the reason for this and that, and inevitably it makes an impression which stays with him. Some schools have an "actual business department," in which students for several weeks before leaving school are supposed to practise on real work; but Dougherty's is the only school which teaches by means of real work, from the beginning of the course to the end.
But it is necessary to see this school in order to fully understand its decided advantages. We have had experience with students of various schools, and we have no hesitancy in pronouncing this school far superior in its methods and results to any other school we know of.
Mr. Dougherty publishes his shorthand and typewriting systems in a complete Manual, which he sells for $2.00, and many learn from this alone. He also publishes a handsome little book, entitled "Dougherty's Shorthand Primer," of which the Phonographic World, of New York, says, "It occupies a unique field all alone," as nothing of the kind was ever published before. It is simply enough for the youngest school child, and sells at 25 cents. For six cents he will send any of our readers a copy of a little book containing twenty-five simple lessons in Dougherty's Brief Shorthand.
Write to Mr. Dougherty at any rate, but if possible see his school for yourself.
Even though you cannot go to school, we would advise you to learn Dougherty's Brief Shorthand. It will be worth much to you in various ways, and you can learn it at odd moments at home. Mr. Dougherty gives lessons by mail with great success, and at a trifling expense. Aside from the practical use to which you can put Shorthand, the mental training which it affords is a great advantage in every way. In securing help for any clerical position, experienced employers always give the preference to those who have a practical knowledge of Shorthand, because they say there is a marked difference in the way a stenographer is able to handle the work.




The Topeka Pure Milk Co.


Brightside Homestead Residence of Chas. C. Gardner,
Owner of Brightside Stock Farm, Bradford, Kans.Among the citizens of Wabaunsee County we want to mention Mr. Charles C. Gardiner, who was born October 25th, 1834, near Sherborn, Chenango County, New York, of Rhode Island parents. In the spring of 1842 he moved to Akron, Ohio, with his parents. In 1847 removed to the ancestral home in Rhode Island, where he attended the common school.
In the fall of 1853 he went to Providence to learn the carpenter trade; attended night school to learn drawing and architecture; united with the Congregational Church in 1855; in the fall of 1856 went to Alfred University, New York, and took a course in civil engineering. Taught school at Jamestown, R. I., the winter of 1858-59. Came to Kansas Territory in May, 1859, as a civil engineer, and pre-empted a quarter section of land four miles north of Burlingame. Nothing doing in the survey line, he went to work at carpentering. Midsummer found him at Jefferson City, Mo., as foreman in a sash and blind factory. In August, 1860, married Miss Leydia P. Buffington, of Chester County, Pa., who came to Missouri the year before with her parents. Late in the fall of 1860 went into the sawmill business with his father-in-law at Stonesport, Mo., ten miles up the river from Jefferson City. The war of secession breaking out in 1861, he enrolled in the loyal home-guards of Missouri, and saw some service in the year that followed. Removed to Kansas with his family in the spring of 1865 and settled at Waveland, ten miles south of Topeka. He moved to Wabaunsee County in the spring of 1884 and commenced improving the 1,500-acre farm he still occupies. Was instrumental in having Bradford station opened in the fall of 1889 and postoffice established. Was the father of four children, Independence Day, who publishes the Alma News; Seydia, who married Prof. J. T. Willard, K. S. A. C.; Earnest A. and M. Maud, who married Prof. R. C. Obrecht, of University of Illinois.

W. E. Schwanke.
Mr. W. E. Schwanke, who lives near Alma, is breeding Shorthorn cattle and Duroc-Jersey hogs.
The bull and heifer which started his herd were both from Gallant Knight. The Abbott 253713 is the herd-header at present, and is the animal which brought the most money at Gifford's annual Shorthorn sale. This calf weighed 1350 pounds when but two years old.
Mr. Schwanke started breeding the Duroc-Jerseys in 1903 with Daisy 2d as a foundation. Superior is now the head of herd. The date of farrow is March 17th, 1906. He is a deep cherry and weighs 500 pounds, and is but seventeen months old. He is an excellent hog and one that you can bet on. Mr. Schwanke has permitted us to announce that he always has both hogs and cattle for sale at any time.
Mr. Schwanke handles the Iowa Stock Powders, which is meeting with great success, because it is giving excellent satisfaction and the expense is so much less than the ordinary stock powders, yet its results are better. Only two feeds are required each week. It is a conditioner and will prevent disease. He expects to call on the farmers over the county and offer the powders for sale.
We are glad some one has found cheap stock powders that will do the work, as the farmers have already made the International Stock Food Co. a nice thing by using their powders; in fact, they sport the finest buildings in the country and the fastest harness horse in the world. Now let us try the Iowa Stock Powders for a while, as their prices are reasonable.

The German Swine & Poultry Merc. Co.,
We Carry
At all times a complete line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits, ages 3 to 16 years. Prices $1.50 to $7.50.
Youth's Suits
made in the latest style, all the popular shades; also blue and black. Ages 13 to 18 years. Prices $4 to $15.
Mens' Suits
The largest assortment of high-class clothing shown in Kansas. Suits and Overcoats by the World's best makers. $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25.
Every item fully guaranteed by us, No fakes. No grafts. No "Jew methods" in this store. The only American clothing store in Topeka. The fastest growing clothing store in Kansas. Mail orders promptly filled.

Transcribed from Business directory and history of Wabaunsee County pub. by The Kansas directory company of Topeka, Kansas, 1907. 104 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 21 cm. Advertising matter interspersed.