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Ezekiel Bion CONGLETON, the second son of D.C. and Emilla J. CONGLETON, was born July 20, 1864 in Blackford Co, IN, and passed away at his home
in Haddam, at one o'clock Wednesday morning, Mar 11, 1942 at the age of 77 years, 6 months and 21 days.

He came to Kansas with his parents in 1877, the family establishing their home seven miles south of Haddam
where he grew to manhood.

While a young man he spent three years in Laramie, WY, where he drove a stage coach through the mining regions.

Mr. CONGLETON spent a good many years in farming and caring for stock. He was a lover of horses and took great pride and realized much enjoyment in caring for them.

In 1918, he received the appointment as Superintendent of the Farms, of the Nebraska State Prison, at Lincoln and he spent seventeen years in this capacity.

Mr. CONGLETON has been a member of the Dirgio Masonic Lodge of Haddam for thirty-five years. He also held memberships in the Haddam I.O.O.F. Lodge, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Woodman Lodges for many years.

Although Mr. CONGLETON lived to a ripe old age, the years were kind too, as years seemed to have little effect upon him. He gave more in service and consideration to those around him than the average man.

He made no pretense of life, he walked the common road and helped to lift the load for many around him. His cheerful disposition helped to brighten the day for others who became discouraged along their weary way.

He lived the truth so far as he could see; he had faith in God and his fellowman. Throughout the years of his life he was a great lover of little children and he was especially happy when he could associate with his
nephews and nieces.

During the years that he lived in Lincoln, he was a constant contributor to the Father Flannigan's Boy's Home.

Following the first world war, when American people were called upon to pledge assistance to war orphans in the war torn countries, Mr. CONGLETON did his part by contributing to the support of an orphan
French boy for a number of years.

Seven years ago, Mr. CONGLETON came to Haddam and has shared the home of his sister, Miss Florene CONGLETON, until the time of his passing.

He is survived by one brother, W.S. CONGLETON, Haddam; four sisters, Miss Florence CONGLETON
and Mrs. Annie BURT, Haddam; Mrs. Archie HUFFMAN, Morrowville; nieces and nephews and many friends.

His parents, three brothers and one sister have preceded him in death. His death leaves a vacancy in the hearts of his family circle and friends, who will cherish his memory.

Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon at the Haddam Church, by the Rev. Mary Ellen LUTZ.

The Misses Grace FETROW and Lois PLAUMAN and W.S. STEARMS sang, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. John BRICK. Nephews of Mr. CONGLETON served as pallbearers and nieces as
flower girls.

Members of the Masonic Lodge attended in a body.
Interment was made in the Fairfield Cemetery southeast of Haddam.

Transcribed and Contributed by Delores Raines

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:47:14

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