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Obituary of  GLEN CORWIN
Glen CORWIN of Burlington was electrocuted July 6, while working on a power line at Burlington. Mr. CORWIN moved to Washington with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. CORWIN in 1905 and attended school here graduating form the high school in 1918.

The following taken from the Burlington Dailey Republican describes the accident which took Mr.
CORWIN's life: Glenn (sp) was at work on a 2,300 volt distribution line for the city street light current and O.F. PERRY, who was working with him said he believed that Glen's climbing spur slipped, throwing
him backward against the hot wire.

E.F. GILLENWATER, superintendent of the Burlington municipal light plant; O.F. PERRY, Jess McGLOTHLIN, engineer at the plant and a number of CCC boys, all trained in first aid, assisted the doctors in giving artificial respiration until about 5:30 O'clock when it was decided there was no hope.

Glen would have been 56 years old on July 24. He was well known by the nickname of "Democrat" CORWIN. He had been a member of Burlington M.W.A camp 1237 for a number of years. CORWIN and PERRY were working together building the city's new line and the latter was handling the wire on the ground. Mr. PERRY says that he believes Glen's climbing spur slipped in the wood throwing him backward. CORWIN screamed as his left arm came in contact with the line.

He stuck there until PERRY was almost halfway up
the pole, going to his aid, when his body slumped down but was held by his safety belt. PERRY climbed on up and held Glen in his arms, holding his head up until help arrived.

He said it seemed fully 20 minutes before help arrived but in reality it was but a few minutes. With assistance of Mr. GILLENWATER, Bert DECKER and some neighbors, Glen was lowered by a rope to the ground where artificial respiration was started and continued for more than three hours. Dr. A.B. McCONNELL, Dr. Dale McCOY of Burlington and Dr. Marvin F. WESTFALL of the Burlington CCC camp all gave assistance.

Dr. McCONNELL was on the scene before Mr.
CORWIN was lowered to the ground. The only marks on the body were a spot on the left elbow and a slight bruise on the left forearm.

Glen had been employed by the city light plant three years last March when the plant first started operating and had been employed for 12 years previously as a lineman by the Kansas Utilities company.

He had resided in Burlington practically all his life. He is survived by his wife and son Jack CORWIN; his mother, Mrs. Jessie CORWIN and the following
brothers and sisters, Keith CORWIN and Mrs. John DALBY of ------(the rest of the article is missing.

Transcribed and Contributed by Delores Raines

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:47:22

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