\ 1941 News Review, Barber County, Kansas Barber County, Kansas.  

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The Barber County Index, January 1, 1942.

1941 Passes In Review

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January 2.

Howard B. Simpson was one of two hundred eighty pilots scheduled to graduate from the "West Point of the Air" during Christmas week at Randolph, Texas.

One of the outstanding social events of the holiday season was the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gant at their home on Dec. 24th.

Mrs. Lola Jenkins, for many years a resident of Hazelton, died unexpectedly Monday night from what is thought to have been a heart attack.

Charles Forsyth left for Dallas, Tex., to spend a few days visiting his son, Gerald who is a sergeant in the United States army.

With three persons in attendance who were present at their wedding 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson celebrated their golden wedding anniversary here Christmas day with 89 guests attending the open house.

January 9.

With two victories and no defeats the Medicine Lodge Indians are now topping the Southern Kansas conference.

During 1940, 106 marriage licenses were sold which represented an increase of 30 over 1939.

Misses Gerry Shaw and Mary Jean Hibbard returned Monday evening to Columbia, Mo., where they attend Stephens College after spending the holidays here with their parents.

The Chevrolet coach of Mr. Shriver of Lake City was found Thursday after having been stolen in Medicine Lodge on Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Winnie Knox was reelected chairman of the Civic Planning Board.

Total dividends paid by the Barber County Building and Loan during 1940 amounted to $44,186.90.

Postal receipts will show an increase of 7% for 1940 over 1939 postmaster O. Mills, announced.

January 16.

An illness of several weeks proved fatal to Joshua Hanson Knight in Wichita on Jan. 7.

Although Monday was the official day for changing positions in Kansas courthouses, only one new face will be seen in the Barber county official family, that of Otis Shore, commissioner for the third district.

After an illness extending over more than a year Emma Jean Groendycke, 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Groendycke, died Thursday in a Wichita hospital.

Although Medicine Lodge made a gain of 13 per cent between 1939 and 1940, Barber county's rural areas, following the trend of the rest of the state, lost in population, according to final figures from the 16th decennial census.

Barber county now has a population of 9,073 compared with 10,178. Medicine Lodge jumped to 1870 during the ten year period, an increase of 215.

January 23.

Funeral services were held here Tuesday afternoon for James Porter Dobbs, well known former Medicine Lodge resident who died in Emporia Sunday.

Although unfavorable weather conditions have slowed up work on the project, the new athletic field is now nearing completion and by the time football season rolls around the playing field will be sodded and ready for play.

The national celebration of "Youth Week" commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Christian Endeavor organization will begin in Medicine Lodge Sunday.

Medicine Lodge was host to representatives of womens clubs from all sections of Barber county Friday when the annual meeting of the Barber County Council was held in the American Legion hall. Mrs. J. W. Hildebrand was elected president of the group for 1941.

Riley W. MacGregor, Medicine Lodge senator from 35th district, was appointed chairman of the high ranking accounts and claims committee last week in the Kansas legislature.

The campaign for funds to aid the sufferers of infantile paralysis is now in full swing with coin boxes for the "March of Dimes" placed in the different towns of the county, according to Mrs. Edith Myers, Barber county chairman of the organization.

Six decades of service to the people of Medicine Lodge and Barber county are being celebrated by the First National Bank here this week as it observed its 60th anniversary.

January 30.

Four of the Farm Bureau Units in Barber county during 1940 met the State standard of Excellence, Miss Marjorie V. Forbes, home demonstration announced. They were Cedar Farm Bureau unit, The Hazelton unit, the Pleasant Hill unit and the Sharon Valley unit.

The Kansas Children's home and Service League of which H. Hobble is trustee will meet Thursday in Topeka. The original home finding society of Kansas and was established in 1893.

Barbour county, with a population of 9,073, has a total of 2,799 dwelling units of which 178 are vacant, according to figures announced recently by W. L. Austin, director of the Bureau of the Census.

Guy Williams, Jr., assigned to the U. S. Naval Training Station at Great Lakes, Ill., will be home next week on a 9 day furlough.

Henry Abt was reelected president of the Barber County Farm Loan Ass'n.

E. E. Lake, Barber County representative was appointed on the important roads and highway committee, building and loan, insurance and public utilities committee in the legislature.

Word has been received here of the death of Joe Rigg, former Medicine Lodge resident, in Chewall, Wash.


February 6.

Mrs. Mary Jackson died on Jan. 28th at the home of her grandson, John Jackson north of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Murray Chance and children attended the golden wedding celebration of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elam Chance near DeRidder, La.

Dr. and Mrs. P. Marion Simms are among the 15 Kansans to appear in the 1941 edition International Blue Book, the only world's Who's Who ever published.

Herbert Hobble, Sr., was elected 1941 president of the Kansas Children's Home and Service League at the annual meeting in Topeka, Thursday.

E. P. Dill opened a bowling alley this week over the Sweet Shop.

Vernon Meckel a senior at Fort Hays, Kansas State College, was awarded his private pilot's license.

Russell Wayne, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roark, died Monday morning following a prolonged illness with whooping cough and pneumonia.

A large crowd attended the benefit basketball game between the employees of the Lodge Chevrolet Co. and the M. L. post office when proceeds amounting to $40 were given to the infantile paralysis fund.

February 13.

Fire Tuesday morning threatened the large stripping plant of the Kansas Power and Light Company southeast of here, but prompt work by the Medicine Lodge fire department confined the damage to the treating building.

Approximately 150 people are expected to attend a banquet in the Medicine Lodge high school tonight honoring the young men of Barber county who will constitute Barber county's February draft quota.

All plans have been completed here for the registering of war veterans February 22, according to officers of the local post of the American Legion.

What might have been a serious accident occurred last Friday morning when Mrs. Iva Dice was struck by a car while crossing the intersection between the Home State Bank building and Newsom's store, when she was badly bruised.

F. C. Kurt, farmer living east of Sharon, died Friday from injuries received when he was attacked by a bull last Sunday evening.

February 20.

The marriage of Wilma Austin and Glen H. Kimball took place on Feb. 14th at Isabel.

Mrs. Marie Snare of Snare's cafe was recently appointed County Chairman for the Kansas Restaurant Association.

Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mize are now receiving training in the air service of Uncle Sam. Seth A. Mize is now at Kelly Field and Jewel A. Mize is stationed in New Jersey.

J. H. Trice was given state-wide recognition in Masonic circles Friday when he was elected grand junior warden of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Mason of Kansas.

Mrs. W. L. Bragg, long time resident of Medicine Lodge, died Tuesday morning after a long illness.

Mrs. Carl Warren returned Sunday from Anthony where she had been receiving treatment for painful burns received when the sleeve of her smock caught fire.

Mrs. K. R. Grisby came Tuesday from Fort Crook, Neb., to visit a few days with her mother, Mrs. H. A. Rankin.

February 27.

Harrowing World War II experiences will be related first hand to the Medicine Lodge Lions, members of the six other clubs of this district and their wives, by Dr. Andre Baude, demobilized commander of a French ambulance unit and one of a few French officers to reach haven in the United States, at a zone meeting here Thursday, March 6.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berg announce the birth of a son, David Eugene on Feb. 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pardee announce the arrival of their daughter, Dorothy Lenora on Feb. 19th.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimball announce the birth of a son, Gene Paul, on Feb. 22.

Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons announce the birth of a son on Feb. 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Woodford were parents of a baby girl, Sandra Kay, born on Feb. 20th.

Funeral services were held Monday for Janet Marie Tedrow, six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tedrow, who died Saturday after a few days illness.

Don Parr, who is working at Fort Riley, spent the weekend here visiting his father, Cal Parr.

The Medicine Lodge high school acapella choir, under the direction of C. R. Matthews, was well received at Alva last Tuesday when they presented an assembly program.

Mrs. Lyman Russell returned Tuesday from McPherson where she was called by the death of her father, J. M. Bratches on Friday.


March 6.

An old resident of Barber county, Waldo M. Cass, died at Cherokee, on Feb. 16.

Mrs. Geo. Pearce died in the hospital at Anthony, Monday after a two weeks illness with diabetes.

Mrs. Lee Chapin was elected president of the library board for 1941.

Members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce adopted a schedule of closing hours for holidays at their regular meeting which will be submitted to Medicine Lodge merchants for their approval.

The tenth anniversary of the organizing of Medicine Lodge Business and Professional women's club was celebrated at the regular meeting of the group Thursday evening.

Mrs. R. A. Bauman returned on Saturday from Wichita where she recently underwent an operation.

Improvements of Highway 160 in Barber and Harper counties in the near future has been announced by the state highway commission.

In connection with "Boys State Day" which is March 12, the Barber county post of the American Legion is sponsoring a program at the high school which will be staged by Medicine Lodge youths who are assuming the reign of the city and county government.

March 13.

Members of Coach Nye's championship Indian Quintet have been pointing this week for the Pratt regional Class A basketball tournament which opens there this evening.

Medicine Lodge and one of its famous historical characters, Jerry Simpson, will figure prominently in a book to be written by Carleton Beals, now of Branford, Conn., but a former resident here. Old files of Medicine Lodge newspapers will be one of his principal sources of the book which will deal with political movement of the 1890's.

George Griffin who is attending Northwestern University, accompanied a violinist from that school last Tuesday at a recital given at Southwestern college at Winfield.

W. Clifton, Freeman, county superintendent, entertained the southwest sectional county superintendents at an all day meeting with a fish dinner at noon, here Friday.

Announcement of the reopening of the pastry shop formerly operated by Mrs. R. G. Hall is made by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Arnold.

March 20.

Mrs. Annie E. Clark, who had been in ill health for a number of years died March 12.

Basketball team defeated the Pratt Greenbacks 49-38 in the finals of the Class A regional basketball meet there Saturday night to give Medicine Lodge its first tournament championship since the local school was organized.

Interest of Barber county basketball followers is centered today in Salina where Medicine Lodge meets Immaculate high school in its first round game of the Class A state tourney.

Making it an all Barber county night, the Sun City Hornets steamrollered the Pretty Prairie bull dogs 33-17 in the Class B. finals of the district tournament at Pratt and gives them the championship and the right to compete in the state tournament in Hutchinson.

March 27.

Mrs. Margaret Hamilton passed away on March 21 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Winnie Knox after a several weeks illness.

Sale of drivers' licenses in Medicine Lodge is now in charge of Mrs. H. E. Creger and the licenses may be obtained at her home.

Mrs. Arthur Newsom passed away Saturday at her home in Sharon and the funeral was held on Monday.

Miss Virginia Lusk, sponsored by the Monday Afternoon club, won the vocal contest over 13 contestants Saturday afternoon at Garden City where the District Federation of Women's clubs held its music contest for this district.

Mrs. M. J. Fishburn, former resident of Barber county departed this life in the hospital in San Bernardino, California, on March 18th.

The next voluntary registration for Medicine Lodge will be Friday when workers of Barber county will be asked to register here in order that the Kansas state employment service may supply complete information on the number and skills of all workers.


April 3.

The National Gypsum Company owners of the Medicine Lodge plant, and manufacturers of wall and ceiling materials have announced the purchase of the assets of the General Insulating and Manufacturing company, makers of rock wool products.

With Forrest O. (Phog) Allen, nationally known basketball coach of the University of Kansas, as the principal speaker, residents of Medicine Lodge and vicinity are expected to turn out in large numbers Wednesday evening for a basketball banquet in the high school here at which members of the Medicine Lodge and Sun City teams will be honored guests. The Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the affair.

The F. F. A. boys entertained their fathers with their annual Father and Son banquet last Tuesday. The boys and their fathers met at 6:30 at the school house, where the fathers inspected the shop, which was followed by the banquet.

Paul Nye, Medicine Lodge high school mentor and outstanding 1938 University of Wichita graduate, will return to the university as the new Shocker football end coach it was announced.

April 10.

W. H. Haun, pioneer Kansas livestock man and former Barber county sheriff, died in Wichita, Tuesday morning following a prolonged illness.

Medicine Lodge citizens marched to the polls Monday to cast the largest city election vote in the town's history in which they elected H. H. Haynes mayor, D. C. Chads, Joe Hill, Fred Hardy, G. A. Shoop, and E. A. Melkus to the council.

Sen. R. W. MacGregor and Rep. E. E. Lake returned home Sunday from Topeka, where early that morning they had completed the longest season of legislature in Kansas history.

Howard Stone died Monday evening in Manhattan from an attack of acute indigestion.

Mrs. Beth Simpson was elected to head the Barber county women's Republican club at a meeting here Saturday afternoon.

L. E. McClure topped the market in Kansas City Monday with 75 head of steers and 43 head of heifers at 12.50 and 10.50 respectively.

Louis Orr was right behind him with 84 stocker steers and 40 heifers which drew $12 and $10.25.

Funeral services were held April 7th for Mrs. Eugene Shaw.

April 17.

Allen Hibbard, treasurer of the Medicine Lodge school board, was re-elected by acclamation at the annual school meeting here Friday afternoon.

The senior girls of the local high school were dinner guests of the Business and Professional Women's Club on April 10.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hinshaw, Joe Nial and Jack, returned Friday evening from Milkaukie, Oregon, where they have bought the weekly newspaper and will take possession the first of the coming month.

Terminating a lumber business in Medicine Lodge which covered a period of 83 years, H. W. Skinner announced this week that final action was taken Thursday on the sale to the T. M. Deal Lumber company of Wichita.

Hazel Elizabeth Dunn of Aetna and Wayne Davis of Medicine Lodge received perfect scores in the elimination spelling contest staged here Saturday.

Approximately 300 children were in Medicine Lodge Saturday searching the secret hiding places on the courthouse lawn in the annual Easter egg hunt sponsored by Zeal Johnson with the cooperation of local merchants.

Merchants of Medicine Lodge and others of Kansas can no longer legally offer goods for sale at a loss in order to attract purchasers of other merchandise as legislation aimed at "loss-leader" sales became effective in the state Monday upon publication of the unfair practices act.

April 24.

A large delegation representing the Medicine Lodge club attended the three annual Kansas Junior Chamber of Commerce convention which was held in Hutchinson.

Delbert Zimmerman, the Medicine Lodge Hi-Y president for the next year, was elected delegate for the Ninnescah Hi-Y meeting held at Harper Tuesday.

N. D. Bishop sold the Western Auto Store to R. F. Smith of Mankato.

The combined women's clubs of Medicine Lodge are sponsoring a program during Music Week which will be held at the high school auditorium Tuesday evening.

Scalps from coyotes killed in Barber county, after March 21, are worth $1.00 when presented at the court house in Medicine Lodge, according to a ruling at the last meeting of the county commissioner.

William B. Redwine former Barber county resident passed away April 17, in Gravette, Ark.

John Harrison returned Monday from his trip to Mexico City and spent the night here with his parents before returning to Winfield.

Mrs. Stella Youman returned Tuesday from Warrenburg, Mo., where she has been visiting her daughter for the past few weeks.


May 1.

Oil Activities which have been comparatively quiet in the Medicine Lodge vicinity since the first of the year picked up considerably during the past week when a new location was announced in the Whelan pool northeast of here and one in the Medicine Lodge gas field.

The United States defense savings bonds and postal saving stamps will be placed on sale in the Medicine Lodge post office Thursday as part of the national defense drive.

Preliminary plans for the holding of the Medicine Lodge Indian Peace Treaty Pageant and Celebration were made at a meeting of the board of directors here last Thursday.

Forced home by the unsettled business conditions caused by the war in Europe, Kendall Field former Medicine Lodge resident accompanied by Mrs. Field and their young daughter, was here last week visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Zeal Johnson.

A drive for funds for the purchase of a portable respirator and oxygen tank will be started soon according to Mrs. Edith Myers chairman. Plans are to house the equipment in the Achenbach Memorial hospital under construction at Hardtner.

L. M. Knight, former Medicine Lodge boy who is now with the state AAA office at Manhattan will be the principal speaker at the Lions club Thursday evening.

May 8.

Forty-nine Barber county farmers and stockmen used credit amounting to more than $135,000 from the Greensburg Production Credit Assn. in 1940.

The Christian Church and Phillips University on Sunday will honor Mrs. Sadie Clay for her contribution of $25,000 to apply on the erection of a new girls dormitory at Phillips University.

Mrs. Jennie Field passed away Monday in Wyoming at the home of her daughter, death being due to a heart attack.

Roman Abt was awarded $10 for first place in a recent dairy cattle judging contest and Kansas State college.

When the April session of the Barber county district court was completed Friday, it was seen that more than half of the cases on the docket had been disposed of to leave only 26 cases, the smallest number to be on the docket in many years.

Mrs. Lee Chapin was chosen as secretary of the Peace Treaty association to fill the vacancy caused by moving away of Mrs. J. C. Hinshaw.

The M. L. Indians, 1940 track champions of the SKL, dropped to third place this year in a bitterly contested meet at Kiowa Saturday.

Three Rolla Mo., men, are in the county jail here as the result of an attempt to kidnap a Winfield trucker here Saturday night.

May 15.

A violin recital of merit was given Thursday night at the high school auditorium by the students of Mrs. John Hilkey.

Thieves broke into Howard's Food Store here Thursday night and escaped with about $100 in silver and currency.

Bruce Kindig and John Coleman of the local school facility have excavated a large mammoth tusk and bones of the pre-historic monster on the Roger Mills ranch, 36 miles southwest of Medicine Lodge.

C. L. Forsyth was elected second vice-president of the Kansas Funeral Directors at their annual convention in Topeka, last Wednesday.

Sunday was a happy day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rickard in Medicine Lodge for all ten of their sons were home for a Mother's day gathering.

With a condition estimated at 80 percent and an acreage of 129,000 acres, Barber county is scheduled to harvest a big wheat crop this year, according to May 1 crop estimates reported by state and federal departments of agriculture.

May 22.

E. E. Lake elected as Kansas representative on the executive council of the United States Savings and Loan League at its convention in Topeka Tuesday.

O. C. Ewart, wealthy financier and former resident of Medicine Lodge, dies in Mt. Vernon.

Temperature hits 96 degrees for season high.

News reaches here that Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edwards, former Barber county residents, were passengers on the ZamZam which was sunk by Nazis. Passengers were picked up by a merchant ship.

May 29.

George H. Ives, prominent Medicine Lodge resident dies in Wichita hospital after a two weeks illness.

Large crowd sees 37 high school seniors receive diplomas.

S. A. Harrison is elected president of the Lions club.

Hire F. L. Gilson to direct Peace Treaty pageant.

Ground is broken at Enid, Oklahoma, for "Clay Hall" new girls dormitory for Phillips University made possible by $25,000 contribution from Mrs. Clay.


June 5.

Swartz test in Whelan pool hits for 2,000 barrels to make 16th producer in field.

Barber county farmer voted in favor of the wheat marketing quota referendum by a majority of 92.4.

O. A. Shoop, city councilman, resigns position with Lodge Chevrolet Co. to accept job in Topeka.

June 12.

Mrs. Laura M. Shell, for 57 years a resident of Barber county dies in Spencer, Ind., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Spencer. Mrs. Shell was 82 years old.

Three inches of rain does heavy damage to wheat in south part of county.

Opening band concert of summer is held under direction of R. E. McAllister.

June 19.

Good yields and high tests are reported on wheat coming to elevators here.

Mrs. Carrie Shaw, treasurer-elect and long time resident of Medicine Lodge dies. Mrs. Shaw was a graduate of the first class to receive diplomas from the local high school.

Barber county gets $50,000 in state highway improvements projects.

June 26.

Olson Oil company strikes oil on Nuckolls test.

C. C. Painter, former co-publisher of the Index and for many years a resident of Medicine Lodge, dies. His death followed a several months illness.

Mrs. Amanda Faulconer, another pioneer Barber county resident dies at the age of 81 years.

High ranking Masonic officers from all sections of the state attend meeting here at which the degree of Most Excellent Master is bestowed on 33 candidates.


July 3.

Mrs. Winnie Knox, chief operator for the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. rounds out 30 years of service.

Large crowd attends first night baseball game here between Pratt and Medicine Lodge.

July 10.

Clyde Gibson is appointed to the office of county treasurer, effective October 14 by the board of county commissioners.

Ben Morse, Barber county rancher, takes own life by placing the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun behind right ear and pulling the trigger.

Barbara Oil Company brings in McKee No. 6 in Medicine Lodge gas field.

July 17.

Barber county wheat harvest over. County produces about 2,000,000 bushels.

Mercury soars to 103 degrees for hottest day of year.

Medicine Lodge joins in drive for aluminum for defense.

Herbert Grove dies at the age of 63 years.

July 24.

Glen Blunk of Hardtner draws first number in Barber county in hugh selective service lottery.

Sign Ark Valley boys for Peace Treaty programs.

Errol Neal promoted to regular clerk in Medicine Lodge post office.

July 31.

Lloyd Thomas is hired as coach of Medicine Lodge high school.

Mrs. Lucy Benefiel, pioneer Medicine Lodge resident, dies suddenly at her home here. She was 79 years old.

Many from here attend Barber county picnic in Wichita.

Paul Blankinship, Hazelton, killed in car collision north of Wellington.

Peace Treaty skit presented for first time at Lions club makes big hit.


August 7. Barber county's tax levy is set at 8.32 mills.

Dr. J. M. Gacusana, Medicine Lodge physician, leaves for service with United States army.

Floyd Drake is new pharmacist in Hibbard Drug store.

August 14.

Wm. Palmer, 86, one of Medicine Lodge's most prominent and respected business man dies. He has been a resident of this county for 58 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray move to Kiowa where he will serve as manager of the Western Light and Telephone Company office.

Mrs. W. H. Edwards, ZamZam survivor speaks at picnic in her honor here.

Mr. and Mrs. Z. Smith celebrate golden wedding anniversary.

August 21.

Medicine Lodge wins junior baseball tournament here.

Barber county gets $30,000 worth of road improvement projects.

Sixth annual Barber county beef tour held Friday with barbecued dinner in the McLain grove.

August 28.

Barber county fair off to fine start.

The $125,000 Achenbach Memorial hospital is opened.

Mr. and Mrs. David Conn injured in car wreck near Strong City.

W. J. Coppinger is elected commander of the Barber county post of the American Legion.


September 4.

Total school enrollment for Medicine Lodge this year is 548, a small increase over last year, Medicine Lodge Indians start football practice with nine lettermen back.

Foreclosure proceedings on all real property in Barber county on which the taxes have not been paid for three years are filed in district court here.

September 11.

Charley Smith Page, prominent Barber county rancher, dies at the age of 86. He has been in poor health for several years.

Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sheldon dies in Ava, Mo.

Selection of characters for Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty pageant goes ahead rapidly.

September 18.

P. W. Doherty announces opening of new lumber yard here.

Mrs. Geneva Hart elected head of American Legion auxiliary.

Miss Leota Wright, Kiowa high school graduate and sister of Carrol Wright of Medicine Lodge, killed in car accident.

September 25.

Joe Denner, of Alva, Okla., buys Medicine Lodge Bakery from W. R. McCulley.

Medicine Lodge defeats Hardtner in opening football game 14 to 0.

Achenbach Memorial Hospital dedication services held before large crowd Sunday.

Mrs. Pearl Russell elected chairman of Barber county branch of Kansas Tuberculosis and Health association.


October 2.

Index issues 58 page special Peace Treaty Edition, largest newspaper ever published in Medicine Lodge.

Mrs. Julian Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mills and former teacher here, dies suddenly in Hutchinson hospital.

Medicine Lodge routs Harper to win football game there 32 to 0.

October 9.

Complete preparations for Peace Treaty Pageant.

Receive word here of death of Nolie Gilbert in Bend, Ore.

Medicine Lodge Indians tie Greensburg 13-13.

Medicine Lodge FFA judging team places third in Eureka field day.

October 16.

Large crowds attend Peace Treaty with Gov. Payne Ratner speaking at opening day.

Clyde Gibson begins duties as county treasurer.

Bob Lamkins of the Elm Mills vicinity, well known rancher and father of Charles Lamkins, local school teacher, dies suddenly.

October 29.

E. E. Lake is selected to head Red Cross roll call in Barber county.

Civic planning board announces series of three concert programs for Medicine Lodge.

Neil Wallace appointed deputy county clerk in Barber county.

Indians drop game to Anthony 6-0.

Medicine Lodge receives 5.31 inches of rain in one week.

October 30.

Rains damage flow lines and flood area in vicinity of city park.

Indians lose to Kiowa 13 to 0.

H. H. Hardy, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy dies suddenly in St. Louis hospital.

First killing frost strikes here.


November 6.

Map plans for meeting biggest Red Cross quota since World war.

E. E. Lake announces city chairmen who are Mrs. W. E. Stout, Medicine Lodge; Harry Hill, Kiowa and Hazelton; Mrs. N. J. Werner, Lake City; Glen Redfield, Sun City; Clyde Boots, Isabel and Mrs. Pete Eck, chairman.

One of the earliest and heaviest October snow falls in history recorded here. Measures about two inches.

November 13.

Kingman defeats Medicine Lodge 21 to 6.

Will DeMint, pioneer farmer of the Hazelton community dies.

Armistice day quiet in Medicine Lodge with practically all stores closed.

November 20.

Indians beat St. John 19 to 12.

Report fine progress in Red Cross Roll Call.

American Legion hold successful membership drive.

Hit oil of extremely high test at No. 2 "C" Gant.

November 27.

Indians defeat Calwell 6 to 0.

Edgar Allen Moffett dies in Berkeley, Calif. He was a brother of Mrs. Roy Platt, Lake City, raised in Medicine Lodge.

More rain comes to Medicine Lodge to again interrupt feed cutting.

Christmas Seal sale begins under supervision of Mrs. Pearl Russell.


December 4.

No. 1 Massey hits in Kansas City lime to give Barber county another new oil pool.

Wilson Estate No. 2 gasser comes in for 35,000,000 cubic feet for second biggest gas well in Medicine Lodge field.

H. W. Westmeyer, county agent here for two years, resigns to accept similar job in Anthony.

Indians lose final football game to Attic 20 to 0. Kenneth Root captured in Hardtner hills after shooting Donald Benson who dies from wound.

December 11.

War in Pacific finds several Medicine Lodge residents in area.

Mrs. M. C. Crook sells equipment of Powder Puff Beauty Parlor.

Give Barber county $1600 quota for war relief.

John Weidner, long time resident here dies at age 71 years.

Kenneth Root is charged with murder.

December 18.

Louis Orr, well known Mingona township stockman, elected head of Farm Bureau .

Hobart Frederick of Burrton is new county agent.

Mrs. Otis Lorton is buried here.

John Michael selected as scoutmaster.

December 25.

Massey Oil well tests 6,000 barrels and is regarded as the most important strike in Kansas this fall.

Hazelton is first town to make Red Cross war relief fund quota.

Henry Abt. is re-elected chairman of the Barber county AAA committee.

4-H club members guests of Lions club at annual achievement banquet.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!

This page was last updated 2 September 2005.