DIED: Feb. 24, 1891 and buried in
Halstead Cemetery
William G. Cutler's History
of the State of Kansas
W. W. JACKSON, farmer, Section 8, P. O. Newton, owns 160 acres, 120 in
cultivation, all enclosed with hedge, forty acres fenced for pasture, ten acres
in orchard and grove; dwelling 20 x 26, and barn 16 x 26; has three horses,
three cows and five hogs. Wheat average this year, twenty-four bushels per acre.
He was born in Brown County, Ohio, 1837, and when a child moved with his parents
to Iowa and from there to Kansas in 1871 and located here. He was married in
1872 to Miss Elizabeth Mathews. They have five children, William N., Jesse G.,
Richard E., Mary V., and Charles E. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church and the G. A. R.; enlisted in 1862 in Company E, Thirty-sixth Regiment
Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was with his command at the taking of Fort
Pemberton and went from there to Little Rock and on the way to Shreveport, La.,
was captured while guarding a train and taken to Fort Tyler, Tex., but made his
escape and got as far as Arkansas and was recaptured by bloodhounds after being
severely bitten by them and taken back to Fort Tyler and was kept for ten months
after exchange at the mouth of the Red River. Returned to his Regiment at
DuVall's Bluff, Ark., and was mustered out in the fall of 1865.