ALEXANDER QUEARY                     GRAVESTONE PHOTO                      

Clyde Republican, Jan 24, 1894                                

Died:  Jan 17, 1894                                               




  Alexander Queary, at his home in Clyde, Jan. 17 1894, aged 62 years. Funeral services was held in the M.E. church on the 18th at 2pm. Rev. Michener preached a very touching and appropriate sermon from Matthew xxiv: 42,43,44.  Mr. Queary was born in  Canada 1832, but moved to Iowa in 1857. When the war broke out he joined the 19th regt. Iowa Vol. Inft. and gave three years of his life to the defense of his country. After the war, he returned to Iowa and on April 2 1866 he was married to Miss Sarah Henderson and in 1878 he moved his family to the vicinity of Clyde, Kan. where they have since made their home. He leaves a wife and three grown daughters to mourn his loss.

Contributed by his great great grand daughter

Karen Pickett


Civil War Records – Alexander Query


War Department, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, Feb’y 1, 1883, #456.262


Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.  Alexander Quary, a Pvt of Company A 19th Regiment Iowa Inft Volunteers, was enrolled on the 13th day of Aug 1862 at Keokuk for 3 years and is reported: on rolls to Aug 31st/65. present-  Oct 31st/63 Missing in action Sept 29th/63 at Sterling Farm La- Regt was in action said date and place – Prisoner of war to June 30th/64 – Present on subsequent rolls to June 30th/65 – Mustered out with Co. July 10th/65 at Mobile Ala -  Also born as Alexander Query-


Prisoner of War Records show him captured at Bayou Fordorsh Sept 29.63. Paroled at Red River Lag. July 22. ’64. Reported at New Orleans La. date not given. No evidence of disability on said records and no further information.


Reg’tal Prescription book, shows him treated Feb 9 – 63 for cough. Spr 7 & 9 for dysentery. Aug 3 for fever intermit. Aug 4 Rx Ext-Rheizss ep saltszii-Tr opi gttsx. Aug 5 Rx Aromatic sulph acid gtts x-quinine gr 3- aqua zi- take every 6 hours. Aub 27 Rx Quinine gr.????? Aug 28 For Ague. Aug 29 – 63 Rx Elix  et spt Frumenti zss – dose teaspoonful three times per day. Sept 29- 64 For Malaria. Oct 1 Rx C.C. Pills4 – now, vil ½ oz in 6 hours if needed. Oct 2 Rx Salts & Dover ter die. Nov 5 For Fever Inter. Nov 7 Rx Quinine gr 3 – dover grs 5 ter die. Nov 8 Rx continue Quin. & dover – use as a gargle. Nov 9 Rx Quin gro 9 Dovers grs 5 ter die. Nov 10 Rx Mustard to breast and continue. Dec 2 For Cholera Morbus. Dec 3 Rx Continue, also mustart to side 6X8. Dec 4 – 64 Rx diar. mixt ½ Dr ter die & at Taps. Jan 25 – 65 For fever remit. Jan 26 Rx Qunine gr Hydg mit. gr ¼ opi fuilv. gr ¼  ter die. Jan 27 Rx continue, and apply mustart to breast. Jan 28 Rx Qunine gr v – opi gr ½ capsi gr 1 ter die. Mar 6 For dyst. Mar 10 For burn and bronchitis. Mar 11 Rx continue olive oil to ??? For scorbutic. Mar 24 Rx Apply cerat simp to burn and bandage. Apr 17 For fever remit. May 18 for constipation. July 22 for malaria. July 29 – 65 For diarrhoe.


Co Morning Report Aug 9 – 64 shows him returned to Co. from prisoner of war. Reg’tal Hospital Register – not on file.




Invalid Pension. Original Claim of Alexander Query

of Cap’t Bruce, Co. A- 19th Reg’t Iowa Volunteers

Enlisted August 20, 1862

Discharged July 10, 1865

Pension Office, July 31, 1882

Filed by Daniel L. Brown, Concordia, Kansas


Declaration for Invalid Army Pension

State of Kansas County of Cloud SS:

On this 26th day of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty two personally appeared before me, Cornelius F Heostetter Clerk of the District Court, a Court of Record within and for the County and State aforesaid, Alexander Query age 49 years, a resident of Clyde in the County of Cloud in the State of Kansas who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Alexander Query who enlisted in the service of the United States at Keokuk County of Iowa on the 20 day of August 1862, as a Private in Company A of the 19th Regiment of Iowa commanded by Bruce and was honorably discharged at Davenport, State of Iowa on the 10 day of July 1865. That his personal description is as follows:  age 49 years, height, 5 feet 7 inches; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, blue. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty, at or near a place called Sterling Farm, State of Louisiana on or about the 29th day of September 1863 he was taken prisoner and was confined in Rebel Prison at Tyler Texas.  When in the winter of 1863 & 4 he contracted disease of liver celi Gastritus, constipation of bowels and piles from which he has never recovered  and has been a sufferer therefrom ever since that by ?? thereof his general health was greatly impaired and ruined.


 I was never healed in Hospital after my release from the Rebels.


That he has not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above.  Since leaving the service he has resided in Iowa and Kansas and his occupation has been that of a farmer. That prior to his entry into the service above named, he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being when enrolled a farmer. That he is now almost wholly disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries above described, received in the service of the United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.


He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, Daniel L. Brown of Concordia, State of Kansas his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. That he has not received nor applied for a pension. His post office address is Clyde, County of Cloud State of Kansas.  Alexander (his mark) Query.



Widow’s Claim

Claimant, Sarah Query

Soldier, Alex Query

Service Co. A, 19th, Ia. V. I.

U.S. Pension Office, Feb 2, 1894


Declaration for Widow’s Pension

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS:

On this 29th day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, personally appeared before me, F.M. Anderson, of the Justice of the Peace court, the same being a Court of Record within and for the county and State aforesaid Serray Query, age 46 years, a resident of the City of Clyde, county of Cloud State of Kan, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Alex. Query who enlisted under the name of Alex. Query at Keokuk Iowa on the 13 day of Aug A.D. 1862 in Co. A. 19th, Ia Inf. and served at least ninety days in the late War of the Rebellion, who was honorably discharged July 10/65, and died Jan 17/94.That she was married under the name of Sarah Henderson, to said Alex. Query, on the 2nd day of April 1866 by John Scott, at Dover Iowa there being no legal barrier to said marriage, no pr. mar. either party.  That she has not remarried since the death of the said Alex Query.That she has not heretofore applied for a pension, and sol. cert. no. 557764. That her post office address is Clyde, County of  Cloud, State of Kan. Attest:  Mrs. Pauline Bonjour, George Schum.  Claimant’s Signature, Sarrah Query.


Also personally appeared Mrs. Pauline Bonjour, residing at Clyde Kansas and George Schum residing at Clyde Kansas, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit,  and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Sarah Query, claimant, sign her name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and an acquaintance with her of few months and thirty years, respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Mrs Pauline Bonjour, George Schum.  Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of January A.D. 1894. F.M. Anderson Justice of the Peace.



U.S. Pension Agency,

 Jun 10, 1896

Hon. D. I. Murphy, Commissioner of Pensions.

Sir:I hereby report that the name of Sarah Query, Widow, Act June 27, 1890, who was a pensioner on the rolls of this Agency, under Certificate No. 404461, and who was last paid at $8 to 4 Feby., 1896, has been dropped because of her death.  Very respectifully, G.W. Glicke, Pension Agent.


Alexander Query  Military Records

Company A, 19th Iowa, Company Descriptive Book

Description.      Age 27 years; height 5 feet 7 inches. Complexion light. Eyes blue; hair light.

Where born: St Johns Co. Va.; Occupation Farmer

Enlistment: When: Aug  13, 1862  Where: Keokuk      By whom Jno Bruce; term 3 years.

Remarks: P.O.A.a Primrose Lee Co, Iowa. Was in the battle of Crain  Grin Dec 7/62. Participated in the raid in Van Buren Ark from the 27 to 31st of Dec. 1862 Was in the siege of Vicksburg  and in

the expedition against Yazoo City and in the battle and taken prisoner at Sterling Farm La Sept 29

1863.  In skirmish at Franklin Creek Miss. Dec 1864. In expedition against Mobile and took part in the siege of Spanish Fort, Ala.


Appears on Returns as Follows:  Sept & Oct 1863. Absent.  Prisoner of war, taken prisoner at Sterling Farm

 while in action. Sept 29/63 May 18/65 Detailed Post Guard



Company Muster In Roll

            Roll dated Keokuk, Iowa, Aug 11, 1862;   Where born St John Co Va;  Age ??; occupation Farmer;

            When enlisted Aug 13, 1862; Where enlisted Keokuk Iowa;  for what period enlisted 3 years; Eyes

            blue; hair light; complexion light; height 5 ft 7 in.; When mustered in Aug 17, 1862; Muster-in

            date Aug 13, 1862. Bounty paid $25; Premium paid, $2


Company Muster Roll

            Aug 17 to Oct 31, 1862 – Present

            Nov & Dec, 1862 – Present

            Jan & Feb 1863 – Present

            Apr 15 1863 – Present

            Mar & Apr 1863 – Present

            May & June 1863 – Present

            July & Aug 1863 – Present

            Sept & Oct 1863 – Absent  - Missing in Action at Sterling Farms La, Sept 29, 1863

            Nov & Dec 1863 – Absent --  Missing in Action at Sterling Farm LA since Sept 29/63

            Jan & Feb 1864 – Absent  -- Missing in Action at Sterling farm La since Sept 29, 1863

            Mar to Apr 1864 -- Absent --  Missing in action at Sterling farm La since Sept 29, ‘63

            May & June 1864 – Absent --  Missing in action at Sterling Farm, La since Sept 29, 63’

Detachment Muster roll – Exchanged Prisoners

            May & June, 1864 – Present

Company Muster Roll

            July & Aug 1864 – Present – Prisoner Exchange July 22, 1864.  Since pd 2 Mon the pay by

                        Maj Haggarty viz for the months of May & June at new rates.

            Sept & Oct 1864 – Present

            Nov & Dec 1864 – Present

            Jany & Feby 1865 – Present

            Mar & Apr 1865 – Present   *Name appears in column of “Present” as Quary

            May & June 1865 – Present

Company Muster-out Roll

            Alexander Quary, Pvt. Co. A, 19th Reg’t Iowa Infantry; Age 27 years. Mobile Ala. July 16, 1865

                        Muster-out to date Feby 16, 1865

                        Last paid to feby 28, 1865

                        Clothing account:  Last settled aug 31, 1864; drawn since  $44.84; Due soldier $1.11

                        Bounty paid $25.00; Due $75

War Department Record and Pension Division

            Book Mark:  R & P 64969

            Washington, November 19, 18?9  Certificate in lieu of lost discharge furnished.



Memorandum From Prisoner of War Records

            Quay, Alexander, Reg’t 19, Iowa, V. Co A; Records of O.R.D. Ex Vol. 7:  Captured at Bayou

                        Fordorch Sep 29, 1863.  Paroled at Red River Ldg. July 22, 1864; and reported at New

                        Orleans, date not given. No later record. Copied by SBE.  2nd Aud. Case 8.21.80 W.T.R.

            Querry Alex, Rank Pvt, Regt 19, Iowa, Co A; Records of O.R. E.  Vol 4, Page ?, Vol 10.

                        Captured near Morganza, Sept 29, 186?; Present at Camp New Shreveport, La; Dec 26/63.



Military Card Numbers

            Quary, Alexander, Co A, 19 Iowa Infantry Private; Card Numbers  9914945, 9915046, 9915141,

            9915235, 9915321, 9915402, 9915485, 9915566, 9915644, 9915724, 9915799, 9915883, 9915971,

            9914451, 9916056, 9916142, 9916227, 9916313, 9916398, 9916484, 9916571, 99RxT 64969,

            32620015, 36222686





Original Invalid Pension #456, 262

Declaration for Invalid Pension State of Kansas,County of Cloud:


On this 25 day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety personally appeared before me, Notary Public; a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid Alexander Query aged 55 years, a resident of Clyde county of Cloud, State of Kan. who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Alexander Query who was Enrolled on the 13th day of August 1862 in Co. ‘A’ 19th Iowa Infy as a Private in the War of the Rebellion and served at least ninety days, and was Honorably Discharged at Mobile Ala on the 10th day of July 1865. That he is very near unable to earn a support by reason of disease of head and back, side and limbs and rhuematism.  That said disabilities are not die to vicious habits and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent. That he is not a pensioner.  That his address is Clyde county of Cloud State of Kansas.  Alexander (his mark) Query. 




Neighbors’ Affidavit, State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS:

In the matter of the application for pension of Alexander Query, Private of Company A, 19th Iowa Regiment Infantry Volunteers.  On this 8th day of December A.D. 1890 personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths S.N. Brown aged 29 years,  a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas whose Post office address is Clyde Cloud County, Kansas and F.B. Smith age 47 years, a resident of Clyde in the County of Cloud and State of Kansas whose Postoffice address is Clyde Cloud County, Kansas. Well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

 That he has been well and personally acquainted with Alexander Query for 7 years, and that I am Proprietor of a Flour and Feed Store and retail dealer in Coal, in Clyde Cloud County Kansas and during the last year Alexander Query has worked for me at different times.  And I know that his health is very poor, in fact he is hardly able to do anything in one sense of the word he is a total wreck, and cannot do near the manual labor that would be required for him to do to earn his support and in my opinion he is not able to work any at  any kind of work. And I  believe that his diseases are permanent for he is an old crippled, physical wreck, and as he is a church member and has always been a strong temperance man with no bad habits. I am satisfied that his ailments are not due to vicious habits.

I, F.B. Smith, have been acquainted with Alexander Query for about three years, and I have worked with him at different times during the last years and I hereby testify that he is not able to do much of anything. He is getting old and he is all crippled up as I suppose with rheumitism and trouble and trouble in his ? and he cannot work one tenth of the time and I believe his diseases, whatever they are, are of a permanent character. And he has always to my knowledge been a good well behaved man and I do not believe that his ailments are due to vicious habits.

S.N. Brown, Frank B. Smith, signature of affants



General Affidavit

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

            On this first day of March, A.D. 1894, personally appeared before me a notary public in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths A.P. Lewis aged 60 years and F.M. Anderson aged 54 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:  We the aforesaid A.P. Lewis and F.M. Anderson do upon our oaths say that we have known for several years the said Alexander Query deceased.  And that we attended him during his last sickness and was with him when he died on the evening of January 17th 1894 at about the hour of six o’clock  of the evening of said day.   We further say that the said Sarah Query is the widow of the said Alexander Query deceased. Affiants further say that his said widow has no visible means of support that she is in destitute circumstances.  And we further certify that the above statement was written by J.M. Fadan in our presence and only from oral statement made to him on this 1st day of March 1894 at Clyde Kansas and in making this above statement we did not use and we ? not aided or prompted by any written or printed statement, or recital prepared or dictated by any other person and not attached as an exhibit to this testimony.  A.P. Lewis, F.M. Anderson




General Affidavit

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 3rd day of March, A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths William Henderson aged 45 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            I am a brother of Mrs. Sarah Query and although very young I remember that Alexander Query married sister Sarh Henderson the spring after the war was over. I remember that  Alex as we called him had a nice team of horses, but I cannot say what month or day the marriage ceremony was performed.  I was about 16 or 17 years old. And I further certify that the above statement was written by F.M. Anderson in my presence and only from oral Statements made to him on the 3rd day of March 1894 at Clyde, Cloud county, Kansas.  And in making this above statement I did not use and I was not aided or prompted by any written or printed statement or recital prepared as dictated by any other persons and not attached as an exhibit to this testimony. I will say that Sarah Query still remains widow.  William (him mark) Henderson.



General Affidavit

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query

On this 9th  Day of March A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths W.H.H. Dilley aged 53 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            To whom it may concern.  I have know Alex Querry for about twelve years and have been overseer of the Poor over six years and to help the family more less every year but not so much after he got his pension but did some but she is now a county charge since he died and I further certify that the above statement was written by me this ninth day of March 1894 in the City of Clyde Kans of my own personal knowledge.  W.H.H. Dilley Township Trustee.



General Affidavit

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 17th  day of March, A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths Sarah J Query aged 46 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            The reason that I do not know exactly the day of my birth or marriage is this. Our Family bible of Family Record was burnt when our house was burnt in Maryland long years ago.  and when I was married the Justice of the Peace who married Alex and me never gave us a marriage certificate and we never had a Family Bible to keep our marriage record in or the date of birth of our children.  But since Mr Anderson showed  me the certificate of our marriage from the clerk in Fort Madison Iowa I have been thinking the matter over and counting the years and now I am satisfied that the Clerks Certificate is the correct one.  My memory is not good and my 1st statement was incorrect therefore I make this statement to Mr F.M. Anderson who writes it down as I tell it to him, orally this 17th day of march 1894 in Clyde Kansas and I am not aided by any other  (except the Clerks Certificate) person and not attached as an exhibit to this testimony.  Sarah Query



Additional Evidence

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 13th day of March, A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths George Schum, aged 36 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            That he has been well and personally acquainted with claimant for 28 years respectively and that I have been acquainted with Alexander Query all of my life and through my own personal knowledge I know that neither one of them had been married before they married each other and their children are all over sixteen years of age.  That they have owned no real estate for years and before he got this pension he was dependent on the County for help and now Mrs Query has to wash for a living and the County helps her now.

And I further certify that the above statement was written by FM Anderson Justice of the Peace in my presence and only from oral statements made to him on this 13th day of March 1894 in Clyde Kansas and I was not aided or prompted by any written or printed statement or recital prepared as dictated by any other person and not attached as an exhibit to this testimony. George Schum


Additional Evidence

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 17th day of March, A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths William Henderson aged 45 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            That he has been well and personally acquainted with claimant for all my life. And I hereby testify that our Family Records were all burnt up when our house burnt down near Whalesville, Wauites Co, Maryland a long while ago.  I was just a small kid and I know now that Alexander Query and Sarah J Henderson were married in the spring of 1867.  I told her she was mistaken when she said that she was married in 1866 and the Clerks Certificate from Fort Madison, Lee County Iowa stating that Alexander Query and Sarah J Henderson were married in the spring of 1867 is correct.  We have no family record of their marriage nor any marriage certificate from the Justice who married them.  Neither Alex nor Sarah were married before they married each other and Sarah is still unmarried. This statement is written by FM Anderson, JP.  This17th day of March 1894 in my presence as I state it to him orally and in making the above statement I was not aided or prompted by any person (except the record from the Clerk of Ft Madison) or written statement prepared or dictated by any other person or presence and not attached as an exhibit to this testimony.  W.J. (him mark) Henderson.



General Affidavit

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 29th Day of  October  A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths Jacob Fredrick aged 62 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas and Betsey Bayley, aged 62 years a resident of Clyde in the county of cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            We have been acquainted with Mrs. Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query for about 18 and 18 years. We knew them when they first moved here. They were quiet peaceable people and from that time to this we knew that they were not divorced and we never heard of them being divorced before that. And we know her to day as the widow of Alexander Query and we cheerfully certify to the same, and we further certify that the above statement was written by F.M. Anderson a justice of the peace in our presence and only from Oral Statements made to him on this 29th day of October 1894 at Clyde Kansas and in making this above statement we did not use and we were not aided or prompted by any written or printed statement or ? prepared or dictated by any other person and not attached as an exhibit to this testimony.







Additional Evidence

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 1st Day of November A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths J. N. LEcuyer aged 37 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            I have been acquainted with Mrs. Sarah Query, widow of Alexander Query for about 10 years.  I was well acquainted with her husband before he died. I know that Mrs Sarah Query if ofttimes in destitute circumstances from that fact that I am in the Grocery business in Clyde, Kansas and at different times I have received orders from W.H.H. Dilley, Overseer of the poor of this township to let Mrs Sarah Query have groceries, which I do and I get my money or pay for said groceries from the county.  Mrs Sarah Query has no property of her own and does washing for a living and I further certify that the above statement was written by FM Anderson Justice of the Peace of Elk Twp, Cloud Do, Kansas. J.N.LEcuyer.



Additional Evidence

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS: In the matter pension claim of Sarah Query widow of Alexander Query deceased, late of Cloud County, Ks, late private of Co. G. 19th Iowa Vol Infty.

On this 1st Day of November A.D. 1894 personally appeared before me F.M. Anderson, J.P. in and for the aforesaid county, duly authorized to administer oaths W.H.H. Dilley, aged 53 years, a resident of Clyde in the county of Cloud and State of Kansas well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

            I have been personally acquainted with Mrs. Sarah Query some 10 years and especially for the last four or five years have been Trustee of this Township for several years.  That I am overseer of the Poor that I have had to help her from time to time and still have to help here and I personally know that she cannot support herself and is compel to ask for assistance. I further more certify that the above was written by myself on the 1st day of November 1894 in the city of Clyde, Elk Township, Cloud County Kansas.  That I was not aided or prompted by any written or printed statement or recital prepared or dictated by any other person and not attached as an exhibit to this Testimony but have just written the facts as I personally know them.



Civil War Records – Alexander Query


War Department, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, Feb’y 1, 1883, #456.262


Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.  Alexander Quary, a Pvt of Company A 19th Regiment Iowa Inft Volunteers, was enrolled on the 13th day of Aug 1862 at Keokuk for 3 years and is reported: on rolls to Aug 31st/65. present-  Oct 31st/63 Missing in action Sept 29th/63 at Sterling Farm La- Regt was in action said date and place – Prisoner of war to June 30th/64 – Present on subsequent rolls to June 30th/65 – Mustered out with Co. July 10th/65 at Mobile Ala -  Also born as Alexander Query-


Prisoner of War Records show him captured at Bayou Fordorsh Sept 29.63. Paroled at Red River Lag. July 22. ’64. Reported at New Orleans La. date not given. No evidence of disability on said records and no further information.


Reg’tal Prescription book, shows him treated Feb 9 – 63 for cough. Spr 7 & 9 for dysentery. Aug 3 for fever intermit. Aug 4 Rx Ext-Rheizss ep saltszii-Tr opi gttsx. Aug 5 Rx Aromatic sulph acid gtts x-quinine gr 3- aqua zi- take every 6 hours. Aub 27 Rx Quinine gr.????? Aug 28 For Ague. Aug 29 – 63 Rx Elix  et spt Frumenti zss – dose teaspoonful three times per day. Sept 29- 64 For Malaria. Oct 1 Rx C.C. Pills4 – now, vil ½ oz in 6 hours if needed. Oct 2 Rx Salts & Dover ter die. Nov 5 For Fever Inter. Nov 7 Rx Quinine gr 3 – dover grs 5 ter die. Nov 8 Rx continue Quin. & dover – use as a gargle. Nov 9 Rx Quin gro 9 Dovers grs 5 ter die. Nov 10 Rx Mustard to breast and continue. Dec 2 For Cholera Morbus. Dec 3 Rx Continue, also mustart to side 6X8. Dec 4 – 64 Rx diar. mixt ½ Dr ter die & at Taps. Jan 25 – 65 For fever remit. Jan 26 Rx Qunine gr Hydg mit. gr ¼ opi fuilv. gr ¼  ter die. Jan 27 Rx continue, and apply mustart to breast. Jan 28 Rx Qunine gr v – opi gr ½ capsi gr 1 ter die. Mar 6 For dyst. Mar 10 For burn and bronchitis. Mar 11 Rx continue olive oil to ??? For scorbutic. Mar 24 Rx Apply cerat simp to burn and bandage. Apr 17 For fever remit. May 18 for constipation. July 22 for malaria. July 29 – 65 For diarrhoe.


Co Morning Report Aug 9 – 64 shows him returned to Co. from prisoner of war. Reg’tal Hospital Register – not on file.




Invalid Pension. Original Claim of Alexander Query

of Cap’t Bruce, Co. A- 19th Reg’t Iowa Volunteers

Enlisted August 20, 1862

Discharged July 10, 1865

Pension Office, July 31, 1882

Filed by Daniel L. Brown, Concordia, Kansas


Declaration for Invalid Army Pension

State of Kansas County of Cloud SS:

On this 26th day of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty two personally appeared before me, Cornelius F Heostetter Clerk of the District Court, a Court of Record within and for the County and State aforesaid, Alexander Query age 49 years, a resident of Clyde in the County of Cloud in the State of Kansas who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Alexander Query who enlisted in the service of the United States at Keokuk County of Iowa on the 20 day of August 1862, as a Private in Company A of the 19th Regiment of Iowa commanded by Bruce and was honorably discharged at Davenport, State of Iowa on the 10 day of July 1865. That his personal description is as follows:  age 49 years, height, 5 feet 7 inches; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, blue. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty, at or near a place called Sterling Farm, State of Louisiana on or about the 29th day of September 1863 he was taken prisoner and was confined in Rebel Prison at Tyler Texas.  When in the winter of 1863 & 4 he contracted disease of liver celi Gastritus, constipation of bowels and piles from which he has never recovered  and has been a sufferer therefrom ever since that by ?? thereof his general health was greatly impaired and ruined.


 I was never healed in Hospital after my release from the Rebels.


That he has not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above.  Since leaving the service he has resided in Iowa and Kansas and his occupation has been that of a farmer. That prior to his entry into the service above named, he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being when enrolled a farmer. That he is now almost wholly disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries above described, received in the service of the United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.


He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, Daniel L. Brown of Concordia, State of Kansas his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. That he has not received nor applied for a pension. His post office address is Clyde, County of Cloud State of Kansas.  Alexander (his mark) Query.



Widow’s Claim

Claimant, Sarah Query

Soldier, Alex Query

Service Co. A, 19th, Ia. V. I.

U.S. Pension Office, Feb 2, 1894


Declaration for Widow’s Pension

State of Kansas, County of Cloud, SS:

On this 29th day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, personally appeared before me, F.M. Anderson, of the Justice of the Peace court, the same being a Court of Record within and for the county and State aforesaid Serray Query, age 46 years, a resident of the City of Clyde, county of Cloud State of Kan, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Alex. Query who enlisted under the name of Alex. Query at Keokuk Iowa on the 13 day of Aug A.D. 1862 in Co. A. 19th, Ia Inf. and served at least ninety days in the late War of the Rebellion, who was honorably discharged July 10/65, and died Jan 17/94.That she was married under the name of Sarah Henderson, to said Alex. Query, on the 2nd day of April 1866 by John Scott, at Dover Iowa there being no legal barrier to said marriage, no pr. mar. either party.  That she has not remarried since the death of the said Alex Query.That she has not heretofore applied for a pension, and sol. cert. no. 557764. That her post office address is Clyde, County of  Cloud, State of Kan. Attest:  Mrs. Pauline Bonjour, George Schum.  Claimant’s Signature, Sarrah Query.


Also personally appeared Mrs. Pauline Bonjour, residing at Clyde Kansas and George Schum residing at Clyde Kansas, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit,  and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Sarah Query, claimant, sign her name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and an acquaintance with her of few months and thirty years, respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Mrs Pauline Bonjour, George Schum.  Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of January A.D. 1894. F.M. Anderson Justice of the Peace.



U.S. Pension Agency,

 Jun 10, 1896

Hon. D. I. Murphy, Commissioner of Pensions.

Sir:I hereby report that the name of Sarah Query, Widow, Act June 27, 1890, who was a pensioner on the rolls of this Agency, under Certificate No. 404461, and who was last paid at $8 to 4 Feby., 1896, has been dropped because of her death.  Very respectifully, G.W. Glicke, Pension Agent.