Stock Business

Preface Geology Pre-Historic White Men Settlements Medicine Man Indian Troubles Mulberry Scrap Raid of 1869 County Organization Roll of Honor Cities School History Women's and Other Organizations Newspapers Resources Stock Business Business Methods Too Late Errata Name Index

Lincoln County used to I)e a great grazing section, but the laud is now too valuable for agricultural purposes to be used extensively for grazing. The limestone hills, however, are still used- for this purpose, and the grass is said to be the beat in the, world for producing bone and beef. It grows in great abundance in May, June, July, and August. Instead of shipping cattle to pasture for other people for so much per head the Lincoln County people buy stock on the Kansas City market, pasture, it a season, and sell in the fall. The farthest point of pasturage is not over ten miles from the nearest loading point.

When pasture is hired it Is generally bought at $3 per head The gain per steer runs from 350 to 400 pounds for the feeding: season.

Most of the farmers keep a small herd of native grade cattle, but an increasingly large number have thoroughbred cattle and hogs. The raising of pure-bred animals for the market is a matter of education and the people of Lincoln County are finding out that it pays better to raise them for the ordinary market than to raise the best grade stock obtainable. The stock-breeders find a ready market for their animals at home, but some of them who have taken prizes at the State fairs have filled orders from all parts of the country.

Horse-raising Is also an important industry in Lincoln County, and there are several men in the west side of the county engaged In this business. The following is a partial list of thoroughbred stock breeders in the county.

       A. J. Hinkley, Milo, Poland-Chinas.

        Thomas Collins, Lincoln, Poland-Chinas.

        John Black, Barnard, Poland-Chinas.

        Henderson Howe, Barnard, Poland-Chinas.

        S. A. Woods, Lincoln, Poland-Chinas.

        Grant Crawford, Lincoln, Poland-Chinas.

        F. L,. Brown, Sylvan Grove, Herefords.

        C. H. Errebo, Denmark, Herefords.

        James Williams, Sylvan Grove, Polled Angus.

        H. P. Bacon, Sylvan Grove, Poland-Chinas and Shorthorns.

        Chas. Tilton, Lincoln, Poland-Chinas.

        Henry Aufdemberge, Lincoln, Shorthorns.

        G. K. Smith, Lincoln, Shorthorns and Red Polls.

        C. R. Williams, Sylvan Grove, Shorthorns.

        Lee Skiles, Sylvan Grove, Herefords.

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