The Kansas Pioneers List (KPL) is a compilation of settlers sent (e-mailed) directly from networkers doing genealogical and historical research that they are willing to disclose. The list currently contains many names and continues to grow as more computer users and historians become aware of its existence.

To add names to the Kansas Pioneers List, please follow the format described below, arranging your submission in alphabetical order by last name, then first name (if necessary) of the pioneer. Do not send submissions in the form of an attachment. Please put "Kansas Pioneers List" in the subject of your e-mail. Send (e-mail) submissions/additions, corrections or questions directly to Rebecca Maloney

Do not submit entries or ask questions until after you have read this file and accessed the Kansas Pioneers List (KPL).

Access Methods:

Write directly to the submitter (CONTACT) if you wish to disclose information. The address of the submitter (contact) is in the Kansas Pioneers Contacts file. Tell them some about your settlers and/or where they settled.

The Kansas Pioneers List (KPL) format is like the following:

(21)                  (16)             (5)   (5)   (15)           (2) (8)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@
LAST, First           LAST, First      ####? ####? OhioTwp         MR Chinn
PARKEN, Nicholas W.   TRUSCOTT, Mary   1847  1872  OttarTwp        CL Chinn
FIELDS -- field length=(##); line length=78 characters. The fields are not delimited. Please place a space between fields, and keep in mind the field and line length.

PIONEER NAME -- Please list all surnames in UPPERCASE. Please list their LAST/family/maiden name first. LAST and First name are in the same field. If you want to supply more information about the children, then list the child as the pioneer under their own separate entry.

SPOUSE NAME -- Please list all surnames in UPPERCASE. Please list their LAST/family/maiden name first. LAST and First name are in the same field. If you want to supply more information about the spouse (husband or wife), then list the spouse as the pioneer under their own separate entry.

BYEAR (birth year) -- When the pioneer was born before or during 1885. If you are unsure of the birth year of the pioneer, then estimate and use a ? after the year (####?).

SYEAR (settle year) -- When the pioneer first settled in Kansas before or during 1885. If you are unsure of the settle year of the pioneer, then estimate and use a ? after the year (####?).

TOWNand/orTWP -- Town and/or Township where the pioneer first settled in Kansas. Town and/or Township are in the same field.

Co -- County where the pioneer first settled in Kansas. Please list the county only in the county abbreviations field. The Kansas County List with abbreviations is available here.

CONTACT -- Please list your CONTACT ID, name, e-mail address, and U.S. Mail address in the format shown below. This information is kept in the Kansas Pioneers Contacts file. The CONTACT ID field length=(8).

__________  your name, e-mail address
Contact ID  U.S. Mail address

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