Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Miss Anna Swan and Mr. Thomas Ross


Married Last Evening

Miss Anna Swan and Mr. Thomas Ross, Both of Hutchinson.

Miss Anna Swan, daughter of C. R. Swan, the druggist, and Thomas B. Ross were married at 6 o’clock last evening at the home of the bride, on Avenue B east, be.  Dr. Irwin officiating.  The ceremony was witnessed by a few of the near friends and relatives.  A splendid supper followed the ceremony, after which the happy couple departed over the Rock Island for a week’s visit in Kansas City.  Mr. Ross is the head salesman at the Livengood General store, and both he and his bride are well and favorably known in Hutchinson.  On their return from the short visit they will be at home on East Sherman street.


Hutchinson Daily News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, January 11, 1900
page – 5  *** column – 3


Submitted by
Rose Stout on February 24, 2007.

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