Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Edward E. Barton Obituary

Death of Ed Barton Came as Shock.


Family of Deceased Salt Manufacturer in on the way.

Edward E. Barton, president of the Barton Salt company, and one of the prominent salt manufactures of the Kansas field, died late yesterday afternoon, after an illness of but a few days.

Mr. Barton had been afflicted with diabetes for some time, but had been out and around in apparent good health.  His wife and daughter are staying in California this winter, and Mr. Barton had closed up his home at ?07 Sherman east and was rooming at the Y.M.C.A. this winter.

On Friday his little nephew Malcolm Barton, called at his home and found his uncle feeling bad.  He complained of having hurt his leg.  He remarked that he expected to be out the next day.

On Sunday his sister-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Barton, called to inquire how he felt.  She found to her alarm that he was a very sick man.  He was taken to a hospital that afternoon.  Yesterday his condition was found to be very grave.  He sank rapidly and passed away late in the afternoon.

His wife and daughter were telegraphed yesterday of the seriousness of his condition and advised to come.  They started on the first fast train.  The California limited No. 4, leaving Los Angeles this morning and are now on the way.  They will arrive Thursday afternoon about 4 o’clock.

The death of Mr. Barton is a great shock, for very few knew until yesterday that he was ill.  He was one of Hutchinson’s best known business men, had a host of friends and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

He was about 56 years of age.  He was born in Terre Haute, Ind., and was there raised to young manhood.  He came to Kansas over twenty-five years ago, locating in Hutchinson, and has been a resident here ever since.

He engaged in the bond brokerage business on first locating here, later organizing the Barton Salt company, of which he has been president, general manager and practically sole owner for years.  As a manufacturer he ranked high, and had established a large and prosperous business here.

He was married in Hutchinson, in 1896 to Miss Effie Stimmeil.  The wife and one daughter, Helen, survive.  They have, for the past two years, made their winter home in southern California.

He is also survived by a brother, Frank Barton, and two sisters, Misses Helen and Elizabeth, of Los Angeles, Cal., and a sister, Mrs. Carrie Cook, of Terre Haute, Ind.

Mr. Barton was a member of the Elks lodge and also a Mason.  He was raised as a Congregationalist, his father’s family attending the church of Dr. Lyman Abbott, then pastor at Terre Haute, and now editor of the Outlook, and it was Dr. Abbott who baptized Mr. Barton.

The funeral will be under the auspices of the Elks lodge.  The time of the funeral will not be arranged until the arrival of the wife and daughter.


The Hutchinson News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Tuesday, February 27, 1912
page – 10 *** column – 7



Submitted by
Rose Stout on October 24, 2006.

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