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Jennie Turning Rogers Blachly Obituary

Obituary from The Haven Journal, February 5, 1931:
Mr. Blachly’s Mother Buried Wednesday
Mrs. John Blachly, mother of our fellow townsman L.B . Blachly, passed away at her daughter’s home in San Bernardino last Sunday morning.
Mr. Blachly, who had received word of her serious illness had rushed to California to see her and was able to be with her at the last.
The body was brought to Haven, arriving Wednesday morning. Mr. Blachly and a sister Miss Golda Blachly accompanying the body. The Graham morticians met the body in Hutchinson and brought it to their funeral parlors where the services were held Wednesday afternoon. Rev. MacCormick of the M.E. church had charge of the services and a quartet of ladies furnished the music. Burial was made in the Laurel cemetery.
Jennie Turning Rogers was born on February 13, 1860 and died February 1, 1931, lacking only a few days of being seventy-one years of age. On February 14, 1878 she was married to John Blachly, to which union four children were born all of whom are living. They are Mrs. J.E. Kirk of Scott City; Mrs. Jennie Mosher of San Bernardino, California; Miss Golda Blachly of Los Angeles, and Lewis Blachly of Haven.
Mr. Blachly passed away forty years ago in Cameron, Missouri and after that the family lived in Arlington. For the past several years she has lived in California with her daughters. She was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church.

Submitted by
Robert Richardson on January 23, 2005.

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