Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Mrs. Sarah A. Gould Obituary

February  1914 (died February 16,1914)
Grandma Gould Dies
Mrs. Sarah A. Gould better known as "Grandma" Gould died at her home in Haven about nine o'clock Monday morning. Paralysis was the direct cause of her death. She had been very sick for about a week only and it was not generally supposed that she was so seriously ill.
"Grandma" Gould was 77 years old and had not been strong for some time. Consenquently, she was not able to withstand the attack that came just a few days before her death. Everybody in the community knew her and the kindhearted, motherly soul will be greatly missed.
Sarah A. Lare was born in Kentucky July 15, 1836. She was united in marriage to James Gould, at Rising Sun, Indiana in 1855. The greater part of her life was spent in Illinois. She came to this vicinity with her husband thirteen years ago , and eight years later was left a widow. She then made her home with her son Chas until his death a year or so later. Since that time she and her adopted son Willard have lived together in the north part of town, until a couple of  weeks ago when Willard went to Detroit, Michigan to accept a position. His mother was making arrangements to go to Detroit also, in a short time, to live with her daughter, when she was stricken.
Seven sons and one daughter, besides numerous grandchildren survive her. The children are W. H. and Frank of Haven, R.D. and Dave of Wichita, J. J. of Quincy, Illinois, George of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Willard of Detroit and Mrs. Nettie Edwards of Detroit, Michigan.
All were here to attend the funeral with the exception of George who was not well enough to come. Chas E., another son, died a few years ago and one daughter died in infancy.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock from the
Congregational Church with Rev. Barron officiating. Interment was made at Laurel cemetery

Submitted by RBHaire@aol.com on October 25, 2002.

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