Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

George M. Hoskinson Obituary

George M. Hoskinson


Departed this life about three o’clock Friday afternoon January 26th 1912.

He had been a resident of Reno county practically all the time since 1883 having taken a claim northwest of Turon when this country was settled up in pioneer days.

He afterwards went to his old home in Douglas county, Kansas and married Miss Hagerman and returned to the claim where they endured the hardships of the early day, but being processed of that “never fail” spirit they worked hard and in after ears began to accumulate property and wealth, and at the time of his death he left an estate estimated to be worth in the neighborhood of $50,000.

Mr. Hoskinson was a jovial sort of a fellow who had a large list of friends and was widely acquainted.  at the time of his death he left a wife and four children to mourn his departure.

Funeral services were conducted from the Christian church in this city Sunday afternoon by Rev. D. F. Cross, assisted by the I.O.O.F. lodge of which he was a member, after which interment was made in the Turon cemetery.

The Bereaved family have a host of friends who tender heartfelt sympathy.


Turon Weekly Press
Turon, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, February 1, 1912
page – 8 *** column – 3

Submitted by
Rose Stout on August 10, 2006.

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