Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

William Richard Love Obituary

William Richard Love, Born 10 April 1839, South Carolina, died 14 January 1921, Partridge, Reno County, Kansas, is buried at Partridge Cemetery, Center Township, Reno County, Kansas
Copied from: "A Biographical History of Central Kansas" (page 363) Volume 1.
 Published by The 'Lewis Publishing Co., New York and Chicago - 1902
   William R. Love is one of the respected farmers of Reno County, where he has made his home for many years, being closely associated with its welfare. He is a thorough, practical agriculturist and man of business, and has been the architect of his own fortunes. His fidelity to duty is one of his marked characteristics, and in times of war and peace alike he has every been true to his honest convictions.
   Mr. Love is a native of South Carolina, his birth having occurred on the 10th day of April, 1839. His grandfather, Richard Love, was a well known planter of that commonwealth, where he owned many slaves, and there he spent his entire life. He reared six sons and two daughters, all of whom became worthy citizens and were an honor to the good old family name. James H. Love, the father of our subject, was born in. South Carolina, April 29, 1803, in his native state, in 1828 was united in marriage to Sarah Bowen, who was born there in 1806, a daughter of Joseph Bowen. In the fall of 1842, when our subject was three and a half years of age, they removed to Mississippi, where they became the owners of five hundred acres of land on which they raised principally cotton and corn and they also owned from fifteen to twenty slaves. They reared six of their nine children, four daughters and two sons; and the brother of our subject. Joseph E. Love, is now a prominent farmer of Mississippi, where he owns about seven hundred acres of land and is extensively engaged in farming and stock raising. The mother departed this life in 1863, and her husband survived her until May 8, 1885, when he, too passed away, dying in Mississippi.
   William Richard Love, whose name introduces their review, has ever followed the tilling of the soil as a life occupation, and after attaining to man's estate, he was engaged in farming with his father for seven years. He then lest the parental roof, and for a time worked on his own place of four hundred acres. During the Civil War, both he and his brother entered the service of their beloved Southland, and both were wounded in battle. At the battle of Franklin, Tennessee, our subject was wounded and captured after which he spent three and one-half months in a hospital at Nashville, going thence to Louisville, Kentucky, next to Camp Chase, Ohio and finally to Point Lookout, Maryland, having been in the hospital most of the time. After the close of hostilities, he returned to his home in Mississippi where he remained until May, 1884, when he came to Kansas, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land near Partridge, Kansas the purchase price being twelve hundred and eighty dollars. From time to time he has added to his original purchase until he now owns three quarter sections, a half section of which is under a high state of cultivation, and the remainder is devoted to pasturage. He keeps on hand about fifty head of graded cattle, many being full-blooded shorthorns, and also has from twelve to thirteen mules. Corn and wheat are the principal crops, eighty acres of his land being planted with the latter and one hundred and ten acres with the former cereal. He indeed possesses the enterprising spirit of the west, and the high position which he now occupies in the business world has been reached by his unfaltering industry, his close attention to business and his wise judgment.
From "Partridge Pioneers History of Early Partridge" compiled by Annabel White, 1968

WILLIAM RICHARD LOVE: Mr. Love was born in Mississippi in 1839 and was married on the 4th of September, 1872 to Miss Perneasy Robinson. He bought land near Partridge in May 1884 and moved there; where he added to his holdings until he was owner of three quarter sections. Mr. And Mrs. Love were parents of 13 children and exhibited the true pioneer spirit. They were members of the Congregational Church and had a wide circle of friends.

Submitted by Phillip H. Pitzer
on February 8, 2006.

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