Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

John Nafzinger Obituary

John Nafzinger Dies

End Came Last Night at Local Hospital After Short Illness.

John Nafzinger, a farmer residing four miles west of Hutchinson died last night at 11:30 o'clock at a local hospital, following an illness of only a week.

Mr. Nafzinger was 64 years old. He was born November 23, 1857 in Baltimore, Maryland, and came to Kansas in 1884, settling near Yoder, twenty years ago, he moved near Hutchinson where he had made his home since that time.

Surviving Mr. Nafzinger are his wife, Mrs. Emma Nafzinger and six children. They are Mrs. D. F. Lauder, of Cottonwood Falls, Harriet and Frank Nafzinger, both of Kansas City, Lena, Louis and John Nafzinger, all of whom made their home with their parents.

Funeral services will be held at the Poplar Church, Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will take place at the Laural Cemetery, at Haven.

The Hutchinson News
Saturday, August 23, 1924
page - 2 column - 3

Submitted by
Rose Stout on January 6, 2005.

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