Name | Township | Cemetery | | | |
V.F.W. | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Vailie | Delaware | Greenwood | |
Valee | Delaware | Greenwood | |
Van Bellehem | Tonganoxie | Maple Grove | |
Van Dyke | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Van Eman | Tonganoxie | Maple Grove | |
Van Eman | Sherman | Mount Sidney | |
Van Houten | High Prairie | High Prairie | |
Van Nada | Easton | Evergreen | |
Van Noy | Sherman | Mount Sidney | |
Van Pelt | Fairmount | Elm Grove Baptist Church | |
Van Tuyl | Fairmount | Glenwood-South of Basehor, Ks. | |
Van Tuyl | High Prairie | High Prairie | |
Van Vodrhis | High Prairie | High Prairie | |
Van Winkle | Easton | Easton | |
Vance | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Vanderpool | Easton | Round Prairie | |
Vanderslice | Tonganoxie | Maple Grove | |
Vanderslice | Reno | Reno | |
Vantine | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Varney | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Vaughan | Fairmount | Glenwood-South of Basehor, Ks. | |
Vaughm | Alexandria | Saint Thomas | |
Vaughn | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Vaughn | Easton | Langley | |
Veneman | Delaware | Delaware | |
Vermillion | Alexandria | Bethel | |
Versemann | Fairmount | Glenwood-South of Basehor, Ks. | |
Vestal | Alexandria | Fall Creek, near Jarbalo, Ks. | |
Vestal | Fairmount | Glenwood-South of Basehor, Ks. | |
Veterans Burials | Tonganoxie | Maple Grove | |
Viar | Sherman | Lenape | |
Vickroy | Alexandria | Bethel | |
Vigus | Alexandria | Fall Creek, near Jarbalo, Ks. | |
Vining | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Voaden | High Prairie | High Prairie | |
Vogel | Tonganoxie | Sacred Heart | |
Vogel | Kickapoo | Pleasant Ridge or Van Winkle (see Abandoned Cem.) |
Vogel | High Prairie | High Prairie | |
Voight | Fairmount | Glenwood-South of Basehor, Ks. | |
Vollard | Delaware | Greenwood | |
Vollentine | Tonganoxie | Hubble Hill | |
Voltmer | Easton | Evergreen | |
Voorhees | Easton | Easton | |
Vorrhees | Tonganoxie | Maple Grove | |
Vossmer | Kickapoo | Saint Joseph of the Valley | |
Vuillenumier | High Prairie | High Prairie | |
| | | | | |