Letters from the Barber county boys who were in the big battle in France on September 12th and survived, are arriving daily. Recent ones heard from are William Mader, Chester Hagerman, Milton Case and L.H. Sommer. Mr. Mader was wounded in the leg quite seriously by shrapnel but not critically. He was close to Willis Nixon who was fatally wounded and died a short time afterwards. The letter indicates that William remained with his young comrade until death relieved him of his suffering.
The other Barber county boys, excepting Clark Reeves who also lost his life, went through the big fight without being injured, so far as heard from, but they all report very thrilling experiences.
Thanks to Jim Giles for finding and contributing the above news article to this web site! He noted: "William Mader is my other uncle who was over there with Uncle Chester Hagerman, in fact, in the same 353rd Infantry except different companies".