REEL #L48/KSHS Microfilm Collection
Mar 2, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Born: Sunday, February 26, to the wife of John Burtchur, a girl. Dr. Hutcheson attending.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To the wife of Joe McAddo, Saturday, February
25, a boy. Dr. Hutcheson in attendance.
pg 3, col 5
Died: At Sun City, Kas., on Wednesday, February 29th, 1888, at 10 a.m., Capt.
Byron P. Ayers, aged about fifty-two years, after an
illness of a couple of months. To all of the old settlers and many of the new
of Barber county, Capt. Ayers is well-known, yet but little is known of his
early history. He was born in Ohio and in his youth was known as a brilliant
young man, being principal of a high school when only nineteen years of age. He
came to Kansas when it was a Territory and in the early days was prominently
connected with the Territorial government. During the war he was in the Union
army, serving in both the 1st and 2nd Kansas Infantry. After the war he was
prominent in the state; has been in the state legislature and occupied numerous
other responsible positions. Years ago he married and we believe has several
children. Some time in his history he met with disappointments and reverses
that drove him to dissipation, and like most brilliant young men, his downfall
was rapid. In 1874 he came to Barber county. Already had he given up. He had
no ambition farther than to live. Since his arrival in this county he has made
his home at Sun City most of the time. He has been county attorney and held
other offices in this county. But let us draw the veil over the hardships and
struggles of his life. Let those who wish call it weakness. Despite his
faults, he was a good, kindhearted man. He was a man that little children went
to with their joys and sorrows, confident, always, that in him they had a
friend. He was a man whom everybody loved and despite the ravages of the
destroyer in later years, all were glad to clasp his hand and call him friend.
A nobleman first, a nobleman always. The dashing to earth of his early hopes
and his constant struggle against fate marred the casket; but from it beamed the
kindly soul and despite the ravages of disease, sorrow and melancholy, he was a
gentleman. "You may crush, you may shatter the vase if you will; But the scent
of roses will hang round it still." The funeral takes place today, in charge of
Sun City Post G.A.R. Several of the captain's soldier friends from this place
will attend. (Medicine Lodge Cresset) The deceased proved up a quarter
section which now stands part of the town of Lake City. He gave the land for
the Lake City cemetery. He has many friends here who are mourning his death.
Mar 9, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Birthday: The dance at Deerhead Monday evening in honor of Samuel Clinksdale's 19th birthday was an enjoyable affair,
there being about 35 in attendance.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Thomas Strain of Haskell county was married
to Miss Josie Lee at the bride's parents in Eagle
township, Sunday, March 4th, by Rev. C.M. Palmer. They departed for Haskell
county last Monday.
pg 3, col 3
Died: A little child of Mr. and Mrs. John Winters
died Tuesday morning at two o'clock, of pneumonia. (Kiowa Journal)
Mar 23, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Died: Dr. Dunn died at Medicine Lodge last Saturday
morning at six o'clock. He is well and favorably known in this and adjoining
counties, and was among the best doctors in southern Kansas.
pg 3, col 3
Died: Three good physicians have died in this city within the past two years.
Dr. H.W. Meincke died January 25, 1886; Dr. J.R.
Davis died March 10th, 18888, and Dr. C.L. Dunn died March 17th, 1888. Strange, also, that these
three physicians, while practicing, occupied the same office, a room in the rear
of Southworth's drugstore.
Mar 30, 1888, pg 3, col 2
Born: Saturday, March 24, to the wife of W.O. Thompson, twins. Dr. Hovious in attendance.
Apr 6, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Born: To the wife of County Superintendent Landis,
twins, a boy and girl, Saturday, March 31.
pg 3, col 3
Married: B.R. Tanner, of Sun City, and Miss Jennie
R. Logue, of Pratt county, were married at the Grand
Hotel parlors, in this city, Monday evening, April 2nd, Rev. C.W. Owens of Sun
City officiating. (Medicine Lodge Index)
Apr 20, 1888, pg 3, col 3
Birthday: "A Birthday Surprise" - Last Friday afternoon, Mrs. I.C. Cuppy, of this city, was tendered a very pleasant surprise
party by a good many of her lady friends, it being her fifty second birthday.
Mrs. H.A. Noah superintended the affair and all their plans were carried out
generally. The ladies met at the residence of Mrs. Noah's about four o'clock in
the afternoon, loaded with presents and edibles, and from there they went to the
residence of Mrs. Cuppy's. They took her by surprise. After the ladies passed
several social hours in "chat," supper was prepared and several gentlemen were
invited to call at six o'clock p.m. to partake of the good things. We were
fortunate to be among the number, and will say that it was as fine a supper as
we have ever eaten. The following is a list of presents received: Lace collar,
Mrs. Shaw; perfume satchel, Mrs. McAdams; bed quilt, Mrs. Wilson; dusting sack,
Mrs. E.K. Noah; tidy for cake stand, Mrs. R. Lake; pink apron, Mrs. H.M. Buck;
pair of linen towels, Mrs. S.G. Stewart; lace pillow shams, Mrs. C. Hammack;
pair of linen towels, Mrs. R.C. Hutcheson; chair tidy, Mrs. R.D. Hovious; linen
handkerchief, Mrs. H.A. Noah; collar and cuffs, Miss Pin Lake; silk
handkerchief, Mrs. F.A. Lewis; plush looking glass, Miss Anna Cuppy; album, Miss
Belle Cuppy.
Apr 27, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Born: To the wife of Lee Goodell, 12 miles
northwest, a boy. Dr. Hutcheson attending.
pg 3, col 3
Died: In this city, Sunday April 22, of consumption, Mrs. Matilda Slaughter, wife of F.W. Slaughter. Mrs. Slaughter was
born in Lawrence county, Missouri, and came to Barber county with her parents
about 9 years ago and she was 26 years old last October, and married Mr.
Slaughter in this county August 23, 1886. Mrs. S. leaves a husband and a child.
The funeral services were held at their residence on Monday, the 23rd, and were
conducted by Dr. Hutcheson and participated in by a large concourse of friends,
after which her remains were laid away in the cemetery adjoining town. [See
Kansas Prairie Dog @ Aug 26, 1886 for marriage of Fred Slaughter to
Matilda Lacey and @ Mar 17 for birth of son.]
May 4, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Born: Saturday, April 28, to the wife of G.W. Baldwin, 5 miles southwest, a boy.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To the wife of Wm. Hammack, Tuesday, May 1, a
girl. Dr. Hutcheson officiating.
May 11, 1888
pg 3, col 3
Birthday: Friday afternoon of last week, in this city, Mrs. R.C Hutcheson was tendered a surprise party by her many
lady friends, it being her eighteenth birthday. Mrs. R.D. Hovious and Mrs.
Chas. Hammack conducted the affair and everything was carried out to perfection.
The ladies met at the residence of Mrs. S.G. Stewart's about 8 o'clock and then
departed for the residence of Mrs. Hutcheson, loaded down with presents and well
filled baskets of the culinary art. They arrived unseen and most completely
surprised her. After several hours of social chat, a bountiful table was spread
and several gentlemen were sent for to come and partake of a good supper. All
present enjoyed the occasion, and departed about 8 o'clock carrying with them
pleasant thoughts and leaving congratulations with Mrs. Hutcheson. Below is a
list of the presents received and the donors: Lace tidy, Miss Emma Noah; Collar
and cuffs, Mrs. H.A. Noah; Silk handkerchief, Mrs. F.A. Lewis; Doily for castor,
Mrs. E.K. Noah; Linen handkerchief, Miss I.B. Lake; Lace mats for toilet set,
Mrs. Chas. Hammack; Lace pillow shams, Mrs. R.D. Hovious; 6 napkins, Mrs. I.C.
Cuppy; Tablecloth and a bottle of perfumery, Mrs. H.M. Buck; Glass fruit dish,
Mrs. J. McAdams; Cup and saucer, Mrs. R. Lake; Set glass sauce dishes, Mrs. S.G.
May 25, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Born: Monday, May 21, to the wife of W.C. McCurry,
4 miles south, a boy. Dr. Hutcheson attending.
pg 3, col 5
Born: J.H. Frisbie boasts of a thirteen pound son,
born May 20th, near Lamar, Colo. The mother doing fine.
Jun 8, 1888
pg 3, col 1
Born: Sunday, June 3, to the wife of ___ Priest
[first name not provided], a bouncing baby boy.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To the wife of R.H. Lobb, last Sunday, a boy,
Dr. Hutcheson in attendance.
Born: Thursday evening, May 31, to the wife of Wm. Williams, a girl, of the usual avoirdupois. Mother
doing well.
Born: Last Sunday, to the wife of L.C. Whitsel, a
bouncing boy of the usual health and vigor.
Born: June 6, to the wife of Charles Frazier, eight
miles north of town, a boy, Dr. Hutcheson in attendance. In the language of Rip
Van Winkle, "May he live long and prosper."
Jun 29, 1888
pg 3, col 3
Birthday: Several of the ladies of this place tendered Mrs. Ed. Buck, who lives one miles west of the city, a very pleasant
surprise birthday party last Saturday afternoon, it being her twenty-fourth
birthday. They went with well filled baskets and numerous presents, which goes
to show the esteem [in which] Mrs. Buck is held by many lady friends in this
city. The following is a list of those present: Misses Basha Marshall, Rose
Lacey, Pear Tackett, ____ Treftz, Mrs. A. Feltner, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Chas.
Hammack, Mrs. J.M. Bush, Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. Wm. Hammack.
pg 3, col 3
Married: At Sun City, at 11 o'clock, Sunday, June 24, 1888, by J.E. Taylor, a
justice of the peace, Mr. J.M. Bell, of Greensburg,
and Miss Lizzie B. Dinsmore of Sun City.
Immediately after the ceremony and repast, Mr. and Mrs. Bell started for
Greensburg, which they will make their future home. The groom formerly was a
carpenter in t his city and has quite a number of friends who wish to
congratulate him on t he wisdom of the step, and to express warmest words for
his future success, happiness and prosperity. The bride also formerly resided
and was engaged in the millinery business in this city. May joy be theirs and
success crown all their efforts for good is our congratulation. Our
acknowledgments are due for a supply of fine cake and other delicacies sent us
on the occasion.
Jul 6, 1888
pg 3, col 3
Died: Friday, June 29, 1888, at Woodsdale, Stevens county, the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Mathews, aged 11 months. The
brought the babe here Sunday for interment in the cemetery west of town. The
funeral services were conducted by Dr. R.C. Hutcheson in the school room. The
mother is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Feltner of
this city. They have the sincere sympathy of many friends in this vicinity in
their bereavement.
Aug 10, 1888
pg 3, col 3
Birthday: Monday, August 6th, was the 10th anniversary of the birth of John
McAdams' little daughter, Burnice. Mrs. McAdams
arranged a surprise which quite a number of the little folks enjoyed [with]
excellent refreshments and entertainment. The following are the names of those
present and the donors of presents: Edna Iseral, a bunch of ribbon; Mattie
Galager, handkerchief; Frankie Galager, a bunch of ribbon; Maud McCarty, neck
tie; Charles McCarty, handkerchief; Clint Williams, collar; Ella Williams,
handkerchief; Freddie and Leo Shepard, birthday cards; Dell buck, bracelets;
Eddie and Eva Lewis, box of writing paper; Pet Thompson, match safe; Babe Buck,
autograph album; Walter Simmons.
Aug 17, 1888
pg 3, col 1
Married: At Sun City, August 14, 1888, by Rev. C.W. Owens, Mr. E.E. Putman to Miss Basha Marshall.
pg 3, col 2
Born: Last Friday, August 10, 1888, to the wife of Mr. Frederickson, 18 miles south on the Lincoln ranch, a
pg 3, col 2
Married: Thursday, August 9, 1888, at the residence of John Larkins, near Deerhead, Mr. William M. Cavanaugh to Miss Florence Turner; Squire Richords officiating.
pg 3, col 3
Birthday: Friday last, August 10, was the 18th anniversary of Miss I.B. Lake. The event was celebrated by a party and a most
pleasant time was had by all. Ice cream and cake were served and was partaken
of by all, and after this all who had danced went to the hall at which all
enjoyed themselves dancing. Quite a number of valuable presents were received.
The following is a list of those present: Miss Minnie Randall, Ethel Treftz,
Annie Cuppy, Belle Cuppy, Pearl Tackett, Pearl Thompson, Daisy McAdams, Lizzie
Andrews, Basha Marshall, Winona Bently and Mrs. Julia Gallagher. Messrs. Joe
Royer, H.J. Sollers, Dave Roller, H. Smith, F.L. Gordon, A.B. Hoffman, M.
Flowers and D.G. Mills.
Aug 24, 1888
pg 3, col 2
Born: Tuesday, August 21, 1888, to the wife of W.H. Cook, three miles east, a girl. Dr. Hutcheson in
attendance. [See below @ Sep 21 for death of this infant.]
pg 3, col 3
Born: Friday, August 17, 1888, tot he wife of G.G. Shipley, a girl. R.C. Hutcheson, attending physician.
Grant says it being a girl will not name it Harrison Morton, but will name it
after the only person that has accepted the nomination for president, Belva
Lockwood, and also says it came "stripped for the fight."
Sep 7, 1888
pg 4, col 3
Birthday: Tuesday, September 4, 1888, was Mrs. H.M. Buck's 58th birthday, [for] which Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Noah,
her daughters, arranged a surprise party in honor of the event at the residence
of Mrs. Lewis. After all the invited guests had arrived, they sent for Mrs.
Buck, who lives three miles north, and it will be useless to state that she was
surprised, as all such occasions are fully carried out by the ladies of this
city. They served an elegant supper at the proper time to the invited ladies
and gentlemen, and we will say, right here, that it was one of the best suppers
we ever had the pleasure to partake of. The following is a list of presents and
their donors: Pillow shams, Mrs. Reube Lake; pin cushion, Mrs. J. McAdams; pair
of towels, Mrs. A. Feltner; handkerchief and veil, Mrs. I.C. Cuppy; silk
handkerchief, Mrs. S.G. Stewart; a dress, Mrs. A. Lewis; set of napkins, Mrs.
R.C. Hutcheson and Miss Andrews; two pair hose, Mrs. H.A. Noah; collar and
cuffs, Miss Anna Cuppy lace, Miss Minnie Randall; Eva, Jetta and Eddie Lewis, a
linen handkerchief apiece.
Sep 21, 1888
pg 4, col 1
Died: Monday, September 17th, the infant child of W.H. Cook and wife, age four weeks. [See above @ Aug 24 for
birth of this baby.]
pg 4, col 2
Born: Thursday, September 20, 1888, to the wife of Dr. R.C. Hutcheson, a son. The Doctor is happiest man in the
county, and to show his happiness, he got an empty barrel and hollered "Pap" in
it for an hour and a half - the echo is what he was after. [See below @ Oct 19
for death of this baby.]
Oct 5, 1888
pg 4, col 1
Married: At Sun City, Sunday, September 30, 1888, Mr. William Arnett, of Wabash, Indiana, to Miss Myrtle Pickering of near Sun City. Rev. W.R. Rollingson
pg 4, col 3
Married: Sunday morning at the residence of the bride's parents in this city,
Mr. D.R. Roller was married to Miss Anna Cuppy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Cuppy. The wedding
was a quiet affair, only the immediate relatives of the bride being present.
Mr. Roller has resided in this county for a number of years and has a large
number of friends and acquaintances who wish a most joyous and prosperous
future. His wife has a large circle of friends by whom she is beloved and
admired for her many womanly qualities. The best wishes of the BEE are
extended to the now happy couple and may their pathway through life be strewn
with blessings and each day be brighter. They immediately after dinner departed
for their residence, six miles south, where they intend making their future
home. Please accept our thanks for a fine supply of the wedding cake.
pg 4, col 4
Died: Miss Emma Noah, aged 30 years, daughter of the
landlady of the Osage Hotel, and sister of H.A. Noah, of Lake City, died in this
city Saturday night, Sept. 29, at 11:45 o'clock, after an illness of three days'
duration. The lady had been an invalid since she was a child, and endured a
lifetime of suffering. The funeral was preached at the Methodist church by Rev.
Sanderson, Sunday afternoon, when the remains were taken to Highland cemetery
for interment.
Oct 12, 1888
col 3
Died: At Aetna, Monday, October 8, 1888, Marnice Royster, aged about 35 years, with hemorrhage, and was
taken to Kansas City for interment by h is mother, who had been sent for a few
days before his death, on Tuesday. Marnice was, before taken sick, bookkeeper
for the Comanche Pool, which position he h as held for a number of years, and he
is well and favorably known throughout the county, who all speak highly of
col 3
Married: On Sunday last, October 7th, Judge Hardy married A.J. Connor and Mada M. DeArmond
at Dorgan's Hotel in this city. Both are of Aetna. (Medicine Lodge
col 3
Died: Chas. T. Hickman, the well-known Kansas
newspaper man, died on the 4th at Monte Vista, Colorado. The remains were
brought back to Wellington for burial. In the death of Charlie Hickman, Kansas
loses a brilliant newspaper man and thoroughly devoted friend. He had adopted
Colorado as a temporary abiding place, and at the time of his death had
editorial charge of the Costilla County Democrat. This state was, however, his
home, and the mountains send back to the plains the lifeless form of him we all
loved. (Wichita Eagle) Mr. Hickman is well and favorably known in this
county, where the above news is received in grief. He was at one time cashier
of the Drover's Bank, defunct, of Medicine Lodge.
col 3
Died: Ray, the seven-year-old son of Joshua Jones,
who resides 12 miles south-west of here, died on Monday from the effect of a
kick by a mule, received last week. The left side of the little fellow's head
and forehead was badly crushed and Dr. Gillette removed several pieces of bone
from the skull. Notwithstanding careful attention and nursing, inflammation set
it and the little sufferer succumbed to death.
(Medicine Lodge Index)
Oct 19, 1888
pg 4, col 2
Died: Sunday, October 14, 1888, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hutcheson, aged about 7 weeks. They departed Monday
with the corpse for Olatha for interment. Dr. Hutcheson and wife have the
heartfelt sympathy of this community in this their first sad bereavement. [See
above @ Sep 21 for birth of this baby.]
pg 4, col 2
Married: Yesterday (Thursday), October 18, 1888, at Sun City, Mr. Pete Mertz to Miss Sophie Folmer, by
Justice Taylor. Both the groom and bride are well and favorably known in this
city and all wish them a bright and happy future. The best wishes of the
BEE are extended to the now happy couple.
Nov 2, 1888
pg 4, col 2
Married: Monday, October 26, 1888, at Medicine Lodge by Probate Judge Hardy, Mr.
Thos. Ford and Miss Mary Arthur, daughter of T.S. Arthur living six miles
pg 4, col 3
Died: Reube Lake, John McAdams, H.M. Bush, James Nurse and I. C. Cuppy went to
Medicine Lodge yesterday to attend the funeral of a brother Odd Fellow, Geo. W.
Ellis, who died at Medicine Lodge, Tuesday, October
30, 1888, and was buried yesterday (Thursday), November 1st. Mr. Ellis was a
lawyer by profession, and was well known throughout south-west Kansas as a
bright and intelligent lawyer. He was a brother of Chas. Ellis, judge of this
Nov 9, 1888
pg 4, col 1
Married: Mr. Frank Holley and Miss Julia Owens were married last Sunday near Deerhead, this
pg 4, col 2
Married: Mr. George A. King and Miss Minnie Fox were united in marriage on Wednesday evening in this city
at the residence of H.J. Burleigh, Mr. Burleigh officiating. (Hazelton
Nov 16, 1888, pg 4, col 2
Married: Monday, November 5th, 1888, at Wanneta, Chautauqua county, Mr. Joseph
Royer of this city, to Mrs. Mary Hankinson of the above named place. Mr. Royer returned
last Saturday to make arrangements for a dwelling and will soon bring his wife
here. The BEE wishes for the now happy couple a bright and prosperous
Nov 23, 1888
pg 4, col 1
Born: Sunday, November 18, 1888, to the wife of J.A. McCarty, a boy; weight ten pounds.
pg 4, col 2
Married: Yesterday (Wednesday), November 21st, 1888, John Finnegan and Bridget McGinn,
both of Kiowa, were married in this city by Probate Judge H.H. Hardy. From what
we can learn, both are natives of Ireland. (Medicine Lodge Cresset)
Nov 30, 1888
pg 4, col 2
Married: Mr. M.C. Adams, of Sun City, Barber county,
Kansas, was married to Miss Lona Little of Corwin,
Harper county, Kansas, at the residence of the bride's parents on the 20th day
of November, 1888, Rev. Wilson officiating. The young couple reached here on
Thursday, where they will make their future home. The Union joins with
their many friends in wishing them a long, prosperous and happy life. (Sun
City Union)
pg 4, col 2
Married: On Tuesday morning, at the residence of the bride, Mr. Joseph Robinson was married to Mrs. Mary Horton, by Rev. R. Sanderson. Mr. Robinson lives at
Isabel and whither the couple will go to reside. The groom is 61 and the bride
46 years old and should know what they are about. (Medicine Lodge
Dec 7, 1888
pg 4, col 1
Born: Saturday, December 1st, 1888, to the wife of C.S. Bell, five miles north, twin boys, but one died immediately
after it was born.
pg 4, col 2
Married: Robert L. Groendyke and Miss Belle Talbot were married at the residence of the bride's
parents on Thanksgiving day - November 29, 18888, by our urbane Probate Judge,
H.H. Hardy. (Medicine Lodge Cresset)
pg 4, col 2
Married: Louis Frazier and Mary A. Chadwick were married in this city on Monday of last
week, November 26th, by Probate Judge H.H. Hardy. Both are residents of Elm
Mills township. We wish them much joy. (Medicine Lodge Cresset)
pg 4, col 3
Married: Eight miles southeast of Medicine Lodge, December 2nd, 1888, Mr. James
N. Urton and Miss Mirtie Tretom, Rev. W.A. Cain officiating. (Medicine Lodge
pg 4, col 3
Married: At the residence of J.Q. Wheat, twelve miles
west of Medicine Lodge, on Thursday, November 29th, in the presence of a few
friends, Mr. A.E. McElwain to Miss Mary Wheat, Rev. Owens of Sun City
officiating. The bride is very popular in this city while Mr. McElwain is one
of Barber county's most prosperous young farmers. They have many friends in and
around Medicine Lodge who will join in wishing them long life and happiness.
The happy couple started at once for their new home near Deerhead. (Medicine
Lodge Index)
Dec 14, 1888, pg 4, col 2
Died: Friday evening, December 7, 1888, at the home of his parents near
Deerhead, of typhoid fever, Donn Walton, aged about
19 years, son of T.A. Walton. Mr. Walton and family have a large concourse of
friends who extend their sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement.
Dec 28
pg 4, col 1
Born: Monday, December 24, 1888, to the wife of Samuel Tarrant, 7 miles northeast, a boy.
pg 4, col 1
Died: Today (Friday), December 28, 1888, at her home 5 miles north, Mrs. M.G.
Bell. She leaves a husband and several children.
Jan 4, 1889, pg 4, col 2
Married: At Elwood township at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Wm.
Bowen to Miss Minnie Bostick, on Wednesday evening, December 19, by Rev. J.E.
Roberts. The happy adventurers started Friday for their home in Clark county.
(Medicine Lodge Cresset)
Jan 18, 1889, pg 4, col 1
Born: Tuesday, January 10, 1889, to the wife of Geo. Cuppy, a boy.
Jan 25, 1889
pg 4, col 2
Married: Judge N.C. Howe performed his first marriage ceremony on the 21st, the
contracting parties being John McGinty and Miss
Jennie Johnson, both of Deerhead. The bride is but
15 years old.
pg 4, col 2
Died: Saturday, Jan. 5th, 1889, Mrs. Jas. York, after
six days of extreme suffering caused by erysipelis. Mrs. York was one of those
women that every person could go to with assurance for assistance in times of
trouble. She was always a kind and affectionate mother and a loving daughter
and wife. Ever ready to do her share to make society what it ought to be, she
was truly a lady. The heavy blow that has thus fallen upon her mother, husband
and children cannot be realized by the world. The Union, along with many
others, extend to the grief-stricken family their heartfelt sympathy at their
great loss. (Sun City Union)
pg 4, col 2
Died: Mrs. Abbie Stokes, whose family resides seven
miles west of Sun City, died on Tuesday, January 22nd. (Medicine Lodge
Feb 1, 1889, pg 4, col 2 [Last issue]
Married: At the bride's residence, Mr. Jacob Mertz to
Miss Carrie Folmer, January 23, 1889. Rev. C.W.
Owens officiating. The Union extends its congratulations to the happy
couple, and may they live to celebrate many anniversaries of the happy event.
(Sun City Union)
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