REEL #M808/KSHS Microfilm Collection
The Barber County Index was a weekly newspaper, published in Medicine Lodge beginning in 1880, with Mr. Painter & Mr. Herr as Editors and Managers. Local news included coverage from the surrounding communities, as well as Medicine Lodge. This reel begins Wednesday, July 6, 1898 and continues through Wednesday, September 25, 1901. The information has been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (
Jul 4, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Died: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Gordon, of Sharon township, died on Saturday and was buried in the Sharon cemetery on Sunday.
pg 3, col 4
Died: The sad news of the death of Mrs. J.W. Potes reached us last Wednesday. She died on Tuesday, June 26, 1900, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L.D. Elliott, near Alva, Oklahoma. Mrs. Potes was a sufferer from consumption for many years and her patience and endurance were remarkable. She was always cheerful in her affliction. She was 53 years, 9 months, and 23 days old. Mr. and Mrs. Potes resided in Barber county fifteen years and in this city during the past nine years, having been staying with their daughter at Alva since spring. Their friends in Barber county, Kansas and Woods county, Oklahoma are only limited by their wide acquaintanceship, and this death will be a source of deep regret to all of them. While death was not unexpected, it is nevertheless sad and the friends of the husband and relatives extend their heartfelt sympathy. The funeral was held at Alva last Thursday where the remains were interred. An obituary written by a friend will be published next week.
Jul 11, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: A bouncing 10 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axtell last Thursday, July 5th. Dr. Moore in attendance.
pg 3, col 1
Died: On the 28th of June, at two o'clock, a.m., the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hayes. Funeral services were held a Union Christian church of Richmond, and interred at the Richmond cemetery, at 5 o'clock p.m., June 29th. It is hard for us to give up our beloved ones, but He that ruleth the universe, says suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God. With that promise, we should so live that we may meet her at the right hand of God where parting will be no more. [Woodward News)
pg 3, col 2
Born: To John Murphy and wife, Monday, July 2, a fine 12 pound boy. (Alva Pioneer)
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Romig, Friday, July 6th, a girl baby. Mrs. Carrie Nation, osteopath, in attendance.
Jul 18, 1900
pg 2, col 1
Born: Dr. Packson reports the arrival of a ten pound girl baby on Wednesday morning at the home of Trustee L.C. Goff. Mother and baby are doing well, but the proud father is still somewhat rattled from this evidence of prosperity, and has not had time enough to decide whether he is for Bryan or McKinley, Towne or Stevenson, Duval or Campbell. The only thing he is quite sure about is that he is for his charming little daughter first, last and all the time. (Kiowa News)
pg 2, col 4
Died: William Posey, of Sharon township, died on Thursday, July 12th, after a brief illness caused by flux. He was a brother of Mrs. James Huffaker, and a bachelor 53 years of age. He was living alone on his farm and his sickness was not known until he got in a critical condition. Only a few days before his death he left his house and went to Sharon for assistance and became exhausted when he reached the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks cared for him but he was beyond aid. He died at their house. Elder W.T. McLain, pastor of the Christian church of this city, preached the funeral sermon on Saturday. The remains were laid to rest in the Sharon cemetery.
pg 2, col 4
Died: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Beals, of Sharon township, died last Friday. Funeral services were conducted by Elder McLain on Saturday. The child was nine months old and the pride and joy of the parents. Their neighbors and friends deeply sympathize with them in their sorrow.
Jul 25, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: Dr. Cushenbery reports a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lake, on Monday, the 23rd.
pg 3, col 2
Born: Dr. Moore reports a girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neatherly last Saturday, July 21.
pg 3, col 2
Born: A charming daughter came to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston on Tuesday night of last week, July 17th.
pg 3, col 3
Born: Dr. Moore reports a girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jesse last Thursday, July 19th.
Aug 1, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Married: Last Thursday occurred the marriage of Mr. Dan McNutt and Mrs. Gertrude Lanstrum. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride on Jackson street, by Rev. Keith. Mr. McNutt belongs to the printer's fraternity and Mrs. McNutt owns a half interest in the Republican. The Union extends congratulations. (Pratt Union) Mr. McNutt was a printer in the Cresset office in this city about a year ago and was considered by our young people as a warm article in society. We join the Union in congratulating him.
pg 3, col 2
Died: Mrs. Charley E. Crouse died at her home in Woods county, Oklahoma, on Sunday, July 29th, and the remains were brought to this city and interred in Highland Cemetery on Monday evening. The deceased was afflicted with consumption for many years. She was a sister of Mrs. F.E. Read, of this city, and was formerly a resident here. Mrs. Crouse had many friends in Barber and Woods counties who deeply sympathized with her in her infirmity and who mourn her early death. She was one of God's noble women loved by all with whom she associated.
pg 3, col 3
Died: The little boy baby of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Teagle died last Thursday night and was buried on Friday.
Aug 8, 1900, pg 3, col 3
Married: Mr. William Y. Reed and Miss Telie Highfield were united in marriage at the M.E. parsonage yesterday evening, August 7th, Rev. J.F. Irwin officiating. The estimable couple reside in the northern part of the county and have a host of friends who wish them unallowed [sic] happiness in life.
Aug 15, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: A big 10-pound boy came to stay with Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Glasier early this morning. If it had been a girl it would have been a hard matter to get cigars, but the fact that it is a boy makes Ben liberal.
pg 3, col 2
Died: John N. March died at his home near Guthrie, Oklahoma, August 6th. He was a citizen of Medicine Lodge in the latter part of the 80's and married Miss Birdie A. Ruthven, also a resident of this city.
Aug 22, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Married: Mr. Jesse O. Webb and Miss Belle O. Alford will be united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents in Hazelton this evening. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mayor W.C. Alford and is highly esteemed by all who know her. The Index wishes them the greatest success and happiness.
pg 3, col 2
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnett are the parents of a nice girl baby born last Friday, the 19th.
pg 3, col 2
Born: A bouncing boy baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCleary on Sunday, August 17th.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Judge Lacy granted a marriage license to Pura M. Davis and Mary Boone, on Saturday. The groom is 10 [sic] and the bride is 16. Both had to have the consent of their parents. They were married by Rev. Irwin on Sunday. The groom is a son of Mrs. Ben Keyes, who resides at Pixley and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Boone.
pg 3, col 5
Died: Born February 5, 1895, died August 16, 1900, aged 5 years, 6 months, 11 days. George was the oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Herr who reside a short distance west and south of Kiowa. He was taken sick with an attack of membranous croup on Wednesday morning and on Thursday evening at 6 o'clock his soul was with the angels. His father was at Augusta when he took sick and did not arrive home until after death claimed his child. Georgie was a healthy, cheerful, bright little boy, a joy to his parents and an especial favorite of his grandparents. Their sorrow is intensified by reason of the suddenness of death and their grief cannot be measured in words. The funeral services were held in the M.E. church at Kiowa on Saturday, and the precious little form was laid to rest in Riverview cemetery in the presence of many sorrowing friends, neighbors and relatives.
Aug 29, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Married: Mr. Theodore P. Elliott and Lauretta W. Jordon, both of Moore township, were united in marriage last Wednesday, August 22nd. Rev. F.S. Atwell performed the ceremony.
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Married: Miss Eliza Hodges, of Aetna, was married last week to Mr. John Riggs, of Woodward. The ceremony took place at Coldwater.
pg 3, col 5
Marriage License: Judge Lacy issued a marriage license yesterday to Elijah Slate and Minnie L. Radabaugh, both of Hazelton.
pg 3, col 5
Born: Dr. Cushenbery reports a 14 pound boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Roach on Monday, August 27th. Beats twins!
pg 3, col 5
Married: A marriage license was issued yesterday to Adelpheous W. Rowe and Miss Minnie Ethel Fair, both of Sharon. The bride is a daughter of C.C. Fair, one of the best men in Sharon township.
Sep 5, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Died: In Alva, Ok., August 25, 1900, of paralysis and blood poisoning, C.B. Westcott, aged 70 years. Mr. Westcott was born in Wayne county, N.Y., but spent many years in Illinois and Kansas before coming to Oklahoma. He leaves a son, Taylor Westcott, of Seiling, and two grandchildren in Iowa. The original cause of his death was injuries received by a fall a short time ago. Brief services were held by Rev. I.S. Ross, after which the remains were interred in the A.O.U.W. cemetery Sunday evening. (Alva Review)
pg 3, col 2
Married: Judge Lacy performed the marriage ceremony of John S. Nimmo, Milan, Oklahoma, and Bessie J. Haskins, of Nashville, Kansas, last Wednesday.
Sep 12, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Died: John W. McDaniel passed away last Wednesday morning, September 5, 1900, at 8 o'clock. He had been lingering for two weeks between life and death, with typhoid fever, and while his family and friends expected his death, some hope was entertained until the last. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.J. Griffin of the Baptist church of which Mr. McDaniel was a member, assisted by Rev. Irwin and Elder McLain. He was 47 years of age. His death is regretted by everybody in the community. Nobody was his enemy and his good nature made him a warm friend of everybody with whom he came in contact. John has been a citizen of Medicine Lodge for many years, and was always strictly honest and honorable in all his dealings among men. He was an industrious, persevering man, plain and unassuming. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen and carried $3000 insurance in that order, which of itself attests the love he bore for his family. He was an affectionate husband and father, and his faults, if he had any, have been amply atoned by the duty he discharged to his loved ones. Mrs. McDaniel and her little children have the sincere sympathy of the people and especially those who can appreciate the vast scope of such a trying ordeal.
pg 3, col 3
Died: S.K.W. Field died yesterday at 11 o'clock a.m., of kidney disease. He was bedfast almost a month. When he first took sick very little hope was entertained for his recovery but after the first week he got much better and it was thought he would get well. He got worse again on Saturday, however, and it soon became apparent that he was in a very critical condition. His sons have been wired. Seward will arrive today. Mr. Field was a member of the Masonic and Workmen orders. [See also below]
Sep 19, 1900, pg 3, col 2
Died: The funeral services for S.K.W. Field were held at the Episcopal church last Wednesday afternoon. Rev. L.L. Swan preached the sermon and the Masonic lodge had charge of the other ceremonies. Mr. Field was a citizen among us since 1879 and was so thoroughly identified with the business interests of the city and county that he will be sadly missed. It is the progressive citizen who puts a country on its feet and makes it prosper, and such a man was Mr. Field. His age was 56 years, 10 months and 24 days. He is survived by a wife and three sons - Robert and Seward, who reside here, and Ralph who resides in Illinois. The people of Medicine Lodge and Barber county share in their sorrow. The large attendance at his funeral demonstrates the esteem in which the deceased was held by his fellow citizens. Life is uncertain; we know not who shall be called next. [Delta Lodge #70 Resolution of Respect @ pg 3, col 4, Sep 26, 1900]
Sep 26, 1900, pg 3, col 3
Died: Ralph Dow, who resided with his mother and brothers on the old Briggs place 3 and one-half miles east of town, died Monday afternoon of this week of pneumonia, after a very short illness. He was 19 years old. The funeral was held yesterday. The family have the sympathy of everybody in their sudden misfortune and bereavement.
Oct 3, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Married: On Thursday, September 27th, Judge Lacy performed the marriage ceremony of Levi N. Goodan and Nannie Williams, of Hazelton.
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Married: On Friday, September 28th, [Judge Lacy] united Robert C. Deweese and Gertrude Johnston of Attica.
pg 3, col 3
Died: A cloud of gloom has again been cast over this community by the invasion of death into another one of our best families. On Friday morning, September 28th, 1900, Robert D. Simpson passed away at the age of 64 years, 9 months and 21 days. Uncle Bob, as he was favorably known, was one of the pioneer settlers of this county and has passed through all the trials of misfortune incident to settling up a new country. He was a veteran of the civil war, having enlisted in Co. E, 78th Ill. vol. Infantry. For several years he was a sufferer from kidney trouble and when the attack came on Sunday before his death, his family and friends realized the end was near. The funeral services were held on Saturday under the direction of the G.A.R., of which he was an honored and beloved member. Mr. Simpson is survived by a wife and three grown children, Mrs. A.T. McKay, of Anthony, and Warren and Clayton Simpson of this county. The people of this city and vicinity feel deeply the loss they have sustained in the death of so valuable a citizen and they extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. [Eldred G.A.R. Post No. 174 Resolution follows the obituary.][Card of Thanks also follows, signed by Mrs. R.D. Simpson and sons, and Mrs. A.T. McKay.]
Oct 17, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Married: Miss Muriel DeGeer was married at Alva last week to a Mr. R.A.J. Hill. They will reside in Alva, the groom have just erected a handsome house. Miss Muriel's many friends in this county wish her much happiness and success with her chosen helpmate.
pg 3, col 3
Married: William A. Starkey, of Columbia, O.T., formerly of Sharon, and Neva L. Rowe, of Sharon, were united in marriage at the bride's home last Wednesday, Oct. 10th. [Additional write-up states the marriage took place at the home of Rev. Robinson.]
pg 3, col 3
Married: Mr. Martin Roessler and Miss Jennie L. Dunham, both of Valley township, were married on Sunday, October 7, 1900. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roessler. The item reaches us a little late but our good wishes are as freely and as cheerfully extended as though we had been more punctual.
pg 3, col 3
Married: Claude Trenholm and Lena Hughes, both of Capron, O.T., were united in marriage at his office by Probate Judge Lacy last Wednesday, the 10th. The groom is inclined to object to the publication of this item but we propose he will survive if we assure him that our intentions are the best.
Oct 24, 1900, pg 3, col 2
Died: Glenn Romig, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Romig, died Sunday night, October 21st, aged 4 years, 9 months and 5 days. Funeral services were held at the Baptist chapel on Monday afternoon, Rev. J.J. Griffin officiating. The stricken parents have the sympathy of the entire community.
Oct 31, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Married: The marriage of Mr. Thomas Balmer of Meteetse, Wyo., and Miss Rachel Mounsey of this county, was solemnized at the M.E. parsonage in this city last Thursday, October 25th, Rev. J.F. Irwin officiating. Mr. Balmer owns an extensive sheep ranch in Wyoming and has many friends and acquaintances here, having been a citizen of Medicine Lodge a number of years ago. His bride is a lady of refinement and is held in esteem by all our people. The happy couple depart for their home at Meteetse Saturday of this week. Our congratulations and good wishes follow them. [See also Cresset transcription of Nov 2, 1900.]
Nov 7, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy on Saturday, November 3, a bouncing boy. Dr. Moore in attendance.
pg 3, col 1
Marriage License: Judge Lacy issued a marriage license last Wednesday to Fuller Rhodes and Virdie Johnson, both of Kiowa.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Bloom on Monday night, November 5th, a republican-demo-Pop-boy.
pg 3, col 2
Dr. Kociell reports a girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. U.G. Rogers in Elm Mills township last Wednesday, October 31st.
pg 3, col 4
Died: Death claimed another old Barber county citizen last Thursday night, November 1st - Samuel A. Hayes. Mr. Hayes suffered many weeks from internal derangements caused by a runaway during the summer. He recovered temporarily from the injuries received at the time of the accident but suffered more or less all the time. The peculiar feature about his sickness was that he recovered his voice and talked aloud a few days before his death. The funeral services were held from the family residence on Friday, under the auspices of the G.A.R., Rev. J.F. Irwin, officiating. The deceased was 57 years and two months of age. He served his country with credit in the civil war and came to Barber county in its early days of settlement. He leaves a wife and three grown children - Frank R., Wilbur, of this city, and Mrs. W.H. Lewis, of Kiowa. To them the sincere sympathy of the community is extended. [Eldred Post G.A.R. Resolution follows.]
pg 3, col 4
Died: George Straw died Saturday night, November 3, 1900. He was 82 years of age and has been feeble for many years. He is another pioneer settler and was known to everybody. He is survived by six children; one of whom, Edward, of Missouri, was here to attend the funeral. Services were held at the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, Rev. L.M. Belden officiating. [Eldred Post G.A.R. Resolution follows.][See also Cresset transcription of Nov 9, 1900.]
pg 3, col 4
Died: Frances V. Rosenbery, wife of O.H. Rosenbery, of this city, passed away at 10 o'clock a.m. Sunday, November 4, 1900, at the age of 62 years, 2 months and 10 days. She has been an invalid for five years and suffered much during that time. Funeral services were held at the family residence on Monday under the auspices of the Catholic church. Mrs. Rosenberg was one of Barber county's best women and her death leaves a vacancy in the home which beggars expression. She is survived by a husband and nine children. The community joins with them in mourning the loss of one so near and dear. [See also Cresset transcription of Nov 9, 1900.]
pg 3, col 5
Died: Rufus Ash died at his home a short distance south of the city yesterday morning. He is an old respected citizen and his death is regretted by everybody. Funeral services today. [See also Cresset transcription of Nov 2, 1900.]
Nov 14, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: Dr. J.K. Osborne reports a boy baby born to Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Pardee, of Elwood township, on Sunday the 11th. We mentioned something last year about the proper way to cut down republican majorities. It seems to be going right.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Probate Judge Lacy united in marriage Harve L. Williams and Miss Lena Bragg, at his office in this city on Saturday evening, November 10th. Both parties reside in Eagle township. The groom is a brother to Deputy Sheriff John Williams, and the bride is a daughter of Lew Bragg, chairman of the republican county central committee. She is one of Barber county's best young ladies, and we congratulate the lucky groom. May they have full measure of success, happiness and prosperity.
pg 3, col 3
Married: Rev. James J. Griffin, pastor of the Baptist church of this city, was married at Garden City last Wednesday, November 7th, to Miss Gertrude Smith. Mr. Griffin and his bride arrived in the city on Friday, and on Friday night a reception was given them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Runyan on South Walnut street. The people of Medicine Lodge take pleasure in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Griffin to the social circles of our city.
pg 3, col 4
Died: B.F. Talbott died at his home in Moore township on Monday morning, November 12, 1900, at 1 o'clock, aged 56 years, 3 months, and 16 days. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Nov. 13, and the remains interred in the Newkirk cemetery. Mr. Talbott was in poor health for more than ten years but was bedfast only about two months. The immediate cause of his death was consumption but there were other chronic ailments that led to his death. The deceased is survived by six children - Mrs. R.L. Groendycke, Mrs. A.T. Groendycke, Mrs. W.A. Downtain, Mrs. Clarence Martin, Homer and Clinton, all of whom reside in Barber and Woods counties. Mr. Talbott was one of Barber county's progressive farmers and an honored citizen. His death is regretted by all who knew him.
Nov 21, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Married: The marriage of Captain James D. Fair and Mrs. Annie Forsythe, of the city, occurred at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, W.R. Forsythe, Wednesday evening, Nov. 14, 1900, at 9 o'clock. Rev. L.M. Belden, pastor of the Presbyterian church, pronounced them husband and wife. The contracting parties are among our most prominent citizens. Captain Fair has been a citizen of Barber country more than fourteen years and has been thoroughly identified with the leading pursuits of the country and is recognized as one of our wealthiest men. When he first came to Barber county he located at Sharon and devoted himself to the agricultural industry with gratifying success. Later he enlarged his business and engaged in the mercantile business in Sharon with his son, Hyder, and three years ago came to this city and bought the large establishment which he and his son, H.D. Fair, are now conducting. His business life is an open book to the people of Barber county and the immense patronage which he receives is the best evidence of the esteem in which he is held by his fellow men. The people of Kansas and the entire west are noted for their loyalty to men who stay with them in times of climatic reverses and Captain Fair's perseverance and determination to better himself and the country during those dark days is another reason why he has succeeded so remarkably and holds the confidence of such a wide circle of people. Mean are honored and applauded for the efforts they make and the results they accomplish. Mr. Fair came to this county when it was new and undeveloped and with keen business judgment and inherent energy he acquired a handsome fortune while others with more means and less determination failed. He now ranks as one of the substantial representatives of the mercantile men in southern Kansas, and has doubly earned the distinction he enjoys. The bride is a native of Toronto, Canada, and has resided in Medicine Lodge a little more than a year. She comes from a most excellent family of well-to-do people and is a lady of refinement and rare accomplishments. While her residence in the city does not date far into the past, she has won a place in society which she can feel proud and the numerous compliments paid her by many well-wishing friends attest the good will and kindly feeling of her acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Fair have taken up their residence in their beautiful residence on Oak street purchased by Mr. Fair last summer. We join with their host of friends in extending congratulations. [According to a listing in 1900 of Medicine Lodge businesses, Mr. Fair and his son were partners in a general mercantile store, J.D. Fair & Son.]
pg 3, col 3
Married: Mr. Lester Simpson, son of Hon. and Mrs. Jerry Simpson, and Miss Gerlie Kelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Kelley, of Lipscomb, Texas, were married on Sunday, Nov. 18, 1900, at the residence of the bride's parents. The happy couple arrived home yesterday at 5 o'clock p.m., and were driven immediately to the home of the groom's parents where an elegant supper was awaiting them. These young people have a bright future before them and have flattering prospects for a successful life. We join with the many friends in congratulating them and extending heart wishes. [See also Cresset transcription of Nov 23, 1900.]
pg 3, col 4
Died: Death again invaded our city on Monday morning, Nov. 19th, and claimed Robert Lorton, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lorton. Death was caused by a very severe attack of infectious tonsilitis. Robert took sick about two weeks ago and was first regarded in a precarious condition last Thursday. Dr. Cushenbery attended him. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.F. Irwin, pastor of the M.E. church. Robert was a bright boy, loved by parents, relatives, teachers and school mates. He was the only boy in the Lorton families and his early departure is a source of much grief to those who mourn, which can scarcely be measured in words. The Index extends to Mr. and Mrs. Lorton profound sympathy in this trying ordeal.
Nov 28, 1900
pg 3, col 4
Birthday: A large crowd of young folks gathered at the home of W.M. Riggins in Elm Mills township on Sunday, Nov. 18, in honor of the 21st birthday of his oldest son, George, and the 21st birthday of his friend, William Brown. A most bountiful table was set with everything to eat that anyone could wish for. We all enjoyed ourselves splendidly and were glad that it was our privilege to be there. The young men received several valuable presents as a token of esteem, from their friends, and when the guests departed they wished their friends in whose honor the party was given, a long, happy and successful life. Those who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Brown, Susan Wysong, Lulu McCullough, Ethel Alexander, Clarence Means, Andrew Alexander, Olga Davis, Ben McCullough, Pay Wysong, Frank Gordon, Alfred Jackson, Willie Brown, Etta Mathers, Maggie Brown, Edgar Jackson, Donnie Brown, Ethel Mathers, Carrie Jackson, Nellie Mathers. Signed: A Guest.
Dec 5, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Born: On December 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpson, a bouncing boy. Mrs. Carrie Nation, D.O., in attendance.
pg 3, col 3
Died: Ellen Kidd - The death of this good woman occurred on Saturday morning, December 1, 1900, at half past six o'clock. Mrs. Kidd was taken sick on Tuesday and on Thursday her condition became so bad that the physicians pronounced the case hopeless. Loving relatives and anxious friends surrounded the bedside until the last moment, ministering as much as possible to her comfort and hoping in vain for some favorable indication for recovery. But it was not to be. Her maiden name was Ellen A. Shaughnessy. She was born in St. Louis, where her parents now reside, July 22, 1872. She was married July 27, 1891, in the city of Chicago, to Chas. W. Kidd, and since her marriage she and her husband have lived in this city most of the time. Mrs. Kidd was brought up in the Catholic faith, but one year ago she and her husband united with the Christian church and took an active part in religious work from that time. Her late sickness was attended with intense suffering but she was resigned and talked freely until a few moments before her death and when the final summons came she passed away peacefully and contentedly. A husband and two children - Estella, aged 7 years, and Susie, aged 3 years, survive her. Franklyn Maurice, the oldest child, died in February, 1899. Two other children died in infancy. [See Cresset transcription @ Dec 7, 1900.]
pg 3, col 3
Died: Lester Douglass Sparks - Born June 4, 1899 [birth noted above @ Jun 7, 1899], died November 29, 1900. The departed one was the little son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Sparks. Death was caused from tonsilitis. The child was sick little more than a week and the disease took violent form only three days before death. Mr. Sparks was in the territory when his boy died and knew nothing of the great misfortune until a message found him at Kiowa the following day on his way home. Funeral services were held on Saturday forenoon from the residence of Mrs. Sparks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Kidd, conducted by Elder McLain. Little Lester was one of Medicine Lodge's most charming babies and his death leaves a vacancy in the home which can not be otherwise than a cloud of grief. We frequently talk of sympathy and tender hearted and kind friends, and they are doubtless of invaluable assistance in such sad emergencies, yet how little can we realize the awful pangs of sorrow and heart-throbs of loving parents. There is indeed something missing when the little one - the gem of the home - is gone. [A lengthy poem, contributed by "A Friend" follows.][See also Cresset transcription @ Dec 7, 1900.]
pg 3, col 3
Died: George Garten died at the home of his mother in Mingona township on Thursday night, Nov. 29th. He had been sick for several years and for more than a year was scarcely able to be up. Funeral services were held Friday and the remains were interred in the family grave yard. Rev. Shamberger preached the funeral. The deceased is survived by a mother, four brothers and a sister. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon and a large procession followed the remains to Highland cemetery. Elder W.T. McLain, pastor of the church of which the deceased was a member, delivered a touching and pathetic sermon full of hope and consolation to hearts that were broken. To the stricken husband and the motherless children, the good will of a sympathetic community is extended, and it is hoped that the burden of grief will be palliated in a measure at least by the earnestness and assistance of kind and sympathetic friends.
Dec 12, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Marriage License: Dennis Harper and Catharine McDonald, both of Hazelton, secured a license to wed last Thursday, Dec. 6th. The groom is 35 years old and the bride is 28 years.
pg 3, col 6
Married: Mr. Rudolph Louis and Miss Anna Ott were married at the M.E. parsonage in this city on Monday, Dec. 10th. Rev J.F. Irwin performed the ceremony. Mr. Louis resides in Mingona township and was employed by R.V. Gant during the summer. He is an industrious, upright and intelligent young man and carries with him the respect and good will of all who know him. He will make a husband of whom his chosen helpmate may ever feel proud. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ott, of Eagle township, and is a lady of many attainments, esteemed by all who are acquainted with her. We extend our sincerest congratulations.
pg 3, col 6
Died: Ernest, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cullison, died yesterday of tonsilitis. Funeral services will be held today. The stricken parents have the sympathy of everybody in their sad trial. Ernest was their only child.
Dec 19, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Married: Kinsman D. Bell and Miss Emma E. Lasswell, two of Sharon's estimable young people, were married by Probate Judge Lacy last Wednesday, Dec. 12th. They start on life's journey with the kindliest regards of a host of friends with whom the Index joins in hoping that nothing may obstruct their pathway and mar their happiness and success.
pg 3, col 6
Married: Miss Kitty Bristow was married at Alva on Saturday. The happy groom is connected with the Orient railroad now under way in Oklahoma, and has been making his headquarters att Kiowa for the past six weeks. We could not learn his name. It was common gossip that Miss Kitty was engaged to W.J. Judd, the popular hardware drummer; and that the union was to be effected on the 18th, and consequently her marriage to another party without previous announcement was a great surprise.
Dec 26, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Married: Rev. J.J. Griffin, pastor of the Baptist church, united in marriage at the Grand Hotel, last Wednesday, December 19, Mr. Ora V. Sherman of Eagle township, and Miss Julia M. Tolle of Irving, Nebraska.
pg 3, col 4
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Williams on Friday, Dec. 21st, a fine big boy. Dr. Moore in attendance.
pg 3, col 4
Married: Probate Judge Lacy performed the marriage ceremony of Lonie A. Wilhite and Cora B. Hockett, both of Hardtner, last Thursday, Dec. 20. @ Jan 2, 1901, pg 3, col 1: Probate Judge Lacy wants us to correct our last week's account of the Wilhite-Hockett marriage. We stated that he united the couple whereas Judge C.H. Downtain of Kiowa is entitled to the honor. [Remainder of this page is illegible.]
pg 3, col 4
Married: Mr. Charles L. Huffer and Miss Josie Dorsey, of Sharon township, were married on Sunday, Dec. 23rd, Elder W.T. McLain, pastor of the Christian church officiating.
pg 3, col 4
Married: John H. Hoover, son of Peter Hoover, and Miss Iris Smith, daughter of Ira Smith, both of Eagle township, were married at 12 o'clock m. [midnight?] yesterday, Dec. 25th. Probate Judge Lacy drove out and tied the knot. They are popular young people and start on life's journey with bright prospects. Our good wishes go with them.
pg 3, col 5
Married: Dan H. Axtell and Miss Myrtle M. Warren were married at the residence of the bride's father in Elm Mills township yesterday (Christmas day) at noon. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axtell of this city, and the bride is the only daughter of R.C. Warren. We extend our warmest congratulations.
pg 3, col 6
Died: Mrs. L.E. Forney, of Cherokee, Ok., and formerly of Sharon valley, Kansas, the only surviving daughter of the Rev. Geo. Robinson, died on Dec. 13, 1900 at 7:30 p.m., after a sickness of only 14 days. Malarial fever in a very violent form was the cause of her death. She leaves a husband, who is well known in Barber county, and three children - the youngest, a baby only fourteen days old - to mourn her departure. The funeral was preached at the family residence near Cherokee on Friday, the 14th, to a large concourse of people who assembled to pay a last mark of respect and attest the esteem in which Mrs. Forney was held by her neighbors and the citizens of the entire community in which she lived. The remains were interred in the Sharon cemetery. The services at the grave were conducted by Dr. W.H. Boles.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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