REEL #M862/KSHS Microfilm Collection
Aug 1, 1878, pg 3, col 1
Born: W.W. Cook is supremely happy, the angels left
the gates ajar, and a nine pound girl angel gladdens the house of Cook. His
telegram to Shi Standiford reads something like this: "Send to Wichita and get
me a new hat, I can no longer wear the old one: it's a girl."
Sep 12, 1878, pg 2, col 2
Born: The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cobb was made
happy the other day by the advent of a brand new girl baby - weight nine pounds
- no cards. George is doing as well as could be expected under the
circumstances. [Sun City news]
Sep 26, 1878
pg 3, col 1
Died: We are pained to learn of the death of Mis Sarah Bullington last evening. Miss B came to this section
a short time ago in company with her father and family with the intention of
locating here. On the way here she contracted Typho-Malarial fever, and after a
struggle of twenty days, yielded to the destroyer. The bereaved parents and
friends have the sympathy of the community.
pg 3, col 2
Died: "Shocking Accident on Mule Creek, A Child Has Its Brain Blown Out by the
Accidental Discharge of a Gun" - Last Sunday evening a most shocking accident
occurred at the house of Esquire McWilliams, on
Little Mule Creek, and which resulted in the death of a bright young daughter of
that gentleman. It seems that the family together with some persons who were
visiting there and discussing the Indian scare, were in the workshop attached to
the house of Mr. McWilliams and that a loaded gun had been left standing against
the work bench. The child, a girl of thirteen, was playing around near the gun
when by some means not known by any of the parties present, the gun went of
literally blowing off the top of the unfortunate child's head, killing her
instantly. No blame attaches to any one, as during times of such excitement as
had prevailed in that section, arms are kept close at hand for immediate use,
and such accidents while they are sad, seem to be inevitable. The child was a
bright laughing little sprite and will be sorely missed by the entire
neighborhood. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community.
And @ Oct 3, pg 3, col 1: We publish this week a corrected report of the
accidental shooting of Katie McWilliams, the daughter of W.A. McWilliams. The
report came to us last week, but as we had little opportunity for investigation,
some discrepancies appeared. The following is written by a friend of the family
and an eye witness. EDITOR MAIL: One of the saddest accidents it was ever our
duty to record happened on the 22nd of September, at the residence of Scott
Cummings. Several families and parts of families,
were gathered at the above named place to better protect themselves against the
threatened Indian invasion. Nearly all present were assembled on the porch in
front of the house, Miss S.E. Morrel was sitting on a work bench and Katie
McWilliams, aged twelve years, was leaning against the bench with her head in
Miss Morrel's lap. Guns were standing around against the wall, in easy reach,
and one, a Smith & Wesson rifle, was leaning against the work bench. The
children climbing around the work bench in some way discharged the gun, the ball
passing diagonally through Miss Katie's head and found a lodgement in the roof
above. She never spoke, and lived scarcely an hour. Miss Katie was the
daughter of William A. McWilliams and was a child of more than ordinary
intelligence. She was loved and esteemed by all who knew her, and her terrible
and untimely death has cast a gloom over the entire community. Signed:
pg 3, col 2
Died: "Death from the Bite of a Rattlesnake" - Last Saturday at noon, when Mr.
A.B. Reynolds and his son, Jessie A. Reynolds, who
live a short distance north of Kiowa, were returning or about to return from a
field where they had been engaged in cutting up corn, a huge rattlesnake sprang
at the boy Jesse [sic] A. Reynolds, a bright, intelligent and amiable boy of
about sixteen summers, inflicted two stings directly on the posterior portion of
the leg near the knee. He lingered in fearful agony until nearly evening when
he expired. Jessie was a boy of great promise and the grief stricken parents
feel that his loss is unbearable. They have the sympathy of the entire
community in their bereavement.
Oct 10, 1878
pg 3, col 1
Marriage: We are pleased to note the marriage of our friend Barney O'Connor to Miss Cassie Young, formerly of Hutchinson. With hundreds of other
friends, we wish them a successful voyage on the sea of matrimony.
pg 3, col 2
Born: We hardly understood that broad smile and invitation to take a cigar of
Chas. Currie, yesterday morning, until he said,
"Smoke a good one boys, it's a boy." Father Pettit's face is wreathed in smiles
and all are happy. We second the motion to perpetuate the Currie family. May
they all live long and prosper.
Oct 24, 1878, pg 3, col 2
Died: We larn of the death of I.C. Wyckoff, near
Sun City, last Sunday night. Mr. Wyckoff was making preparations for going into
camp for the night, when he fell dead. It is supposed he was affected with
heart disease. He was in the employ of Irving Cole, a sheep raiser, late of
Colorado. We understand he has friends some where in Kansas, on the line of the
Kansas Pacific road.
Oct 31, 1878, pg 3, col 3
Married: "Wedding Bells" - The joy bells rang out a merry peal last Monday night
when three of the bravest and best of our young men led to the altar three of
the fairest of our village ladies. The beauty and gallantry, as well as the
staid father and matron met at the school house at about 9 o'clock at evening to
witness the triple wedding of Mr. Jos. W. McNeal and
Miss Mary S. Iliff, Mr. Mead C. Stolp and Miss Ida J. Lucas, and
Mr. Joseph Story and Miss Rhoda A. Lucas. The assemblage was large, as their friends are
legion, for they are deserving of friends. The services, the short but
impressive one commonly used by the Presbyterian church, were read in a very
solemn and fitting manner by the Rev. A. Axline, after which a solemn invocation
to the Deity for the care and safety of the newly launched ____. The service
over, the newly married couples repaired to the new building of Esquire E. Wise,
where to receive the congratulations of friends. Music having been prepared,
each gallant and newly ____ benedict led off his fair bride in the mazes of the
intoxicating waltz and intricate quadrille, "till the wee small hours of the
night," when one and all brides, grooms and invited guests fled off to the
residence of our genial friend, Eli Smith, where a table groaning with luscious
and tempting delicacies was spread. The feast partaken of, they returned to the
feast of music and symmetrical exercises where "till rosy morn" they chased the
golden hours with flying feet. We have this to say of the parties to this
alliance, collectively. They are altogether comparatively young
people........and are deserving of the greatest matrimonial joys. Their
families have such noble men for their heads and such matchless women for their
controlling power they cannot help but exercise an influence in the community.
The Mail tosses the traditional old shoe after them and hopes that their
matrimonial life, so auspiciously begun, may be rich in joy and sterile in
sorrows, ripening and brightening to the edge of the dark river.
Nov 7, 1878
pg 2, col 3
Married: "Cupid's Work" - We are pleased to note the marriage of Mr. Orville
Olds and Miss Arcella Ramsey, at this place, at the residence of the bride's
father, on Wednesday evening last. The evening was very pleasantly spent at the
residence of the groom's father where the friends of the happy couple were
gathered to congratulate them. May their path be bright and strewn with the
flowers of unalloyed happiness.
pg 3, col 2
Born: Mr. Wm. Wyatt has been presented with a fine
son. Thusly, the settlement is on the increase.
Jan 2, 1879, pg 3, col 2
Married: The marriage of Mr. J.H. Lusk and Miss
Bathana Risner took place at Sun City on New Year's
night. The young couple have our best wishes for their future welfare.
Jan 9, 1879, pg 3, col 1 [Last issue]
Died: We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Brickle, the wife of one of our new settlers. She leaves
several children, all small, and an excellent husband, all of whom deserve the
sympathy of the entire community.
[NB: The Barbour County Mail becomes The Mail on February 6, 1879, still with M.J. Cochran as Editor. Its last issue was published March 6, 1879. The Medicine Lodge Cresset began publication on March 20, 1879.]
Mar 20, 1879
pg 3, col 2
Married: Wm. Springer led Miss Zula Vaughn to the marriage altar a few days ago. This is a
happy consummation of a love affair between the two. May long years of unbroken
happiness attend them down the journey of life. "Like the stream with lilies
laden, May life's future current flow, Till in heaven we meet the maiden fondly
cherished years ago."
pg 4, col 1
Born: Bunn Stockstill is happy. Ten pounds of
infancy to his credit.
Apr 17, 1879
Married: John Montgomery took unto himself a
wife last week, whose maiden name was Molly Heard.
The boys serenaded him with cow bells for an hour or two, when they discovered
that there was no one at home, and after stuffing about four barrels of old rags
down the stove pipe, gave it up as a bad job. [Sun City news]
May 1, 1879, pg 2, col 2
Died: Mrs. T.L. O'Brian was buried last Saturday
about 4 o'clock p.m. The deceased lived near Lake City and the bereaved have
the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
May 8, 1879, pg 2, col 5
Died: We were pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Levi Davis, at Kiowa, last week. She was loved by all who knew
her, for the generous hospitality and friendship with which she greeted the many
homeless wanderers who have made her house a home during their stay in Kiowa.
She has indeed been a mother to the many motherless boys who have taken her wise
counsel, and found her an ever faithful friend. Her memory will be cherished as
sacred as the green grave where lies one of nature's noble women.
May 22, 1879
pg 3, col 3
Married: May 18, 1879, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Probate
Judge, John R. Easley, Mr. Elijah Sinecipher to
Miss Sarah Burkett. May their shadows never grow
pg 3, col 4
Birthday: Last Saturday evening it was our good fortune, as reporter of the
Cresset, to enjoy an evening's entertainment at the residence of Wm. M.
Friedley, the occasion being Miss Anna Friedley's
sixteenth birthday. Among the ladies who lent a charm by their presence, we may
mention Misses Iva and Viola Brattin, Misses Matie and Minnie Updegraff, Miss
Retta Osborne, Mrs. Hon. W.P. Ewing, Mrs. McCandless, Mrs. C.T. Rigg, and Mrs.
VanSlyke. Ice cream, cake, and lemonade were popular features of the occasion.
The usual amount of boyish pranks and girlish arts made the evening seem to pass
off quickly. Mrs. Friedley dispensed eatables with even
handed justice while Miss Anna, like a royal queen, reigned with undisputed
sway. We wish that each of her succeeding birthdays may be attended with as
many pleasant memories and pleasant faces.
May 29, 1879
pg 2, col 2
Died: "Terrible Tragedy on the Medicine" - On last Saturday our quiet community
was shocked by an occurrence so terrible and so unexpected that it could not but
hold its breath in pitying horror as it noticed this fresh entry in the records
of crime. The following, as near as we can learn, is a true statement of the
AWFUL TRAGEDY: On the evening of Friday, the 23rd of May, Mrs. Steadman and her mother, Mrs. Champion, were returning from hunting their cows. When
they neared the river on the north side, they saw a young man by the name of
John Garten on the opposite side, riding toward the
river, yelling and SWINGING HIS REVOLVER. As he rode into the stream he fired
once into the water, then rode across, still holding the weapon in his hand. On
his coming up to Mrs. Champion and her daughter, one stepped to one side of the
road, and the other to the opposite side, to let him pass. Garten rode by but
had gone only a few paces when he turned in his saddle and PRESENTING HIS
REVOLVER snapped it at Mrs. Champion. The pistol missing fire, he turned on
Mrs. Steadman, again drew the trigger and shot her through the breast. Mrs.
Champion heard her exclaim: "MOTHER, I AM SHOT!" as she fell to the ground, and
before she could reach her daughter's side, the bullet had done its work and her
pulses were still forever. Garten not seeming to realize what a terrible deed
he had committed, rode on home, ate his supper, and then went back to Parson's
Ranch. Here he spent the rest of the evening and the night. Nothing unusual
was noticed in his actions and his companions at the ranch had no intimation of
the shooting until about daybreak, when Sheriff Simmons arrest Garten on the
charge of murder. The Sheriff brought his prisoner to Medicine Lodge and placed
him in the structure which passes for a jail. About 11 o'clock he was taken
before Squire Wise,, but waved examination, and about one o'clock, the Sheriff
and his deputy started with the prisoner for safer quarters, there to wait his
final trial. We would also say that Garten says he did not know his revolver
was loaded, and claims to have no recollection of the occurrence. And @ pg 2,
col 3: Mrs. George Steadman, daughter of Gilbert and Octavia Champion, was born
in St. Clair county, Mo., on the 21st day of November 1860, where she resided
with her parents until the spring of 1875, when the family moved to Barbour
county, Kansas. On the 12th day of August 1876, she was married to George
Steadman, and on the south side of the beautiful Medicine River, Mr. Steadman
and wife settled and built for themselves a home. Here they lived in quietude
and peace until the evening of the 23rd of May, when she was shot by John
Garten. Mrs. Steadman leaves a small child, a tender hearted husband and
numerous friends to mourn her sad and untimely loss. [Poem follows] Signed:
Jun 5, 1879, pg 3, col 2
Married: At the residence of Jacob Swank, by J.R. Easley, Probate Judge, Mr.
T.M. Ward and Miss Mary Moore. All of Medicine Lodge. We congratulated Bunk on
his position as alderman for the last ward in the city of Medicine Lodge.
Jul 3, 1879, pg 3 col 3
Married: At Paola, Miami Co., Kas., on the 18th of June, 1879, Geo. E. Wise, of Medicine Lodge, Barbour Co., Kansas, to Miss Amelia
S. Chamberlain of Osawatomie, Miami Co.,
Kansas. George has prospered since coming to the Lodge. We are glad to learn
he has decided to take a partner in his business. We offer our
Jul 10, 1879, pg 3, col 1
Died: On July 7, 1879, Ortha E. Clark, wife of Thomas
H. Clark, residing on the head of Cedar Creek, Barbour County, in the 34th year
of her age. She leaves two children, one girl 13 years and one boy 8 years old.
Mr. Clark and family moved into Barbour County from Iowa, May 1878. Mr. Clark
is one of our most substantial farmers, and respected by all who know him. Mrs.
Clark was a lady whom to know was to love and respect. The community in which
they live has suffered a severe loss. Mr. Clark has the sympathy of his
numerous friends in his affliction.
Jul 17, 1879
pg 4, col 1
Died: Last Saturday, Mrs. Troy Stockstill
received a letter from Johnson, I.T., informing her of the death of her husband.
Some weeks ago a party of four, consisting of Mr. Woods, a gentleman from Iowa,
Troy Stockstill, James Henderson and Mr. Candee from this county, went to the Chickasaw Nation to
buy cattle. The letter states that about fifteen miles above Johnson, on the
Canadian, they were attacked by robbers: a fight ensued and Stockstill and
Henderson were killed and one other man wounded. Woods escaped unhurt. It
states, also, that they had got the cattle together again and were coming on.
The letter is signed by C. McCollock, an entire stranger here. We cannot give
the particulars till further word is obtained, but it is sad enough to know that
two brave men, substantial and honest citizens, have lost their lives in so
cruel a manner; and that a family have been bereft of a kind and provident
husband. And @ Jul 25, pg 1, a Masonic Resolution provides the following
information: We have learned with sorrow that our friend, neighbor and brother,
Troy Stockstill, was on the 2nd day of July, A.D. 1879, while on a business trip
to the Indian Territory, attacked and most foully murdered by a band of robbers
who still roam unmolested over that section of country, the dread of law abiding
people there. Further @ Aug 8, pg 5: A party consisting of Bunn Stockstill,
L.C. Faris, S.J. Shepler and Hillory Widenor, who are to bring the corpse of
Troy Stockstill to this place for interment, started yesterday. They expect to
meet Henderson's friends at Caldwell and from there both parties will proceed in
company to the place of present burial. And @ Aug 29, pg 5, col 2: The party
who went to the Territory for the body of Troy Stockstill, returned on Tuesday.
The funeral took place at 2 P.M., Wednesday. Many friends followed the remains
to the grave thus showing their respect for the deceased as a kind neighbor and
brave, generous man.
Aug 15, 1879 [Friday publication begins]
pg 1, col 4
Married: Ebin Barber was married to Miss Hattie
Dunlap on the 8th. The bridegroom set up lots of
cigars and "things." Success to Ebin. [Sun City news] And @ pg 5, col 2: At Sun
City, Aug. 7th, 179, by R.A. Ward, Mr. Eben [sic] A. Barber to Miss Hattie A.
Dunlap, both of Barbour county, Kansas.
pg 1, col 4
Married: Mr. Wm. Crawsore took to his bosom the
one of his choice, Mrs. Morris, on the 9th. [Sun
City news] And @ Feb 6, 1880, pg 4, col 3: Mrs. Crawsore has returned to this
place. It is reported that she is going to law to find out whether she is
Crawsore's wife or not. [Sun City news]
pg 5, col 2
Married: Near Spring Vale, Aug. 3rd, 1879, by T.A. Ward, Mr. John H. Porterfield to Miss Iderah Bender, both of Barbour county, Kansas.
pg 5, col 2
Died: During the night of the 11th of Aug., 1879, William Wyatt, of Little Mule Creek. Will was one of the '74 boys
and leaves a large number of friends to sympathize with the bereaved.
Aug 29, 1879
pg 4, col 2
Died: August 23rd, 1879, Emma Jane, daughter of David G. and Emma J. Haney, aged 9 months and 12 days. God hath called our
darling to live with the angels. [Memorial poem] Funeral services at the house
of the parents Sunday, Aug. 24, by Wm. M. Friedley, from the text: "For these
light afflictions work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."
II Cor. 4-17. Signed: Emma J. Haney. [See Nov 14, 1879 and May 14, 1880 for
deaths of two other Haney children.]
pg 5, col 2
Died: Near Medicine Lodge, Kansas, Ora B. Connelly, infant daughter of W.R. and Hattie Connelly.
Born February 15, 1879. Died, August 26, 1879, aged 6 months and 11 days.
Sep 19, 1879
pg 5, col 1
Died: The funeral of George Swank took place at 10
o'clock, Wednesday morning. There was an unusually large procession of the
friends and neighbors of the bereaved family. And also: Geo. A. Swank, born at
Lovillia, Monroe county, Iowa, Aug. 19, 1858, died Sept. 16, 1879, aged 21 years
and 27 days. George was a young man well respected by everyone. His parents
say that he was never known to speak an unkind word, either to them or any of
his brothers and sisters. And @ pg 5, col 2: "Sad Accident" - On last Friday
afternoon, George Swank, while engaged in branding cattle, had his horse thrown
while roping a cow. The horse fell on the young man's limb, breaking both bones
below the knee. Dr. McHenry was immediately summoned, but on account of the
distance of the camp where the accident occurred, did not arrive until about
daylight, Saturday morning. After the fracture had been reduced, the young man
was brought home. Until the next day, all symptoms seemed favorable for his
recovery, but about noon he began to have occasional periods of delerium. On
Monday, toward evening, congestion of the brain set in, and at about 1 o'clock
Tuesday morning, he breathed his last. The father of the deceased, Mr. Jacob
Swank, is an old and well respected settler. He and his family have the
sympathy of the community in their affliction.
pg 5, col 1
Died: Thursday evening, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Murdock. The funeral will take place next Saturday at 2
o'clock P.M. The services will be conducted by Rev. A.H. Mulkey.
Oct 10, 1879, pg 5
Married: At the Sun City school house by H.E. VanTrees, J.P., Mr. J.V. Fishburn of Sun City and Miss Maggie Thompson from near Medicine Lodge. We extend our best
wishes and trust that all the cares that beset their journey through life may be
little ones.
Oct 31, 1879, pg 2, col 1
Died: On last Saturday, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F.P. McAlister of this place. The little one had been
suffering from a lingering illness for some time.
Nov 7, 1879, pg 5, col 1
Married: Nov. 2nd, at the residence of the bride's brother, near Iuka, Kansas,
by Rev. A. Axline, Mr. John L. Nelson to Miss Ida
Rounsavell. John and lady have our best wishes
for the future. As John was the first man to enter the bonds of wedlock in
Pratt county since it's organization, it seems probable that in the future he
will bear the same relation to that county that G.W. did to the U.S.
Nov 14, 1879
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Mead C. Stolp, Nov. 11, a fine nine pound boy. Mead, you
may have been able to get married first, but you cannot always keep ahead.
Signed ED.
pg 3, col 2
Died: October 17th, 1879, David Garnett, son of David G. and Emma J. Haney. Aged 2 years, three months and seven days.
[Memorial poem follows.]
pg 3, col 2
Died: Mrs. W.L. Clingan, at Kansas City, Nov. 3rd,
1879. The remains were taken to Lee Summit, Jackson county, Missouri, for
pg 3, col 2
Born: Prof. Tice may be able to predict meteoric showers during the first half
of November, but he couldn't tell anything about what caused the hilariousness
of the Senior of this firm last Sunday, unless he had heard of that 9 pound
girl baby, born Saturday evening. [Presumably this refers to one of the McNeal brothers.]
pg 3, col 3
Married: Jas. McKinstry, Att'y, and senior editor of the Hutchinson
Herald, to Miss Hollowell, of Hutchinson. We extend our best wishes to
the bride and groom, and trust that our fraternal brother's shadow may never
grow less.
Nov 28, 1879
pg 4, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Saunders, Thursday
morning, a nine pound girl.
pg 4, col 2
Birthday: Master Willie Cook gave his playmates the
benefit of a birthday party last Tuesday evening. The little folks enjoyed
themselves as only little folks can. They would all be glad to celebrate
Willie's thirteenth anniversary without delaying a whole year.
Dec 5, 1879
pg 5, col 1
Born: We have received a cablegram from W.G. Osborne, dated Dec. 4th, announcing an eight and a half
pound boy at their house. George thinks he will not need a deputy in the
District Clerk's office.
pg 5, col 2
Married: Wednesday evening, Nov. 26, at the office of H.E. VanTrees, Mr. T.F.
Seepler of Medicine Lodge to Miss Charlotte Fishburn of Sun City. Frank and lady have our best
wishes for the future.
Dec12, 1879
pg 4, col 1
Died: Mrs. McGrue, of Lake City township, was buried
on Wednesday morning.
pg 4, col 1
Marriage license: Issued Dec. 12 by Judge Easley to the following persons: John
Middleton and Louisa Colcord, both of Sun City.
pg 4, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Roe VanSlyke, Dec. 5, an 8
pound girl. Roe shows that he is a young man of enterprise by keeping right up
with the style.
Dec 26, 1879
pg 4, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Rigg, on Tuesday evening,
an 8 pound boy. Dr. would like to have given out the impression that it was a
9 pounder but honesty compelled him to acknowledge the fraction.
pg 4, col 2
Married: At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 14, 1879, by Rev. A.
Hancox, Mr. William VanSlyke to Miss Emily Martin. The happy couple left on Monday for their new
home in Kansas accompanied by the best wishes of their many friends. (Murray
News). We welcome Will and his wife and wish them much happiness.
Jan 2, 1880
pg 5, col 3
Married: At the residence of the bride's father, Dec. 28, 1879, by Rev. Wm.
Friedley, Mr. Wm. Lindsey to Miss Sarah E. Swank. The Editors of the Cresset were remembered
by a present of a handsome Bride's cake. May the lives of the donors be as full
of happiness as the gift is full of sweetness.
pg 5, col 3
Married: At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 30, 1879, by Rev. A.
Axline, Mr. Thos. H. Clark and Miss Kittie Bevans, all of Barbour County. We extend our best wishes
and hope they live long and prosper.
Jan 16, 1880
pg 4, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Ewing, on Saturday morning
last, a daughter. We haven't heard the exact weight of the little stranger, but
W.P. estimated it at anywhere between 12 and 15 pounds.
pg 1, col 4
Died: The little son of Rev. A.H. Mulkey, aged three
years and eleven months, died on Friday last and was buried at the Colony on
Saturday. The Prof. has the sympathy of the community in his sad
Feb 6, 1880, p 4, col 3
Born: John Holt boasts of a 12 pound boy.
Feb 13, 1880
pg 4, col 1
Born: The reason Sam Doles didn't come to the
election was because he was elected Pap, and had to stay at home. It's a girl
and adds 9 pounds to women's rights.
pg 4, col 3
Born: We were at a loss to know why that peaceful smile played on the fact of
F.G. Olds last Monday morning, until we heard of that
10 pound boy.
Feb 27, 1880
pg 4, col 2
Died: Near Lake City, Kas., on Feb. 21, 1880, of membranous croup, Thomas L.
O'Bryan, son of T.L. and M.E. O'Bryan, aged one
year and three months. Little Tommy's mother died when he was only three months
old, since which time Mrs. Burbanks has watched
over him with a mother's care. He was a remarkably healthy and bright child,
having been sick scarcely a moment in his life. He was taken sick on Wednesday
and died at 4 o'clock the following Saturday. Every thing was done for the
little sufferer that was possible, but to no avail. His father (who almost
idolized him) and kind friends hovered around his little form, and with working
hands and anxious hearts, endeavored to alleviate his suffering, that each hour
seemed to fasten stronger and deeper, until his little spirit wended its way to
heaven, leaving his lifeless little form. How reluctantly they bowed in
submission to Him who has said: "Suffer little children to come unto me, and
forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." It seems a mysterious
Providence by which such innocence and purity is made to suffer; but having the
promise that those hidden things will be revealed when we meet in the far
beyond, we humbly say: "Thy Will be done." [Memorial poem follows.]
pg 4, col 2
Born: Wm. Jones and Wm. Fishburn are preparing for war. They are both blessed
with heirs (boys). [Sun City news]
Mar 5, 1880, pg 5, col 2
Died: Mrs. E. Hargis died Monday evening about 6
o'clock and was buried on Wednesday.
Mar 12, 1880
pg 5, col 1
Died: The infant child of T.M. and Mary Ward died
Sabbath morning about five o'clock.
pg 5, col 2
Died: Mrs. Dan Morris died yesterday about two
o'clock p.m. from the effects of child birth. The child was still born. The
bereaved husband has the sympathy of the entire community. And @ Mar 19, pg 5:
The funeral of Mrs. Dan Morris occurred on Saturday morning [Mar 13th].
Mar 19, 1880, pg 5, col 3
Died: W.T. Smith of Mule Creek was buried at this
place on last Wednesday. He died of consumption. [Sun City news]
Mar 26, 1880
pg 1, col 3
Born: Mr. Hanks, one of our blacksmiths, was made the
happy possessor of another boy on the morning of the 18th. [Sun City news]
pg 5, col 1
Born: March 10th, 1880, a little girl put in an appearance at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Haney. Of course, this is "Fairest
of creation, last and best of all God's works." [See May 14 for death of this
Apr 16, 1880, pg 5
Married: At the residence of the bride's parents, in Lake City township, April
7, 1880, by Squire Tomblison, Mr. T.G. Cutlip and
Miss Sue Mills, all of Lake City township. The news
came too late for last week's issue.
May 14, 1880
pg 5, col 1
Born: Joe Billings, our city shoemaker, is
generally found with his last, but last Sunday, week, found him with his
first baby, a fine boy. This is rather a late mention, but better late
than never.
pg 5, col 2
Died: Louis Jones, at the residence of T.J. Hutchins, May 8, 1880.
pg 5, col 2
Died: At the residence of Augustus Hooker, May 6th,
1880, Nellie Mirtle, daughter of David G. and Emma J. Haney, aged two months. The services were conducted by
Rev. J.M. Musick. Scripture read, 40th chapter of Isaiah, 11th verse; 19th
chapter of Matthew, 13-15 verses.
pg 5, col 2
Died: John R. Eldred died at his residence, May 10,
1880, of typhoid malarial fever. The deceased was a drummer boy in Gen. Grant's
old regiment and since his residence in this county has won a host of friends
and, what can seldom be said, we do not know that he had a single enemy. The
family have the sympathy of the entire community in this, the hour of their
bereavement. [G.A.R. Resolution follows.]
May 21, 1880, pg 5, col 1
Born: The absence of County Surveyor Bayley, is
occasioned by the arrival of an 8 pound girl. He will be with us in about a
Jul 2, 1880, pg 5, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Ellis, July 1st, a
handsome daughter, weighing ten or twelve lbs. Both Charley and the baby are
doing well.
Jul 9, 1880
pg 5, col 2
Died: Frank Irwin, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Horne, died Sunday morning, July 4th, 1880, of cholera
infantum, aged 13 months. The little fellow had been a remarkably healthy child
and his death was very unexpected.
pg 5, col 3
Married: At the residence of the bride's father, July 4th, 1880, by Judge
Easley, Vernon Lytle to Miss May Shepler, all of Medicine Lodge. We extend our best
wishes for the future happiness of the young people, as well as thanks for the
excellent cake furnished us.
Aug 13, 1880, pg 5, col 1
Born: Mr. Crouch, living a few miles northwest, has
lately obtained another herder, present weight 9 lbs.
Aug 20, 1880, pg 5, col 3
Married: By Rev. J.L. Cottom, at his residence twelve miles east of Medicine
Lodge, Mr. Charles Matterson and Miss Sue Thomas, all of Barbour county.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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