REEL #M870/KSHS Microfilm Collection
The Medicine Lodge Cresset (meaning "bright light") was a weekly newspaper, published in Medicine Lodge beginning early in 1879. L.M. Axline was publisher at the time this particular reel begins; Otis Lorton took over publication in February 1899. Local news included coverage from the surrounding communities, as well as Medicine Lodge. This reel begins Friday, January 7, 1898 and continues through Friday, February 22, 1901. The information has been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (
Jul 6, 1900, pg 3, col 2
Died: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon, of Sharon township, died last Saturday.
Jul 13, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Married: On Wednesday afternoon Probate Judge Lacy united in marriage T. Martin King and Mary E. Johnson, both of Kiowa.
pg 3, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Romig on July 6th, a little daughter. Mrs. Carrie Nation, Osteopath, in attendance.
Jul 20, 1900
pg 2, col 2
Birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lake gave a party to the little people of Lake Thursday afternoon, July 12th, in honor of the fourth birthday of their son, Russel. This is an annual custom of the Lakes and a beautiful one to observe. The young folks present Saturday were: Patti and Winnie Cooke, Lena Shigley, May, Pearl and Emma Heflin, Harry Thompson, Bertha and Aura English, Mable, Teresa, Bernice and Lola Fager, Celia and Mary Mills, Carrie and Raymond Maynard, Netta and Mable Campbell, Edna and Fred Durfee. Ice cream, cake and lemonade galore was served and the occasion was one of unalloyed happiness and merry-making. Master Russel's memorial souvenirs were numerous and in his elder years to be looked upon as his dearest treasures. [Lake City news]
pg 2, col 2
Born: On July 17, 1900, to Murray and Elsie Davis a 10 pound girl. Mother and child doing well.
pg 2, col 2
Birthday: A surprise party assembled at Harvy [sic] Warren's home last Sunday in honor of his 24th birthday. The party consisted of J.O. Warren and family, Robert Warren, Mrs. Savage, Frank Gordon, Miss Myrtle and M.S. Lunceford and family.
pg 3, col 3
Died: William M. Posey died at Sharon last Friday night of inflammation of the bowels, aged 63 years. Mr. Posey was a bachelor and lived alone at his home north of Sharon. He was ill several days before anyone knew it. Finally realizing that he needed assistance, he managed to get to the home of his niece, Mrs. Guy Sparks, in Sharon, where everything possible was done for him. He was a brother of Mrs. James Huffaker.
pg 3, col 3
Born: We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. John Howard on the appearance in their home on July 1st of a boy baby, regulation weight and lung power. John says the first thing he cried for was a bunch of fire crackers. Rather a precious patriot.
Jul 27, 1900
Birthday: In Valley township on Sunday, July 22nd, quite a number of the relatives and friends of W.S. Moomau gathered at his home to tender him a little surprise, it being his 49th birthday and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred Moomau's 24th. He was out in the pasture looking at his cattle when the first guests arrived. To say he was surprised, surely would be but a faint expression of his feelings. Guests to the number of sixty-two soon appeared which with his own family of ten made quite a sociable gathering. The tables were set out in the yard under the spreading branches of the cottonwoods. Baskets, boxes and buckets were soon brought out and the table spread with many tempting delicacies. In the middle of the table stood a beautiful four-layer cake, baked and presented by John Luallen of Medicine Lodge, with the initials W.S.M. on one layer with his age. It proved too nice to be spoiled by the cake-knife, so after all had commented upon its beauty, it was placed in a tin cake box to await further orders. Several other presents were received. [There is a very long listing of guests with the following surnames: Robinson, Dunham, Emerick, Evans, Hogard, Gibson, Warren, Luallen, Marshall, Gardner, Sleeper, Leibst, Wheat, Moomau, French, Johnson, Warren, Meadows, Hewitt, Shinliver, Lunsford, Crawford, Gibbons, and McCullie.] After dinner ice cream was served and then the company began to leave, wishing Mr. Scott Moomau and Mrs. Lizzie Moomau many more happy returns of their birthdays. Signed: One Who Was There.
Aug 3, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Al Hefflin, Saturday night, July 29th, a daughter. [Lake City news]
pg 2, col 4
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lake are rejoicing over the advent of a daughter into their household Sunday.
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Montgomery, on July 27, a son. Mrs. Carrie Nation, Osteopath, in attendance.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Rackley, on Friday last, a daughter.
pg 3, col 3
Died: Nellie May, wife of Charles E. Crouse, died at her home eight miles southeast of Kiowa at 3:30 Sunday afternoon, July 29. Her remains were brought to this city for interment, Elder McLain preaching the funeral at the Christian church at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. Mrs. Crouse had been ill for two years with consumption. Had she lived until the 4th of August she would have been 24 years of age. She was a sister of Mrs. F.E. Read of this city. She leaves a husband and a little daughter, three years of age. Her sunny smile, which constant suffering could not dim, will be sadly missed from the home and life she loved so dearly. The sorrow of her family is shared by all who came within the bright rays of her pure life.
Aug 10, 1900
pg 2, col 4
Married: July 29th, in Aetna, Miss Maud Berry to Frank Moon, Rev. O. Stevenson officiating. [Lake City news]
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fishburn, on August 5th, a daughter. Dr. J.K. Osborne.
pg 3, col 1
Married: William Y. Read and Felie Highfield, of Kiowa, were united in marriage at the M.E. parsonage, this city, by Rev. J.F. Irwin on Tuesday evening of this week. The Cresset joins in extending congratulations. Mr. Reed has a home already prepared and the happy couple will go to housekeeping at once.
Aug 17, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Montgomery, on Saturday last, a daughter. Dr. Osborne.
pg 3, col 1
Married: Len Lewis, aged 24, and Mary Dorn, aged 21, were united in marriage by Probate Judge Lacy Wednesday, August 15.
Aug 24, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Purdy, on Tuesday, August 21st, a daughter.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnett, on Friday, August 17th, a daughter.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Emmet McCleary, on Sunday, August 19th, a son.
pg 3, col 2
Married: A marriage license was issued Saturday to Purs. M. Davis, aged 18, and Mary Boone, aged 16, of this city. They were married Sunday by Rev. J.F. Irwin.
pg 3, col 2
Married: John Neff McClearey, formerly a Medicine Lodge boy, was married to Lillian Willits McCormick, daughter of Wesley McCormick, of Chicago, on Wednesday, August 15. Mr. and Mrs. McClearey will make their home in Des Moines, Iowa.
pg 3, col 3
Married: Jesse O. Webb and Miss Belle O. Alford were married at the bride's home in Hazelton Wednesday evening. The bride is the eldest daughter of W.C. Alford. The Cresset extends congratulations.
pg 3, col 3
Died: George Clayton, aged five years, six months and eleven days, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Herr, died on Thursday evening, August 16, of membraneous croup. The funeral was held at the M.E. church in Kiowa Saturday. He was a grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Taylor of this township. George was a bright, sweet tempered child. The parents have the sincere sympathy of everyone.
Aug 31, 1900
pg 3, col 3
Marriage License: Issued Tuesday to Elijah Slate and Minnie L. Rodabaugh of Hazelton.
pg 3, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Roach, west of town, on Monday, August 27th, a 14 pound boy. Dr. Cushenbery.
Sep 7, 1900
Died: At his home in this city on Wednesday morning, September 5th, John W. McDaniel, aged forty-seven years, of typhoid fever. His death had been expected for several days. Mr. McDaniel was a hard-working, warm-hearted man, and every citizen of Medicine Lodge was his friend. Every day since his first illness young and old would anxiously inquire, "How is John to-day?" His family have the sympathy of all. His funeral occurred yesterday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.J. Griffin, assisted by Rev. J.F. Irwin and Elder W.T. McLain. Mr. McDaniel was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and he carried $3,000 insurance in that order.
Sep 21, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Will Hendrickson, on Friday last, a fine boy. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone, on September 14th, a nine pound daughter. Mrs. Carrie Nation, D.O., in attendance.
Oct 5, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Will Rich and wife, on September 21st, a son. Dr. Osborne.
pg 3, col 2
Died: Commissioner Hugh Rankin's health is beginning to improve. He has had a severe time of it the past summer. About three weeks ago his infant child - thirteen days old - died very suddenly. In coughing it bursted [sic] a blood-vessel. No one was at home except Mr. and Mrs. Rankin, and Mr. Rankin was so ill he could hardly move. Before assistance could be secured the baby died.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Put Hill and wife, on Monday of last week a fine son. We noticed Put stepping around rather lively but did not learn the cause until this week.
pg 3, col 3
Died: "An Old Settler Dead" - On Friday morning, September 28th, 1900, at his home in this city, the spirit of Robert D. Simpson passed over the river to the mysterious beyond. The announcement of his death was received with sorrow by every citizen of Medicine Lodge. It was like the removal of an old land mark, for he has been identified with the city since its pioneer days. Everybody knew "Uncle Bob," as he was called, and everybody respected and loved him. He was an old soldier, having enlisted in Company E, 78th Ill. volunteer inft., and his old comrades conducted his funeral and tenderly laid him away in the silent camp ground to await reveille on judgment day. Mr. Simpson leaves a wife and three children, Mrs. A.T. McKay of Anthony, Warren and Clayton of this county. His age was 64 years, 9 months and 21 days. The cause of death was kidney trouble. [Followed by Eldred Post No. 174, G.A.R. memorial resolution follows.]
pg 3, col 4
Died: The sad news of the death of James O'Neal, which occurred at Kansas City the 29th, was quite a shock to his many friends. H.H. Fair and Wm. Huffaker left at once to take charge of the remains.
Oct 12, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Married: Wednesday afternoon at the home of Rev. Robinson, east of Sharon, Will A. Starkey ad Miss Neva Rowe were made man and wife. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Rowe and is well known to the people of Sharon as a lovable young lady, having grown to young womanhood in this vicinity. The groom is a prosperous merchant of Columbia, Okla. He is also one of Sharon's boys of whom we are proud. Who by his honest, uprightness and friendliness has won the respect and esteem of all. They will go to their cozy little home at Columbia carrying with them the love and best wishes of all for their future happiness and prosperity.
pg 3, col 3
Marriage License: Martin Roessler, aged 22, secured a license Saturday to marry Jennie L. Dunham, aged 18. Both of these young people live in Valley township.
pg 3, col 3
Died: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy died Tuesday evening and was buried in the A.O.U.W. cemetery yesterday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in their hour of sorrow. (Alva Review)
pg 3, col 4
Birthday: "A Surprise Party" - Friends to the number of 37 gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Evans in Valley township Thursday evening, October 3rd, to help celebrate grandma's 70th birthday anniversary. The evening was pleasantly spent in chattering, playing charades, and music. The vocal music by the Misses Johnson and the instrumental by Misses Myrtilla Cook and Temperance Strohl was highly appreciated by all present. Mrs. Evans received many presents. At ten o'clock a delicious and bountiful supper was served and every one did it ample justice. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hogard, Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Shores, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strohl and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Moomau and family, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Axline and family, Mrs. Sarah Emerick, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson; Misses Myrtilla Cook, Dot, Blanche and Esther Johnson, Maggie Priest; Messrs. Harry Shellman, Jake Strohl, Chas. Hogard and Charlie Murray. All returned at a late hour wishing grandma many happy birthdays.
Oct 19, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Married: Miss Muriel DeGeer, well-known in Medicine Lodge, and a daughter of Lyman DeGeer, was married at Alva last week to R.A.J. Hill.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Probate Judge Lacy married Claude Trenholm, aged 22, and Lena Hughes, aged 16, of Capron, Oklahoma, last week. The groom is a brother of the bride's step-father.
Oct 26, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Died: Glenn, little son of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Romig, aged four years, nine months and five days, died Sunday night between 9 and 10 o'clock. The little fellow was first taken sick with tonsilitis. The funeral was held Monday afternoon. The parents have the sympathy of everyone.
pg 3, col 3
Born: On October 24th, 1900, there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Abner Sullivan a girl baby, at the residence of J.B. Romig, in east Medicine Lodge, Dr. Moore officiating. Mrs. Sullivan is a daughter of Mr. Romig. Mr. Sullivan sold his farm in Oklahoma and is here looking for a location.
Nov 2, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Charless, of Roswell, New Mexico, on October 23, a son.
pg 3, col 2
Marriage License: Fuller Rhodes, aged 30, and Virdie Johnson, aged 19, of Kiowa, secured a license to marry this week.
pg 3, col 3
Died: The press dispatches of Tuesday report the death of Verni Stockstill in the Philippines. Verni was a member of Company C, 44th U.S. volunteers, and enlisted something more than a year ago with a number of Barber county boys. His death resulted from sickness and occurred on September 24th. He was a son of Mrs. J.W. Ewbanks of this city. And also @ Nov 12, pg 3, col 3: We understand that Mrs. Eubanks [sic], mother of Verni Stockstill, has received word from the Philippines to the effect that her son was accidentally killed by a comrade.
Married: At the residence of J.C. Wright in this city Thursday evening, October 25th, 1900, Thomas Ballmer, of Meteetse, Wyoming, and Miss Rachel Mounsey, of Nippewalla township this county, were united in marriage by Rev. J.F. Irwin, pastor of the M.E. church. Both of these young people are well known in Barber county, and they have the best wishes of all. Mr. Balmer is engaged in the sheep business in Wyoming, and is doing well, being foreman for the largest sheep raiser in the United States. His bride is a most estimable young lady and she will make him a happy home. They will leave tomorrow for Wyoming. [See also Index transcription of Oct 31, 1900.]
pg 3, col 3
Died: Rufus Ash, another old pioneer of Barber county, died Tuesday morning October 30, 1900, in his eighty-fourth year. For the past two or three years he has been in feeble health, a breaking down by age of a vigorous constitution, and at last death came like the dying away of a soft autumn breeze. Mr. Ash was an old soldier, having served with credit to himself in the Mexican war and again in the war of the rebellion. His funeral was held Wednesday afternoon under the direction of Eldred Post, G.A.R. The funeral sermon was delivered by Elder McLain. Mr. Ash was a good neighbor, respected by all. He lived a Christian life, and died strong in the faith of a future life, and love for his country and the old flag which covered his casket as his comrades bore it to the silent camp ground in Highland cemetery.
Nov 9, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Sim Ewalt, on Monday, November 5th, a son. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. U.G. Rogers, on Wednesday of last week, a daughter. Dr. Kociell.
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, on Saturday morning, November 3rd, a son. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Bloom, on Tuesday morning, November 6th, a republican, democratic, populist son. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 3
Married: Rev. J.J. Griffin, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, was married at 6 o'clock, Wednesday evening, November 7th, to Miss Gertrude Smith of Garden City. The many friends of Mr. Griffin in this city extend congratulations. He will return with his bride today or tomorrow and will hold regular services at the Baptist chapel Sunday. And also @ Nov 16: Rev. J.J. Griffin and bride arrived here Friday from Garden City. A reception was given in their honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Runyan the same evening.
pg 3, col 3
Died: George Straw died in this city last Saturday night, aged about 60 years. He was buried in Highland cemetery Sunday afternoon. His funeral was held in the Presbyterian church, Rev. Belden conducting the service. Mr. Straw had been a resident of this city for a number of years, and was engaged in the hide business until his health compelled him to give it up. [See also Index transcription of Nov 7, 1900.]
pg 3, col 3
Died: At 10 o'clock Sunday morning, November 4, Frances V., wife of O.H. Rosenberry, died at her home in this city, aged 62 years, two months and ten days. The cause of death was cancer. A husband and nine children survive her. Mr. Rosenberry, however, is very sick and there are fears that he can not long survive his beloved wife. Mrs. Rosenberry was a member of the Catholic church and respected by all who knew her.
pg 3, col 3
Died: Samuel A. Hayes died at his home in this city on Thursday night, November 1st, aged 57 years and two months. He was an old soldier and the G.A.R. post of this city conducted his funeral. Rev. J.F. Irwin preached the funeral sermon. It is thought his death was caused by internal injuries received last year in a runaway... [My apologies as this obituary is incomplete.][Complete obituary also appears in the Index transcription of Nov 7, 1900.]
Nov 16, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Birthday: One of the largest and pleasantest parties ever given in the west end of Barber county was given at the home of Miss Blanche Lott on November 12th, in honor of her twentieth birthday. There were 65 guest present. Profs. Richter and Harris furnished the music on the violin while Master Harry Richter, Miss Tracy Likes and others accompanied on the organ. The remainder of the young folks tripped the light fantastic to the merry music. Several interesting games of high five were played during the evening, but the most exciting one was the game between Wm. Ward and Lloyd Davis and Jess Johnson and H. Lott, Sr. At 12 m. the dining room was cleared, well-filled tables were spread and all feasted sumptuously. Bert Kennedy, Mrs. Massey and Harry Lott, Jr., being masters of ceremonies. Grandpa VanHorn during supper made the remark that he did not expect he would eat supper with his granddaughter on her fortieth birthday. After supper vocal and instrumental music was furnished by Blanche Lott, Clownie Burns and Sim Bickel. At 2 o'clock a.m., the merry party broke up. All wishing Miss Blanche many happy returns from her birthday. Hattie Allen and Bert Young carrying off the knife as the prize as the champion high-five players. [Sun City news]
pg 3, col 2
Died: B.F. Talbott died at his home in Moore township on Monday morning, November 12, 1900, aged 53 years, 3 months and 16 days. The cause of death was consumption, though he had been in ill health a number of years. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, and his remains laid to rest in the Newkirk cemetery. He is survived by six children - Mrs. R.L. Groendycke, Mrs. A.T. Groendycke, Mrs. W.A. Downtain, Mrs. Clarence Martin, Homer and Clifton. Mr. Talbott was one of the old settlers of Moore township, and no man in the county enjoyed the respect and esteem of his neighbors to a higher degree than he.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Dave Funk, on Saturday, November 10th, a son. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Pardee, of Elwood township, on November 11, a son. Dr. Osborne.
pg 3, col 3
Married: Harvey L. Williams and Miss Lena Bragg, two well known young people of Eagle township, were united in marriage by Probate Judge Lacy at his office last Saturday evening. The bride is a daughter of L.W. Bragg. The Cresset takes pleasure in extending congratulations.
Nov 23, 1900
pg 3, col 1
Died: Frank, infant son of Wm. Downtain and wife, of Moore township, died Sunday, November 18th, 1900, of membraneous croup.
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Mide Hoyt, on Tuesday, a daughter. Mr. Hoyt is foreman on Scott Rubert's ranch. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 1
Marriage license: Issued Oct. 22nd by Judge Lacy, to Warren Lacey and Miss Wavie Adams, both of west part of the county.
pg 3, col 1
Marriage: Capt. J.D. Fair and wife KNOW they were married on November 14, 1900, so the error in this paper on that score is of little consequence. And also at Nov 16, pg 3, col 2: Capt. Fair and his bride were treated to an old-fashioned chivari Wednesday night. [See Index transcription of Nov 21, 1900 for details of this wedding.]
pg 3, col 3
Died: On Monday, November 19th, 1900, Robert Wright, son of Otis and Lela Wright Lorton, aged 9 years, 2 months and 14 days, of foliclelar [sic] tonsilitis. The funeral occurred from the residence on Tuesday afternoon, at three o'clock, with services conducted by Rev. J.F. Irwin, assisted by Rev. L.M. Belden. Robert was taken sick the first of last week, but did not develop serious symptoms until Wednesday. By Saturday the prospects for his recovered seemed to be excellent. But on Sunday a change occurred for the worse and in spite of everything skill and loving hands could do, the spirit left its earthly dwelling and passed to its maker. Having been associated with Otis Lorton for a number of years, we were well acquainted with Robert. He was a manly lad, studious, reserved and kindly in disposition. He was loved by his playmates and by all who came in contact with him. He was the only boy among the children on either side of his family and consequently many hopes were built upon him. The stricken parents have the sympathy of all. An immutable law of nature has asserted itself. But in spite of this fact: though sympathies and friendships do all in their power to lighten the blow, the wound can never be fully healed. [Note: Otis Lorton and L.M. Axline were publishers of the Cresset.]
pg 3, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. George Moses, of Sharon, on Wednesday, a girl. Dr. Moore.
pg 3, col 3
Married: Sometime about October 1st, Miss Irene Sims, of this city, went to Pond Creek, O.T., to visit relatives. About the same time Louis L. Tedrow had important business in that vicinity. Finally the young people returned and it then developed that Louis L. Tedrow and Miss Irene Sims, both of Medicine Lodge, Kan., had been married at Pond Creek, O.T., on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, 1900, by Judge Deck. The groom is a son of Dr. D.E. Tedrow, of this city, while the bride is a sister to Mr. Donald Carmichael and Oliver Sims, of this city. The many friends of the young people will wish them every joy and success.
pg 3, col 4
Married: At the residence of the bride's parents near Lipscomb, Texas, on Sunday, Nov. 18th, 1900, Lester Simpson, of Medicine Lodge, Kan., was married to Miss Gerlie Kelley, of Lipscomb, Texas. Lester Simpson, the groom, is the son of Hon. and Mrs. Jerry Simpson, while the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Kelley, who were at one time residents of this county, but for a number of years have lived in the Panhandle of Texas where Mr. Kelley has been extensively engaged in the cattle business. The young people are well known here and have a host of friends who will wish them happiness and success. We presume they will make their home in or near Larkin [sic], Kansas. A reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simpson at the Simpson home Tuesday evening. The Cresset was favored with some delicious cake from the feast. And also @ pg 3, col 3: Jerry Simpson went to Lakin Wednesday to buy a ranch for his son Lester. From Lakin he and Mrs. Simpson will go to eastern Kansas and Kansas City. [See also Index transcription of Nov 21, 1900 for other coverage of this wedding.]
Nov 30, 1900
pg 3, col 2
Died: The little son of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Handcock [sic] of Kiowa, died Tuesday of last week. The cause of death was membraneous croup.
pg 3, col 2
Birthday: There was a pleasant party at the home of Wm. Riggin, in Elm Mills township, on Sunday, November 18, in honor of the 21st birthday of George Riggin and William Brown. [See Index transcription @ Nov 28, 1900 for more details.]
pg 3, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Fullerton, of Hazelton, on Saturday, Nov. 17, a son. Mr. Fullerton is cashier of the State Bank of Hazelton.
Dec 7, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Married: On November 23, 1900, at the home of P.M. Butcher of this town, Frank Butcher of Sawyer and Miss Ethel Alexander of Coats. Both of these young people are well known in Barber and Pratt counties. The writer wishes them every joy and much prosperity.
pg 3, col 4
Died: On Saturday morning, December 1st, at half past six o'clock, Ellen A., wife of Chas. W. Kidd, at the age of twenty-eight years and four months and nine days. The funeral was held at the Baptist church, in the afternoon of the same day, Elder W.T. McLain preaching a most touching sermon. The members of the Degree of Honor attended the funeral in a body. She was a member of the Christian church. Words cannot portray the sympathy of the friends of this family for the surviving husband and two little daughters - Estella, aged 7 years, and Susie, aged 3. She was an ideal wife, a loving mother, a kind neighbor, ever ready to respond to calls of distress. She was only ill one week and death was caused by puerperal fever. The child was still born. Mrs. Kidd's maiden name was Ellen A. Shaughnessy. Her parents reside in St. Louis, where she was born. [See also Index transcription @ Dec 5, 1900.]
pg 3, col 4
Died: The funeral of little Lester Douglass Sparks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lail D. Sparks, was held Saturday morning. Elder W.T. McLain, conducting the service at the home of Mrs. Sparks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kidd. Mr. Sparks returned home Friday evening. He first learned of the sickness and death of his little boy at Kiowa Friday afternoon. Mr. Sparks is a sister of Chas. W. Kidd, whose wife was laid away on the day that her son was buried. [See also Index transcription of Dec 5, 1900.]
pg 3, col 4
Died: At the home of his mother, in Mingona township, on Thursday night, November 29th, George Garten. His illness extended over several years. Interment was made in the family burying ground, Rev. J.H. Shamberger preaching the funeral.
Dec 14, 1900
pg 2, col 3
Birthday: A very enjoyable double birthday party was given at the home of Harry Cooke Tuesday night in honor of Miss Patty Cooke and Mrs. Landon Mills. It was a very pleasant affair indeed. The presents to Mrs. Mills and Miss Patty were numerous and of excellent selection. The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lahey, J.C. Garten and daughter Nellie, Jeff Mills and Miss Betty Jessie Landon Mills [sic], the Cresset correspondent, the Misses Gertrude Durfee, Vera Buck, Edna Sayres, Mable Fager, Lena Shigley, May Hefflin, Messrs. Frank Cooke, Fred Buck and Charley Brown.
pg 3, col 5
Married: At the home of the bride's parents in Hoyt, Kansas, Miss Maude Haynes to a Mr. Foltz of that city, one day last week. "My how time do fly." It seems but yesterday that we saw Miss Maude - now Mrs. Foltz - a wee girl in short dresses skipping to school with a happy smile on her face and a stack of school books under her arm nearly as big as herself. For us to undertake to enumerate the many virtues of the bride, or to extol the high esteem in which she is held by her many friends of this city, would be simply wasting ink. Of the groom, we are sorry to say, we never before heard of 'till this blessed minute. But in the language of the west we say to him "you lucky devil" and extend our heartiest congratulations. We also join with the bride's host of friends and former school mates in wishing that the halo which surrounds their married life e'er shine radiant with peace and prosperity. May their joy e'er be as that of one to whose nostrils the soft zephyrs waft the fragrant perfumes from off the flower gardens of Paradise.
Dec 21, 1900
pg 3, col 4
Married: Everyone in this city was surprised Monday to learn of the marriage of Miss Kittie Bristow, of Kiowa, which occurred on Saturday at Alva. The groom's name is Frank P. Addison, of Kansas City, supply agent for the new Orient Railroad. The general impression here was that Miss Kittie would be married some time this week to a gentleman by an entirely different name. The bride is a daughter of W.G. Bristow. She spent her girlhood days in Medicine Lodge and her many friends here extend congratulations.
Dec 28, 1900
pg 2, col 2
Married: At the residence of the bride's parents, eight miles northwest of Lake City, Tuesday, Dec. 25, Miss Amelia Bergen to Oliver Lunsford, of Coats. Rev. Lawrence, of Coats, performed the ceremony. About 75 guests were present and a sumptuous dinner was spread by Mrs. Robert Bergen, mother of the bride. [Lake City news]
pg 2, col 2
Married: Miss Jocie Dorsey and Mr. C. Huffer were united in marriage at the residence of Rev. McLain at Medicine Lodge Sunday afternoon. The bride is a lovely young lady and will make a true helpmate. The groom is one of our prosperous young businessmen. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Will Huffaker on their trip through Oklahoma and the Indian Territory.
pg 3, col 2
Married: At Kiowa, on December 23rd, L.A. Wilhite and Cora B. Hockett, Judge C.H. Downtain officiating. These young people reside at Hardtner, where they have many friends who join the Cresset in congratulations.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Probate Judge Lacy on Christmas day united John H. Hoover and Miss Iris Smith, two popular young people of Eagle township, in marriage. The groom is a son of Peter Hoover and the bride is a daughter of Ira Smith.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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